Paul Grimley New Armagh Assistant Manager?

Started by CountyGK, August 31, 2011, 10:06:37 PM

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Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


done deal. great to see. been in the pipeline for a week. great news for armagh

Rufus T Firefly

If true, then brilliant news!! And believe me, he is a super-coach! 


I fail to fathom how it was idetified that the problem was with the assistant manager. Moving deckchairs on the Titanic springs to mind. If Paul Grimley has a role to play in Armagh football, surely he should just be put in charge?
As I dream about movies they won't make of me when I'm dead


Quote from: TacadoirArdMhacha on August 31, 2011, 10:55:10 PM
I fail to fathom how it was idetified that the problem was with the assistant manager. Moving deckchairs on the Titanic springs to mind. If Paul Grimley has a role to play in Armagh football, surely he should just be put in charge?

I'd say Paddy was getting some poor advice and guidance with regard to XMG players
Cover me in chocolate and feed me to the lesbians


While good to see Grimley back with Armagh what will be his remit? Coaching, tactics, team selection, substitutes?

Does POR not feel like he is being undermned here? Whole thing is very messy.


Quote from: Orangemac on August 31, 2011, 11:21:19 PM
While good to see Grimley back with Armagh what will be his remit? Coaching, tactics, team selection, substitutes?

Does POR not feel like he is being undermned here? Whole thing is very messy.
Heaney had it that the "super coach" is to be in charge of tactics and training, O'Rourke is to continue to be in charge on match days.
I presume that POR does not fell undermined as he would have walked by now if he did.
Keep your pecker hard and your powder dry and the world will turn.


With the talk of a new goalkeeper needed, Paul Grimley is probably the only man to talk Ciaran McKinney back into playing for Armagh. Also expect a big year from his Paul Duffy next year now. Wouldn't want to let his father-in-law down would he? ;D

Absolutely delighted with the news!!


I think Grimley is there to see what he can do - if anything for when he takes over, which is why he is having a no 2 role.  POR is staying just to finish the contract. It looks like a deal that suits both Grimley and POR and us fans.


Yeah it's confirmed on BBC sport.
Grimley is a very good appointment. It still seems ludicrous that the Armagh Co. board decide to bring in a man who will cover up all of POR's many weaknesses. Bit of a farce but sure if it works for the team then who cares?


O'rourke must have thick skin.
Delighted with Paul Grimley's appointment though. Better late than never.


Quote from: ck on August 31, 2011, 11:57:09 PM
ps: By the way, what are Paul Grimleys credentials? I have heard that he is a decent coach but have no idea as to what teams he has been with and how he has done.