Ireland - best place to live in the world

Started by THE MIGHTY QUINN, October 01, 2007, 02:20:18 AM

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From the BBC web site:

Ireland is the best place to live in the world, according to a "quality of life" assessment by Economist magazine.
The country's combination of increasing wealth and traditional values gives it the conditions most likely to make its people happy, the survey found.

Ireland was followed by Switzerland, Norway and Luxembourg. All but one of the top 10 were European countries.

The USA languished in 13th, while Britain was 29th - the lowest of the pre-expansion EU nations.

1 Ireland
2 Switzerland
3 Norway
4 Luxembourg
5 Sweden
6 Australia
7 Iceland
8 Italy
9 Denmark
10 Spain

The survey was prepared for the Economist's World in 2005 publication, with the remit: "Where will be the best place to live in 2005?"

Researchers took into account not just income, but other factors considered important to people's satisfaction and well-being.

They included health, freedom, unemployment, family life, climate, political stability and security, gender equality and family and community life.

The Economist said: "Ireland wins because it successfully combines the most desirable elements of the new, such as low unemployment and political liberties, with the preservation of certain cosy elements of the old, such as stable family and community life."

The magazine admits that measuring quality of life is not a straightforward thing to do, and that its findings will have their critics - "except, of course, in Ireland".

Breakdown in Britain

The Republic has made significant gains from its membership of the EU, earning the soubriquet Celtic Tiger for its economic progress.

Commentators say it is widely admired by the EU's newest members, and has become a model for what they hope to achieve.

Although European nations generally do well in the survey, the continent's major industrial powers of France, Germany and Britain finish 25th, 26th and 29th respectively.

The researchers said although the UK achieved high income per head, it had high levels of social and family breakdown.

The worst of the 111 countries to live in was considered to be Zimbabwe, "where things have gone from bad to worse under [President] Robert Mugabe".

Mickey OToole

Interesting to see that at4 out of the top 5, can't speak for Luxemburg, are really rip off countries



Mickey ,
That is a bit of a stupid sweeping statement. It all relative, each of them countries are amoung the wealthiest in the world so things are going to be expensive. What are you basing your rip-offs on? I was in oslo last month and the only thing that seemed more expensive than dublin was the beer ( around 8-9 euro per pint) but everything esle seemed like dublin prices.


Speaking as someone who moved back to Ireland precisely so we could have a better quality of life, this study has merit.

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Ireland IS the best place to live in the world - sure we're a great bunch of people.

Come on the Irish.  8)


Where there not a study done recently about the most liveable cities in the world? I think Melbourne topped the list.
GAABoard Fantasy Cheltenham Competition- Most winners 2009

Our Nail Loney

Riggggghhhhhhhhhhttttttttt Siffler we get it you love Australia! You're getting worse than Jim Stynes!!


GAABoard Fantasy Cheltenham Competition- Most winners 2009


Ireland must be top

I overheard two couples of lets say 'quite lower social class' discussing the various aspects of buying property abroad on saturday.

The thought occurred to me that if such folks (that you used to see more likely on the dole 20 years ago in Dublin) are now property speculators
then we have come full circle from the thatched house , turf eating, donkey owners of a generation or so ago

we have never had it so good

edit - thanks to luder


Quote from: lynchbhoy on October 01, 2007, 11:40:53 AM
Ireland must be top

I overheard two couples of lets say 'quite lower social class' discussing the various aspects of buying property abroad on saturday.

The thought occurred to me that if such folks (that you used to see more likely on the dole 20 years ago in Dublin) are now property speculators
then we have come full circle from the thatched house , turf, eating donkey owners of a generation or so ago

we have never had it so good

When did we eat donkey owners?   ;)


Well I'm sure our quality of life index has gone up another few points in the last 24 hours, now that we no longer have to listen to Drico and Rog and Strings and d'arse and the rest of the goys (oh I almost forgot Donners) telling us how they're as good as any damn rugby team in the world (three triple crowns, you know).


Quote from: THE MIGHTY QUINN on October 01, 2007, 02:20:18 AM
1 Ireland
2 Switzerland
3 Norway
4 Luxembourg
5 Sweden
6 Australia
7 Iceland
8 Italy
9 Denmark
10 Spain
Surprised New Zealand and Canada arent up there. I've only heard good things about them...


QuoteSurprised New Zealand and Canada arent up there. I've only heard good things about them...

New Zealand is less prosperous and remote, even if there aren't really orcs there. Canada has a good case though, although it has a dodgy climate.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B

Gaoth Dobhair Abu

Quote from: armaghniac on October 01, 2007, 02:38:12 PM
QuoteSurprised New Zealand and Canada arent up there. I've only heard good things about them...

New Zealand is less prosperous and remote, even if there aren't really orcs there. Canada has a good case though, although it has a dodgy climate.

Celine Dion - nuff said.