New Catholic Church/ DUP coalition! Is this they way forward?

Started by T Fearon, February 24, 2015, 05:46:06 PM

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Quote from: T Fearon on February 26, 2015, 05:33:57 AM
It's not just you.If the Churches condemned sex with animals,you'd have plenty on here vehemently protesting for it to be allowed.The whole issue of gay rights is largely irrelevant in the debate,it's all about anti Christians defying the churches at every turn.

The irrational hatred of Christians and Christianity is as sad as it's hard to fathom.

The mad ramblings of the insane

T Fearon


Quote from: T Fearon on February 26, 2015, 10:07:15 AM
The Church has never condemned gay people and have approached it with the christian ethos of Love the Sinner Hate the Sin approach. I do not see any harm in forming alliances with other denominations,strength in numbers and may also expel a few misconceptions denominations have about each other.

Its alright saying that you hate the sin but its wrong to say so and not expect this to have some reflection on the "sinner" or some impact on the "sinner and how a religiously influenced society treat them.

In that context it is vital that when you label something a "sin" (and there is no legal/societal imperative to label anything a "sin") that you provide some evidence of its "sinfulness"


Quote from: T Fearon on February 26, 2015, 10:48:35 AM
Christians are only asking for tolerance for their views and the right not to have to supply goods and services that directly contradict their beliefs without ending up in court.What is unreasonable about that?
If you don't want to sell pork sausages then don't sell them. Not to anyone.

If you don't want to supply heroine, then don't supply it. Not to anyone

If you don't want to supply B&B accommodation, then don't supply it. Not to anyone.

Start picking and choosing who you do supply it to then be wary of the law.


Quote from: T Fearon on February 26, 2015, 11:37:56 PM
The point made very succinctly in the article is how anyone can claim to be a devout Catholic and Vote for SF or SDLP when these parties oppose aspects of Catholic doctrine?
These catholics sound a confused bunch


Quote from: T Fearon on February 27, 2015, 06:47:37 AM
As long as individual conscience does not lead one into sin or endorsement of same.
Define sin?

It seems central to your argument


Quote from: The Iceman on February 27, 2015, 05:55:39 PM
Quote from: Oraisteach on February 27, 2015, 04:16:37 PM
So, should you act contrary to your conscience when you do something that you believe to be moral but the church considers sinful.  Say, for example, birth control, which the Church opposes.  Imagine, though, a Third World country, vastly over-populated, where, without birth control, families are churning out children like rabbits, destining them to lives of abject poverty and suffering.  If you lived in that situation and your conscience told you that it was more moral to advocate/promote birth control to save families from a grim future than to uphold the Church's teaching, should you follow your conscience, or ignore it and thereby do something wrong in your view?
Would it not make sense to advocate abstinence? No sex outside of marriage maybe?  Too many children - surely no/less sex is the answer?

Can someone please outline the Catholic's Church's problem with birth control? 


Quote from: T Fearon on February 27, 2015, 06:37:29 PM
Trouble is you can use your conscience to justify practically anything.As I said as long as you avoid sin.
Tony finally sees the ridiculousness of a conscience clause


Quote from: T Fearon on February 27, 2015, 07:42:20 PM
Conscience is subjective.Look at loyalist paramilitaries with the mantra "For God and Ulster" thus justifying their indiscriminate Killing sprees.
More evidence of Tony talking himself around on the conscience clause


Quote from: T Fearon on February 27, 2015, 09:03:04 PM
For Christians scripture and Church teachings are the supreme authority.
But on what basis?

What is the evidence that scripture should influence modern morals, modern behaviour or modern laws?

T Fearon

No contradiction if one's conscience is informed solely by the teachings of divine scripture.

T Fearon


Quote from: T Fearon on February 27, 2015, 09:33:14 PM
Still millions of sincere people who abide by scripture though
Millions follow several other ancient texts - should we so so as well, just because they do?

Should we go on crusades to impose our ancient texts on them? Or is it not that important that they follow god's word?

Surely the millions figure is irrelevant if it is out-voted by a bigger number? Why else would the number be important?


Quote from: T Fearon on February 27, 2015, 11:14:10 PM
I respect the views of the millions who don't ,do you respect the views of the millions who do?

I can respect the right of someone to hold a view that is contrary to my own. If someone said that people with brown hair could not get married or book a B&B room together I would respect their right to hold that view. i would still question the basis of the view and do my utmost to ensure that such a view was exposed for the lunacy that it was.
