4 students murdered by US forces on a university campus in Ohio. 40th anniversar

Started by give her dixie, May 04, 2010, 12:56:36 PM

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Quote from: stew on May 04, 2010, 06:46:12 PM
Quote from: JimStynes on May 04, 2010, 04:24:26 PM
I agree misleading title, i dont really care that much for what happened in America 40 years ago. Why this particular topic by the way? Worse things happen around the world every day and dont get a mention by yourself.

Because the muppet who started the thread hate the yanks and the jews and tries to show America in the worst light possible every time he posts.

Were was the fcuker when genocide was going on in places like Rwanda or were is his morale outrage when the Muslims lop off the head of Christians with a knife?

This is a monkey that even has a problem with white people who own homes going to football games on friday nights, that hunt and shoot, I believe he called them White america, the irony is he is too stupid to figure out that it was big bad white America that Got Obama elected, without middles class Americas vots he would be a senator in Illinois.

This is not attributed to dixie.

give her dixie

Folks, it is all very easy for us to sit behind computers and insult people personally,
and going by the standard of personal posts against me for my defence of the Palestinains,
and my opposition to the illegal wars currently been waged by the US on innocent people.
Not only on this thread, but on others.

It seems that no matter what I post, my support for the Palestinians get twisted and fired up in my face.

As far as a few of the posters here are concerned, well they are all crazy Muslims.
Sure were we not all carzy killers in the eyes of those who lived on the other side of the world?

I have lived in the US for 7 years, and know it pretty well, hence my stand on the immigration and other US politics.

To hear Irish men give out about immigrants in the US makes me vomit. The only difference between you and them
is a piece of paper that some of you might have that says you're legal. You are ALL immigrants.

I am one of a handful of people on here who has revealed their identity. So, if anyone wants to attack me personally again,
put your name to what you have to say. Too many people on here say things to others that would land them a derserved slap if they were to say it to their face personally.

Show some respect to each other, and treat them the same if we were to be standing having a pint having the same conversation as meeting strangers or friends.

I am also on another discussion board, and because of the faceless insults and unfounded allegations, it became a mess.
It was brought back to life whenever the majority of the people on it put up their real name on their profile.

To the best of my knowledge, I have never personally insulted anyone on this board, or was nasty to.

However, there is one king size asshole on this board, and his contribution to discussion is to personally attack people,
post 100% Grade A shite. He is an immigrant in the US, and he talks about the place as if he invented it, and owns it. He stirs up nothing but bad blood everytime he touches the keyboard.

We all know who he is, and the best medicine for him is just to boycott him.

Post about the subject folks, not the poster.


next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: give her dixie on May 05, 2010, 01:31:50 AM
Folks, it is all very easy for us to sit behind computers and insult people personally,
and going by the standard of personal posts against me for my defence of the Palestinains,
and my opposition to the illegal wars currently been waged by the US on innocent people.
Not only on this thread, but on others.

It seems that no matter what I post, my support for the Palestinians get twisted and fired up in my face.

As far as a few of the posters here are concerned, well they are all crazy Muslims.
Sure were we not all carzy killers in the eyes of those who lived on the other side of the world?

I have lived in the US for 7 years, and know it pretty well, hence my stand on the immigration and other US politics.

To hear Irish men give out about immigrants in the US makes me vomit. The only difference between you and them
is a piece of paper that some of you might have that says you're legal. You are ALL immigrants.

I am one of a handful of people on here who has revealed their identity. So, if anyone wants to attack me personally again,
put your name to what you have to say. Too many people on here say things to others that would land them a derserved slap if they were to say it to their face personally.

Show some respect to each other, and treat them the same if we were to be standing having a pint having the same conversation as meeting strangers or friends.

I am also on another discussion board, and because of the faceless insults and unfounded allegations, it became a mess.
It was brought back to life whenever the majority of the people on it put up their real name on their profile.

To the best of my knowledge, I have never personally insulted anyone on this board, or was nasty to.

However, there is one king size asshole on this board, and his contribution to discussion is to personally attack people,
post 100% Grade A shite. He is an immigrant in the US, and he talks about the place as if he invented it, and owns it. He stirs up nothing but bad blood everytime he touches the keyboard.

We all know who he is, and the best medicine for him is just to boycott him.

Post about the subject folks, not the poster.


Folks, it is all very easy for us to sit behind computers and insult people personally,
and going by the standard of personal posts against me for my defence of the Palestinains,
and my opposition to the illegal wars currently been waged by the US on innocent people.
Not only on this thread, but on others.

dear john, my name is Kevin Newbanks, hope that clears up the cowardly part for ye.

You are no mother Theresa here Johnny, you support Hamas, murdering scum no matter their Religion and not once have I said that I thought all Muslims are crazy, they have their fair share and more of their fair share of crazies in my opinion.

it makes me sick that the likes of you ties patriotism into the question of illegal aliens being in a country they have no right to be in, that is what makes me sick john, patriotism has nothing to do that situation, I had two sisters come to the states illegally and I hold the same views now as I did then and I had the courage of my convictions to tell them how I felt.

You are some kind of Hypocrite John, you live in the States and from your keyboard you blast the States, how can you stand to live in such an evil country as this? if America is so evil, so depraved go Join the Taliban or Bin ladens crowd and see where that gets you.

You started a thread today and posters immediately thought that Students had been gunned down today, not forty years ago, i knew different and i was glad to see that for once you were challenged on this and you broke, bowed to public pressure because we all know you love to be in agreement with the majority and you changed the title, what a man you are John, you love the publicity, the notoriety and you got showed up.

I despise what you stand for, I see America's flaws and I acknowledge it has made horrendous mistakes, I have sympathy for the Palestinians however I have balance in that I want to see the Israeli's survive and work to bring piece to the region by working with the Palestinians toward nationhood for the Palestinians.

Finally John, I hope your wee PM circle jerk buddies do boycott me, I feel dirty just replying to you hateful hewers, I really do and I will continue to defend the US if i feel it is warranted, to me you are a terrorist wannabee, you just don't have the balls to pull the trigger and you can shove Hamas up your brown.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: ardmhachaabu on May 04, 2010, 03:41:42 PM
I visited Kent State and picked daffs on Blanket Hill a number of years back dixie, to me it's one of the massacres that the US have conveniently forgotten about though some former students and students still remember it every year.  I don't know the full extent of this but I do know that a lot of people in Ohio are traumatised that it happened at all, that their army fired on its own peaceful civilians

It is still unbelievable to me that they did this and it has been for the most part been forgetten, it should never be forgotten.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: stew on May 05, 2010, 03:02:39 AM

You are no mother Theresa here Johnny, you support Hamas, murdering scum no matter their Religion

What are the Palestinians supposed to do? Lie down and let the IDF continue to deny their basic human rights? Who else but Hamas provides social welfare for the people of Gaza ? Who else is going to do it? 
What does the IDF do for Gaza other than murder its people ?

I despise what you stand for, I see America's flaws and I acknowledge it has made horrendous mistakes, I have sympathy for the Palestinians however I have balance in that I want to see the Israeli's survive and work to bring piece to the region by working with the Palestinians toward nationhood for the Palestinians.

What are the Israelis doing for peace other than building settlements and dispossessing Palestinians , torturing husbands and imprisoning teenagers without trial?

Denn Forever

Just a question here and hopefully knowledgable people here can answer it.

In the Palestinian elections a few years ago, were Hamas not democratically elected as the majority party?

Were there independent monitors for that election?   What were their findings?
I have more respect for a man
that says what he means and
means what he says...

Hedley Lamarr


This link may answer some of your questions.

The USA and Israel are all for democracy......so long as it's on their terms. 
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:


Question for Stew, could you please tell me the difference between




Are they both terrorist attacks? Is one a terrorist attack and not the other? If so why not?


Are the perpetrators of A. murdering scum just like the perpetraors of B?  ;)


Court case in Beersheba in Israel on Sunday 

Professor Kark had presented an expert opinion,  supporting the state's position that the Bedouins have no ownership rights over their lands in the Negev even if they have lived there for many generations.

Imagine that sort of decision going down in Tyrone with a prof from QUB opining that Catholics have no ownership rights over their land. Israel is a disgrace.   


Quote from: seafoid on May 05, 2010, 02:53:19 PM
Quote from: stew on May 05, 2010, 03:02:39 AM

You are no mother Theresa here Johnny, you support Hamas, murdering scum no matter their Religion

What are the Palestinians supposed to do? Lie down and let the IDF continue to deny their basic human rights? Who else but Hamas provides social welfare for the people of Gaza ? Who else is going to do it? 
What does the IDF do for Gaza other than murder its people ?

I despise what you stand for, I see America's flaws and I acknowledge it has made horrendous mistakes, I have sympathy for the Palestinians however I have balance in that I want to see the Israeli's survive and work to bring piece to the region by working with the Palestinians toward nationhood for the Palestinians.

What are the Israelis doing for peace other than building settlements and dispossessing Palestinians , torturing husbands and imprisoning teenagers without trial?

Hamas have plenty of blood on their hands, the Israelis have plenty of blood on their hands as well and both sides have done what you have attributed to the Israelis, Israelis have also been bomned out of their homes, it is all fcuked up and the Israelis are a huge part of the problem. The difference between us is that I see wrong in both camps and all some of you see is what the Israelis do and God forbid you say anything at all that could be construed as criticism of what Hamas is doing. Two legitimate Governments are making terrible decisions that are killing their people every day, it is a tragedy.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: Arthur_Friend on May 05, 2010, 03:50:29 PM
Question for Stew, could you please tell me the difference between




Are they both terrorist attacks? Is one a terrorist attack and not the other? If so why not?


give her dixie

Stew, to start with, I wasn't directing my anger and call for a boycott of you.
I have never had a seroius problem with you, and you always put across a good argument, no matter if I or others agree with you.

It was for tyrones own, who spouts far right wing nonsense on here all the time,
and attacks not only me personally, but others.

He started the shite about pm's going around, and he never backed it up, to the best of my knowledge,
even though people asked him to.

I do not support Hamas, and if you can provide evidence, go ahead and prove me wrong.

I acknowledged that I mis lead with my title, I changed it, and I apologised to anyone who was offended.
What more could I do.

I came back on line, and to had started to attack me personally again, bringing up shite about my school days over 25 years ago.

I lived in the states for 7 years, and I seen through the big fat lie that everyone is living under.
Land of brave and home of the free my ass. A country where everyone sleeps with a gun under their pillow, and thousands die each year in accidential use of said guns. Is this what you call "Free or Brave"?

It's OK for US citizens to have arms to protect their homes and families, however, when someone else in another country trys to protect their land or family from foreign troops with a gun, they are seen as murdering scum. Double standards eh?

It's a brave country that invades other countries illegally, murders and displaces millions, drops atomic bombs and uses chemical weapons of mass destruction that killed hundreds of thousands of innocents, and still to this day, babies are been born with horrendous defects that would make your stomach turn.

All carried out so that the US can secure oil for gas guzzling SUVs and monster size pick ups.

Do you know anything about the effects of agent orange that was so widely used in Vietnam?

The US is the largest producer of military weapons, and they make sure crazy dictators around the world buy them, and murder and oppress every day with them.

I seen the damage that US weapons did in Gaza, and the damage they have done to peoples lives.
Look at what they are doing every day in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over 1 million dead so far.

5,500 US soldiers have died, and thousands more injured fighting illegal wars, and all anyone in the US gives out about is Obama introducing healthcare and support for illegal laws in Arizona against Mexicans.
Cindy Sheehan who lost her son campaigns for a US pull out from Iraq and Afghanistan, and everywhere she goes, crazy US citizens try to shut her up and insult her any way they can.

Every day US citizens are going without food and jobs, and every day the US pumps untold millions into Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc, etc, just so that innocent people will suffer and be killed.

Each week plane loads of US jews fly to Israel and they then kick Palestinians out of the homes they have lived in for generations, move in, arm themselves to the teeth, and have no problem using them.
Over 500,000 jews so far have moved to the West Bank and live their illegally. So much for the US stopping illegal immigrants to the US, when every day they fly to Palestine to live there illegally. All with the blessing of Uncle Sam.

The US was founded by invaders chasing the natives off the land they had lived in for thousands of years, the same as Australia. So, for years since, they have been going around the world doing the same, or supporting other dictators who do.

So, whenever everyone puts their hand on their heart and say "God Bless America", they are correct in doing so. Because God is probably the only person that could or can forgive them for the damage they do onto others.

America, land of the oppressors, and home of the cowards.

next stop, September 10, for number 4......

Tyrones own

It was for tyrones own, who spouts far right wing nonsense on here all the time,
Oh it was me.....Feck I'm honored :)
It seems that no matter what I post, my support for the Palestinians get twisted and fired up in my face.
Actually there's no need to twist anything....your humanitarian facade simply crumbled and fell down around you when you couldn't curtail the pent up hate you have boiling inside!
As far as a few of the posters here are concerned, well they are all crazy Muslims.
Who and please quote it ::)
I have lived in the US for 7 years, and know it pretty well, hence my stand on the immigration and other US politics.
Why did you spend so much time in a country that you clearly despise...would that time not have been better spent in the middle east honing your facade and skills on hatred so that you wouldn't have been so transparent here?
I am also on another discussion board, and because of the faceless insults and unfounded allegations, it became a mess.
And you wonder why some here have a problem with you.....surely the common denominator
in all of this is staring you in the face :-\

From this
QuoteHowever, there is one king size asshole on this board, and his contribution to discussion is to personally attack people,
post 100% Grade A shite. He is an immigrant in the US, and he talks about the place as if he invented it, and owns it. He stirs up nothing but bad blood everytime he touches the keyboard.

We all know who he is, and the best medicine for him is just to boycott him.
To this:
QuotePost about the subject folks, not the poster.
Tell me I'm missing something here....Irony anyone :D

Why not try my shoes on for size if you're intent on playing the victim card on abuse
and insults here, from 10 or 12 of ye at a time no less...strength in numbers i guess,
then when that fails ;D boycott me...whose the real coward Dixey?
Surely if I'm so wrong and you're so right then you could simply beat me down with
that knowledge based intellect rather than taking the cowardly way out in trying to organize
a boycott :-X
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


Quote from: give her dixie on May 05, 2010, 01:31:50 AM

I am also on another discussion board, and because of the faceless insults and unfounded allegations, it became a mess.
It was brought back to life whenever the majority of the people on it put up their real name on their profile.

i have no doubt you played a large part in messing that board up spewing your hate

Quote from: give her dixie on May 05, 2010, 06:23:47 PM

America, land of the oppressors, and home of the cowards.

how do you reconcile the above statement with your plea for people to stop insulting each other? i was born in america and i find that very offensive. i support the palestine people as i have said many times on here.

why would you start a thread with a misleading title on the 40 anniversary of a dark period in americas history which has been acknowledged as such. quite simply your warped at this stage. no doubt theres no chance your going to take your rants anywhere else and over the next few months you will continue with this shit at every opportunity and help ruin this board too... you make me focking sick