The Official 2016 US Presidential election thread

Started by Eamonnca1, July 10, 2014, 05:07:57 AM

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Hillary or someone acceptable to an extremist GOP is a pretty grim choice.
Nobody will do anything about staqnant middle class earnings.
the US is in a lot worse state than it was 20 years ago .


Quote from: omaghjoe on December 08, 2015, 05:33:38 PM
As usual Trump is just saying the unthought out thing that the common person is saying. You can say what you want about him but he defo has his finger on the pulse of what the public are thinking, I actually heard more than one person say the same thing over the weekend.

Instead of getting emotionally moral about it I  just asked how you would implement that? Would you ban people based on their passport? Yes?, Right that would firstly disclude all Muslim countries obviously like the Saudis and so on, and then also majority Muslim countries like the NATO allies the Turks? So What about significant number of Muslims? That would include Russia where the Boston marathon bombers where from obiviously, and India is the 3rd biggest Muslim country so do they'd all have to get banned. Then you'd probably start on European countries with big Muslim populations, France would have to go, UK, Germany, Belgium, majority of countries in Africa,most of the countries in the world really. By the time your finished the only countries that would be allowed in would be from Latin America. ;)

So once they start to see the rubbish in that implementing that, they start on race. Easy then just ban anyone who looks middle Eastern. The most obvious problem with that is I get Middle Eastern people in California mixed up as Mexicans all the time. Then there is also the fact that only a fraction of Muslims are Middle Eastern and that people of nearly all racial appearance make up the Muslim population.

Then ethnic background checks are proposed for everyone entering the US. Aside from the cost there is obvious problem that you are going to be relying on other countries data which may not be accurate and also more than likely if its like America there would be no info on their religion.

Well couldnt you just ask them they wouldnt deny their religion would they? Hmmmm........?

Its a non starter as a solution and Trump probably hasnt thought it through himself, but sure if he does get elected he would hardly be the first politician not to be able (or even try) to implement what he said he would when elected to power.

That is a good line to take with them Joe.

It might also be worth pointing out that the reason we have Al Queda and ISIS is because of Republicans not thinking anything through, in Gulf War 1 and Gulf War 2 and long before.

A vote for the GOP is a vote for Gulf War 3. No doubt that will be popular those who live from soundbite to soundbite, but it has to be said to them, because when the 3rd generation of Jihadist terrorists emerge, they need to know that they voted for it. Again.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: omaghjoe on December 08, 2015, 05:33:38 PM
As usual Trump is just saying the unthought out thing that the common person is saying. You can say what you want about him but he defo has his finger on the pulse of what the public are thinking, I actually heard more than one person say the same thing over the weekend.

Instead of getting emotionally moral about it I  just asked how you would implement that? Would you ban people based on their passport? Yes?, Right that would firstly disclude all Muslim countries obviously like the Saudis and so on, and then also majority Muslim countries like the NATO allies the Turks? So What about significant number of Muslims? That would include Russia where the Boston marathon bombers where from obiviously, and India is the 3rd biggest Muslim country so do they'd all have to get banned. Then you'd probably start on European countries with big Muslim populations, France would have to go, UK, Germany, Belgium, majority of countries in Africa,most of the countries in the world really. By the time your finished the only countries that would be allowed in would be from Latin America. ;)

So once they start to see the rubbish in that implementing that, they start on race. Easy then just ban anyone who looks middle Eastern. The most obvious problem with that is I get Middle Eastern people in California mixed up as Mexicans all the time. Then there is also the fact that only a fraction of Muslims are Middle Eastern and that people of nearly all racial appearance make up the Muslim population.

Then ethnic background checks are proposed for everyone entering the US. Aside from the cost there is obvious problem that you are going to be relying on other countries data which may not be accurate and also more than likely if its like America there would be no info on their religion.

Well couldnt you just ask them they wouldnt deny their religion would they? Hmmmm........?

Its a non starter as a solution and Trump probably hasnt thought it through himself, but sure if he does get elected he would hardly be the first politician not to be able (or even try) to implement what he said he would when elected to power.

Not the "common person" Joe. The average member of the GOP base perhaps. That distinction aside, I agree: Trump is exposing the thoughts of a significant proportion of the GOP base to the world. For those who would claim those people are not prejudiced, well you can't strike gold when it's not there!

And spot on with the ridiculousness of actually trying to put those policies into place!


I cant find it anywhere but I remember reading somewhere about the physical characteristics that defined people's classification in Apartheid South Africa to White, Black or Coloured. They where ridiculous, things like the angle of shoulder slant and rubbish like that, sometimes siblings were classified in different races.

So if something as objective as physical appearance could not even be defined properly, imagine the impossibility of trying to apply it to something as subjective as religion.


Republicans have been here before too Joe. It has been done.

No one ever learns:
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on December 08, 2015, 10:24:41 PM
Republicans have been here before too Joe. It has been done.

No one ever learns:
It's only Trump though. Even Cheney, that prince of darkness,  spoke out against him. 


I keep thinking that the Donald has just made *the* mistake that will be the tipping point, but I have been continuously wrong.
At this point, he is the Teflon Don, nothing sticks.
Now he has the US Department of Defense's press secretary saying his statements are "counter to our national security."

QuoteThe Pentagon on Tuesday rebuffed Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump's call to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S.

"Anything that creates tensions and creates the notion that the United States is at odds with the Muslim faith and Islam would be counterproductive to our efforts right now, and totally contrary to our values," Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said.

Asked specifically whether the Pentagon opposed the ban, Cook said, "I'm not going to get into domestic politics."

But, he reiterated, "Anything that tries to challenge American values on this would be certainly something of concern to the Department of Defense, as it would be across the country."
Cook also noted that there were Muslims "serving patriotically in the U.S. military today, as there are people of many faiths."

He also noted that the U.S. was partnering with Muslim nations in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

"Anything that bolsters ISIL's narrative and pits the United States against the Muslim faith is -- is certainly not only contrary to our values, but contrary to our national security," he added, using an alternate name for the group.

I think its safe to say that if this comment was made by DOD referring to literally any other candidate, their campaign would be over by nightfall. However no bother to the big fella, he will truck along happily at this point to be the Republican nominee, or the independent candidate if the GOP feel they can't keep him under control...

Fascinating stuff- there really has never been anything this mental in US politics at this level in 50 years.
Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


Trump is targeting angry white working class voters with his Muslim schtick

this is an interesting analysis of that sort of targeting from the UK . Trump is after latent hostiles and active enmity.
"The Searchlight research has broken down attitudes to race, identity, immigration and nation into six groups. On the left are "confident multiculturals" and "mainstream liberals", comprising 24% of the population. On the far right sit "latent hostiles" and "active enmity" (totalling 23%), who share antagonistic attitudes to others and differ only in the degree of their antipathy and tolerance of extremism.
The centre of British politics are the "identity ambivalents" and "cultural integrationists". Cultural integrationists accept diversity as long as there is an integrated national culture, the rule of law, and respect for authority. This is the group to which David Cameron's call for a "muscular liberalism" is targeted. They are a quarter of the population. But the real swing voters are identity ambivalents (28%): economically insecure, worried about their local community, feeling threatened but open-minded and accepting of diversity - as long as their security is not threatened. So they feel more wage and job pressure from immigration, are anxious about their family's financial future, but are, for example, much less likely to think "Muslims create problems in the UK" than cultural integrationists.
Labour's vote is more weighted towards this group than any other. More black and ethnic minority voters are to be found here, and almost half of people who don't identify with a party are also identity ambivalent. And this is why the economics of austerity and fiscal consolidation is so dangerous. A long period of low wages, casualisation of work, unemployment, higher prices, fiscal cuts (many are receiving tax credits), and VAT and fuel duty increases will refract into greater identity anxiety.
Cameron's "muscular liberalism" has little to offer in giving identity ambivalents the greater sense of security they crave. The risk is that significant numbers in this group leapfrog to latent hostility or active enmity."


Quote from: omaghjoe on December 08, 2015, 05:33:38 PM
So once they start to see the rubbish in that implementing that, they start on race. Easy then just ban anyone who looks middle Eastern. The most obvious problem with that is I get Middle Eastern people in California mixed up as Mexicans all the time. Then there is also the fact that only a fraction of Muslims are Middle Eastern and that people of nearly all racial appearance make up the Muslim population.

Free Pork Carnitas at immigration, that should sort the Mexicans from the terrorists. OK you might lose a few vegetarians as well, but that can't be all bad. Then again Trump isn't that keen on Mexicans either, maybe serve vepřo-knedlo-zelo.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B

Jell 0 Biafra

Quote from: heganboy on December 09, 2015, 12:23:43 AM
I keep thinking that the Donald has just made *the* mistake that will be the tipping point, but I have been continuously wrong.
At this point, he is the Teflon Don, nothing sticks.
Now he has the US Department of Defense's press secretary saying his statements are "counter to our national security."

But seriously HB, chill out.  He has no chance.


Quote from: heganboy on December 09, 2015, 12:23:43 AM
I keep thinking that the Donald has just made *the* mistake that will be the tipping point, but I have been continuously wrong.
At this point, he is the Teflon Don, nothing sticks.
Now he has the US Department of Defense's press secretary saying his statements are "counter to our national security."

QuoteThe Pentagon on Tuesday rebuffed Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump's call to ban all Muslims from entering the U.S.

"Anything that creates tensions and creates the notion that the United States is at odds with the Muslim faith and Islam would be counterproductive to our efforts right now, and totally contrary to our values," Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said.

Asked specifically whether the Pentagon opposed the ban, Cook said, "I'm not going to get into domestic politics."

But, he reiterated, "Anything that tries to challenge American values on this would be certainly something of concern to the Department of Defense, as it would be across the country."
Cook also noted that there were Muslims "serving patriotically in the U.S. military today, as there are people of many faiths."

He also noted that the U.S. was partnering with Muslim nations in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.

"Anything that bolsters ISIL's narrative and pits the United States against the Muslim faith is -- is certainly not only contrary to our values, but contrary to our national security," he added, using an alternate name for the group.

I think its safe to say that if this comment was made by DOD referring to literally any other candidate, their campaign would be over by nightfall. However no bother to the big fella, he will truck along happily at this point to be the Republican nominee, or the independent candidate if the GOP feel they can't keep him under control...

Fascinating stuff- there really has never been anything this mental in US politics at this level in 50 years.

Donald Trump will kick out all the illegal immigrants and give America back to it's people after 8 years of incompetence from president Osama. Why wouldn't you vote for that? The change you were promised was a busted flush.

He's going to be awesome.
Every second of the day there's a Democrat telling a lie


Hopefully Trump will throw out not only the immigrants but the descendants of immigrants.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


Quote from: Jell 0 Biafra on December 09, 2015, 01:59:59 AM
Quote from: heganboy on December 09, 2015, 12:23:43 AM
I keep thinking that the Donald has just made *the* mistake that will be the tipping point, but I have been continuously wrong.
At this point, he is the Teflon Don, nothing sticks.
Now he has the US Department of Defense's press secretary saying his statements are "counter to our national security."

But seriously HB, chill out.  He has no chance.

Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity


When I first came to America the term douchebag was flying around everywhere but no one could really explain to me what it meant or who was a douchebag exactly. But then America decides to give me the perfect example of a douchebag. And then for good measure demonstrates it 24 7 for what must be a good year solid now.

Anyway looks like Trump was one step ahead of me. He's gonna enact his plan by just having a question "Are you Muslim?" at immigration. I am pretty sure that will have a 90-100% failure rate in fulling its aim.

Its feckin gas stuff though, I read the following comment today: "Its like having a youtube comment section running for president"


Quote from: omaghjoe on December 09, 2015, 07:52:08 AM
When I first came to America the term douchebag was flying around everywhere but no one could really explain to me what it meant or who was a douchebag exactly. But then America decides to give me the perfect example of a douchebag. And then for good measure demonstrates it 24 7 for what must be a good year solid now.

Anyway looks like Trump was one step ahead of me. He's gonna enact his plan by just having a question "Are you Muslim?" at immigration. I am pretty sure that will have a 90-100% failure rate in fulling its aim.

Its feckin gas stuff though, I read the following comment today: "Its like having a youtube comment section running for president"

It will save time though

Could add another question - "do you like barck Obama" - if they tick yes deport them.
Every second of the day there's a Democrat telling a lie