You know what really grinds my gears?

Started by corn02, June 02, 2007, 03:41:22 PM

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Can't agree with this Brick. To be honest it's akin to the notion of Unionists seeing equality as oppression. Women do not have equal status in the world despite what people might think. They have the legal equal status but in real terms they don't have it. There is a massive gender pay gap. I see it in work all the time. There is a massive safety issue and I have seen that at first hand. In many industries there is not equal opportunity for women and men use their positions to abuse a set of circumstances. I have knowledge of stuff that is not in the public domain that would blow your mind on certain things. I personally don't feel intimidated or offended by International Womens Day. Do you?

Milltown Row2

Quote from: Brick Tamlin on March 21, 2022, 11:32:42 AM
Quote from: Truth hurts on March 08, 2022, 09:48:06 AM
International womens day

Yeah im gonna have to jump in here and back this one up.
Is anyone else absolutely fed up with the constant tokenism and bullsh!t around women and having the crap rammed down your throat?
If it isnt International Women's Day its Women In Construction Day or Empowering Women Day, Women in Business NI or Women Leaders in Enterprise Day or some other shite.
That sesspit LinkedIn is brutal for it in particular. ...Oh Its Women in Construction Day so lets post up a bullshit message and few snaps of the ladies that work for us and tell everyone how wonderful they are and how much a  progressive company we are. When really its all bollix and we couldnt actually give a f**k.

And there is definitely a very visible 'move' on in the media from local commentators and media people, around promoting all this. Its nearly like feminism has gone nuts altogether.
Its fashionable to bang the feminist drum flat out at every opportunity now, whether the issue is actually about feminism or not. And how many things are nowadays being seized upon by feminists. You cant fart now without it being made into a misogyny issue. Men = Bad & Women = Good.
Maybe im just getting old but its all a bit tiresome.

No, to be fair even my wife is getting fed up with it...

My only pain about it is the working mum thingy, I'm a working dad, doing the same chores and cooking the same amount (if not more) dinners every week.. Was flicking through the channels the other day and there was a ladies soccer game on, not one man was commentating or a pundit either!  ;D ;D

As for the equality of pay and abuse at work, that does need sorting out and will hopefully continue to be brought in line
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


I have no problem with it but it really grates on me when people who are clearly sexist pigs are promoting this kind of thing for their own good. Tbh it is only one or two who I have come across but enough to sicken you. Yeah even in offices etc sometimes you see certain individuals who you wouldn't be sure women are safe around if isolated. It's quite sad and pathetic tbh  :( A workplace I was in had no security so last there locked up. There was a particular boy they had to check every night wasn't second last with a girl on his own as he could not be trusted. That is really not good. (Thankfully this guy lasted only 2 (maybe 3) months in the company.

Fear Bun Na Sceilpe

Ethan Tremblay

Quote from: Brick Tamlin on March 21, 2022, 11:32:42 AM
Quote from: Truth hurts on March 08, 2022, 09:48:06 AM
International womens day

Yeah im gonna have to jump in here and back this one up.
Is anyone else absolutely fed up with the constant tokenism and bullsh!t around women and having the crap rammed down your throat?
If it isnt International Women's Day its Women In Construction Day or Empowering Women Day, Women in Business NI or Women Leaders in Enterprise Day or some other shite.
That sesspit LinkedIn is brutal for it in particular. ...Oh Its Women in Construction Day so lets post up a bullshit message and few snaps of the ladies that work for us and tell everyone how wonderful they are and how much a  progressive company we are. When really its all bollix and we couldnt actually give a f**k.

And there is definitely a very visible 'move' on in the media from local commentators and media people, around promoting all this. Its nearly like feminism has gone nuts altogether.
Its fashionable to bang the feminist drum flat out at every opportunity now, whether the issue is actually about feminism or not. And how many things are nowadays being seized upon by feminists. You cant fart now without it being made into a misogyny issue. Men = Bad & Women = Good.
Maybe im just getting old but its all a bit tiresome.

I feel there is a tokenism to some of this alright.  I believe there is a business in Belfast that is solely focused on feminism and latches onto any miscommunication or untimely comment on social media to stoke the feminism fire, which ultimately is leading to this tokenism (imo).   

I know from my places of employment (in the tech industry) that women I have worked with a treated equally, and more often have been given promotions not based on gender or trying to balance the books, but on experience and talent over male counterparts.   

To counter that, my wife works in the construction industry, although her business is great and supportive towards female staff and she says upper management is still "the ole boys club", so there is that underlying thought that the are only willing to let female staff progress so far. 

In terms of safety, unfortunately that is true, women are probably perceived as easier targets for people with ill intent, but so are the elderly and vulnerable.   
I tend to think of myself as a one man wolfpack...


Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on March 21, 2022, 11:40:35 AM
Can't agree with this Brick. To be honest it's akin to the notion of Unionists seeing equality as oppression. Women do not have equal status in the world despite what people might think. They have the legal equal status but in real terms they don't have it. There is a massive gender pay gap. I see it in work all the time. There is a massive safety issue and I have seen that at first hand. In many industries there is not equal opportunity for women and men use their positions to abuse a set of circumstances. I have knowledge of stuff that is not in the public domain that would blow your mind on certain things. I personally don't feel intimidated or offended by International Womens Day. Do you?

I'm with you on this one BC1, as much as a lot of company's jump on these tokenism days, the proof is in the pay structures which there's still very much an imbalance going by recent figures...

This is 2022 FFS, why should a woman be treated any differently, not feel and be safe in their place of work, walking home or the likes.

Ethan Tremblay

Quote from: general_lee on March 21, 2022, 10:15:48 AM
colleagues who pull the mental health card when you know they're bullshitting.

Worked with a colleague one time that pulled the mental health card.  Furlough came into play when she was off and she asked to be put on furlough when the business was still finalising how it was going to manage all of that. 
So she was off  "sick" on stat pay, which is terrible I believe, and then when she got the opportunity to get better pay for the same situation she seized it.  I always wondered if furlough never existed would her "issues" have abated in the original 3 weeks she was due off.  Awful coincidence as soon as the business pulled furlough back (6months later), she was grand.....   

I tend to think of myself as a one man wolfpack...


Quote from: Ethan Tremblay on March 21, 2022, 12:37:17 PM
Quote from: general_lee on March 21, 2022, 10:15:48 AM
colleagues who pull the mental health card when you know they're bullshitting.

Worked with a colleague one time that pulled the mental health card.  Furlough came into play when she was off and she asked to be put on furlough when the business was still finalising how it was going to manage all of that. 
So she was off  "sick" on stat pay, which is terrible I believe, and then when she got the opportunity to get better pay for the same situation she seized it.  I always wondered if furlough never existed would her "issues" have abated in the original 3 weeks she was due off.  Awful coincidence as soon as the business pulled furlough back (6months later), she was grand.....

That was something that caused business a lot of issues at the start of furlough. People who had been on sick leave wanted to come off sick leave to be furloughed. Weren't allowed to do this and people genuinely tried to take claims for it.

Brick Tamlin

Maybe my point was lost in the rant somewhere.
Im all for equal right between women and men and recognize the obvious disparity and ridiculous situation when it comes to equality in the workplace and safety of women in society.
Id well believe alot of what you have seen BC1 and agree that its harrowing and very worrying BUT i think we also have to recognise that more harm than good can be done by the bandwagon and feminist extremists that kick in and latch onto everything going.

Could you imagine for a second if there were a male version of Loose Women shown on ITV every day....the outrage would be deafening.
I read something a few weeks ago about the 2 Johnnies on a radio show or podcast getting cancelled or taken off air because of something they said. Not sure if it was a storm in a teacup but it just seems everything is PC-crazy now and you can say very little without someone being offended.
Alot of this also feeds into the Mental Health machine that has rocketed in the last 3 years.


Like everything Brick there are extremes and I agree with you on that point. The difficulty I see is that the real issues are then lost because of what some people perceive to be feminism on Steroids. There is a middle ground that needs to be reached but generally the middle ground is a waste land, and that's reflective of the world in general. I would say though in my experience there needs to be a hard push back from women at this stage,  in the right way, to ensure they are heard. That will even out, and in my view is starting to even out already, but once again that will take time.

Brick Tamlin

Absolutely agree on that.
Its societal, generational....reflective of the world we live in.
I just hate having things rammed down my throat or poisoned about certain things.
Whether its LGBTQ+, Brexit, Vegans, Environmentalists, Irish Language Act, United Ireland, Womens rights.
We have a whole host of people (with questionable backgrounds and agendas) pontificating to us on a daily basis about what we should be thinking and how our attitudes should be...drives me insane.

Milltown Row2

Quote from: Brick Tamlin on March 21, 2022, 01:06:37 PM
Absolutely agree on that.
Its societal, generational....reflective of the world we live in.
I just hate having things rammed down my throat or poisoned about certain things.
Whether its LGBTQ+, Brexit, Vegans, Environmentalists, Irish Language Act, United Ireland, Womens rights.
We have a whole host of people (with questionable backgrounds and agendas) pontificating to us on a daily basis about what we should be thinking and how our attitudes should be...drives me insane.

The joy of social media unfortunately, its got the good the bad and the ugly about it
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea

Brick Tamlin

Not only social media.
Its infected Radio and television not to mention newspapers too.
Sensationalism wins out. The Nolan & X-Factor generation have alot to answer for.


Speaking of Social Media, Mammy Banter and Rory's Stories are about as funny as the plague

Brick Tamlin

Dont go slaggin off mammy banter now.
Shes a new heroine for the ages for females all over Northern Ireland...flavour of the month.
She will be guest speaker at every womens event from now til the cows come home.

Woop woop, you go girl.