The 2008 US Election thread

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, January 04, 2008, 02:35:25 AM

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Who will win?



The Bilderberg Group met in secret in Athens over the weekend and for the first time in over 30 years they were able to avoid the likes of Jim Tucker. By now the next President and VP is set in stone. Ireland's Michael Smurfit of Jefferson Smurfit & Sons Ltd and Diebold fame was a past attendee, wonder was he there this time?

Meanwhile the dog and pony show continues.
"I wish I could inspire the same confidence in the truth which is so readily accorded to lies".


Obama clinches the Democratic Party's nomination with U2(Beautiful Day) song playing in St.Paul Minnesota.

Now lets see who he picks for VP on his ticket Logic would dictate Hillary but do not rule out Edwards.

A Black male nominated for U.S. President, times are changing - for the better.
Gaaboard Predict The World Cup Champion 2014


A Biffo Taoiseach and now the possibility of a Biffo in the Whitehouse?

The New Biffo Order is upon us.  :P


Just like AZ predicted here on this board - 2008, The year of the Biffo  :D :D :D


Another Biffo in power

Tis indeed the year of the Offaly men. First Brian Cowen now Barrack Obama. Finally Billary Clinton has admitted defeat and while i dont fancy his chances hopefully Barrack will be the next "leader of the free world"
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Taoiseach? Pah.
President of the U.S.A.? Pah.

I'm sure Brian and Barack would give it all up tomorrow if it meant a victory over the hordes from the north next Saturday evening in Tullamore.


Quote from: DrinkingHarp on June 04, 2008, 03:13:33 AM
Obama clinches the Democratic Party's nomination with U2(Beautiful Day) song playing in St.Paul Minnesota.

Now lets see who he picks for VP on his ticket Logic would dictate Hillary but do not rule out Edwards.

A Black male nominated for U.S. President, times are changing - for the better.

having read a bit of Hillary´s concessionary speech i dont think he´ll bother putting her as VP

"Because of you, we won together the swing states necessary to get to 270 electoral votes," she told the crowd in New York City. "I want the nearly 18 million Americans who voted for me to be respected, to be heard and no longer to be invisible."

anyone got the full speech available?


but will Obama need Billary as VP to have a chance of winning, as it may bring alot of her supporters along side him? Or will they vote democrat anyway?
It won't be the next manager but the one after that Meath will become competitive again - MO'D 2016


Very few Democrats will vote Republican, that's for sure, but the danger for the democrats is that the Clinton voters would be alienated at this stage, because of the relatively dirty campaign, and will just stay at home.

Obama will need to get them back onside fairly rapid, by launching a strong campaign against McCain, or else the Arizona senator might waltz to victory by default.


Quote from: lurganblue on June 04, 2008, 11:19:31 AM

"Because of you, we won together the swing states necessary to get to 270 electoral votes," she told the crowd in New York City. "I want the nearly 18 million Americans who voted for me to be respected, to be heard and no longer to be invisible."

Was listening to this on the radio last night. Took me quite a while to realise she had lost.

magpie seanie

I hope Obama goes for Edwards as VP candidate. Firstly cos I can't stand the dirty, negative campaign the Clintons engaged in. Secondly cos its going to be hard enough to get a black man into the White House without having a woman on the ticket as well.


I cant see how Obama can win this election, the guy has yet to show any substance and won mainly through the black vote which is no reason to vote for someone. I don't think hilary wants to be his VP, I wouldnt be surprised if she was waiting for him to lose and just wait 4 more years.
Grand Slam Saturday!

magpie seanie

Tankie - you are wrong there. Its a young vote that Obama has mobilised but he has made inroads in all socio economic groups. To say he hasn't displayed any substance shows a poor knowledge of the campaign and/or a swallowing whole of the Clinton's negativity.


Quote from: magpie seanie on June 04, 2008, 01:50:21 PM
Tankie - you are wrong there. Its a young vote that Obama has mobilised but he has made inroads in all socio economic groups. To say he hasn't displayed any substance shows a poor knowledge of the campaign and/or a swallowing whole of the Clinton's negativity.

Obama won 90% of the Black vote to hillarys 10% and roughly around 40% of the white vote. this shows that alot of the black vote only voted as he is black. And when i say he has no substance its is because he has said what he wants to do but has not said how or where he will get the money to do it, I think McCain will wipe the floor with him in the debates!
Grand Slam Saturday!

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

I agree with tankie on this one, McCain will be the next prez, the Democratic race has split an already rocky electorate, all McCain needs to do now is distance himself as far away from Bush and he may even pull in a few Hillary voters.

Another term with a Rep in charge - fcuk!
Only good thing is that he couldn't be as bad as Dubya?