Antrim Hurling

Started by milltown row, January 26, 2007, 11:21:26 AM

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milltown row

Na Panzer went into nets from playing half back. kept Gorts in the game. the goal keeper was a big lad. has done nets for Gorts for a awhile but that could have cost them big time. Greavesy was in the panel but not as the second keeper!!!! is he any good out of nets?


Acmhl The good Doc and The NAC at loggerheads over the leagues, No interest in the Leagues from NA and SW in hurling or football, i wonder why. Why the count didn't act when the Belfast clubs didn't turn up  for their matches two years ago, Typical of the doc trying to force NA to slow progress instead of helping the other divisions. Their must be a grant somewhere or he wouldn't be looking at club hurling.

Last Man

There probably are big funding implications no doubt and I dont think the county exec should be having to waste their time on what is essentially a Divisional board issue. However the SA board have stood over the development of a very unhealthy situation in juvenile hurling, they have let a few manipulate and dominate to the detriment of all other clubs, and lets face it, hurling in Belfast is going down the toilet. Going all county with U16 and minor is in principal a good thing as it provides more games, more competition, more hurling, great..But will the Belfast clubs be able to deliver...thats the gamble and it pushes the real problem down the road in that the SA board needs an injection of talent, enthusiasm, forward thinking to lead clubs out of this mess. NA and SW are very protective of the progress the have made and are making and why wouldn't they be. I have heard nothing from the SA board about this, but God love them they probably haven't a clue what to do any way. The Divisional system works in NA and SW and these 2 boards clearly cooperate for the mutual benefit of their clubs, so why is SA not at the same level?? Answer: Personel. So Belfast clubs you need to call an SA EGM and get a decent commitee in, sort yourselves out and stop expecting everyone else to carry the can.


Last Man the County board are intrested in doing away with the divisional boards, which i see as a mistake at present. We do not have the structures resources or more importantly the manpower to run the county from one committee. Two years ago the Co. tried to get rid of the Divisional chairmen off the management Co but the Doc was out voted. This was to me the first step in getting rid of the divisional board. It does seem strange the the Doc comming from a division that is working pretty well although there is room for improvement wants to get rid of it and i can't for the life of me see why. There seems to be a problem in SA with some clubs picking and choosing when they play, which is no good for the betterment of the division, but at the end of the day the other clubs don't seem to complain or not to there face anyway, which wouldn't happen in NA or SW.
But why get rid of something that works? there's more to it than meets the eye.

Last Man

Well if thats the case James I think when it all shakes down we will find that its down to funding from UC or Croke Pk. I agrree totally, I think it would be mad to go All county. The only reason it works so well in N.Antrim is that it is pushed and well administered.
The Doc probably isnt too worried about N.Antrim as his own club is unfortunately slowly falling off the radar anyway. The ACB most likely see the problems in SA being sorted by the higher standards and structures in NA lifting them out of the shit they are in. The big danger is that the good standard will be dragged down. This broad brush approach is to simplistic, why not treat the problems at source, get all areas up to an acceptable standard, look at some inter divisional competitions and if that is a success then consider all county because in principle I'm not against it, when the time is right.
It would be good to know what the facts behind this are, could even be down to personalities/ powre struggles,who knows.
Don't forget, theres fellas building legacies for themselves here.


It would be a massive mistake to get rid of divisional boards.

From the outside looking in it appears like south belfast is in a bit of a mess which would be why we're seeing st endas in south west / north and lamh dhearg I think I heard are going that way too. Maybe that has something to do with it too.

milltown row

21 Belfast teams

17 south west

12 north Antrim

Too many Belfast clubs. Not enough kids or enough people looking after them with either the passion or recognised coaching qualifications.

You can take models from Tipp Dublin or even Kilkenny if they are not being monitored or assessed then they will fall by the wayside. Times have changed and Belfast has not moved. The Senior South Antrim leagues in hurling have been back two years and, against my initial fears have proven to be very good and well run. In two years we had a referee at each game and finals have been played at Casement. I hope more teams enter it this year to give the players more games.

The juvenile set up has been a disgrace, I'm not blaming the south Antrim board on this one. Clubs fail to put any effort into deciding whether or not they will be able to field teams consistently all year and have evenly contested games, instead of the hammerings handed out when St Johns play St Galls in under 16 hurling. This puts kids off and doesn't help. This is not St Johns fault of course its something that my club is currently trying to sort out and good progress has been made by great individuals taking the teams.

Last Man

Agreed Milltown, there probobly is too many clubs. Clubs with no pitch, what chance do they stand of ever developing juvenile structures????I'd say none so lets get them out of the equation. More importantly though there has to be loads of kids who are not being encouraged to take part in Gaelic games, who we just let go to "Simply Soccer" just because clubs cant be arsed to provide a decent alternative. We have to get rid of this "Field of Dreams" mentality, clubs need to sell themselves better. Where is the generation of 40 something ex hurlers who throw their kids out of a sometimes still moving car on a Sat/sun Morning and disapear in a cloud of dust in case they might be asked to help out. I help coach our kids and  have to say it is one of the best things I ever decided to do.


Just read the County site, their must be no sick to treat in the glens today, what a load of shite. I think the situation would be easier sorted if he confronted the South Antrim clubs rather than forcing clubs to play in a league they don't want to play in, or make the two city clubs play in a NA league. Rossa already play in the juvenile competitions anyway.
If the U16 & minor teams in Belfast can't play a match will they be fined ? yes will the pay? No most clubs are broke. If the players don't turn up teams can't field, Matches are fixed in Belfast the clubs won't play. St Johns stated at convention they only played four matches ( they played 8) why because the didn't want to play they were in Dublin, THE will isn't their to play,
Can we throw persistant offenders out of the league NO against what we are trying to promote. The easiest way to start solving the problem is within the division, who i think would like some help.


I see Mc sparran has been busy creating publicity for the ac leagues I'm glad he's taking an intrest i something other than the Senior hurlers


All-County underage leagues are a good idea in theory, but will they be beset by the usual "no-show" attitude when they're up & running? Clubs would need to consider very carefully if they can field before they decide to enter & the rules should be implemented about failure to field early on to sort out those that are messing about. I know it's not the same thing but, if you look at the Ulster Minor Hurling leagues, there were very few matches played at all.

milltown row

Do the referees still get paid though?  i attended some pitches last year and both teams didn't show!!!!! strange that the grounds man had turned up lined out the pitch and the teams didn't turn up


As long as you put in your match report, stating that you were there on your own, you'll get paid alright, Milltown. I get the feeling that it'll happen frequently next year.


Mork or Mindy on NA site hit nail on head just about perfectly.


Can someone post the doc's comments on this topic please!