Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane.

Started by EC Unique, March 09, 2014, 10:06:06 AM

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Quote from: orangeman on March 11, 2014, 09:17:31 AM
Quote from: southdown on March 11, 2014, 09:15:49 AM
This is highly bizzare.

I know nothing about planes, but surely the black box should be designed so that the info can be accessed remotely to help in situations like this?

Apparently this facility doesn't exist presently.

The main function of the Black Box is to store data in a manner that will survive a crash. I think there are usually two of them and the data includes a recording of the last conversation in the cockpit (it used to be the last 30 minutes but it is longer now) and various data recorded from the various aircraft systems. The priority is for it to ensure the data is recoverable when found. It has served aviation very well to date, but the AF447 crash and now this one seem to have exposed weaknesses in the process.
MWWSI 2017


Technologically it's possible but the transfer of large amounts of data remotely costs money and I'd expect this is the reason why it isn't used now. That may very well change in light of this apparent disaster.


Quote from: DennistheMenace on March 11, 2014, 09:36:33 AM
Technologically it's possible but the transfer of large amounts of data remotely costs money and I'd expect this is the reason why it isn't used now. That may very well change in light of this apparent disaster.

The engine manufacturers usually receive data directly from aircraft inflight and I am surprised that we have heard nothing about this. Also most airlines' maintenance departments receive data directly from the aircraft if there are defects recorded.

Here is a link to an unofficial copy of the AF447 ACARS message just before it crashed: http://blog.seattlepi.com/aerospace/files/library/ACARS_AF447.pdf

Note the site it comes from contains commentary from 2009, long before the black boxes were found.

I am wondering why Malaysian Airlines hasn't given us any equivalent Boeing or Rolls Royce messages (it was a Boeing 777 with RR engines).
MWWSI 2017

Apparently so

Maybe Malaysia shot it down and they are trying to cover things up. Bit far fetched but Malaysia are definitely trying to cover something here


When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.



It now emerges that the stolen passports were Iranian asylum seekers unlikely to have been involved in any terrorist stuff.All very strange.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


Absolutely bizarre. Terrorism unlikely and being ruled out, suicide not likely given the reputation of the pilot, structural damage unlikely given no debris found on flight path. I'm in two minds whether I think this was all intentional or not, mind boggling.


And no sight nor sound of the plane itself.

Strange in this day and age that a plane can go missing.

Jeepers Creepers

Maybe not missing, just looking in the wrong place.

Tony Baloney

That's a big job searching all that if they are now including the Malacca Strait. Surely there would have been a message to ATC if they were returning to KL.


The only thing that comes close to this at the minute is the Oceanic Flight 815.
Ulster League Champions 2009


What would happen if a Window popped out at 35000 feet?

I'm no aviation expert but I won't let that stop me:

Window popped, plane decompresses, oxygen masks fell, plane looses altitude very quickly (low enough to avoid radar?), crew and passengers are now unconscious, plane continues flight until it runs out of fuel.