All Ireland Club Championships - Final Stages

Started by drici, January 10, 2010, 10:32:08 PM

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Another portloaise fan disgracing himself at the end there. Absolutely disgraceful scenes. the Indo will have a field day tomorrow.

Clare team deserved it. Played some great football. Small parish club- restored my faith a bit in the club scene. Some Dublin clubs could take note.
Fantastic football they played. Good enough for Portlaoise.


Quote from: oakleafgael on February 21, 2010, 03:52:22 PM
I hope the Guards lift that f**ker who was acting the gobshite rather than let him calm down.

Yep. Portlaoise are an embarrassment.

Cosmo Kramer

Sounds like Portlaoise have really shamed themselves today.

How has football in Laois gone so far wrong in the last 3 years?
A few Mayo GAA videos if anyone is interested -


Delighted to see Kilmurry-Ibrickane win today and reach the final, always nice to see the underdogs prevail. But the way the Portlaoise players reacted to the decisions by the ref(all justified imo) was a complete disgrace, with the players and a few of the fans showing a complete lack of discipline and class, delighted to see them beat well if that's how they react to a defeat. The player pushing the ref and the goalkeeper were a joke putting their hands on the officials, and the fan at the end, the less said about that clown the better.

I'd expect Gall's to beat Corofin and as someone else said it'd be nice to see a new name on the trophy, but I'd be very surprised now if it wasn't Gall's lifitng it on Paddy's Day. It would be fantastic to see K-I win though.


I honestly think st galls will do well to get past corofin.

Corofin are a good team.

Hope I'm wrong just have a feeling about that game...


"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


Michael Duffy not a great ref but Portlaoise are a rabble and should be given some serious punishment for man handling the ref and umpire. The best team by a mile won.


Quote from: oakleafgael on February 21, 2010, 03:30:34 PM
The midfielder should get another 3 months for the push on the ref on his way off, serious chip on his shoulder and if I was the ref he would have walked in the first half for the abuse he gave. The ref hasnt been that bad, and isnt the reason that Portlaoise are 6 points behind.

Portlaoise will be in a lot of bother after today . The cameras captured everything so the GAA will have no excuses . The red card was a bit harsh but they have to keep the cool .

Throw ball

Thought it a bit harsh to sent the fella off after 30secs as I do not think it was intentional. However, given the strict actions CCCC are taking this year ref had probably got no choice. I did think, however, that any marginal decisions were going the Clare teams way. However, the way Portlaoise lost there cool and subsequent game plan was the main contributer to their defeat. Thought McCormick sending off was very harsh. He was stupid to act the way he did but I do not think it calls for a 6 month ban. It was nothing like Galvin or Devenney before. 4 weeks would be ample. The keeper one was worse. Have to say, however, that if I was the ref and had to suffer the abuse I got at half time I would have gave Portlaoise nothing in the second half! Have had bad experiences with Laois supporters before but it is always a minority.


Fair play to the Clare lads. Portlaoise were a disgrace.
Is it any wonder those Laois lads want to move to Dublin? ;) ;)


Quote from: Throw ball on February 22, 2010, 12:18:54 AM
Thought it a bit harsh to sent the fella off after 30secs as I do not think it was intentional. However, given the strict actions CCCC are taking this year ref had probably got no choice. I did think, however, that any marginal decisions were going the Clare teams way. However, the way Portlaoise lost there cool and subsequent game plan was the main contributer to their defeat. Thought McCormick sending off was very harsh. He was stupid to act the way he did but I do not think it calls for a 6 month ban. It was nothing like Galvin or Devenney before. 4 weeks would be ample. The keeper one was worse. Have to say, however, that if I was the ref and had to suffer the abuse I got at half time I would have gave Portlaoise nothing in the second half! Have had bad experiences with Laois supporters before but it is always a minority.

Intentional or not, it was a clear sending off offence.  A tackle like that could easily break someones neck

Winnie Peg

Quote from: el_cuervo_fc on February 22, 2010, 09:28:42 AM
Quote from: Throw ball on February 22, 2010, 12:18:54 AM
Thought it a bit harsh to sent the fella off after 30secs as I do not think it was intentional. However, given the strict actions CCCC are taking this year ref had probably got no choice. I did think, however, that any marginal decisions were going the Clare teams way. However, the way Portlaoise lost there cool and subsequent game plan was the main contributer to their defeat. Thought McCormick sending off was very harsh. He was stupid to act the way he did but I do not think it calls for a 6 month ban. It was nothing like Galvin or Devenney before. 4 weeks would be ample. The keeper one was worse. Have to say, however, that if I was the ref and had to suffer the abuse I got at half time I would have gave Portlaoise nothing in the second half! Have had bad experiences with Laois supporters before but it is always a minority.

Intentional or not, it was a clear sending off offence.  A tackle like that could easily break someones neck

Absolute balls. There are far more dangerous tackles in Gaelic football which go unpunished.
How many of these tackles does the player have to leave the field compared to some of the more cynical tackles where the referee takes no action.


How is it balls?  It was a dangerously high challenge that could have seriously injured the fella.  It might have been a rush of blood for the Portlaiose player, but it was a red card offence


If the sending off offence happened 10 minutes into the game there would be no debate whether it was a red card or not.  trust me it was a clear red card and I have been sent off once or twice for the same type of offence and maybe not even as blatant.

The midfielder had to go as it was a clear yellow card offence and given the fact he was on a yellow at the time he should have been more sensible in what he was doing.  As for the man handling and intimidation of the officials, I think that there should be long bans and a heavy fine imposed.  It is time for the GAA to start protecting its officials and stop this type of behaviour.  I spoke to an inter county ref the other night and he was saying the grief that he has received over the last few years on the field has increased dramtically, and that wa sbefore Sunday's game, and he is one of the most respected refs and has reffed All Ireland Finals.

Well done to the Clare men, they had a game plan and worked their socks off and i don't think it would have made any difference even if they had been playing against a full Portlaoise team.  They worked well as a unit, were tough in the tackle, used the space very well, especially the left hand side of their attack, and stopped Portlaoise running and creating an overlap.  They deserved their win and so long as they don't get over awed by Croke Park, they are in with a great chance of winning it outright. 

With the other game called off it gives them a bit of an advantage in that they can watch the teams in action an analyse their game plan.  St Gall's would play a similar brabd of football to Portlaoise so they would be well able to hold them.  I don't know anything about Corofin at the minute but I would imagine they will be strong.  It would be nice to see St Gall's make the final as someone said above as this will guarantee a new name on the trophy no matter what.


Watched the game in its entirety on TV and as a neutral thought the referee had a good game. Both sendings off were warranted imo.

PL will get the book thrown at them imo and is a pity that it overshadows a sensational performance from KIB. PL looked like a team that overtrained ........ very flat compared to the sparkilng football played in Leinster.