Sigerson 2007

Started by robertemmet, February 07, 2007, 11:39:32 PM

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Fair point sorry for jumping the gun it's just I am a Queen's fan and know all the lads

As for it being pointless, Dan will be able to type quicker, fix the printer in his practice, maybe even add smiley faces to things!!



I always thought it would be a good idea to be able to type quicker when you were looking into someones mouth ;D ;D ;D

Brick Tamlin

naughty Dan managed to fit in three swear words in his post-match interview with TG4 last weekend. Disgracful altogether.


Quote from: Deal_Me_In on March 08, 2007, 01:35:06 PM
That wasnt my point. Dan McCartan is a qualified dentist which was my reply. The fact that he is doing a 'Masters' allowed him to play for Queens and fair play to him, i was just trying to illustrate that he was doing it to allow him to have one more go at winning the sigerson because his 'masters' will certainly make no difference in his chosen career path.

Does anyone actually expect to see McCartan's name on the QUB graduands list this summer or winter. I'd personally offer odds of 50-1 to anyone who thinks he will.

Malone Aristocrat

Quote from: Donagh on March 08, 2007, 02:17:50 PM
Does anyone actually expect to see McCartan's name on the QUB graduands list this summer or winter. I'd personally offer odds of 50-1 to anyone who thinks he will.

There'll be players from every team that entered the competition who won't graduate the course the enrolled for. masters are largely for improving a person's employability. should passing exams be a prerequisite for playing?

i dare say there'll be a fair few undergrads struggling with that one if this week has been anything to judge by!


Listen folks we  are only trotting behind the Poly at that one.  Ill take criticism but only from fellow QUB stalwarts or outsiders, but not from the "Tommy Joe school of afterschool studies"


But the point is that McCartan is not an undergad. In my day he'd be described as a 'ringer'. I know Queen's aren't the only team to employ, sorry, field ringers, but it leaves a bad taste in the mouth regarding varsity football. Maybe Sigerson, should be limited to undergrad players?


Quote from: Donagh on March 08, 2007, 02:36:12 PM
But the point is that McCartan is not an undergad. In my day he’d be described as a ‘ringer’. I know Queen’s aren’t the only team to employ, sorry, field ringers, but it leaves a bad taste in the mouth regarding varsity football. Maybe Sigerson, should be limited to undergrad players?

If thats the case then Kevin McGourty, who was effectively the match winner for queens, through his second and extra time half performance, would not have been eligable as he is employed by the university to be the VP for Clubs and Societies. I also think he is enrolled in a course to do with history or politics too, but not as an undergrad.

Malone Aristocrat

You think masters and phd students should be barred from playing? the HEC have already broached this subject and postgraduates not with enough credits, ie not doing enough hours to be regarded full time students, are disallowed. ask ross munnelly. Tommy Joe has already had his clubmate Dan investigated fully through croke park prior to sigerson and was officially rebuked when he attempted to reignite this immediately before the weekend.

It's ironic that Tommy Joe actually introduced the sabbatical officer rule so that he could play Jody Gormley, who was at the time vp of clubs and societies at the poly, that has this year allowed mcgourty to play.

Black and white

Quote from: Malone Aristocrat on March 08, 2007, 02:51:14 PM

You think masters and phd students should be barred from playing? the HEC have already broached this subject and postgraduates not with enough credits, ie not doing enough hours to be regarded full time students, are disallowed. ask ross munnelly. Tommy Joe has already had his clubmate Dan investigated fully through croke park prior to sigerson and was officially rebuked when he attempted to reignite this immediately before the weekend.

It's ironic that Tommy Joe actually introduced the sabbatical officer rule so that he could play Jody Gormley, who was at the time vp of clubs and societies at the poly, that has this year allowed mcgourty to play.

Mc Giurty has been playing the last 3 years on that rule.  But amybe he isnt employable in the real world


The problem is with Masters and PGDip students not Phd's. These lads are signing up for a Masters, paying for one module and not showing up again. It's doesn't matter what hours they are supposed to do because it'll be February before they fail the module and Easter before they are pulled about attendance and failing – which by that time Sigerson is over (and they may have picked up a sports bursary to recoup what they paid for the module).

A Phd is a 3-4 year commitment which typically has to be paid for in advance per year, so less likely someone is going to signup to one of those just to play football.

shaws road

very funny black and white but he is actually very intelligent as is dan mc cartan, the problem with sigersonb is they let in the poly and the IT and they have ruined what was a great gaa competition in particualr the poly and ever year they get beat it is great to see as they have recked the competition

Black and white

Quote from: shaws road on March 08, 2007, 03:41:07 PM
very funny black and white but he is actually very intelligent as is dan mc cartan, the problem with sigersonb is they let in the poly and the IT and they have ruined what was a great gaa competition in particualr the poly and ever year they get beat it is great to see as they have recked the competition

I wasnt talking about Kevins intelligence, more his personality, if the clubs cv was a advertised job would he get it? it is by vote, and also a position the gaa club has held for the last ten years in qub. 

The last time QUB won the sigerson i think 5 players were doing this masters in computing, everybody is at it so please stop trying to say it is a ploy thing


So like I said earlier any word of the Hotshot team??

You hear anything Shaws Road???

true ulster gael

this stuff about dan mc cartan sums up why the sigerson cup is now rotten to the core with cheating