Was Cowen badly hungover on the radio this morning?

Started by Shamrock Shore, September 14, 2010, 10:22:41 AM

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Shamrock Shore

Anyone hear our Taoiseach on the radio this morning on Radio1 post 8.30

He sounded horrid rough and now the airwaves are hopping with the usual loons texting/tweeting/facebooking/calling in with their disgust and horror.

Fianna Fáil are having a 'think-in' in Galway these past few days so maybe Cowen stayed up beyond 12.30 am.

But if he had a late night could he not have passed on the interview



Interview starts about 30 mins into it.
Apparently he was meant to be on Morning Ireland earlier, but 'couldn't make it'.
His advisors have left it like that - he was obviously seriously hungover, semi-slurring and stammering and sounds like he smoked 40 fags the night before. And he managed to mix up the Good Friday Agreeement and the Croke Park deal.

This is the leader of country - addressing the nation, sick as a dog from drink  ::)
We're meant to believe he can lead us out of the dire mess we're in...

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."


Quote from: Tubberman on September 14, 2010, 10:40:26 AM

Interview starts about 30 mins into it.
Apparently he was meant to be on Morning Ireland earlier, but 'couldn't make it'.
His advisors have left it like that - he was obviously seriously hungover, semi-slurring and stammering and sounds like he smoked 40 fags the night before. And he managed to mix up the Good Friday Agreeement and the Croke Park deal.

This is the leader of country - addressing the nation, sick as a dog from drink  ::)
We're meant to believe he can lead us out of the dire mess we're in...

I hope he was, he's probably thinking hopefully I can bluff my way through the day like the rest of us do when we have a hangover. He's got my vote  ;)


Jaysus he sounded as rough as a badgers arse in that.
Plenty of the usual soundbites but good God he's symptomatic of how clueless we really are


Sounded like one of yahoos from Boozed up Irish abroad on TV3 last night..

Anyone think some in his own party let him out this morn in that state hoping to have this exact reaction??
Could be the start of the heave ho..
Or am I giving them too much credit for been that smart??


Robbed from P.ie

This is a smear of the most scurrilous nature, and with the potential to do grave damage to the prospects of economic recovery. The Taoiseach is a visionary leader, who, on his worst day is 40 times more capable than Enda Kenny.

It is only natural that the Taoiseach would be up late, rallying the troops. This is his one annual opportunity to hear the concerns and ideas of the party backbenchers, and it would be frankly irresponsible of him - as far as the stability of his government is concerned - not to accept the drinks they buy him and get them some back in return.

By drinking to the extent that it appears that he has, the Taoiseach was holding the Government together, increasing a sense of togetherness, and frankly, taking "one for the team", as they say.

This is another example of his being assaulted for making the hard decisions - in this case to stay up late drinking - in the national interest. He should be commended for his commitment, not attacked in this low and frankly outrageous manner.


Is this part of an orchestrated push to get rid of Cowen ???

Cowen denies being hungover during interview


Irish premier denies being hungover during interview



Quote from: Tubberman on September 14, 2010, 10:40:26 AM
This is the leader of country - addressing the nation, sick as a dog from drink  ::)
We're meant to believe he can lead us out of the dire mess we're in...


I no fan of Cowen or the crooks in FF but I don't think this is a big deal. The guy was hungover, so what? Bad move doing the interview I suppose but I don't think he would have given any different answer had he been in bed at 9 and up at mass this morning. A good reflection on his leadership is plain to be seen everyday with people struggling up and down the Country. What odds if he had a feed of pints lastnight, I had a few myself. He'd have been better saying afterwards that he over done it a little lastnight and was a little rough this morning instead of telling us more lies.


I'd think less of him if he fecked off to bed at half ten when normal people were congregating in the bar for a few pints. I wouldn't want someone like that running the country.


Quotecongregating in the bar for a few pint

More than a few pints as I think the inference is that he was still going strong at 4am doing his Micheal O Muireheartaigh impressions - Well according to Newstalk anyway. Also I see the AP and BBC have picked up on the story so it'll run and run   


Quote from: mick999 on September 14, 2010, 12:14:39 PM

Is this part of an orchestrated push to get rid of Cowen ???

Cowen denies being hungover during interview


Irish premier denies being hungover during interview


Sorry for sounding all geeky here, but reminds me of a Doctor Who episode.

Doesn't she look tired.

Anyway, he does sound rough on the interview.
Testing Accessibility

rossie mad

It all depends on what Dan "attention seeker" Boyle tweets in the next few hours.

If he approves the interview then the goverment gets a stay of execution

If he criticises the Taoiseach then the goverment falls.

It shows how fickle we are when a non elected jumped up parasite actually as an influence on the country.

I bet every news department in all the irish media outlets are waiting with bated breath with what this dope has to tweet.


Quote from: Hardy on September 14, 2010, 12:20:13 PM
Quote from: Tubberman on September 14, 2010, 10:40:26 AM
This is the leader of country - addressing the nation, sick as a dog from drink  ::)
We're meant to believe he can lead us out of the dire mess we're in...

:D quality