Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band, Ireland, July 2013

Started by Sandino, November 28, 2012, 02:36:30 PM

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T Fearon

Most of the opulence on display at the Vatican is in the form of gifts received over the centuries from other nations,empires,dignatories etc. Even if those donors were to be insulted posthumously by a fire sale, where are the potential purchasers etc? Not too many takers for a gold ceiling I would suggest? Also this undoubtedly attracts tourists to the Vatican who help to fund the global church.

As I said previously Catholic aid agencies have more than played their part in attempts to alleviate poverty and initiate development throughout the Third World, for decades.

Meanwhile I see Springsteen and the licenced trade in Limerick are helping each other to even more profit by keeping the pubs open until 2am on the occasion of his forthcoming gig at Thomond! Classic case of you scratch my back....


Quote from: T Fearon on July 10, 2013, 03:43:59 PM
Most of the opulence on display at the Vatican is in the form of gifts received over the centuries from other nations,empires,dignatories etc. Even if those donors were to be insulted posthumously by a fire sale, where are the potential purchasers etc? Not too many takers for a gold ceiling I would suggest? Also this undoubtedly attracts tourists to the Vatican who help to fund the global church.

As I said previously Catholic aid agencies have more than played their part in attempts to alleviate poverty and initiate development throughout the Third World, for decades.

Meanwhile I see Springsteen and the licenced trade in Limerick are helping each other to even more profit by keeping the pubs open until 2am on the occasion of his forthcoming gig at Thomond! Classic case of you scratch my back....

Firstly on the gold. Where are the potential buyers? Are you serious?

As for the 'gifts' theory? From dead South American cultures, or the Nazis?

Secondly, if doing charity work for the poor gets The Church off, then why does it not get Bono and Bruce off and not only that: why are they the only hypocrites?
MWWSI 2017


Springsteen and the vintners, conspiring together to keep the pubs open a bit later to fleece the punters and line their pockets with their ill-gotten gains!! I presume, Tony, the concert goers will be rounded up and forced into said pubs at the point of a gun? It will just be like the emptying of the ghettos! Couldn't possibly be the case that there might be a demand on the part of some for a few social pints after a major gig! Do you even believe the shite you're spouting?!  ;D

T Fearon

So? Any takers for a gold ceiling? Or Michaelangelo's Last Judgement? Don't talk crap. Income from tourists that these gifts attract goes to alleviate global poverty, as does the self sacrifice of many good clerics, a lot of them operating with vows of poverty, and to provide pastoral care. It doesn't go into their own pockets like that of Springsteen and Bono.

Still no convincing argument, save that of the red herring called the catholic church.


Quote from: T Fearon on July 10, 2013, 04:54:57 PM
So? Any takers for a gold ceiling? Or Michaelangelo's Last Judgement? Don't talk crap. Income from tourists that these gifts attract goes to alleviate global poverty, as does the self sacrifice of many good clerics, a lot of them operating with vows of poverty, and to provide pastoral care. It doesn't go into their own pockets like that of Springsteen and Bono.

Still no convincing argument, save that of the red herring called the catholic church.

Yes, we are still waiting.

MWWSI 2017

Captain Obvious

Quote from: T Fearon on July 10, 2013, 04:54:57 PM
Don't talk crap.
In fairness you will have to stop typing to cut out the crap talk.


It is July Tony, and the leader of the Charity will probably be at the Apostolic Palace of Castel Gandolfo.

Probably a gift and there would hardly be a buyer for that either. Do they know Jesus was born in a stable?

But when there is a buyer for a plot, they could exhume any unfortunates buried there, like the 155 victims of the Magdalene Laundries, to increase the value.

Voice of the oppressed anyone?
MWWSI 2017

T Fearon

Boils down to where the proceeds go,into the ever bulging pockets of rock stars,or to sustain a global church and all it's missionary/charitable/pastoral work worldwide.


Your entire "argument" is based on a presumption you appear to have, which is that rock stars like Bono and Springsteen do no charitable work. And also on some bizarre notion that no rich, successful person should advocate for the less fortunate while at the same time enjoying personal financial success.


Should Springsteen cease performing The River, as an example?

It's about a guy who is forced into a struggling marriage during hard times by an unplanned pregnancy.

Or a song like Used Cars, about a kid's humiliation at the succession of crap old cars his family's dire circumstances force them into.

Or Factory, which is about the soul destroying nature of that type of menial work?


Quote from: T Fearon on July 10, 2013, 06:23:15 PM
Boils down to where the proceeds go,into the ever bulging pockets of rock stars,or to sustain a global church and all it's missionary/charitable/pastoral work worldwide.

I'll refer the right honourable gentleman to my earlier answers:

MWWSI 2017


Was at a function in the Vatican on Saturday and heard the Pope speak for an hour about modesty and humility and "going back to basics".

There were about 20 Cardinals there too from around the world, and I got the feeling he was very much including them in that diktat too.

No Castle Gandolpho for this guy Muppet. He hasnt moved out of the digs which he used for the conclave  at which he was elected, and is still shared by visiting priests and clergy from around the world. My brother, who is a Priest, had breakfast and lunch with him three or four times in what cannot be described as much more than a simple "canteen", along with half a dozen other ordinary members of the clergy. No airs or graces with this guy!

Did the tour of the Sistine and Mass on Sunday inside the Basilica too, and way to much wealth on show there I agree. I was a bit disgusted at the sheer commercialism - but please dont underestimate Pope Francis intentions to make the church a much more humble and modest place.

He has practically thrown away the mould, and I think in time he will become the most popular Pope ever.


Quote from: bannside on July 10, 2013, 09:00:57 PM
Was at a function in the Vatican on Saturday and heard the Pope speak for an hour about modesty and humility and "going back to basics".

There were about 20 Cardinals there too from around the world, and I got the feeling he was very much including them in that diktat too.

No Castle Gandolpho for this guy Muppet. He hasnt moved out of the digs which he used for the conclave  at which he was elected, and is still shared by visiting priests and clergy from around the world. My brother, who is a Priest, had breakfast and lunch with him three or four times in what cannot be described as much more than a simple "canteen", along with half a dozen other ordinary members of the clergy. No airs or graces with this guy!

Did the tour of the Sistine and Mass on Sunday inside the Basilica too, and way to much wealth on show there I agree. I was a bit disgusted at the sheer commercialism - but please dont underestimate Pope Francis intentions to make the church a much more humble and modest place.

He has practically thrown away the mould, and I think in time he will become the most popular Pope ever.

To be fair I have been very impressed with the new man to date. A real breath of fresh air.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: T Fearon on July 09, 2013, 03:38:53 PM
Bill Gates etc do not promote or self style themselves as the Champions of the oppressed, they quietly, in the latter stages of their lives, use a substantial portion of their wealth for the benefit of others.

The crucial difference here is that Springsteen and Bono, above all other major recording artists, allegedly side with the poor and oppressed and arguably do so only for crass commercial reasons and for their own benefit.

I have no great problem with the likes of Alan Sugar, Richard Branston etc making millions, as that is what they unashamedly set out to do,but it's those who laughingly claim to be on the side of the poor and oppressed,while living in huge mansions etc that get on my nerves.

Once again I am flabbergasted by the amount of people who continue to take vicarious offence on behalf of these Rock stars,as if I've shattered their conceptions of a saintly figure they revere.

Get over it, believe me they do not care about you, after they've relieved you of a considerable wad of dosh for tickets to see them.
Tony I've got it, your just pissed that they have more followers on twitter than you! get over it.

T Fearon

Hey! 827 followers for a man with a low profile like me ain't bad! Some big names (and Margaret Ritchie) following me as well! ;D