Gaa managers refuse to speak to Rte over Brian Carthy treatment

Started by Minder, June 07, 2011, 11:56:17 AM

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Harte of the matter on RTE storm
Derek Reid, 8 June 2011

Mickey Harte has had many battles on the football pitch but his latest one, concerning his comments on Brian Carthy of RTE, has resulted in the cosseted media lovelies flying into action to try to assert their perceived superiority.

With the retirement of Michael O Muircheartaigh last year, Brian Carthy was presumed by all fans to be the one to step up as RTE's main commentator. To many, Carthy is the GAA with his annual statistics book a must for all fans and his use of language open mental pictures of all that is good in the GAA.

RTE appear to be trying to do a Jonathan Pearce on the public. Pearce is the BBC soccer commentator whose main pitch is to shout loudly. It's not Brian Moore who used one word to perfection whereas the new breed believe constant waffle makes you a good relayer to the public.

Harte, the multi All Ireland winning coach wrote to RTE to make his point. Those in the print media seem to believe that only they are allowed to pontificate on matters and seem to view Harte and others as upstarts or backwoodsmen. Eric Cantona's quote of seagulls following trawlers appears apt here.

Harte is correct in that the GAA is unique and a commentator on the two codes has to have this appreciation. Anyone who has ever lived abroad will recall the brilliance of tuning in on long wave back in the 80's like I did and listening in as Barney Rock or Jack o'Shea came alive. They came alive on radio because the commentator made it so.

These self-same media types are the first to whinge when coaches and players don't play ball with them. They can't have it both ways. If RTE, paid for by the public of course, did a straw poll, I guarantee Carthy would be the people's choice for the main commentator's role.

Perhaps Carthy eats his dinner at lunchtime and the open necked shirt types in the national press who love throwing odium at any sense of middle Ireland, don't like this. Who knows?

Mickey Harte has too much class to say, ''show us your medal's lads'' but those who use the pen to slaughter the voice of the majority really need to put down their cafe latte's and get out of the press box and go talk to the punters who all know Carthy but then might not necessarily know the ''Correspondents''. Perhaps this is the problem in this current controversy. They like the reflected glory of talking to coaches and players but don't want to upset RTE just in case their mugs don't appear on the Sunday Game. These are the same writers who slagged off Graeme Geraghty but somehow I don't see them getting into the goalmouth at Croker, do you?

BBC famously showed a tub of lard in place of Roy Hattersley when the MP wouldn't appear on Have I got News for you, a decade ago. I'd wager two cans of corned beef would make more sense on the Sunday Game than the two bucko's currently going into bat for RTE against Harte.
If the RTE DG, Noel Curran, has any sense, then he will intervene and inform RTE Head of Sport, Ryle Nugent, to put Carthy at the top table again.

Another good solution would be for RTE to host a debate, live on air, with the two amigos and Harte. Let's see if they have the neck to say what they write, direct to his face. Somehow I doubt. The decent skins don't only exist in Irish Soccer. They are alive and well in GAA too.

© SportsNews Ireland


Quote from: GAA_Punter on June 08, 2011, 12:33:52 PM
Harte of the matter on RTE storm
Derek Reid, 8 June 2011

Mickey Harte has had many battles on the football pitch but his latest one, concerning his comments on Brian Carthy of RTE, has resulted in the cosseted media lovelies flying into action to try to assert their perceived superiority.

With the retirement of Michael O Muircheartaigh last year, Brian Carthy was presumed by all fans to be the one to step up as RTE's main commentator. To many, Carthy is the GAA with his annual statistics book a must for all fans and his use of language open mental pictures of all that is good in the GAA.

RTE appear to be trying to do a Jonathan Pearce on the public. Pearce is the BBC soccer commentator whose main pitch is to shout loudly. It's not Brian Moore who used one word to perfection whereas the new breed believe constant waffle makes you a good relayer to the public.

Harte, the multi All Ireland winning coach wrote to RTE to make his point. Those in the print media seem to believe that only they are allowed to pontificate on matters and seem to view Harte and others as upstarts or backwoodsmen. Eric Cantona's quote of seagulls following trawlers appears apt here.

Harte is correct in that the GAA is unique and a commentator on the two codes has to have this appreciation. Anyone who has ever lived abroad will recall the brilliance of tuning in on long wave back in the 80's like I did and listening in as Barney Rock or Jack o'Shea came alive. They came alive on radio because the commentator made it so.

These self-same media types are the first to whinge when coaches and players don't play ball with them. They can't have it both ways. If RTE, paid for by the public of course, did a straw poll, I guarantee Carthy would be the people's choice for the main commentator's role.

Perhaps Carthy eats his dinner at lunchtime and the open necked shirt types in the national press who love throwing odium at any sense of middle Ireland, don't like this. Who knows?

Mickey Harte has too much class to say, ''show us your medal's lads'' but those who use the pen to slaughter the voice of the majority really need to put down their cafe latte's and get out of the press box and go talk to the punters who all know Carthy but then might not necessarily know the ''Correspondents''. Perhaps this is the problem in this current controversy. They like the reflected glory of talking to coaches and players but don't want to upset RTE just in case their mugs don't appear on the Sunday Game. These are the same writers who slagged off Graeme Geraghty but somehow I don't see them getting into the goalmouth at Croker, do you?

BBC famously showed a tub of lard in place of Roy Hattersley when the MP wouldn't appear on Have I got News for you, a decade ago. I'd wager two cans of corned beef would make more sense on the Sunday Game than the two bucko's currently going into bat for RTE against Harte.
If the RTE DG, Noel Curran, has any sense, then he will intervene and inform RTE Head of Sport, Ryle Nugent, to put Carthy at the top table again.

Another good solution would be for RTE to host a debate, live on air, with the two amigos and Harte. Let's see if they have the neck to say what they write, direct to his face. Somehow I doubt. The decent skins don't only exist in Irish Soccer. They are alive and well in GAA too.

© SportsNews Ireland

WTF is this??  :D ::)
What is the point being made here?
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


Quote from: GAA_Punter on June 08, 2011, 12:33:52 PM
With the retirement of Michael O Muircheartaigh last year, Brian Carthy was presumed by all fans to be the one to step up as RTE's main commentator. To many, Carthy is the GAA with his annual statistics book a must for all fans and his use of language open mental pictures of all that is good in the GAA.

These self-same media types are the first to whinge when coaches and players don't play ball with them. They can't have it both ways. If RTE, paid for by the public of course, did a straw poll, I guarantee Carthy would be the people's choice for the main commentator's role.


Who wrote that? Brian Carthy himself.  No doubt he's a nice man but I know plenty of people who can't stand his commentary style.


Theres 3 threads could be merged here perhaps all with cross overs:  M Clarke and Heaney, M Harte and RTE, J Clarke and Hoganstand etc.  Could Heaneys article be misinterpretated as using his article as a form of almost bulling  to get his way, against Marty who in fairness seems a non media type who the media would love to have on speed dial.  I remember his article post Mc Rory cup final a few years ago which was gushing about the young lad, now simply  because hes pissed him off hes prepared to use his article to have a go at him - perhaps, perhaps not.
Build them up, knock them down tabloidism is maybe no longer just for the red tops and thats the way GAA reporting appears to be going.     Im sure it will have the opposite effect and drive Marty away.  Interestingly enough at the Bredagh night pre all ireland final last year as the team selection came through and was being disected there was a lot of critical talk about John starting.   Did Paddy not make or was it someone else the comment that Marty only plays (or wants to play) if John plays for Down  - as a neutral watching in that night I felt If I had played such an important part in getting my county to an all ireland final I would be well annoyed if I felt supporters and media were attributing my approach to nepotism.  Id have been pissed off too.  The media, supporters and fans need to have a little respect for the voluntary efforts of our players and respect their reasons for playing the sport, but dont bite at them too much because I wouldnt want a Tyrone man leaving a county career after 10 years dedication feeling as pissed off as John.  Similarly if Mickey wants to do something that we dont all like then dont savage him.  He dosent have to do anything more for us than line out a team, RTE are prepared to let a goat like pat spillane dominate our presentation of Gaelic games they are not as knowledgable about the promotion of the game as some might think.  Bad day for media perhaps - Good on Mickey, Marty and John. 


I also fail to understand the point of that article.

Is there something going on betwen RTE and Carthy that the general public don't know about? Has Carthy been unfairly treated? Is there a league table of commentators? Surely that's subjective.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Quote from: Hardy on June 08, 2011, 09:28:36 AM
Quote from: sammymaguire on June 07, 2011, 10:06:30 PM
Fair play to them RTE think they are bigger than the GAA at times so it's good that the men who line out their inter county teams decide to make a stand at something they feel is unfair to what most might believe is a friend and someone they have a strong working relationship.

Maybe that's the problem. It's one of the reasons GAA coverage on RTÉ is so anodyne, lazy, formulaic and "I suppose we got the rub of the green on the day like, Marty". If the journalist is the friend of the manager, what are we to make of the journalism that emanates from that relationship?
Can you imagine Carthy asking a hard question of anyone?

Can't argue with that Hardy but if the guys getting PAID to do their job properly, can't do it properly cos friendships and allegiances get on the way, then they should not be doing the job that they are getting paid to do. Now we surely would not get a situation like that in this day and age in Ireland of all places!!


Quote from: GAA_Punter on June 08, 2011, 12:33:52 PM
Harte of the matter on RTE storm
Derek Reid, 8 June 2011

Mickey Harte has had many battles on the football pitch but his latest one, concerning his comments on Brian Carthy of RTE, has resulted in the cosseted media lovelies flying into action to try to assert their perceived superiority.

With the retirement of Michael O Muircheartaigh last year, Brian Carthy was presumed by all fans to be the one to step up as RTE's main commentator. To many, Carthy is the GAA with his annual statistics book a must for all fans and his use of language open mental pictures of all that is good in the GAA.

RTE appear to be trying to do a Jonathan Pearce on the public. Pearce is the BBC soccer commentator whose main pitch is to shout loudly. It's not Brian Moore who used one word to perfection whereas the new breed believe constant waffle makes you a good relayer to the public.

Harte, the multi All Ireland winning coach wrote to RTE to make his point. Those in the print media seem to believe that only they are allowed to pontificate on matters and seem to view Harte and others as upstarts or backwoodsmen. Eric Cantona's quote of seagulls following trawlers appears apt here.

Harte is correct in that the GAA is unique and a commentator on the two codes has to have this appreciation. Anyone who has ever lived abroad will recall the brilliance of tuning in on long wave back in the 80's like I did and listening in as Barney Rock or Jack o'Shea came alive. They came alive on radio because the commentator made it so.

These self-same media types are the first to whinge when coaches and players don't play ball with them. They can't have it both ways. If RTE, paid for by the public of course, did a straw poll, I guarantee Carthy would be the people's choice for the main commentator's role.

Perhaps Carthy eats his dinner at lunchtime and the open necked shirt types in the national press who love throwing odium at any sense of middle Ireland, don't like this. Who knows?

Mickey Harte has too much class to say, ''show us your medal's lads'' but those who use the pen to slaughter the voice of the majority really need to put down their cafe latte's and get out of the press box and go talk to the punters who all know Carthy but then might not necessarily know the ''Correspondents''. Perhaps this is the problem in this current controversy. They like the reflected glory of talking to coaches and players but don't want to upset RTE just in case their mugs don't appear on the Sunday Game. These are the same writers who slagged off Graeme Geraghty but somehow I don't see them getting into the goalmouth at Croker, do you?

BBC famously showed a tub of lard in place of Roy Hattersley when the MP wouldn't appear on Have I got News for you, a decade ago. I'd wager two cans of corned beef would make more sense on the Sunday Game than the two bucko's currently going into bat for RTE against Harte.
If the RTE DG, Noel Curran, has any sense, then he will intervene and inform RTE Head of Sport, Ryle Nugent, to put Carthy at the top table again.

Another good solution would be for RTE to host a debate, live on air, with the two amigos and Harte. Let's see if they have the neck to say what they write, direct to his face. Somehow I doubt. The decent skins don't only exist in Irish Soccer. They are alive and well in GAA too.

© SportsNews Ireland

Unbelievable waffle.

RTE is a world of its own. Those who live there have a very sheltered existence and in general are better off than the rest, as George Lee appears to have quickly discovered. However, like most places internal politics can be quite vicious particularly when high profile jobs come up. Charlie Bird, who reminds me of Brian Carthy for some reason, was head honcho in RTE News reporting for ages but part of that appears to have meant limiting the scope of his dangerously popular underling, George Lee.

Charlie got to do what he pleased, George was merely economics editor. George left RTE in the 1990s to join a stockbrokers but quit the next day and went back to RTE. We shouldn't have been surprised then when he resigned as a TD two years ago, and ran back to the safety of RTE. But Charlie is still Chief News Correspondent.

Carthy's non-promotion to head radio Gaa Commentary on the really big games honcho is internal RTE politicking. His Gaa friends will make no difference and are showing themselves at best as being very naive. Look at the accusations of cronyism regarding political appointments of family and acolytes and this appears no different.
MWWSI 2017


RTE love AN Other, the long standing Tyrone midfielder who always does interviews for them, sits on their panel from time to time and speaks well of them as well as keeping in touch and supporting their other interests.

AN Other is played at wing forward and he isn't happy but gets on with it. Then is dropped altogether, sits on bench and isn't happy at all. But he still part of the set-up and does what is asked.

RTE aren't happy and right a letter to the Tyrone manager and also the other media outlets asking them to boycott Tyrone and not report on them. They do so and some of the younger media outlets - talksport, Gaelic Life etc  - join them.

Not that Tyrone give a f*ck. Are RTE acting in a proper manner or is it any of there business what Tyrone do?


They get momentum, they go mad, here they go


Quote from: highorlow on June 08, 2011, 04:06:19 PM
He should just move to TV3 or Newstalk.

Now you've got it.
Has anyone on here any idea of the ridiculously high salaries these commentators get for getting to GAA games and events all over the country, treated and feted like minor celebrities for doing a job,  but run campaigning and complaining and bringing in managerial cavalry when their employer, who is the only one entitled to call the shots, err .... calls the shots!
Carty, Morrisey etc. are dross. The "Committee Room" is on at the minute and I cant bear to watch it. So off to TV3 or the Daily Mail or the Sun or wherever with them (at greatky reduced salaries) - and if RTE bring in Bosco it would be an improvement
Fierce tame altogether


Anyone hear the Mickey Harte "skit" on the John Murray show this morning? Seemed in fairly bad taste to me.


Quoteand if RTE bring in Bosco it would be an improvement

I disagree. Bosco would only be puppet.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


QuoteAnyone hear the Mickey Harte "skit" on the John Murray show this morning? Seemed in fairly bad taste to me. 

Didn't hear it and can't get it on the link? What was it about?

It dosn't surprise me though that this idiot Murray who is in the smart arse sense of humour would have a go and it would be in bad taste. He had a very low cut at DJ Carey there a while back over his financial miss-fortune which in my view is a very low thing to do. I stopped listening to him after that. The RTE brigade probably think he is a great laugh though.
They get momentum, they go mad, here they go

magpie seanie

This whole thing leaves me a bit confused.

I admire and have huge time for Mickey Harte and agree with a lot of what he says and his outlook on sport and life. For that reason I'd be slow to say he is wrong in this instance though my gut feeling is that this is an excessive course of action.

I'm not mad about Brian Carthy's commentating even though I think it has improved considerably in the last 2-3 years. That said, he is immeasurably better than Ger Canning or Marty Morrissey and more authentic than Darragh Moloney (he reminds me of Peter Collins commentating on F1 - has read all the books, has all the stats etc but deep down you don't think he really gets it).

RTE are a national disgrace with their GAA coverage. I've long advocated taking everything off them until they prove themselves capable of doing a decent job. Even feckin TV3 put them to shame. Radio commentary is, has and will continue to be vital and RTE should make sure they keep that right.

Maybe there is more to this than we know. I find it hard to have any sympathy for RTE anyway and I'm never too interested in after match interviews anyway.

On the 14

In response to that article which says the RTE boys are totally out of touch with the real GAA men who would prefer to see Brian Carty as main commentator, a quick poll would be enlightening in the likes of here and anfearrua. More especially here though as posters seem more level headed.
I'd say the results would show it's actually Harte etc who are out of touch as the vast majority of people I know don't like Carty as a commentator to put it mildly. In saying all this I've met the man, and he is a gentleman albeit one who is nicknamed 'Fr Brian' by those who know him.

Could someone set up a poll? Do you agree that Brian Carty should be RTE's main radio GAA commentator? yes or no.
Not 'do you agree with Mickey Harte's stance either as people seem fairly unanimous on that.