You know what really grinds my gears?

Started by corn02, June 02, 2007, 03:41:22 PM

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It's the ones that step off the train and then stop dead on the platform to start reading phones. Nah there are only 50 people trying to get off behind you don't worry yourself.
Also i've noticed a thing particularly with young ones in Birmingham. Normally when a train rolls in the people on the platform stand aside to leave those trying to disembark get off. And they are usually queued up waiting to do so. I've noticed some of the young ones won't be waiting to get off. They only get out of their seat to do so when everyone else is trying to get on. Basically being an awkward p***k. Does that happen anywhere else ?


An Taoiseach or the minister for justice didn't bother showing up for this funeral, but they really should have. Someone is going to have to take steps to ensure that people with serious mental health problems get the help they deserve and aren't sent to prison instead.
f**k the judge that sent the mother of two young boys to prison because she didn't have €100 bail money on a public order charge. May you burn in hell. May your last days be spent in the emergency department of Mullingar hospital, the same E.D. that discharged a vulnerable young woman back into the care of the Gardai. f**k the same Gardai who drove you to the womens prison. f**k the Prison Service who allowed you to be locked up alone and afraid. f**k the screws who didn't check on you every 15 minutes and f**k the people who didn't tell them to do so, it was a Friday evening, maybe they were all in a rush home. f**k everyone who follows orders or just does their jobs without actually caring about other human beings.

Rest in Peace Monika Nawrat. Lessons will of course be learned, we've heard it all before.
You can't live off history and tradition forever


Colour coded weather warnings!!!!

Especially the f**king yellow ones, there is currently a Yellow weather warning, it's cold so theres a chance of Frost and ice and maybe a little snow. No shit Sherlock it's called cold weather for a reason.

My woman is convinced it's Armageddon and I've to drive to the airport now


Yellow means it might freeze. It does that a lot in December and January. Worth knowing, but not a cause for panic.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


under the bar

Pens/biros that skip. Almost as annoying as f**king Liverpool fans!  Both pure cuntss!!


Quote from: under the bar on December 15, 2019, 12:37:21 AM
Pens/biros that skip. Almost as annoying as f**king Liverpool fans!  Both pure cuntss!!
Easier to find a good pen than a RS fan that isn't a tit


"The border between Northern Ireland and Ireland."

Milltown Row2

None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


Describing the NI economy as a 'basket case'.

Don't get me wrong, it is; but is there no other term that can be used?

(Ironically, it might not be if some guy from NI had put a trade mark on that phrase)


This might seem pretty niche, but here goes...

Videos of football matches on Youtube that are set to Music.  Drives me mad.  I find a clip of a game I haven't seen, and the commentary and crowd noise has been replaced by some totally inappropriate country pop or soft rock music.  Who the f*** wants to watch a football match to music? Never mind music that doesn't even capture the speed or aggression of the game.  Grinds my gears anyway!!

edit: Here is an example.

WTF is the point in this.  Why on earth would you be bothered doing this?


Or you're looking for a specific clip of anything on Youtube, and all you can find is a million variations of it set to stupid and inappropriate music. Like Stewie and Brian fighting over the money Brian owed. The original is buried somewhere in the search results. (At least it was the last time I looked for it!)


Quote from: Franko on February 19, 2020, 04:59:51 PM
Describing the NI economy as a 'basket case'.

Don't get me wrong, it is; but is there no other term that can be used?

(Ironically, it might not be if some guy from NI had put a trade mark on that phrase)

The dogs on the street know it is. The top-heavy public sector and the lack of dynamism in the north's economy are inextricably linked.

Fear Bun Na Sceilpe


Quote from: Fear Bun Na Sceilpe on October 21, 2020, 03:51:17 PM
Allison Morris Irish News

Why? She does like to get the bazooka's out on Twitter now and again.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians