Could we learn from the Rugby boys?

Started by Armaghtothebone, August 29, 2007, 08:30:42 PM

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On another thread someone has asked what rule we would like to see changed.
I did'nt want to stray off topic so started this thread.
Would it be an idea to have the ref miked up like they do in Rugby so that we could get some indication as to why they are making the decisions they do?


Quote from: Armaghtothebone on August 29, 2007, 08:30:42 PM
On another thread someone has asked what rule we would like to see changed.
I did'nt want to stray off topic so started this thread.
Would it be an idea to have the ref miked up like they do in Rugby so that we could get some indication as to why they are making the decisions they do?

Wouldn't that breach God/Referee confidentiality ?


Quote from: sligeach on August 29, 2007, 08:32:28 PM
Quote from: Armaghtothebone on August 29, 2007, 08:30:42 PM
On another thread someone has asked what rule we would like to see changed.
I did'nt want to stray off topic so started this thread.
Would it be an idea to have the ref miked up like they do in Rugby so that we could get some indication as to why they are making the decisions they do?

Wouldn't that breach God/Referee confidentiality ?

Probably yes.But i wonder if refs would be a bit more careful if they had to justify their decisions.The decision that continually drives me crazy is the over carrying decision where a man is getting seven bells knocked out of him yet the ref gives the over carry.


Well I personally think that we should consider bringing in a more "full contact" tackle like in Aussie Rules.

Denn Forever

Are they not already miked up so the can be in contact with the linesmen?  Any radio hams know how we could listen in?

Don't change he tackle.  It would lead  to anarchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have more respect for a man
that says what he means and
means what he says...


I think only the captain of the team should be allowed to talk to the ref.
Grand Slam Saturday!


I think tankies rite. Only the team capt talking to the ref woud cut out a load a backchat. But most refs dont have the 1st clew why the blow the wistle so theres no pt in giving them a mike.
'We just go out to play our football and let the critics say what they want. They usually do anyway"

magpie seanie

Whatever we may say about the standard of refereeing nothing will improve much unless our attitudes towards refs change. If the ref is treated with respect it might encourage more people to do it. The only way to achieve this is a series of red and yellow cards. It would be carnage for the first while 'til people copped on but a necessary evil.


But they have red an yella card s all ready?  :-\ Wat do you mean??
'We just go out to play our football and let the critics say what they want. They usually do anyway"


Quote from: Tankie on August 30, 2007, 08:19:07 AM
I think only the captain of the team should be allowed to talk to the ref.
I dont think that ANYONE should be talking to the ref.
Players should learn that no matter how bad, the ref is not going to change, and by whinging at him , unless you embarrass him into realising he is one sided - which is doubtful , the more realistic reaction will be to p*ss him off to becomming even more harsh on the complaining team - possibly even unwittingly to himself.

If a team shuts up, even the mose impartial of refs will eventually realise they are being too unfair and will ease off.

Bogball XV

I agree with you LB, however, given as you're not the opinionated sort, I'm sure you never would have indulged in that sort of thing?

Other things that could be introduced are the possibility of video refs for controversial point/wide decisons and square ball (or why not just get rid of square ball) - allow a team the possibility of 2 challenges a match if required (obviously this is only feasable at county level).

Captain Scarlet

with the rugby refs they talk to the players way more. its great to have the ref mike, they fully explain each decision and will call players aside.
it wouldnt take too much for a ref to go into both dressing rooms before a game and explain to them what he will let go eg a rolling ball to come into the hands, when he plays advantage and to say any dissent will lead to the ball coming up every time.
them mysterons are always killing me but im grand after a few days.sickenin aul dose all the same.


How ? Is that the way only some of them sing one song ? and they all know the words to other songs ?

magpie seanie

Rugby is a more stop/start game by nature so it might not be possible for refs to explain their decisions the same way.

Captain Scarlet

Yeah but before the game it woukld be no hassle, faily pissy to have a ref blow ya for one thing and then another week a different ref allowing something.
it would help at least.
the fourth official could be used a lot more too to mark down a player who was ticked and let the lads get a quick free
them mysterons are always killing me but im grand after a few days.sickenin aul dose all the same.