News of the World Hacking Scandal

Started by Tony Baloney, July 05, 2011, 08:01:30 PM

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Quote from: ExiledGael on July 07, 2011, 04:55:13 PM
Is this anything more than a re-branding exercise?
Surely they'll re-open under another name, at the end of the day it was a business making serious money.

News of the Warped?
MWWSI 2017


News of the Not In The Real World?


I'm sure that they'll shortly lunch the S*n on a sunday in its place, it was the one and same anyways. Take the heat off them for a while.



Quote from: ExiledGael on July 07, 2011, 04:55:13 PM
Is this anything more than a re-branding exercise?
Surely they'll re-open under another name, at the end of the day it was a business making serious money.

Krishnan Guru-Murthy has just tweeted the same thing. You may be right.
Testing Accessibility


Quote from: ExiledGael on July 07, 2011, 04:55:13 PM
Is this anything more than a re-branding exercise?
Surely they'll re-open under another name, at the end of the day it was a business making serious money.

£878m pre tax profits last year
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"

quit yo jibbajabba

Quote from: ExiledGael on July 07, 2011, 04:55:13 PM
Is this anything more than a re-branding exercise?
Surely they'll re-open under another name, at the end of the day it was a business making serious money.

correct. let the dust settle for a bit, then re-invent

Doogie Browser

Cannot be the end, we need to know who is shagging who  :'(


All profits from this edition going to charidee, Murdoch is good.
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


Twitter saying Sun staff have been told they are moving to a 7 day operation.

MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on July 07, 2011, 05:20:16 PM
Twitter saying Sun staff have been told they are moving to a 7 day operation.

Have to say this was the first thing that crossed my mind when I heard the news...... "The Sunday Sun"...

Hard to see Murdoch killing the cash cow that was NotW


Quote from: Minder on July 07, 2011, 05:13:17 PM
All profits from this edition going to charidee, Murdoch is good.

But they don't like to talk about it . . .


super post over at the grauniad

SteB1 7 Jul 2011, 9:23AM "For decades Murdoch's media has been the most malign influence in British politics and life. His media have manipulated the public and politicians in the most outrageous way. It should never have been allowed to happen. This goes well beyond what any other press baron has ever done. Unfortunately, for the last 30 years or so, all the politicians have been so terrified of Murdoch's media, that none of them have ever dared challenge what was so obviously going on. The Murdoch media also carefully cultivated the favour of the police, so giving it protection for its dirty dealings. It really isn't much different to the actions of some prohibition gangsters in corrupting society, just on a much bigger scale.
It is the insidious nature of the Murdoch media which has been so bad. Quite brazenly the Murdoch media has played a clever populist game. So they have latched onto to populist themes, which create strong public emotional reactions. The tragic victims of crimes, of servicemen, titilation. But all this has been a trojan horse to get into the hearts and minds of the public, so that Murdoch could cleverly and covertly pedal his ideology under the guise of a very different message. It has acted a bit like a bit of computer malware, pretending to be one thing, whilst inserting itself in the system to do something entirely different than what it appears to have been. The Murdoch media didn't create this model, but they learned from how it had been applied previously, and applied it far more effectively.
It has been very cynical. So for instance the Murdoch's Sun was cleverly designed to appeal to the working man, whilst actually having an agenda quite contrary to the interests of the sector of the public it appealed to. Nowhere has this been clearer than the poisonous NotW. It cynically used tragic child murder victims to whip up strong public feelings, when really the aims of this were so that the Murdoch media could appear to be on the side of the public, whilst ruthlessly and cynically treating them with contempt, and manipulating them for their own ends.
The whole insincerity of the NotWs moral crusades now lies exposed for all to see. Whilst beating the drum of sympathy for the tragic victims of crime and those in the services, it was cynically and illegally spying on these people to get more information to manipulate them. This was monstrously hypocritical.
The irony is that Murdoch is speared on the sword he created. All the sympathy and moral outrage whipped up over child victims, other victims, and servicemen, is now directed at the Murdoch media themselves, which created it this public moral outrage. It is now so blatantly obvious it was all fake, and that actually the Murdoch media was cynically exploiting these subjects of sympathy and moral outrage it was promoting, for its own ends. It's backfired badly. All that mass of public feeling, sympathy and moral outrage Murdoch created is still there, but now it's pointed directly at the Murdoch media themselves. What is more the police and politicians who for so long have protected Murdoch's media have now turned on it. They themselves are ruthlessly populist and go with the direction of public emotion Murdoch's media created. Now that public outrage is pointing at the Murdoch media, the will do more than bite the hand that fed them.
The Murdoch media created a monster, which has now turned on its creator.
The barometer which shows how things have swung around full circle are the advertisers. They know where the public bandwagon lies, and want to get out of the way before the tsunami of public outrage hits the Murdoch media."


Quote from: muppet on July 07, 2011, 04:56:07 PM
Quote from: ExiledGael on July 07, 2011, 04:55:13 PM
Is this anything more than a re-branding exercise?
Surely they'll re-open under another name, at the end of the day it was a business making serious money.

News of the Warped?

twitter: VoiceMail on Sunday
MWWSI 2017