Antrim Hurling

Started by milltown row, January 26, 2007, 11:21:26 AM

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Last Man

Dunloy won by a couple apparently.


There was

Dunloy hindered throughout by woeful shooting as bad and flat as the semi final in that department. I'd say easiliy 20 wides throughout plus a couple of very good goal chances sqandered .........but we only had ourselves to blame

Oh....nearly forgot...won by 2 points  :)
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


What kind of lineouts were out?

Many missing on either side?


LG were missing winker. We were missing Ally and Conor Cunning. Full strength apart from that

LG were missing winker C McKinley and skinner. We were missing Ally and Conor Cunning. Full strength apart from that  ::)
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


LG were missing C McKinley and Skinner.
When a team loses, there's always a row at half time, but when they win, its an inspirational speech


ps. Thought the ref had a mare for both sides -  :o.  Too much blowing and dishing out of yellow cards for nothing.  I dont think there was a bad slap in the whole game and he gave out at least 10 yellows - unbelieveable.
When a team loses, there's always a row at half time, but when they win, its an inspirational speech


Seriously over officious. Do ref's go into matches with pre conceived notions of how the game "could" pan out and then referee it according to that notion? Certainly looked like the officiating was expecting mayhem. Apart from two badly timed shoulder tackles that was it. Nothing to warrant the cards and frees dished out for nothing
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Think Herbie was doing his best to take prevent the game getting out of hand and instead what he got was a disjointed free ridden game in which there was hardly a dirty slap in the whole game.

This is why I think the refs at the start of the year should meet with a group of players selected from the clubs and have a discussion/ meeting on a semi-informal basis just watching clips of games from throughout the year and discuss the desicions. Not in a confrontational way just in a way that both sides can take something from the meeting.

One incident sticks in my head, Barney McAuley in the centre of the pitch, flicked across as one of the Dunloy men was attempting to control the ball, it was a side to side motion with one hand and simply missed the ball, neither was it dangerous or was it an attempt to hurt the player, IMO it wasnt even a foul but it resulted in a yellow card. (not getting at Herbie because have seen other refs do exactly the same)

On the game LG must have done some serious drinking all week because the Dunloy players looked sharper and beat them to nearly every ball. Not the kind of performance you would want to be taking into the winter, even though it was just the Ulster League.

Last Man

Clearly the way forward Nag if anything to improve mutual respect between players and referees. We might even get a few extra willing candidates for new men in black. What's the best way to take this forward??


Have to say the Young Whistlers programme is a good idea and should be pursued.

In fairness at senior level I dont think the abuse refs get is anywhere near what it used to be (barring the odd incident), at least in my experience it seems to be more prevalent down the ranks and this is the one place where it should be zero tolerance.

But if the refs get the respect and actually get a chance to interact with some of the players then maybe the pick something up which makes them a better ref and maybe the players gain a respect for them that they are giving up their time and they want to do the best job possible.


Those type of discussions have been had before NAG. Some people want to protect their perspective. Some want to attack others perspective. Very few are willing to see both sides of the coin and look for solutions
It's a lot easier to sing karaoke than to sing opera


Thats kind of why I was thinking of a more informal type meeting, but it would need someone with a bit of intelligence to chair the meetings and not ride rough shod over everyone and their views.
Just my idea to help things along.

Last Man

If the right sort of people are in the room I can't see how it wouldn't help everyone to see both sides of the story and carry it back accordingly.

Milltown Row2

Like our players, they don't always perform. we expect (players/referees) to be giving it their best. I'd doubt very much if one of your players has a crap game that you'd give him a verbal, on a website.

Usually a bit of slagging but seriously toned down. That player (unless he's thick) will know he had a bad game, same as the referee. he'll know during and walking off the pitch that he had a good one or shite one.

In defence of most referees they call it as they see it, for Herbie on that incident Nag it he probably seen it as dangerous play, as you said someone else would have waved it on. We only have about 3/4 ex senior players refereeing at the minute. if we continue to abuse them then our games will be officiated by non players. what would you prefer?

I'm not fooled into thinking  that referees are biased. I hate most (all) clubs in Belfast, its a healthy hatred  ;D ;D so when refereeing i don't give a toss who wins.

As for sitting down with players and management from clubs it can be a good thing and will raise a few eyebrows when answers from referees wont be accepted by players.

I asked a good referee to come in and speak to my team last year about a referee from down south who was doing our semi final, he told the lads he blew for this type of foul and let this type of 'foul' go!! Point is all referees have their own style. That is why we are at logger heads sometimes during a game.
None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Ea


Good Post MR2

I wasnt getting at Herbie but its the type of foul that a player doesnt expect to get even never mind a booking but I take your point that all refs have their own style. My one concern is really that, we are continually blowing these fouls and we are letting the wild slashing under a dropping ball go, I know which is more dangerous for sure and what one should be getting the attention of the refs.