Big Sam sacked

Started by ExiledGael, January 09, 2008, 05:45:14 PM

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slow corner back

O dear O dear, glad I am not a Toon fan. Still plenty of hype, attacking and rubbish defending, much as usual at St James then.

magpie seanie

It will keep the fat shirtless ones happy though so everything is great. I hope he gets She-ra in as his assistant.

Doogie Browser

he is a perennial cacker and when the going gets tough he will be out of there.
A terrible decision in my opinion.  This is a club where the fans dictate boardroom activity, great if you are a fan but no guarantee of success.
They are a big club in name & support only, no history of success to back it up. 


They'd be better off with Ant and Dec.

Keegan is yesterday's man and will never bring them back to where they were in the 90s. What exactly has Keegan ever won as a manager? Very poor decision IMO but time will tell.

PS chnage the name of the thread?