Did Brady covered up child abuse?

Started by longrunsthefox, March 14, 2010, 02:39:56 PM

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Shoud Sean Brady be charged and put before the courts?

Yes-he should be charged
69 (68.3%)
No- he should not
32 (31.7%)

Total Members Voted: 101

Main Street

Quote from: Ulick on March 19, 2010, 11:25:30 PM
I just happened to be listening to Nolan when walking to work this morning and I think it was this girl being interviewed. Now, I know nothing about her and I'm sure she was recounting everything as she remembered it, but as someone who hasn't been following this over the past week or so and has a 'fresh eye' I thought her story was full of holes. Don't get me wrong, I've no doubt she suffered horribly but at the same time she contradicted herself all over the show. Nolan being Nolan was just intent on sensationalising the interview but I don't think was actually listening to what she was saying. For me it just highlights the dangers of the media frenzy where everyone is afraid to question the victims account.
I fail to find holes in the timeline. I think you are way out of order here.
Be specific, listen to it again and make exact reference to your misgivings.

Bogball XV

Quote from: longrunsthefox on March 20, 2010, 12:48:05 AM
Aye he's been stood down but wears the collar despite being told not to.
Is no way an innocent person would pay out £45,000 and he does not even respond to newspapers saying he raped her. So, reputation destroyed and £45,000 paid and he is innocent and says nothing... I don't think so.   
I didn't know the priest's name was actually out in public domain, that does throw a very different complexion on the story. 

Jen Cui


No surprise here.

Cardinal Brady set to remain an Archbishop

Cardinal Seán Brady has indicated that he intends staying on for a considerable time as Archbishop of Armagh.

He made a veiled reference to his intentions when he pledged to implement the recommendations of the Visitation of parts of the Irish Church which Pope Benedict intends holding into various parts of the Church here.

A church spokesman said the inspection process has not yet been established and is not expected to be completed quickly.

AdvertisementPreaching at Easter Sunday mass in St Patrick's Cathedral in Armagh, Cardinal Brady also said he would be proposing to the Holy See that the Diocese of Armagh would be among those which will be visited.

On St Patrick's Day, Dr Brady said he would be reflecting on his position until the third week of next month after it was revealed that he had sworn two teenage victims of Fr Brendan Smyth to secrecy and failed to report the paedophile to the civil authorities.

Cardinal Brady issued another apology to the victims of child sexual abuse by clerics.

The Cardinal promised that proper reparation would be made for the harm that had been caused.


Positive news for Cardinal Brady - fight back is on :

Cardinal Daly brokered secret deal with RUC to arrest Smyth
FRESH details of a secret deal that led to the arrest and imprisonment of notorious paedophile monk Brendan Smyth have emerged.

The deal was brokered in 1994 by Cardinal Cahal Daly, who was exasperated by the actions of an abbot who refused to deal effectively with complaints against serial child sex abuser Smyth.

Cardinal Daly agreed with the North's chief constable, Hugh Annesley, to end the church's previous practice of informing only the Vatican and to encourage bishops to report complaints to the police.

This Annesley-Daly deal triggered a fundamental change in the Irish hierarchy's approach to clerical paedophilia, according to a retired RUC detective who interrogated Smyth.


The Catholic Church then began to put aside substantial amounts of money in anticipation of compensation claims.

This was just months before the current Primate of All Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, was ordained coadjutor Archbishop of Armagh in February 1995.

Cardinal Brady has been under pressure in recent weeks after admitting he was at meetings in 1975 where two abused children signed vows of silence over complaints against Smyth.

The previously unknown timing of the 1994 deal points to the fact that Fr Smyth was still being discussed at the top level of the church hierarchy at that time.

And as assistant archbishop with right of succession to the primacy, Cardinal Brady would have been appraised by Cardinal Daly of the horrendous list of victims abused by Smyth since 1945.

Retired RUC Detective Superintendent Kevin Sheehy disclosed details of the deal in his memoir and confirmed to the Irish Independent that it would have been struck in autumn 1994.

Mr Sheehy said that it came about because Cardinal Daly was increasingly frustrated by failures of the Norbertine Abbot of Kilnacrott Abbey in Co Cavan to hand Smyth over to the RUC.

Cardinal Daly, who died last December, had contacted Abbot Kevin Smith in February 1990, when the allegations against Smyth first came to his attention. The cardinal did so again in March 1990, February 1991, and August 1992.

Each time, Abbot Smith undertook to deal effectively with the matter.

Cardinal Daly was following canon law in respecting the day-to-day autonomy of a religious order -- which lies outside the control of a diocesan bishop.

But an exasperated Cardinal Daly finally overruled the abbot, ordering Smyth to present himself to the civil authorities in the North.

Mr Sheehy said: "I strongly suspect that the cardinal contacted Rome to explain that, in the delicate context of Ulster, it was necessary for him to cooperate fully with the civil authorities."


He added: "Cardinal Daly and his solicitors met with the chief constable of the day, Sir Hugh Annesley, to agree on a process whereby suspect clerical paedophiles would be made available to the police for interview."

Mr Sheehy also claimed the cardinal was advised to set aside a multi-million pound sum for forthcoming claims against offending clerics.

Mr Sheehy's journal shows that the deal was struck in September-October 1994, only a few months before Fr Brady, the former rector of the Irish Pontifical College in Rome, was named as Cardinal Daly's successor by Pope John Paul II.

- John Cooney

Irish Independent


Orangeman I wouldn't see that as good news for Brady or the Church.

In fact if I had been involved with Smyth as Brady was in the 1970s, failed to stop him, and then got handed a list of all his victims after that in 1994, as suggested in the article I would probably have either fled in disgrace or done something to myself.
MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on April 08, 2010, 01:17:35 PM
Orangeman I wouldn't see that as good news for Brady or the Church.

In fact if I had been involved with Smyth as Brady was in the 1970s, failed to stop him, and then got handed a list of all his victims after that in 1994, as suggested in the article I would probably have either fled in disgrace or done something to myself.

Aye but you're living in the real world - Cardinal Brady lives in a different planet.

He's trying to take credit for being the man that collared Smyth after letting him rape children up and down the country for nigh on 20 years. How perverse !!


Quote from: orangeman on April 08, 2010, 01:25:14 PM
Quote from: muppet on April 08, 2010, 01:17:35 PM
Orangeman I wouldn't see that as good news for Brady or the Church.

In fact if I had been involved with Smyth as Brady was in the 1970s, failed to stop him, and then got handed a list of all his victims after that in 1994, as suggested in the article I would probably have either fled in disgrace or done something to myself.

Aye but you're living in the real world - Cardinal Brady lives in a different planet.

He's trying to take credit for being the man that collared Smyth after letting him rape children up and down the country for nigh on 20 years. How perverse !!

It is sickening to read about how these people ignored state law in favour of Canon law. Just think of our own outrage when Sky News shows us yet another story of an 'honour killing' of some 15 or 16 year old in Britain. While murder is not quite child abuse they are both very serious crimes.
MWWSI 2017


Cardinal Brady taken to hospital 

Cardinal Brady has lead the Catholic Church in one of its most difficult times
The head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady has been taken to hospital after becoming ill during a church ceremony.

An ambulance was called for the cardinal who was officiating at a confirmation in County Tyrone which began at about 1700 BST on Tuesday.

It is believed the 70-year-old remained conscious throughout.

The Catholic Church said he was taken to hospital for observation and is in a comfortable condition.

Cardinal Sean Brady has been Catholic primate of all-Ireland since 1996.

The past year has been the most difficult of his time in charge as he has faced the fall-out from two major reports into child sex abuse in the Irish church.

It emerged last month that Cardinal Sean Brady was present when children signed vows of silence over allegations against a paedophile priest in 1975.

He has since admitted he was part of a culture which put avoiding scandal above bringing clerical child abusers to justice.

Lar Naparka

QuoteHe has since admitted he was part of a culture which put avoiding scandal above bringing clerical child abusers to justice.

He has indeed and fair play to him but he needs to go a bit further for me. Admission is one thing; redress is another.
The following extract, from an article by Patsy McGarry (Irish Times - Wednesday, April 7, 2010) haunts me:

A WOMAN who was repeatedly sexually abused as a girl by Fr Brendan Smyth has called on Catholic primate Cardinal Seán Brady to apologise to her and to "walk the walk" over his handling of a church investigation into the paedophile priest.
"Samantha", who was abused by Smyth between 1974 and 1979, asked "how can he expect to head the church knowing that I was abused and raped because he didn't do what he should have done?"
She told The Irish Times : "All I want from him is two sentences, and spoken as a man not as a priest.
"I want him to say, 'Samantha, I'm really sorry that because I didn't go to the guards you went through four more years of torture at the hands of Brendan Smyth. For that I am truly sorry'."

I sincerely wish him a speedy recovery and also the gift of humility. If he can't respond to that poor woman's plea, his notion of what it takes to be a follower of Christ differs greatly from mine. The concepts of 'Informed Conscience' and 'Free Will' heavily influence catholic teaching, don't they? Both my 'Informed Conscience' and my 'Free Will' tells me he is talking a load of b*****x.

Nil Carborundum Illegitemi


Will Cardinal Brady exit due to ill health ?.

give her dixie

Quote from: Lar Naparka on April 14, 2010, 01:18:17 AM
QuoteHe has since admitted he was part of a culture which put avoiding scandal above bringing clerical child abusers to justice.

He has indeed and fair play to him but he needs to go a bit further for me. Admission is one thing; redress is another.
The following extract, from an article by Patsy McGarry (Irish Times - Wednesday, April 7, 2010) haunts me:

A WOMAN who was repeatedly sexually abused as a girl by Fr Brendan Smyth has called on Catholic primate Cardinal Seán Brady to apologise to her and to "walk the walk" over his handling of a church investigation into the paedophile priest.
"Samantha", who was abused by Smyth between 1974 and 1979, asked "how can he expect to head the church knowing that I was abused and raped because he didn't do what he should have done?"
She told The Irish Times : "All I want from him is two sentences, and spoken as a man not as a priest.
"I want him to say, 'Samantha, I'm really sorry that because I didn't go to the guards you went through four more years of torture at the hands of Brendan Smyth. For that I am truly sorry'."

I sincerely wish him a speedy recovery and also the gift of humility. If he can't respond to that poor woman's plea, his notion of what it takes to be a follower of Christ differs greatly from mine. The concepts of 'Informed Conscience' and 'Free Will' heavily influence catholic teaching, don't they? Both my 'Informed Conscience' and my 'Free Will' tells me he is talking a load of b*****x.

I think these 2 lines sums up the feelings not only on this board, but right across the world.
The church need to show some humility and not only apologise, but provide the police in each and every country they operate in with names and evidence of abusers.
Only then, can they move on.
next stop, September 10, for number 4......


Quote from: give her dixie on April 14, 2010, 10:15:12 PM
The church need to show some humility and not only apologise, but provide the police in each and every country they operate in with names and evidence of abusers.
Only then, can they move on.

The fact that "society" have to drag these moral gaurdians kicking and screaming to a point where they might say something that resembles a proper apology tells me that that apology would be meaningless. At the high levels they are totally corrupt and self serving 
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera

Main Street

Quote from: Lar Naparka on April 14, 2010, 01:18:17 AM
QuoteHe has since admitted he was part of a culture which put avoiding scandal above bringing clerical child abusers to justice.

He has indeed and fair play to him but he needs to go a bit further for me. Admission is one thing; redress is another.

Actually he has not admitted anything. It is mere smokey spineless waffle.
What culture is he talking about? The general culture of the time that existed in society?
The culture was sex abuse was a crime. The institutional cover up, allowing an abuser to go and abuse elsewhere, was a crime of omission.
Equal, if not greater, than the crimes of the abuser.
Admitting the cover up was a crime is what I would call an admission.

The Iceman

Quote from: theskull1 on April 14, 2010, 11:19:02 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on April 14, 2010, 10:15:12 PM
The church need to show some humility and not only apologise, but provide the police in each and every country they operate in with names and evidence of abusers.
Only then, can they move on.

The fact that "society" have to drag these moral gaurdians kicking and screaming to a point where they might say something that resembles a proper apology tells me that that apology would be meaningless. At the high levels they are totally corrupt and self serving

That simply highlights what I have been saying for the longest time.
Some people will never be happy.

I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong and morally straight