Any Sign of White Smoke Yet?

Started by Oraisteach, March 13, 2013, 04:29:51 PM

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As the song says, people are still having sex and nothing seems to stop them.

How about making the instruction of faith &/or religion something which is not legal until the individual has reached the age of 18 years of age.

Also, make religious programming not allowable until after 9pm.

"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people" (Marx, 1844).
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.

The Iceman

Muppet i didn't chose to ignore them I wrote that it was nice to see some people showing decency. I acknowledge and applaud positive comments. But surely I am not expected to address everyone individually?

I don't believe that everyone who doesn't believe in what I believe in is wrong (thats a lot of believes).
I do think it's fair to say though that there is a difference between a cultural Catholic and a religious Catholic. And within the Religious Catholic Group there are varying degrees of acceptance of Church teaching. It's like saying you are a vegan but eating bacon on a Saturday - you're not really a vegan.  I don't think that's unfair of me.

I have no problem with people having questions. Its the misrepresentation of the bible, of RC Church teaching and tradition that gets me. It doesn't add any clarity or bring any answers to your questions. It muddy's the water even more. People are either put off even more or further confused.
If you were serious about your questions you would go and speak with a priest.
And lets be honest the majority of the usual suspects on here aren't interested in questions or answers. There are WUM's and just plain assholes who's mission it is to see the Church destroyed, who jump on each and every opportunity to put the church down and put believers down. Maybe it's futile of me to respond at all but I can't always stand by and watch the church be misrepresented by people who don't know or care what they are talking about.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight

The Iceman

Quote from: Puckoon on March 20, 2013, 04:54:51 PM
That is truely shocking Horse.  :)
Ha sorry I have an inner Draperstown man who breaks free sometimes when I'm mad.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight

Quote from: The Iceman on March 20, 2013, 08:04:27 PM
Quote from: Puckoon on March 20, 2013, 04:54:51 PM
That is truely shocking Horse.  :)
Ha sorry I have an inner Draperstown man who breaks free sometimes when I'm mad.

Awe Iceman

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control (Proverbs 29:11, NIV).
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.


MGHU and Eammoncal are like timid little Men who whistle going past a graveyard. They are so afraid or incapable of serious debate, finding it safer to spray around wild outlandish assertions devoid of any substance, in the hope that they can convince the uneducated if not themselves. Of course they know full well that no-one with a grain of sense would take heed or waste time responding to their inane waffle and mental diarhoeea, but they have a modicum of entertainment value, like the village idiot, though more to be pitied than laughed at


Quote from: Pangurban on March 20, 2013, 08:37:32 PM
MGHU and Eammoncal are like timid little Men who whistle going past a graveyard. They are so afraid or incapable of serious debate, finding it safer to spray around wild outlandish assertions devoid of any substance, in the hope that they can convince the uneducated if not themselves. Of course they know full well that no-one with a grain of sense would take heed or waste time responding to their inane waffle and mental diarhoeea, but they have a modicum of entertainment value, like the village idiot, though more to be pitied than laughed at

Well that settles it. God must exist then.


Excellent ad hominem pangur.  :)

Using terminology mentioned earlier, was wondering what people think the split and age profile is between the cultural catholics and the devout?

I'll take a stab and say that in Ireland we have 75% cultural catholics with 80% of the devout being 60+
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Quote from: theskull1 on March 20, 2013, 11:55:34 PM
Excellent ad hominem pangur.  :)

Using terminology mentioned earlier, was wondering what people think the split and age profile is between the cultural catholics and the devout?

I'll take a stab and say that in Ireland we have 75% cultural catholics with 80% of the devout being 60+

Sounds about right. Plenty of going-through-the-motions going on. Plenty of keeping up appearances. Making sure their wedding-style dresses on their 8-year-old daughters are as white as them next door. Making sure they're seen at the pineapple every week. Can't have anybody stepping out of line and being the odd one out.


Quote from: theskull1 on March 20, 2013, 11:55:34 PM
Excellent ad hominem pangur.  :)

Using terminology mentioned earlier, was wondering what people think the split and age profile is between the cultural catholics and the devout?

I'll take a stab and say that in Ireland we have 75% cultural catholics with 80% of the devout being 60+

From the outside looking in, that probably wouldn't be far off the mark, but ask most catholics who would attend the sacraments on a regular basis they'd put themselves in the devout category.

It's all about how you want to be perceived IMO. Go to Mass every sunday and you'd be a 'good catholic', don't and you're a heathen. What you do the other 167 hours of the week is irrelevant.

Someone mentioned misrepresentation of the bible and that's the crux of all issues I have with the current church. They've turned into the scribes and pharisee's that Jesus rebelled against without even realising it.


IM being a case in point who eats the alter but then goes out and wantonly kills his neighbours pets, before saying "forgive me lord", then continues on with his life as a devout.

Seriously flawed coping mechanism is it not? Where is the individual responsibility?

How many like IM, use religion as a dumping ground for their guilty consciences?

These are all very relevant questions, worth asking but no doubt the holy rollers will duck and dive around the answers
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Pope Francis will celebrate a mass next week before Easter in a youth detention centre in Rome during which he will wash the feet of prisoners, the Vatican said in a statement on Thursday.

The Vatican said the Holy Thursday mass continued a tradition of the then Jorge Bergoglio when he was archbishop of Buenos Aires and held masses in prisons, hospitals or old people's homes.

The Iceman

Quote from: theskull1 on March 21, 2013, 09:23:31 AM
IM being a case in point who eats the alter but then goes out and wantonly kills his neighbours pets, before saying "forgive me lord", then continues on with his life as a devout.

Seriously flawed coping mechanism is it not? Where is the individual responsibility?

How many like IM, use religion as a dumping ground for their guilty consciences?

These are all very relevant questions, worth asking but no doubt the holy rollers will duck and dive around the answers
Good man Skull you have some eye sight hi to see the altar I am eating from nearly 6000 miles away - or maybe you're a visionary?

Case in point the cats were feral cats that a stupid neighbour was giving a garage to live in and leaving food out. As i said multiple times there was an epidemic of them in the town I lived in, in NJ. I have no problem killing an animal that is causing a danger to the well-being of my family - it is well known that cat feces can cause blindness in children.
I'm sure you have killed mice? what about flies? OR because you don't claim to have any faith in God are you then exempt from any scrutiny? Do you have any accountability? Or because in your naturalist beliefs we are all just animals surviving how we can can, you do whatever you want? And if so why give a crap about any of the rest of us?

I genuinely don't think what I did was wrong. I killed vermin. If it was wrong then I guess I'll have to answer for it at some point.
We spent a thread discussing this already  - but you seem still very hung up on the cats. Or is there something else you'd like to talk about now?
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight

Quote from: The Iceman on March 21, 2013, 03:01:56 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on March 21, 2013, 09:23:31 AM
IM being a case in point who eats the alter but then goes out and wantonly kills his neighbours pets, before saying "forgive me lord", then continues on with his life as a devout.

Seriously flawed coping mechanism is it not? Where is the individual responsibility?

How many like IM, use religion as a dumping ground for their guilty consciences?

These are all very relevant questions, worth asking but no doubt the holy rollers will duck and dive around the answers
Good man Skull you have some eye sight hi to see the altar I am eating from nearly 6000 miles away - or maybe you're a visionary?

Case in point the cats were feral cats that a stupid neighbour was giving a garage to live in and leaving food out. As i said multiple times there was an epidemic of them in the town I lived in, in NJ. I have no problem killing an animal that is causing a danger to the well-being of my family - it is well known that cat feces can cause blindness in children.
I'm sure you have killed mice? what about flies? OR because you don't claim to have any faith in God are you then exempt from any scrutiny? Do you have any accountability? Or because in your naturalist beliefs we are all just animals surviving how we can can, you do whatever you want? And if so why give a crap about any of the rest of us?

I genuinely don't think what I did was wrong. I killed vermin. If it was wrong then I guess I'll have to answer for it at some point.
We spent a thread discussing this already  - but you seem still very hung up on the cats. Or is there something else you'd like to talk about now?

Are you the same man who said he would put God before his family?

Quote from: The Iceman on February 10, 2012, 04:51:47 PM
Puck, If I unsubscribe from our current health plan in work and seek my own through something like Cobra we're talking a couple of thousand dollars a month. Already with subsidized healthcare through my job, my contributions are close to $600 per month. We are a single income family with two kids and one more on the way.

If I was faced between choosing between my faith and my family - hand on heart I'd have to choose my faith.
My family wouldn't have me otherwise.
That may seem like a ridiculous statement but I really would and my family would support my decision.

But convictions sent men we all know to war. Many Irish men and women who picked up a gun in defense of their country, or who starved themselves to death in a prison cell, did so based on convictions. They choose what they held sacred over their families.
Time to take a more chill-pill approach to life.

The Iceman

Quote from: on March 21, 2013, 04:08:17 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on March 21, 2013, 03:01:56 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on March 21, 2013, 09:23:31 AM
IM being a case in point who eats the alter but then goes out and wantonly kills his neighbours pets, before saying "forgive me lord", then continues on with his life as a devout.

Seriously flawed coping mechanism is it not? Where is the individual responsibility?

How many like IM, use religion as a dumping ground for their guilty consciences?

These are all very relevant questions, worth asking but no doubt the holy rollers will duck and dive around the answers
Good man Skull you have some eye sight hi to see the altar I am eating from nearly 6000 miles away - or maybe you're a visionary?

Case in point the cats were feral cats that a stupid neighbour was giving a garage to live in and leaving food out. As i said multiple times there was an epidemic of them in the town I lived in, in NJ. I have no problem killing an animal that is causing a danger to the well-being of my family - it is well known that cat feces can cause blindness in children.
I'm sure you have killed mice? what about flies? OR because you don't claim to have any faith in God are you then exempt from any scrutiny? Do you have any accountability? Or because in your naturalist beliefs we are all just animals surviving how we can can, you do whatever you want? And if so why give a crap about any of the rest of us?

I genuinely don't think what I did was wrong. I killed vermin. If it was wrong then I guess I'll have to answer for it at some point.
We spent a thread discussing this already  - but you seem still very hung up on the cats. Or is there something else you'd like to talk about now?

Are you the same man who said he would put God before his family?

Quote from: The Iceman on February 10, 2012, 04:51:47 PM
Puck, If I unsubscribe from our current health plan in work and seek my own through something like Cobra we're talking a couple of thousand dollars a month. Already with subsidized healthcare through my job, my contributions are close to $600 per month. We are a single income family with two kids and one more on the way.

If I was faced between choosing between my faith and my family - hand on heart I'd have to choose my faith.
My family wouldn't have me otherwise.
That may seem like a ridiculous statement but I really would and my family would support my decision.

But convictions sent men we all know to war. Many Irish men and women who picked up a gun in defense of their country, or who starved themselves to death in a prison cell, did so based on convictions. They choose what they held sacred over their families.

so how do these statements contradict each other? how is killing vermin going against God?

one of these days you are going to push the wrong man and not have the security of the keyboard. You scrutinize and chastise anyone who trys to be good in the name of God yet you're  pure evil yourself taking delight in the annoyance of others - you've said yourself before- its what you enjoy.
I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight