Sean Brady Steps Down

Started by Lar Naparka, September 08, 2014, 12:46:54 PM

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Sean Brady Has Retired.

Are you glad to see him go?
42 (80.8%)
Are you sad to see him go?
10 (19.2%)

Total Members Voted: 52


Tip. Fearon wins' every argument he gets involved in as he will quite simply outlast everyone else and claim Victory by default when everyone else has given up in exasperation.

T Fearon

Rubbish,I win because I remain calm,don't resort to abuse or personal insults,and adhere to the core points.I wish there could be tolerant debates on this board where all views are respected.


You win nothing by making downright despicable comments. That's not an insult - it's a fact.

You have not provided one convincing argument here and have ignored two guys - lar and muppet- who have torn your arguments to shreds.

Being honest reading back on this whole thread i actually feel a bit sorry for you. You seem to take some form of self gratification from "winning". The insults seem to provide you with some form of validation and you seem to push boundaries to try and get them then deem it as a victory. Any intelligent points you ignore. I don't actually believe you even believe half of what you write.


So why do we encourage him? That's what I can't fathom. There's no jury here that says, "Tony you lose". These discussions are, to my mind, pointless and actually worse than that because they encourage bad behaviour on the board from people who normally stay away from insulting people.

Tony doesn't 'win' arguments.. He just refuses to lose them, even in the face of overwhelming evidence. And as I say, there is no jury here to hand down a verdict, so why do we perpetuate the cycle all the time.

I take on board hardy's view about exposing Tonys outrageous views, but I don't think there's a person on here who is oblivious to that now. Imagine being a victim of that abuse, and liking the GAA. Imagine logging on here and reading that shite. What would that do to your psyche?


Quote from: ONeill on September 13, 2014, 12:23:05 AM
You are all wasting your time.

You might think that exposing Tony is a good deed or needs to be done.

But you're only reiterating what you already know, ad nauseam.

You're only annoying yourselves in this case.

True. But listening to shite isn't easy. Being goaded is worse.
I think he's getting off on it. No other explanation possible.


Maybe you, ONeill and others are right, AZ and I'll take your advice on board.

For my part, I am not in a contest with T. Fearon. I am simply drawing attention to the fact that these abhorrent views and beliefs are out there, to whatever small extent, in the community. It's a pure propaganda exercise, to reverse the intended effects of his own pathetic efforts. And he's co-operating in it.

Maybe I'm deluded in thinking it's necessary. He's doing a fine job on his own in attracting contempt for these attitudes and views. 

It is not a debate, as far as I'm concerned. The pigeon chess analogy applies: debating with T. Fearon would be like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how well you play, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious.

Zip Code

Quote from: bennydorano on September 12, 2014, 10:21:17 PM
Fr McQuillan getting booted up & down the street outside the Parochial house in Armagh many moons ago by a victim of his abuse probably brought a certain amount of closure to that victim.

The cnut couldn't have been booted enough, but be careful benny we don't want to upset parents of abusers, just parents of the abused are open to criticism on this thread. according to McQuillans fellow parishioner Fearon.


Quote from: Hardy on September 13, 2014, 09:39:11 AM
Maybe you, ONeill and others are right, AZ and I'll take your advice on board.

For my part, I am not in a contest with T. Fearon. I am simply drawing attention to the fact that these abhorrent views and beliefs are out there, to whatever small extent, in the community. It's a pure propaganda exercise, to reverse the intended effects of his own pathetic efforts. And he's co-operating in it.

Maybe I'm deluded in thinking it's necessary. He's doing a fine job on his own in attracting contempt for these attitudes and views. 

It is not a debate, as far as I'm concerned. The pigeon chess analogy applies: debating with T. Fearon would be like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how well you play, the pigeon is just going to knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like it's victorious.

Stupid pigeon. Can't play chess, full of shit of about 6 different colours.

T Fearon

My final word on this subject is  an extract from Alf Mc Creary's (Belfast Telegraph) column today on the  subject of Cardinal Brady's resignation being accepted.Reflect deeply on these words.

".....It was interesting to note the warmth of the tributes from other church leaders which went beyond the usual anodyne statements on such occasions.The comments showed that, whatever the Cardinal's human failures, he was regarded warmly as an ecumenist in a divided community.There are always two sides to every story."

These sentiments, from a respected and experienced religious affairs commentator, resonate with my own, for which I have been accused variously of being mentally ill,disturbed,and a host of other insults.I rest my case with complete vindication at this stage.


Auld fella called Alf, who writes about lads in funny hats who worship an auld lad with a beard who lives in the sky, says one bunch of lads in funny hats reckon another auld lad in a funny hat was sound.

Complete vindication. And I'm sure the vast majority of the population of Christendom agree.

T Fearon

Keep posting Easy Tiger.You are doing a resounding job for Theophobia and Atheist zealots.Hardy,I apologise for stealing your thunder


Paisley is getting all sorts of similarly glowing tributes in the past day or so.

We all know what kind of a hate filled and evil man man he was with the blood of many on his hands. So I wouldn't pass much remarks on these tributes.

I wouldn't pass much remarks on Alf's tribute either.

There are pigeons everywhere, some more full of shite than the other.

T Fearon

The subtext for the ire against Brady is of course the irrational hatred of the Catholic Church in particular and religion in general.It is truly sad that people's views cannot be at least tolerated (without ridicule and insults) if not respected.

Zip Code

Quote from: T Fearon on September 13, 2014, 11:59:47 AM
The subtext for the ire against Brady is of course the irrational hatred of the Catholic Church in particular and religion in general.It is truly sad that people's views cannot be at least tolerated (without ridicule and insults) if not respected.

You are blaming parents of victims, victims themselves and alluding to the fact all they want is compensation, you are like your fellow parishioner a vile human being.

T Fearon