My Letter to the Irish News about the 'Occupy' protests

Started by ExcellentDriver, November 06, 2011, 04:44:25 PM

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Tyrones own

Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 08, 2011, 08:25:58 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on November 08, 2011, 08:08:50 PM
Quote from: Fionntamhnach on November 08, 2011, 07:35:06 PM
I find that most of those who complain about Ireland being a nation of begrudgers are those who found their peers didn't react the way they wanted to about boasting and absurdly showing off their financial wealth in a fashion that makes the person listening think that the person speaking thinks they are a better person simply because of the money they make. It's certainly not just an Irish trait, it occurs in every country (even the USA) but Irish society have a peculiar trait of cynicism that doesn't like being made fools of even if they're practising the cute hoor tactic themselves. Places which are strongly influenced by Calvinism have perhaps an even stronger dislike to this than the Irish. Are there begrudgers in Ireland? Yep, but they're a minority. The majority have no problems with someone who has worked hard and not tread on people along the way to getting just reward for it.
That wouldn't be my experience Fionntamhnach but we'll disagree on it sure. Very few people would know anything about my financial situation, what I do or anything about me. I lead a very low key life. I don't need anyone's praise or recognition. I am friends with several ex-pats and we would all have the same experience so surely there must be something there.....
I do believe that cynicism and begrudgery are traits of the majority in Ireland. I think you don't realize how bad we all are until you move somewhere else where the glass is a bit more half full. My own cynicism is a daily struggle. But like somebody mentioned thats a different thread altogether.......
I'd agree that begrudgery is an Irish trait but if you go on while at home the way you've gone on on this thread I'm not surprised people think "big shot".
Any man that denies begrudgery, spite and jealousy isn't rampant at home is talking out of his hole...Fact!
Where's muppet when you need him to put the boot in to his own Country and back me up here :D
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Tyrones own on November 08, 2011, 08:10:43 PM
If I can back you up for a minute here from educating us all Eamonn
You didn't get around to this;
Do you or do you not think that Curleys and Emersons would have been/are incorporated?

Companies like that tend to incorporate and go for Limited status. Why do you ask?



Quote from: The Iceman on November 08, 2011, 05:51:14 PM
I'm not boasting about anything. I don't like to be categorized by Muppets because I have done alright for myself. I don't like to be labelled a bully, an extortionist or have claims made against me that I was born into my situation or manufactured it some way or other.

You are not making any coherent points that is why I have asked you to clarify or make sense of what you are ranting about.

Quoting Gladwell's latest book (if you have read it) doesn't provide the answers. He is one person with one opinion. His ideas on creating a society that provides opportunity for all are wonderful, but does it not exist already? Are the laws of success not the same for everyone? He labels circumstance, cultural background and opportunity as attributes of success. He also admits that some people earn and deserve their success.
You were not boasting, he was desperate, it's not your fault he hasn't a pot to piss in!

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on November 08, 2011, 06:39:02 PM
Quote from: stew on November 08, 2011, 03:08:51 PM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on November 07, 2011, 11:40:10 PM
Actually, my news source of choice is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

The daily show has a liberal slant, as does John Stewart, you are a one trick pony then, thats what i thought. I think it is dangerous to listen to John Stewart and no one else, hell I am interested in what he has to say, he is an intelligent man and he is entertaining if not a little too  left wing for my taste.

Beck is a feckin fruitcake and should not be taken seriously but for every beck you have an equally moronic liberal.

There are a lot of lazy, smug gits on this thread, neandertals who seem to think FOX bad CNN good, you are a sad lot really but it explains a lot.

Riddle me this, do any of you think that there is a bad liberal news station out there??? probably not right!

I know, why don't we just cave and become liberals, that way we will all think alike, be on the right side and that way i can get my cred back, whatever the fcuk that is.

You are like a flock of sheep and have about the same amount of imagination, FOX news, Fox news. Fox new's, you idiots think that is all we do and were we get our information from, you are wrong.

Rant over.

Everyone have a nice day now. (except you liberal motherfcukers)  :P

One last thing, once again America needs a third party option.

FFS!  You people need to calm down and stop jumping up and down screaming out your hatred of the dreaded "liberals". If you'd open your mind and listen to what I have to say you'd find that I'm to the left in some areas and to the right in others. The problem with US politics is that it's skewed so far to the right that people like you think that anyone who isn't a gun-toting bible-thumping xenophobic redneck must be a pinko-liberal hippie.

Here is my list of main news sources:

The Economist
Al Jazeera
And for specific topics I go to Google News and get it from a variety of sources. The Washington Post and Guardian seem to come up a lot in those searches.

News sources I don't take seriously:

Just about any mainstream US cable network
British tabloid and Tory press

For entertainment I turn to Jon Stewart and Colbert.

There, happy now?

I am more libertarian than anything, i have consistently said that I think the states need a viable third party but I would rather the Republician party running things than the Democrats, the democrats have brought this country to the brink of economic ruin, look at the reign of the current president, he has been cavalier in the way he has managed the purse strings and we are fecked for generations as a result.

I tell you what, when you plonkers give me more credit for having the ability to get all my information from Fox I will give you credit for that interesting list you put up there.

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.

Tyrones own

Quote from: Eamonnca1 on November 08, 2011, 08:46:10 PM
Quote from: Tyrones own on November 08, 2011, 08:10:43 PM
If I can back you up for a minute here from educating us all Eamonn
You didn't get around to this;
Do you or do you not think that Curleys and Emersons would have been/are incorporated?

Companies like that tend to incorporate and go for Limited status. Why do you ask?
Thanks....No further questions your honor.
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: stew on November 08, 2011, 08:55:34 PM
I tell you what, when you plonkers give me more credit for having the ability to get all my information from Fox I will give you credit for that interesting list you put up there.

We're not giving you credit for getting your information from Fox, we're taking the piss out of you for it.


Quote from: redandblack4ever on November 08, 2011, 07:40:55 PM
Hardy, I'm with you on that. The Democratic Party is not the party I remember from my youth. They have turned their backs on the unions, middle-class people and the working poor. Right now I believe Obama will lose next November because of the economy and the fact that the Republicans are getting away with disenfranchising voters. If the Pukes don't win the election outright, they'll steal it again, as they did in 2000 and 2004. Hopefully, Mr.Wonderful and myself will be relocating to Ireland before next November and I won't have to put up with living under Repuke rule. I swore in 2008 if McCain won we would move then, but at least that didn't happen. I think the writer H.L. Mencken said "never underestimate the stupidity of the American people". Well I'm not, because I've seen how stupid the American people are and if they vote the Pukes in again, they will get everything they deserve.

As the getting news from the Daily Show, I watch it myself and believe me I'm no gobshite or teenager when it comes to American politics and history. I knew from the beginning that the Daily Show was satirical. Not like some people, who took Steven Colbert seriously.

congratulations on having the ability to recognize satire, bully for you!

I think you do yourself a disservice redandwhack,I think you are a gobshite when it comes to American politics and history, you don't even know enough to know that the Republicians won the elections in 2000 & 2004 democratically, why didn't you fcuk off to Ireland then? I will tell you why, like most uber democrats you talk out of both sides of your mouth, and if you would move to a different continent because a political party was guaranteed four years of power in the Oval office you are indeed the stupid bimbo I took you for. ever hear of the House or representatives and the senate??? What would a Republic but for a Senate?

I despise what the democrats stand for and what they have done to this country over the last three years, you don't see me fecking off back to Ireland because the American people voted in the wrong party do you??

I sucked it up, wished the new President all the best and hoped it wouldn't be too bad under his party, I was wrong, it is worse.

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: Eamonnca1 on November 08, 2011, 09:13:11 PM
Quote from: stew on November 08, 2011, 08:55:34 PM
I tell you what, when you plonkers give me more credit for having the ability to get all my information from Fox I will give you credit for that interesting list you put up there.

We're not giving you credit for getting your information from Fox, we're taking the piss out of you for it.

You cannot even read and comprehend what is written can you? what is the point of arguing with you?

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Very simple question, under which president's watch was TARP enacted?

Tyrones own

Quote from: stew on November 08, 2011, 09:16:12 PM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on November 08, 2011, 09:13:11 PM
Quote from: stew on November 08, 2011, 08:55:34 PM
I tell you what, when you plonkers give me more credit for having the ability to get all my information from Fox I will give you credit for that interesting list you put up there.

We're not giving you credit for getting your information from Fox, we're taking the piss out of you for it.

You cannot even read and comprehend what is written can you? what is the point of arguing with you?
Ah leave him off Stew, like their politicians, in trying to gain ground out of desperation they lose a little bit more everyday, have at it lads ;D
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: Fionntamhnach on November 08, 2011, 09:32:39 PM
Quote from: stew on November 08, 2011, 08:55:34 PMI am more libertarian than anything, i have consistently said that I think the states need a viable third party but I would rather the Republician party running things than the Democrats, the democrats have brought this country to the brink of economic ruin, look at the reign of the current president, he has been cavalier in the way he has managed the purse strings and we are fecked for generations as a result.
Obama's attempts to get the US economy back on its feet have certainly not been as successful as hoped, but it's ridiculous to lay all of it on the feet of the Democrats, Republicans also share blame. Of the five POTUS over the last thirty years, only one has left office with the federal government having an overall surplus. Regan and both Bush's ended up with a deficit, the last of the three ran up a huge deficit. If the experience of the Clinton administration shows one thing, it is that having an opposing party in the house and senate compared to the president along with both willing to work together seems to work best for US Federal politics. At the moment there is absolutely no sign of that happening, and it's leaning from crisis to crisis with sides being polarised.

The republicans went to war in Iraq FFS.
Any sign of those WMD yet, TO ?
And how is that Iraqi Democracy thing working out? Has it convinced the Arabs to side with Israel yet? 


Quote from: Fionntamhnach on November 08, 2011, 10:11:00 PM
Quote from: seafoid on November 08, 2011, 10:07:26 PMThe republicans went to war in Iraq FFS.
I kinda know of that.
But the cost, Fionntamhnach. The clowns can't talk about fiscal responsibility. Iraq cost 2 trillion. Afghan was 1 trillion.


Quote from: stew on November 08, 2011, 08:47:45 PM
Quote from: The Iceman on November 08, 2011, 05:51:14 PM
I'm not boasting about anything. I don't like to be categorized by Muppets because I have done alright for myself. I don't like to be labelled a bully, an extortionist or have claims made against me that I was born into my situation or manufactured it some way or other.

You are not making any coherent points that is why I have asked you to clarify or make sense of what you are ranting about.

Quoting Gladwell's latest book (if you have read it) doesn't provide the answers. He is one person with one opinion. His ideas on creating a society that provides opportunity for all are wonderful, but does it not exist already? Are the laws of success not the same for everyone? He labels circumstance, cultural background and opportunity as attributes of success. He also admits that some people earn and deserve their success.
You were not boasting, he was desperate, it's not your fault he hasn't a pot to piss in!

Well, well, well.

That says it all right there.

Bravo, you have proved us all 100% correct, sadly.

MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on November 08, 2011, 10:40:10 PM
Bravo, you have proved us all 100% correct, sadly.

No, Muppet. You twisted and turned and ranted and raved in this thread - until you got the bite, and now it's proved as some sort of victory.

I am completely surprised at some of your comments on here, in particular drawing out statements that should stand up to scruitiny and embroiling posters in one of the most twisted threads (and efforts) I've seen on here in a long time. Sadly, is right.