Which one of you was it?

Started by muppet, December 12, 2011, 05:00:19 PM

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Drink driver steals garda car in Dublin, drives to Armagh
Monday December 12 2011
A DRIVER stopped in Dublin on suspicion of drink driving, stole the garda car he had been placed in and drove it to south Armagh. The suspect was stopped in north Dublin at 9pm last night when he undertook his daring escapade.

The man, who was behind the wheel of a Lexus car, was stopped by two gardai in Lusk and failed a breath test.

He was placed in the back seat of a garda car while one officer drove his car to Balbriggan garda station.

He was transported to the station in the back of an 05 registered Ford Focus garda car, but when the officer got out of the car outside the station he managed to jump into the front seat and took off towards the M1.

Gardai scrambled an air support helicopter and set up a checkpoint at the toll booths outside Drogheda. The driver crashed through the barriers and the thief continued his journey north in the Newry direction. The PSNI became involved in the search for the man and the stolen car. The vehicle was found overnight in South Armagh, some 60km from Balbriggan where the car was stolen.

A senior garda source admitted that the incident was very embarrassing for the gardai. It is understood that Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan has ordered an immediate in inquiry into the incident. The PSNI were today assisting the gardai in the hunt for the thief who is believed to live north of the border.
MWWSI 2017

magpie seanie

I can only assume this guy didn't own the Lexus or if he did he must have been bananas drunk!

Agent Orange

Where was the car found? Earlier news reports said Hilltown. How the hell did they let him get away, especially when they had the road blocked at the toll booth. Could they not have closed the M1 further north.


 There was a garda car towed out of our estate in hilltown last night shortly after 11pm. Had a few beers yesterday afternoon but def didn't steal a cop car.... I hope!!


Seen a few bemused facebook comments from Hilltown people about a Gaurda car abandoned in the village.

There are two ways of looking at the Gaurds perfomance on this. 

1) Maybe it was too dangerous to stop him on the motorway

2) Poor work from the Gaurds, especially with a chopper in the air. 
Disclaimer: I am responsible for MY comments only.  I don't own this site.

Doogie Browser


What a pity there are no photographs.
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians

Billys Boots

I heard what allegedly happened - guy stopped in Lusk, completely trollied; squad from Balbriggan arrested him and put him in the squad to bring him back to the station (in Balbriggan); other Garda in the squad drove the lad's Lexus back to the station; on the way they stopped at the scene of another incident; left gombeen unattended in squad; he climbs into the front of the squad and hits the road northwards; cue high speed chase that had to be abandoned at the border.

You couldn't make it up.
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...


I'd like to know just how many times similar incidents have happened


Quote from: hardstation on December 13, 2011, 12:57:05 PM
Do they not cuff people when they put them in the car?

Handcuffing a drunk is probably a risk to their own safety.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: haranguerer on December 13, 2011, 12:58:29 PM
I'd like to know just how many times similar incidents have happened

You really think this happens on a regular basis?


was this guy from county down, or did he just drive north to get away?


Quote from: deiseach on December 13, 2011, 03:36:51 PM
Quote from: haranguerer on December 13, 2011, 12:58:29 PM
I'd like to know just how many times similar incidents have happened

You really think this happens on a regular basis?

You really think its the first time?  ::)

Bit of an embarrassment, it seems this time they weren't able to keep a lid on it


Quote from: haranguerer on December 13, 2011, 05:20:30 PM
You really think its the first time?  ::)

Bit of an embarrassment, it seems this time they weren't able to keep a lid on it

What? You think drunk prisoners routinely take Garda cars for a joyride?

Onion Bag

f**k my head is splitting, I hate hangovers, woke up with a set of ford car keys in my pocket and set of handcuffs
Hats, Flags and Head Bands!