GAA player critical after off the ball incident in San Francisco

Started by mick999, June 28, 2011, 09:56:02 AM

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"The kind of injury that Mark had deep inside the brain was like those that come from high speed motor vehicle accident at  60 miles per hour "

And will he be the same again ? Will he be able to support a family, for example? 

J OGorman

Quote from: NaomhBridAbĂș on September 29, 2011, 09:00:21 PM
thats the best GAA footage I've seen in a long time - great determination to recover like that. Fair play to him and delighted for his friends and family. They seem to have have worked extremely hard raising money for him. Keep her lit.

absolutely, great news


Hes been told he'll never play ball again. To hear him say that he wil lwant to be involved in any capacity, even a water carrier he says, he just wants to be part of it, in the dressing room. Unreal words to be hearing from him, typical really, because he was such a good player. Hard to imagine what that would eb like .Fairplay to him.


Think there is a fundraiser at Brewster Park coming up to raise funds, LJMU v Belcoo, would urge anyone able to go to attend.

Edit: 15th Oct 6pm


What wonderful news from San Francisco. Mark McGovern's recovery is truly miraculous. Some friends of ours were in town from SF over the 4th of July and they were really worried about him. Thank God he's recovering and doing so well. Fair play to the clubs in San Francisco and everyone who contributed to this effort.

Now I only hope someone in San Francisco will come forward and tell the police what exactly happened on the day.  The cretin who decked Mark doesn't deserve any sympathy from anyone. A 96-week suspension is a joke. He shouldn't be allowed near any GAA club anywhere from here on.

Mrs. redandblack4ever
"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."Edward R. Murrow,American Jounalist,1908-1965



With regards nobody coming forward as a witness, could one of his own team not give the authorities the info they need?  Someone on the field is bound to have seen it happen.  From what I've read it sounds like it has to be someone from the attackers side to give the evidence but that doesnt make sense to me.  Or am I missing something?
Private Cowboy: Don't shit me, man!
Private Joker: I wouldn't shit you. You're my favorite turd!