Best Mayo player since 1980

Started by stephenite, November 21, 2006, 10:50:55 PM

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Vote for the best Mayo player since 1980

Wille Joe Padden
Liam McHale
Kenneth Mortimer
Ciaran McDonald
Kevin McStay
James Nallen
Dermot Flannagan
Padraig Brogan


I think the ref is going to have to stop this one
Excuse me for talking while you're trying to interrupt me


That'll learn him Pietas  :D

Seriously though Stephenite, you do seem a bit over-sensitive to people disagreeing with you. Doesn't bother me as much as others though!
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


Ah feck it, the sheep are turning......


 Pietas I tend to agree with Stephenite about your 'sniping' comments particularly on this thread.

QuoteIm a scratching my head trying to figure out how McStay made it on to list

QuoteMore typical Ballina sarcasm.  They'd sicken your arse.  Why didn't you stick Ronan McGarrity in your bloody poll?

QuoteAnd your reading age is?

These were your contributions to this thread before your rather hypocritical rant accusing him of degrading and insulting language.

As for Muscles I think like Rosnarun he found himself in the crossfire between the two but unilke Rosnarun he took some hostile fire.

As for McStay people are of course entitled to their opinion but, along with Noel Durkin, any Mayo forward of the 1980's who got an all-star deserves at least a mention.

MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on November 29, 2006, 11:40:12 AM
Pietas I tend to agree with Stephenite about your 'sniping' comments particularly on this thread.

QuoteIm a scratching my head trying to figure out how McStay made it on to list

QuoteMore typical Ballina sarcasm.  They'd sicken your arse.  Why didn't you stick Ronan McGarrity in your bloody poll?

QuoteAnd your reading age is?

These were your contributions to this thread before your rather hypocritical rant accusing him of degrading and insulting language.

As for Muscles I think like Rosnarun he found himself in the crossfire between the two but unilke Rosnarun he took some hostile fire.

As for McStay people are of course entitled to their opinion but, along with Noel Durkin, any Mayo forward of the 1980's who got an all-star deserves at least a mention.

It's a very real shame that people have to resort to very selective editing of what people write on this board to make a point.

What Muppet hasn't pointed out, of course is that:

(i) To query McStay's appearance in the poll can't be considered as 'sniping' by any reasonable individual.  A good player, sure, but a Mayo great? I hardly think so.

(ii) The second quotes were in response to serious wind-ups initiated by Stephenite (who was irked by my querying McStay's inclusion) and Rosnarun, who completely misread what the poll was about before he attacked me.

It's clear that the genesis of this whole thing is that someone has had the temerity to question how Kevin McStay could be included on a list of Mayo greats.

I think the fact that he got two votes in the poll put's that to bed.

Asking Muscles to 'stay away this time' is unfortunate language to say the least, and implies some sort of ownership of this board that Stephenite simply does not have.
In Roman mythology, Pietas was the goddess of duty to one's state, gods and family.


QuoteIt's a very real shame that people have to resort to very selective editing of what people write on this board to make a point.

It's a very real shame that people call posting almost every single word written by a poster ( I left out an 'I am' ) very selective editing to make a point.  ( I realise reading archives of one's posts can be embarassing but you should take it like some-one who claims to have the temerity that you do. )

Pietas the thing about re-writing history here is that we can merely go back a few pages to check it.

QuoteJaysus the bithcin has started early this year
Kevin McStay was a class act in my view and unfortunate with injuries ( borken leg ), an All Star in 1985. Didn't expect a consensus regarding all the selections, but McStay was a consistently better player for Mayo than Padraic Brogan, may not have had the natural skills of Brogan but more valuable contributions over the years ( albeit due to the unfortunate circumstances that Padriac found himself in ) however no one has commented on his selection.

The only ones really hard done by in not making that list was James Horan, Peter Forde and possibly Maughan

QuoteSure you were never going to please everybody, and the list of selected players were drawn up whilst trying to bear in mind that we have some younger posters here.

QuoteNicely put there Muppet - but you forgot to mention Noel Durkan, Jimmy Burke, Jimmmy Browne, Tom Reilly, Diarmuid Byrne , Sean Maher, PJ loftus, TJ Bourke, Micael Collins, Pat Holmes, Ivan Heffernan, Eugene Lavin, Liam Niland, Kevin Staunton, Barry Heffernan, Eugene Mchale, Joe Corcoran Junior, and maybe Joe Linsday.

Dud oscars etc. etc. etc. blah de blah

They were Stephenite's responses which you call 'serious wind-ups'. The only real wind-up is the third above which was obviously directed at me and my Oscars. I took it as I'm sure Stephenite intended, do you see the winking smilie after the two Mitchels players?

QuoteIt's clear that the genesis of this whole thing is that someone has had the temerity to question how Kevin McStay could be included on a list of Mayo greats.

I think the fact that he got two votes in the poll put's that to bed.

Asking Muscles to 'stay away this time' is unfortunate language to say the least, and implies some sort of ownership of this board that Stephenite simply does not have.

Your sniping started the downward trend of this thread and hiding behind such sanctimonious prattle as ' this whole thing is that someone has had the temerity to question how Kevin McStay could be included ' hasn't exactly furthered your cause. He has the same votes as Flanagan and Kenny Mort so that has hardly put it to bed.

A half apology/half dig back type post like Stephenite's from you would diffuse things nicely but somehow I ge the feeling the Hand of God avatar is telling me something different.

MWWSI 2017


for Gods sake lads. Considering Kevin McStay reads the board perhaps we could stop using him as a pawn in the middle of this debate. He has after all given it some good publicity in the past!! For my two cent worth . I considered him to be a stylish forward. I did not however give him my vote. But he deserves his place on the list.
I think the only solution if someone has the time is to catagorise the players 80-85,86-90,91-95(brutal years),96-2000 and 2001-present,
Then have a these sub divided into backs, mid and forwards (we can have a 1980-2006 for goal keeper). we can run off heats and then each catagory winner will go into the final.
I will try and get started with the polls next week, if anyone has time now feel free to get the ball rolling.
Statistics are like a bikini. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.


Do not cross stephenite. He doesn't like it when anyone does! ;)
Inaugural Football Championship Prediction Winner.


Quote from: Farrandeelin on November 29, 2006, 02:57:37 PM
Do not cross stephenite. He doesn't like it when anyone does! ;)

Ah, on the contrary my trainee teacher friend, I fecking love it ;)

Quote from: Pietas on November 29, 2006, 10:55:45 AM

Stephenite, if you don't like my poetry , write your own.  Unlike your previous post it does not set out of offend anyone. I can't figure out why you apologise to me and then insult me in the same post. I can only think that your apology is insincere.

You are however, right about Ronan McGarrity, but failed to spot that my reference to him was part of what you might describe as my 'overly negative vibe'.  If one were to highlight one player, who, more than any other, let Mayo down in the 06 AIF, it was your clubmate McGarrity.  But that's in the past and I referred to him in anger at reading your previous posts.

Stephenite, you state you're all for people disagreeing with you...but then fly off the rails and use rather insulting and degrading language when this happens.  Your comments towards Muscles Magoo say a lot more about you than him. On the one hand, you admit to sarcasm, but fail to find it difficult to respond with anything other than profanity when it comes back at you.

There was indeed a time when people here could engage in intelligent debate.  As a poster who has returned after a long absence I am beginning to realise that time was before you came along.

Who gave you the right to ask someone to stop posting on this board?  You're arrogance is astounding.

The upshot of all this is that it is clear that you like to dish out sarcasm and strongly held opinions, but the minute someone disagrees with you with a level of wit that you cannot match yourself, you fly off the handle and tell them get off the board in very unsavoury language.

Stephenite you need to take a look at yourself

Ok, here we go. I don't like your poetry,
For example

With wings that cannot fly
With tounges that cannot speak
Broken backs
Broken hearts
Wings thick with tar
Our lives destroyed

To me ( my interpretation ) this kind of stuff smacks of poor auld Mayo syndrome, whilst we can all understand your sentiments I find that sometimes we can eulogise defeat a little too much, it's unhealthy for our psyche and Maigh Eo bron bocht etc. But taste in poetry is subjective. I accept others may think it is fantastic. You've completely missed my point however, the poem you wrote is the one of the longest pieces you have posted on here, yet when it comes to talking pure football you throw in an odd negative one liner. That was why I bought it up.

Now, as was pointed out, my sarcasm was in response to another post entirely,nothing to do with you, you choose to take it as a personal affront and responded to me in an insulting manner, shouldn't really have bothered getting involved in hindsight.
But Typical Ballina sarcasm and it'd sicken your arse? All because I said I "dud Oscars blah de balh " Classy response there Yeats. And some people are saying I'm overly sensitive??? Get real

You point out Ronan McGarrity ( unfortunate that you choose to drag this poor lad into a debate that centres on who is the best Mayo player since 1980 ) but I cannot let your implied statement that he was the one Mayo player who let Mayo down in the '06 AIF go. He wasn't the full back that couldn't handle Donaghy and cost us the game in the first 10 minutes. I think he had a quiet game but I also feel that D O'Se was less than inspirational in the first half. ( See, a reasoned response to someone else's opinion, I disagree and set out my reasons for doing do, you should try it sometime !! ), but to try and lay the entire blame at this door is a tad unfair in my view

I am all for people disagreeing with my opinions, however I do like to see their reasons for doing so. Most people who posted on this thread have done so with knowledge of the game and have given reasons and disagreed with others - you have done neither.
You say there was a time when intelligent posting on here garnered intelligent debate and that you were here for that. Great, I've been lurking and posting here under different handles since 1999 and while there has been a certain decline in standards, most people are still able to give a valid opinion, you again have failed to give a valid opinion.

You're an arrogant hypocrite who is accusing me of degrading and insulting language, yet your posts to date on this specific thread were negative and sniping little comments, and you didn't have the knowledge/manners/courage to back up any of these comments. Yet, when I questioned you on it you reply with insults and try to put a spin that Karl Rove would be proud of on things and try to cast me as some sort of Satan. Accusing me of responding with profanity, that wasn't directed at you and will be dealt with in another post.

You say I  fly off the handle when people disagree with a level I cannot match? Bring it on son, I'll match you any day, very easy when someone doesn't have opinions.

And as far me needing take a lot at myself -  ;D :D ;D Right back at you, you're pathetic


Quote from: muscles magoo on November 29, 2006, 08:31:43 AM
Read back on my post. I wasn't whinging about McStay, merely stating my opinion that the reason he was on the list was because he like yourself was from Ballina. As you say, a forum like this is about opinions and debate and I've been giving my opinions here long before you arrived in such a blaze of glory in the run up to the '04 AIF....

And another thing, I'm not your f**king mate.

Fair enough I mis-read your comments as a direct dig at myself, I think McStay is deserving of a nomination, and I tried to list players based on ability, I also tried to be impartial,if it's your opinion that he is there only because I am from Ballina , well that's your entitled opinion, I will point out that Kevin McStay has not been a member of or associated with the Stephenites himself for quite some time now. I take back my comments however and unreservedly apologise, probably still annoyed at having read the tripe written before it.

In reference to the , stay way comment, that was my own little dig at your infrequent visits these days. I myself have been lurking and posting under various names for quite a while and realize you're a long termer here. In reference to the comments by Pietas, I would lile to point out that I do not own the board and am not so arogant to think that I can ask people to leave, if they disagree with me, that was not my intention.

I am glad your not my f**king mate either :P


It's a very real shame that people have to resort to very selective editing of what people write on this board to make a point.

Says it all, have a read back at what you actually wrote and compare with what was quoted. You must be from the County Board, couldn't make it up ::)


QuoteI myself have been lurking and posting under various names for quite a while

Hahaha. Now there's a tall tale if ever I heard one. The notion of Stephenite being a Lurker is comical. I can almost picture him, twitching over the keyboard at any post with a hint of disrespect towards Ballina.

Stephenite, dont be tellin fibs, Good Laddeen. ;)


Were any of you watching All-Ireland Gold last night on TG 4?

1989 All Ireland Vs Cork. After seeing the whole match I have to say that I have a new found respect for McStay.
He looked like our most dangerous forward when he got the ball. Although he was small he took some big hits that didnt seem to stir him one bit.
He was the fastest and most skillful and knackey player we had on the day.

McHale and Dermot Flannagan were also inspirational. Willie Joe hadnt a bad game either.

I would have been one of the people scratching my head at McStay being included in the poll but I now think that he defiantly deserves to be in it.


yeah, saw the game last night - McStay played very well.....had one massive block midway thru the second half. There were some brutes of men on both sides....some brutes of haircuts also i might add. Larry had some perm going on :D


What ever happened to that Fitzmaurice fella?, looked a classy free taker in the final anyway.
"For the highs to be high the lows have to be low!"