journalists trying to influence/lobby rule makers and disciplinary procedures.

Started by rrhf, August 11, 2015, 09:56:01 PM

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Evidence of trash journalism en Sunday game and papers forcing their biased agendas.  Disciplinary bodies need to be seen as impartial and in control.
No previous will to implement of rule despite similar incidents.
Yellow card offence in rule book.


Brolly reckons it's illegal

@JoeBrolly1993: @PhilipJordan7 my view is the use of the specific provision is illegal. The law of statutory interpretation applies to any rule 1/4

@JoeBrolly1993: @PhilipJordan7 the lawmaker ( Congress) has created a specific offence of simulation with a specific penalty ( yellow card). 2/4

@JoeBrolly1993: @PhilipJordan7 Tiernan's only offence, as a matter of law, is simulation, since the lawmaker is presumed to mean what he says 3/4

@JoeBrolly1993: @PhilipJordan7 if this were not so, then the disrepute provision could be used to override any offence, perverse though that would be 4/4

@JoeBrolly1993: @PhilipJordan7 so for example, a striking offence could be charged as disrepute 5/6

@JoeBrolly1993: @PhilipJordan7 the decision is therefore unlawful. It is a manipulation of the law to punish Tiernan more severely than the law allows 6/6


Quote from: Syferus on August 12, 2015, 12:07:14 AM
Quote from: SkillfulBill on August 12, 2015, 12:01:24 AM
Tyrone GAA community will go into orbit on this one. This stinks to high heaven... how the fcuk can the CCCC be so stupid to bow to this. I bet Brolly distances himself on this one and expect him to make it clear he is not one of the Journalists in question. He knows very well how sensative people up here are about perceptions of equal treatment.

No one outside Tyrone gives a flying fûck about this journalist angle that's being peddled.

Ye're masters at defending the indefensible, I'll give ye that much.

So journalists are setting the agenda in the GAA hierarchy and you reckon nobody should give a "flying fcuk". Fair enough but it's a slippery old slope to be heading down.

Maybe someday if Roscommon ever become relevant enough for any journalist to actually give a "flying fcuk" about you and decide that one of your players needs a trial by media, bypassing the actual rule book, to get the player immediately suspended by the weak GAA hierarchy, then you just might feel differently. But I suppose, until you become relevant enough, you won't really understand.
That was never a square ball!!

Soup an Samajiz

Absolute trial by media bullshit. GAA shown itself to be a weak organisation pondering to the whims of the feckin Sunday Game pundits of all people. GAA definitely living up to its name as an amateur sport, absolute amateur-hour indeed. Pitiful
Think like a wise person but communicate in the language of the people


Some posters are saying that the Gaa are stupid and that this won't stand up.

Gaa want to change the rules on simulation down the line. There will be tears at next year's Congress.


Couldn't be bothered to read the whole thread but this 8 week ban is probably very harsh considering, as other people have pointed out, that there was no action against Michael Shields in the Munster Final.

HOWEVER, I think most GAA supporters would agree that this diving/ simulation/ trying to get people sent off is a blight on the game.
A strong message needs sent out to try and eradicate it so its probably something that needs to happen.

It is unfortunate for Tyrone that its their man that has been highlighted.
It was highlighted about Michael Shields weeks ago but no action was taken.
Had an 8 week ban been handed out then to Shields, McCann may not have considered diving for fear of retribution and this hoohaa surrounding it wouldn't be taking place.

Some county was going to suffer the consequences of this eventually as the GAA weren't going to let this happen indefinitely.
Tyrone are the unfortunate ones.


Quote from: doodaa on August 12, 2015, 09:29:50 AM
Couldn't be bothered to read the whole thread but this 8 week ban is probably very harsh considering, as other people have pointed out, that there was no action against Michael Shields in the Munster Final.

HOWEVER, I think most GAA supporters would agree that this diving/ simulation/ trying to get people sent off is a blight on the game.
A strong message needs sent out to try and eradicate it so its probably something that needs to happen.

It is unfortunate for Tyrone that its their man that has been highlighted.
It was highlighted about Michael Shields weeks ago but no action was taken.
Had an 8 week ban been handed out then to Shields, McCann may not have considered diving for fear of retribution and this hoohaa surrounding it wouldn't be taking place.

Some county was going to suffer the consequences of this eventually as the GAA weren't going to let this happen indefinitely.
Tyrone are the unfortunate ones.
But why should Shields have got an 8 week ban for a yellow card offence?


Charging Mc Cann is crazy whilst not charging James O'Donoghue who cheated to get a penalty to decide the outcome of the Munster final. Surely if Gaa were being consistent, James and a load of others who feigned injury, dived, poked people in the eye, hit lads a box in the back of the head, sledged, spat etc etc should get the discredit 8 week ban as has been proposed for MC Cann ?.

Cork county board issued a statement and said that but for the ref, they would have been in the semi final by now. Surely this should be considered to be disreputable ?.


Quote from: orangeman on August 12, 2015, 09:33:39 AM
Charging Mc Cann is crazy whilst not charging James O'Donoghue who cheated to get a penalty to decide the outcome of the Munster final. Surely if Gaa were being consistent, James and a load of others who feigned injury, dived, poked people in the eye, hit lads a box in the back of the head, sledged, spat etc etc should get the discredit 8 week ban as has been proposed for MC Cann ?.

Cork county board issued a statement and said that but for the ref, they would have been in the semi final by now. Surely this should be considered to be disreputable ?.

ah come on now . It wasn't a dive and it wasn't a penalty.


Looking forward to the Monaghan reaction when Rory Beggan gets his 8-week ban later in the week.


Quote from: JoG2 on August 12, 2015, 09:37:07 AM
Quote from: orangeman on August 12, 2015, 09:33:39 AM
Charging Mc Cann is crazy whilst not charging James O'Donoghue who cheated to get a penalty to decide the outcome of the Munster final. Surely if Gaa were being consistent, James and a load of others who feigned injury, dived, poked people in the eye, hit lads a box in the back of the head, sledged, spat etc etc should get the discredit 8 week ban as has been proposed for MC Cann ?.

Cork county board issued a statement and said that but for the ref, they would have been in the semi final by now. Surely this should be considered to be disreputable ?.

ah come on now . It wasn't a dive and it wasn't a penalty.

Exactly... where did it ever come out that O'Donoghue dove for the penalty?



Quote from: Hound on August 12, 2015, 09:32:34 AM
Quote from: doodaa on August 12, 2015, 09:29:50 AM
Couldn't be bothered to read the whole thread but this 8 week ban is probably very harsh considering, as other people have pointed out, that there was no action against Michael Shields in the Munster Final.

HOWEVER, I think most GAA supporters would agree that this diving/ simulation/ trying to get people sent off is a blight on the game.
A strong message needs sent out to try and eradicate it so its probably something that needs to happen.

It is unfortunate for Tyrone that its their man that has been highlighted.
It was highlighted about Michael Shields weeks ago but no action was taken.
Had an 8 week ban been handed out then to Shields, McCann may not have considered diving for fear of retribution and this hoohaa surrounding it wouldn't be taking place.

Some county was going to suffer the consequences of this eventually as the GAA weren't going to let this happen indefinitely.
Tyrone are the unfortunate ones.
But why should Shields have got an 8 week ban for a yellow card offence?

Fair point.
Should it be more than a yellow card offence for there to be an effective way of removing these actions from our game?


Rather than singling out young McCann who obviously hasn't learned how to do it correctly how about banning the entire Tyrone GAA establishment for 6 months.
Also can all their posters be banned from the GAABoard and no mention of Tyrone be allowed here either.
Davy's given us a dream to cling to
We're going to bring home the SAM


Quote from: Rossfan on August 12, 2015, 10:10:44 AM
Rather than singling out young McCann who obviously hasn't learned how to do it correctly how about banning the entire Tyrone GAA establishment for 6 months.
Also can all their posters be banned from the GAABoard and no mention of Tyrone be allowed here either.

Yep, it'd be great craic discussing Roscommon all year. I'll start........erm, well.....where's the bus parked at this time of year?
That was never a square ball!!