The Good American in Haiti

Started by magickingdom, January 25, 2010, 07:39:47 PM

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Quote from: Tyrones own on February 02, 2010, 12:43:11 AM
Arthur or are you really Muppet or Dixey :-* When you grow up and graduate past being able to string together
more than one sentence in you miserable attempt at not looking and sounding like a smart ass
... and we need any further shite out of ye.. I'll squeeze your head  8)

Oh Touche, Tyrones Own, Touche.

Tyrones own

Quote from: magickingdom on February 01, 2010, 07:30:44 PM
Quote from: muppet on February 01, 2010, 07:19:38 PM
Quote from: magickingdom on February 01, 2010, 07:17:15 PM
i dont support the US policy towards israel and think it has been bad for america in a wider world context. israel needs to start respecting un resolutions, stand on its own 2 feet and live or die with the palestinians (dont worry they'll chose to live). i dont see any great love affair with israel in the american public and fail to understand the US gov position, even clinton bought into it more than most.

Are you now a US hater?
you really are been narky on this thread. . your reaction to this and stew is way over the top.
It's right out of the 'Terrorist supporters network' text book MK, they run out of ideas to back up their despicable ideology
then twist and turn things inside out...ask seriously loaded "Gottcha"questions and accuse you then of doing just that and
all this while not answering a single question themselves  :D
Put words in your mouth to try to drag the debate all over the place, then it becomes a
he said she said pissing match which they then take advantage of as if to give themselves an even footing, they'll even be reduced to playing the victim card
when someone insults them  :'( ahem..Muppet while insulting all a sundry ::)..but you see I've been arguing with idiots on here for far too long
to allow it to go unchecked..bottom line and getting back to page's perfectly understandable to me that America can do no good in the
eyes of anyone who would listen to and quote anything Gorgeous George Galloway would have to say!
And ye know that's OK freedom of speech is a wonderful thing unless of course you happen to reside in Venezuela, Iran or Cuba or the likes ;)
just be man enough to stand up and fecking admit it !
Seriously though... it really any wonder he's banned in Canada?

Que the coming out of the woodwork now to tear this post apart with insults and denials hoping to further more stay off the real subject here
of the great work the Americans have done in Haiti... They'll attack anything and everything but the hatred and vitriol they have for America and all she stands for!
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann





Quote from: Tyrones own on February 01, 2010, 11:06:19 PM
How dare you you f**king t**se.

Jaysus go easy on him Stew he can only spout as quick as Dixey can read and quote more of Galloway's hate for him.... Speaking of Dixey...where'd he fcuk off to... You wouldn't think he would have made it so blatantly obvious that once his cover was blown that he worships at the alter of gorgeous George he'd go into hiding through embarrassment....Meow  :-*
Every post I make here is in defence of lives whether it be American, Iraqi or death row inmates.
:D Yea when they're American lives...the Fcukers shouldn't have been there, when they're Iraq lives...It's those b**tard yanks, when it's death's those b**tard Yanks
No need to explain muppet, everyone is on to both of ye at this point :-[

Please show me where I ever said any such thing? Are you that desperate to show anyone who disagrees with NeoCon ideology as a 'US hater' that you have to make up their arguments?

And as for 'everyone' if you mean Stew & MagicKingdom...........well that hardly counts as everyone does it? Coalition of the willing maybe, but 2 others is hardly everyone.
MWWSI 2017


First of all Muppet, what do yuo think would happen if you got your wish and all countries in the middle east had the same technological capability with regard to weapons?

Secondly I never threatened you in any way, I thought and still think that you massively over-reacted to what I posted.

I used the word interesting because what you wrote would, in my mind have meant the end of the israeli state and probably most of it's people and the reason why that was interesting to me is that you must have known that would happen if you gave the Muslim countries in the region the same firepower as the Israelis and this seemed to fly in the face of what you had posted in the past.

We will never agree on this thread and I cant be bothered with it anymore, you have your beliefs and i have mine and neither of us are going to change our opinion.

One last thing, quit with the labelling, you seem to be in love with the term neo con and throw it around like confetti. I am not a neo con, never have been.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 03:50:35 PM
First of all Muppet, what do yuo think would happen if you got your wish and all countries in the middle east had the same technological capability with regard to weapons?
'Evening up' doesn't mean giving other countries nuclear weapons. If could mean the US stops giving annually $2-4 Billion to Israel (depending on who you believe) which it spend on it's military for example.
Secondly I never threatened you in any way, I thought and still think that you massively over-reacted to what I posted.
I thought you were saying that I wanted Israel wiped, I can accept that you didn't mean that (it didn't sound right anyway) and I apologise for what was an overreaction.
I used the word interesting because what you wrote would, in my mind have meant the end of the israeli state and probably most of it's people and the reason why that was interesting to me is that you must have known that would happen if you gave the Muslim countries in the region the same firepower as the Israelis and this seemed to fly in the face of what you had posted in the past.
Again, the current situation is nuclear weapons and F-16s on one side and glorified firecrackers on the Palestinian side. Evening it up does not mean giving everyone nuclear weapons, I would see it as the exact opposite.
We will never agree on this thread and I cant be bothered with it anymore, you have your beliefs and i have mine and neither of us are going to change our opinion.

One last thing, quit with the labelling, you seem to be in love with the term neo con and throw it around like confetti. I am not a neo con, never have been.

My use of the term NeoCon is to point exactly to who I blame in the States for the foreign policy disasters. I also partially use it in response to the lazy accusations of 'US haters' on this thread by those who defend the indefensible by attacking anyone who criticises.

I know the US military has made some mistakes but I also know it was ordered to take actions that it knew, and informed it's superiors, would be disastrous. Those superiors were the NeoCons and some of their wonderful decisions included supporting Saddam Hussein (hence the infamous Rumsfeldt photo) & invading Iraq with a view to destroying and occupying it rather than simply taking out Hussein..
MWWSI 2017

Tyrones own

The correlation here to the dangerous, delusional and utterly dispicable words and view's of their Hero is astounding :o
Where all think alike, no one thinks very much.
  - Walter Lippmann


That is some video, your man is obviously a nut job but he is a dangerous nutter.

Some of his friends are great lads altogether, Castro, Chavez as well as the boul Uday to name a few.

I especially loved the nazi salute of the young Muslims, they are obviously indoctrinated simpletons who have no idea of the historical context of that salute nor the nefarious nature of the nazis who had no use for God be he a Christian, Muslim or Hindu God.

And people wonder why the Americans are determined to fight this scum at every turn, fair play to them I say.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Muppet, I was careful when asking the question about what you thought would happen if all parties in the middle east had the same technology because i wasnt talking about giving the Muslim world the same technology as the Israelis have at their disposal, I wanted t know what you thought would happen either way, i.e. if you took the advanced technology away from the Israelis and now the regions countries had roughly the same equipment at their disposal what do you think would happen?

The result to me would be the same, it would mean the destruction of Israel as a Country and would probably destroy the vast majority of israelis, no matter what way you cut it, if all parties had nuclear weapons and f-16's or none of them did, to me the Israeli people would be virtually obliterated and their country gone.

Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: magickingdom on February 01, 2010, 10:09:55 PM
Quote from: muppet on February 01, 2010, 07:47:23 PM
Quote from: magickingdom on February 01, 2010, 07:44:59 PM
Quote from: muppet on February 01, 2010, 07:35:15 PM
Quote from: magickingdom on February 01, 2010, 07:30:44 PM
Quote from: muppet on February 01, 2010, 07:19:38 PM
Quote from: magickingdom on February 01, 2010, 07:17:15 PM
i dont support the US policy towards israel and think it has been bad for america in a wider world context. israel needs to start respecting un resolutions, stand on its own 2 feet and live or die with the palestinians (dont worry they'll chose to live). i dont see any great love affair with israel in the american public and fail to understand the US gov position, even clinton bought into it more than most.

Are you now a US hater?

you really are been narky on this thread. . your reaction to this and stew is way over the top.

I was exploring the situation whereby you called people who disagreed with US policy - US haters - and then you announce you disagree with US policy.

Where does that leave you then?

i'm good, its covered by the first amendment. . free speech

You called those who criticised US foreign policy, US haters. So as you now criticised US foreign policy either you are a hypocrite or a US hater. Which is it?

when did i say that those who criticise US foreign policy are US haters?

to use your own line 'please show me where i ever said any such thing?'


Quote from: magickingdom on January 26, 2010, 07:06:23 PM
Quote from: give her dixie on January 26, 2010, 12:18:08 AM
"There really is no help for people like you, you are too far gone and too much hate in your heart". 

Stew, it's people like me who have a heart can say what I said.

If you had of seen the same handy work of the US as me, then you wouldn't be so quick to put me down.

Again, I will repeat myself. "The US need to hang their head in shame for their role in Haiti right now."

And don't start me on their other achievements.

care to explain? you obviously hate the place and can see no good in anything the US does, that say a lot about you. i truly believe there ain't no pleasing some people


Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 07:18:43 PM
Muppet, I was careful when asking the question about what you thought would happen if all parties in the middle east had the same technology because i wasnt talking about giving the Muslim world the same technology as the Israelis have at their disposal, I wanted t know what you thought would happen either way, i.e. if you took the advanced technology away from the Israelis and now the regions countries had roughly the same equipment at their disposal what do you think would happen?

The result to me would be the same, it would mean the destruction of Israel as a Country and would probably destroy the vast majority of israelis, no matter what way you cut it, if all parties had nuclear weapons and f-16's or none of them did, to me the Israeli people would be virtually obliterated and their country gone.

I don't buy that. To assume that position you have to believe that the Arabs are warmongering lunatics incapable of anything else other than the destruction of Israel.

Disarm Israel and make it clear that the world will pulverize anyone who goes near it. Israel however would themselves need to learn some diplomacy. Look at McGuinness & Robinson. Take away the guns and the killing might stop.

I'm not saying this would definitely work, just that the current situation can't continue.

MWWSI 2017


Quote from: muppet on February 02, 2010, 07:35:09 PM
Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 07:18:43 PM
Muppet, I was careful when asking the question about what you thought would happen if all parties in the middle east had the same technology because i wasnt talking about giving the Muslim world the same technology as the Israelis have at their disposal, I wanted t know what you thought would happen either way, i.e. if you took the advanced technology away from the Israelis and now the regions countries had roughly the same equipment at their disposal what do you think would happen?

The result to me would be the same, it would mean the destruction of Israel as a Country and would probably destroy the vast majority of israelis, no matter what way you cut it, if all parties had nuclear weapons and f-16's or none of them did, to me the Israeli people would be virtually obliterated and their country gone.

I don't buy that. To assume that position you have to believe that the Arabs are warmongering lunatics incapable of anything else other than the destruction of Israel.

Disarm Israel and make it clear that the world will pulverize anyone who goes near it. Israel however would themselves need to learn some diplomacy. Look at McGuinness & Robinson. Take away the guns and the killing might stop.

I'm not saying this would definitely work, just that the current situation can't continue.

It can't but you are deluded if you think some pack of eejits in the Arab world wouldnt take a pop at Israel, and who woud the world send in to save the Israelis? the Chinese? nah, the Russians maybe  :D. Ok the yanks, what will that do, that will give the scum extremists over there the excuse to start hitting American embassies, escalate threats to the American mainland and cause further economic hardships on the world.

I deliberately did not mention the UN because I consider them a toothless entity not worth sending to a cockfight, they are too mired in red tape to be effective.
Armagh, the one true love of a mans life.


Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 07:47:10 PM
Quote from: muppet on February 02, 2010, 07:35:09 PM
Quote from: stew on February 02, 2010, 07:18:43 PM
Muppet, I was careful when asking the question about what you thought would happen if all parties in the middle east had the same technology because i wasnt talking about giving the Muslim world the same technology as the Israelis have at their disposal, I wanted t know what you thought would happen either way, i.e. if you took the advanced technology away from the Israelis and now the regions countries had roughly the same equipment at their disposal what do you think would happen?

The result to me would be the same, it would mean the destruction of Israel as a Country and would probably destroy the vast majority of israelis, no matter what way you cut it, if all parties had nuclear weapons and f-16's or none of them did, to me the Israeli people would be virtually obliterated and their country gone.

I don't buy that. To assume that position you have to believe that the Arabs are warmongering lunatics incapable of anything else other than the destruction of Israel.

Disarm Israel and make it clear that the world will pulverize anyone who goes near it. Israel however would themselves need to learn some diplomacy. Look at McGuinness & Robinson. Take away the guns and the killing might stop.

I'm not saying this would definitely work, just that the current situation can't continue.

It can't but you are deluded if you think some pack of eejits in the Arab world wouldnt take a pop at Israel, and who woud the world send in to save the Israelis? the Chinese? nah, the Russians maybe  :D. Ok the yanks, what will that do, that will give the scum extremists over there the excuse to start hitting American embassies, escalate threats to the American mainland and cause further economic hardships on the world.

I deliberately did not mention the UN because I consider them a toothless entity not worth sending to a cockfight, they are too mired in red tape to be effective.

What do you think motivates those packs of eejits?
MWWSI 2017