Well done Enda.

Started by mayogodhelpus@gmail.com, June 17, 2010, 04:56:04 PM

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Billys Boots

QuoteBilly Boots, I finally got something right

Well done Zap, just remember the one about the stopped-clock.  ;)
My hands are stained with thistle milk ...

Bogball XV

Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on June 18, 2010, 11:53:30 AM
What was the margin of voctory?  I though I heard one the radio that is was 36 to 33.  hardly a resounding vote of condfidence.  Bruton is a snake in the grass, but while this may have given Enda some time to build on his new found Leadership qualities(where have they been for the last number of years?) FF will rub their hands with this I reckon.  Easy to make hay with someone who doesn't have his party behind him.  i can just hear it, "how can you unite the country when you can't unite your own party?" 

It is time for real politics to start in the Republic.  labour need to really stand up now and make more of the bounce they have received of late.  Start asking serious questions about the whole banking crisis and don't be put of with lame pass offs.  They can really make inroads in local issues as well.
Think the margin was 6, it's not going to be released for public consumption - might be leaked though.  Apparently the majority of td's voted against him, it was the senators and MEP's who pulled him though.
I'm not that bothered about this really, but I'm baffled by those who think this was good result for FG, maybe the next year or so will prove me wrong, but they have not made themselves more electable in any way.
As for labour, i used to think they'd get my vote, but i don't like gilmore, he's trying to be a bertie imo, to be all things to all men and there's nothing i hate more.


QuoteI think he's a blustering clown who has never in my hearing uttered a sentence of substance or insight but specialises in mouthing populist shite. Of course, history shows that none of that disqualifies you from being Taoiseach. However, having an ex-stickie union stooge as Taoiseach doesn't appeal to me

Well at least that's clear :D

I'd prefer him over our recent crooks liars thieves and chancers and also over Enda, School Teacher who took over Daddy's safe seat in our farce of a system and who has demonstrated nothing but mediocrity in his 30 odd years in the Oireachtas. I do have sympathy for him on a personal basis over recent events but he epitomises everything I detest about our political class. 

As someone said in another thread people here don't vote FOR something rather they vote against lots of things so hence Gilmore's lack of specifics.

In fact the more I think about it the more annoyed I get. Time to pack the bags 

An Gaeilgoir

Quote from: westmayo on June 18, 2010, 12:03:48 PM
I'd say that it's safe to assume that Creighton was the only Mayo member of the FG parilmentry party to vote against Kenny yesterday

Poor Lucinda is along way from Mayo now, look at the FG Dublin pin up girl! Delighted for her and leo getting what they got, if Kenny does nothing else he showed them who their Daddy was. Also waht have these two done since thay came to the front bench to warrant such praise and exaultation......


Quote from: magpie seanie on June 18, 2010, 09:26:54 AM
I personally think if people stand back and jusdge this fairly without knee jerk reactions that it reflects very well on Kenny. He showed serious political nous here and major cojones. Loads of things I don't like about Kenny but I cannot see where the "conventional wisdom" of how much better Richard Bruton would be comes from. It just baffles me.
I'd say more brass neck and self importance than cajones Seanie !

any debate on financial stuff Bruton sweeps the floor or at least draws.
inda gets destroyed every time.
If people used to laugh a number of years ago at gerry adams or sinn feins lack of thought or planning on finance/economic policy - they look like rockerfeller by comparison to financially clueless inda !


Quote from: Hardy on June 18, 2010, 11:43:26 AM
It's an unbelievable debacle from start to finish. The only one to show even the slightest pinch of cop-on was Kenny and he comes out of it with his reputation enhanced, but with his unelectability and FG's chances of seats in Dublin both worsened by the yahooism displayed by the party at large.

Bruton's reputation and his political career are in tatters and we can only be thankful that we didn't get such a hapless, blundering chancer as Taoiseach. The problem is who will we end up with? I can't see anyone in FG up to the role. So Eamon Gilmore? Surely not?
looking at this debacle, you have to take a step back and think that given their ineptitude, could we really risk putting these absolute idiotic clueless morons into goverment !
Def not imo !!

Geoff Tipps

QuoteCould they not have got someone below 70 with more than 10 teeth in their head to (a) be there and (b) say a few words without foaming at the mouth. That didn't do Kenny or the West any favours (though I'd be suspicious that its exactly what the national broadcaster was looking for).

I was going to say combover as well  :)


Quote from: lynchbhoy on June 18, 2010, 02:39:36 PM
Quote from: magpie seanie on June 18, 2010, 09:26:54 AM
I personally think if people stand back and jusdge this fairly without knee jerk reactions that it reflects very well on Kenny. He showed serious political nous here and major cojones. Loads of things I don't like about Kenny but I cannot see where the "conventional wisdom" of how much better Richard Bruton would be comes from. It just baffles me.
I'd say more brass neck and self importance than cajones Seanie !

any debate on financial stuff Bruton sweeps the floor or at least draws.
inda gets destroyed every time.
If people used to laugh a number of years ago at gerry adams or sinn feins lack of thought or planning on finance/economic policy - they look like rockerfeller by comparison to financially clueless inda !

This really annoys me. I am not a FG supporter but I know Enda and anyone who has met him will say he is the complete opposite of this. Even hacks writing scathing articles about him concede that he is a nice guy and great company.

Edit: I should have added for balance that there are lots of things that he is not, for example an economist, but it seems that if you give a dog a bad name you say can anything and it becomes true.

BTW why have economists suddenly become vital to the recovery? We have as many celebrity economists as we have celebrity chefs. No two of them seem to agree so either only one of them is right, or they are all wrong.
MWWSI 2017

Geoff Tipps

QuoteWe have as many celebrity economists as we have celebrity chefs. No two of them seem to agree so either only one of them is right, or they are all wrong.

You may have given TV3 a new idea for a reality show  ;D


While Kenny has his enemies, he should also watch out for this friends. A good example is the amadán councillor who was roaring "Up Mayo" and who had now criticised FG TDs from outside the pale for not voting for Kenny. If Enda is only good because he is from the West then he is not suitable for the job. If Healy-Rae supporters start this kind of thing then he is doomed, as more people live in the Pale and they won't be keen on someone who doesn't represent them.
If at first you don't succeed, then goto Plan B


Quote from: armaghniac on June 19, 2010, 02:31:21 PM
While Kenny has his enemies, he should also watch out for this friends. A good example is the amadán councillor who was roaring "Up Mayo" and who had now criticised FG TDs from outside the pale for not voting for Kenny. If Enda is only good because he is from the West then he is not suitable for the job. If Healy-Rae supporters start this kind of thing then he is doomed, as more people live in the Pale and they won't be keen on someone who doesn't represent them.

Speaking as a Mayoman I can understand why they were happy but it was cringeworthy nonetheless.
MWWSI 2017

Bogball XV

Quote from: lynchbhoy on June 18, 2010, 02:41:06 PM
Quote from: Hardy on June 18, 2010, 11:43:26 AM
It's an unbelievable debacle from start to finish. The only one to show even the slightest pinch of cop-on was Kenny and he comes out of it with his reputation enhanced, but with his unelectability and FG's chances of seats in Dublin both worsened by the yahooism displayed by the party at large.

Bruton's reputation and his political career are in tatters and we can only be thankful that we didn't get such a hapless, blundering chancer as Taoiseach. The problem is who will we end up with? I can't see anyone in FG up to the role. So Eamon Gilmore? Surely not?
looking at this debacle, you have to take a step back and think that given their ineptitude, could we really risk putting these absolute idiotic clueless morons into goverment !
Def not imo !!
seriously LB, look at what's in there now, look at what the bunch of idiots in there have done and the situation they've left us in, how can anyone say, that they deserve aother chance?  No matter who gets my vote next time, it'll be used in such a way as to minimise the chances of FF getting power again.


Quote from: magpie seanie on June 18, 2010, 11:55:29 AM
Quote from: Farrandeelin on June 18, 2010, 11:48:31 AM
QuoteFecking delighted with how that went. I would rather eat glass than vote FG but still couldn't help to hope Kenny won it on a human level

My sentiments exactly. I had to chuckle to myself at Lucinda Creighton on the radio yesterday... she seemed like she didn't know what to say! Some opposition...or better still some government (IF elected). And I've said this before, FF are shocking bad in govt at this time, but what in the name of God would FG do if they were in it given all this malarkey that has gone on all week.

And the Up-Mayo antics of the people in C'bar were embarrassing to say the least.

Could they not have got someone below 70 with more than 10 teeth in their head to (a) be there and (b) say a few words without foaming at the mouth. That didn't do Kenny or the West any favours (though I'd be suspicious that its exactly what the national broadcaster was looking for).


Having been born and raised in Mayo, and now living afar, all one can do is shake your head and laugh.

Where were all these rocket scientists doing for the last 10 years when the country as on the express train to ruin.

Is there a video clip of the Castlebar incident.


The other side aren't much better.


There must be some craic in RTE taking the piss out of these poor guys.


Will Bruton take a place on the front bench?

I just hope Lucinda and Leo are left out scratching themselves wondering how they fucked up so badly.