The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



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Tyrones own

Quoteyou never seem to stop with the indignation (feigned or otherwise) yourself.

If you want to label my calling you boy's at every opportunity on your biased Hypocrisy not to mention the blatent
unadulterated hating of anything that doesn't lean left as indignation...go ahead ::)

Quotevictims of the media whatever.

:D :o :D


Sorry.. didn't read much in that to convince me that spending that kind of tax payers money in this climate can be justified :-\
where are the whistle blowers ::)

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on January 19, 2009, 03:35:41 PM
Quoteyou never seem to stop with the indignation (feigned or otherwise) yourself.

If you want to label my calling you boy's at every opportunity on your biased Hypocrisy not to mention the blatent
unadulterated hating of anything that doesn't lean left as indignation...go ahead ::)

No, I was talking about your complaining about and spinning every little thing about the Democrats and then crying foul when others here do the same with respect to the Republicans. And you seem to have a bit of hatred for anything that doesn't lean right yourself.

Quote from: Tyrones own on January 19, 2009, 03:35:41 PM
Quotevictims of the media whatever.

:D :o :D

Yes, I think the idea that the republicans are more victimized in the media is laughable too.

Quote from: Tyrones own on January 19, 2009, 03:35:41 PM

Sorry.. didn't read much in that to convince me that spending that kind of tax payers money in this climate can be justified :-\
where are the whistle blowers ::)

Well, go ahead and show us how the authorities would manage all those people without forking out. Do you think they should have all stayed at home? How much money are these people spending in Washington and its suburbs? Hotels have been sold out for months. You can't get a train or a bus down there this week either.

Tyrones own

No, I was talking about your complaining about and spinning every little thing about the Democrats and then crying foul when others here do the same with respect to the Republicans.

Feck off that's my argument...the other way round of course, go get your own.
nice switch by the way but you'll have to get up a bit earlier than that 8)

QuoteAnd you seem to have a bit of hatred for anything that doesn't lean right yourself.

Not at all, I don't have a hateful bone in my body...No, you must be confusing my persisent correcting of your biased hatred
with your perception of somehow viewing me as being a hateful person :-\

QuoteHow much money are these people spending in Washington and its suburbs? Hotels have been sold out for months.

Try explaining that to some poor b**tard who's 60 days behind on his mortgage payment..fat lot of good that is to him or those like him
what they spend in Washington >:( no amount of spin will justify this so don't try :-[
You do seem a little more agitated than usual, did you lose out on a front row ticket yourself or something :P
or is it the fact that you're unable to get that train or bus out of NY ;D

Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


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Quote from: Tyrones own on January 19, 2009, 04:19:31 PM
No, I was talking about your complaining about and spinning every little thing about the Democrats and then crying foul when others here do the same with respect to the Republicans.

Feck off that's my argument...the other way round of course, go get your own.
nice switch by the way but you'll have to get up a bit earlier than that 8)

QuoteAnd you seem to have a bit of hatred for anything that doesn't lean right yourself.

Not at all, I don't have a hateful bone in my body...No, you must be confusing my persisent correcting of your biased hatred
with your perception of somehow viewing me as being a hateful person :-\

Why don't you go back and point out examples of my "biased hatred"?

Quote from: Tyrones own on January 19, 2009, 04:19:31 PM
QuoteHow much money are these people spending in Washington and its suburbs? Hotels have been sold out for months.

Try explaining that to some poor b**tard who's 60 days behind on his mortgage payment..fat lot of good that is to him or those like him
what they spend in Washington >:( no amount of spin will justify this so don't try :-[
You do seem a little more agitated than usual, did you lose out on a front row ticket yourself or something :P
or is it the fact that you're unable to get that train or bus out of NY ;D

I'm open-minded and I can't defend the indefensible. Why don't you lay out your case for where the money is being wasted? Tell us how DC and the surrounding environs are supposed to handle the massive crowds that are descending on Washington at the moment.

Doogie Browser

I see Obama has had major problems picking his cabinet members, four have been and gone in less than 4 weeks.  Just wonder what kind of press he is getting over there Puck et al?  Is he still enjoing the honeymoon period or are people getting pissed off at his errors?  Is this now showing a clear lack of experience or just plain old bad luck?


He's lost two men for the same post - the first nomination being forced to pull out to do a financial scandal. The second is a republican who said he cannto support OBamas stimulus package 100%.

The third was also not an Obama problem with the senator who he picked to serve as secretary of health and human services pulling out over a row about unpaid Taxes.

Doogie Browser

is the argument not though that he should have had better checks in place for his nominees?  I agree its not his fault if someones resigns due to policy differences, but in the case of Daschle (I think), should he not have checked these things out? 


'Tis ironic given that the week after the election lots of pundits were giving out about the excessive detail into which the transition team was going regarding vetting candidates and ruling out people because of lobbying ties! Obama certainly has not been well served by those charged with doing the background checking, but you'd have to wonder what the hell the likes of Daschle was thinking. Did he think it wouldn't come out? Personally, I think Geithner should have withdrawn as well, but I guess he got away with it because he was idealogically acceptable to both sides and that no one wanted to delay the nomination too much given that managing the current economic fiasco is partly his charge.

As to how it is playing over here, I think people are willing to give Obama time to see how it turns out. What will determine his success or failure in the public mind is not some arrogant big shots thinking they can get away without paying their taxes, but whether or not his policies improve America's current standing, at home and abroad. He's just about to pass the stimulus package, as he promised, so people can't say he's not making good on his promises policy-wise. The stimulus is far, far bigger news than the likes of Gregg, who you'd think would have some idea beforehand that Obama's policies might not be exactly in line with his own!

Tyrones own

Quoteexcessive detail into which the transition team was going regarding vetting candidates and ruling out people because of lobbying ties!

Your joking J....right?
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on February 14, 2009, 01:26:23 AM
Quoteexcessive detail into which the transition team was going regarding vetting candidates and ruling out people because of lobbying ties!

Your joking J....right?

No, I'm not.

In fact I heard republican pundits just two or three weeks ago discussing how he was depriving himself of the choice of a lot of potential Washington talent, saying that no one else worried too much about lobbying ties in previous administrations.

And yes, I know that there have been one or two that have turned out to have ties related to their new briefs. My point was that he was getting criticized for choosing to rule such people out of consideration.

Tyrones own

Simply bringing it to attention for those here that maybe don't watch as closely as you and I
that it's quite the turn from his campaign rhetoric regarding Lobbyist and the
same old Washington ways..bla...bla...bla... Not when I'm elected president, I'm all for change ::)
I'll dig it up on you tube if you'd like, it was pretty convincing stuff... well, to some of us ;)
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on February 14, 2009, 02:29:27 AM
Simply bringing it to attention for those here that maybe don't watch as closely as you and I
that it's quite the turn from his campaign rhetoric regarding Lobbyist and the
same old Washington ways..bla...bla...bla... Not when I'm elected president, I'm all for change ::)
I'll dig it up on you tube if you'd like, it was pretty convincing stuff... well, to some of us ;)

How many lobbyists has he nominated in violation of the criteria he set? There's the deputy defense secretary and one other I've read about. Who else?