The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread - #DankeJürgen

Started by Gabriel_Hurl, February 05, 2009, 03:47:16 PM

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Carmen Stateside

Tell me this, where did loislad disappear to?

Tony Baloney

Hasn't been about for a few weeks but do know his missus was expecting an due to pop sometime soon. Dinny implied the other day that Captain Obvious was him bit would doubt it.

Carmen Stateside


Quote from: under the bar on January 06, 2012, 11:59:21 PM
QuoteIt really is quite ridiculous to see people who are fans of one soccer club gleefully (and don't try to portray it in any other way) jumping on the fans of another on the gaaboard when they feel they've an opportunity to cling from the coattail of a racism allegation. Make no mistake, if a Utd fan is accused of making a racist comment tomorrow there'll be a mass exodus to the Utd thread by fans of other clubs, hoping to make themselves feel good by gloating at that accusation, pretending to be morally disturbed by the actual act.

It's quite transparent and it's as sad as fcuk

not quite as sad as when anyone connected with Liverpool is charged with any despicable act including attempted murder the so-called-fans on this board jump over themselves to proclaim their innocence!

Really? Who? When?


Quote from: hardstation on January 06, 2012, 10:53:24 PM
Quote from: Minder on January 06, 2012, 10:49:10 PM
Quote from: EC Unique on January 06, 2012, 10:45:09 PM
Did you read the article minder? LFC and police have both commented on it?

Yeah i did and i also read that a bbc journalist that was at the match and right beside the incident said it was bollocks. I dont know what happened but i know who i would imagine is a more credible source.
And as J70 might say, it's their word against someone else's. Only they know what they meant by it.

Right, because the two situations are the same.


Quote from: J70 on January 06, 2012, 07:56:33 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on January 06, 2012, 07:33:16 PM
Quote from: J70 on January 06, 2012, 06:44:42 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on January 06, 2012, 06:19:58 PM
They have made themselves look ridiculous to be honest.

To come out with this pro Suarez stance, getting all the players to wear the t-shirts etc and then not to appeal has made them look pretty bad.

From day one they should have pleaded cultural differences, got the ban down to a minimum, suarez apologised and left it at that.

Now they have backed him up with their statement and then not backed him up by not appealing. Were it a 2 game ban fair enough but an 8 game one?

Had they let it sit and then appealed on the grounds of cultural differences then the ban would likely have been halved.

What would the basis of a strong appeal be though? Suarez admitted to using the word "negro" and the FA admitted to basing their finding and punishment on deeming Evra's version of events more reliable. It was one man's word against another and they apparently found one more convincing. It wasn't some open and shut sequence captured on camera where the findings and possible appeal would be conclusive and much less subjective. I too think the club could have handled parts of it better, but I'd no problem with them standing behind Suarez or accepting the futility of appealing the verdict once the opinion came out.

People keep saying it was one mans word over another. If Suarez admitted to using the word negro then he signed his own death warrant.

If Liverpool had complete belief in  him then I believe they should have appealed. Irrespective if it were futile or not - if they believe in Suarez they should be doing everything they can to defend him. By not doing so they are giving up.

I believe the whole thing has been blown out of proportion and could have been handled a lot better by Suarez, by Liverpool and by Evra anyway. He should have got a 2 game ban and apologised and that would have been that.

In my view the club has made themselves look really bad.

By appealing they risked an even stiffer penalty if they lost. It would have been madness to embark on what they considered a futile appeal.

The rest has been debated to death at this stage.

I agree it has been done to death.

The even stiffer penalty to me is irrelevant. You believe he is innocent you appeal. You don't appeal you make it look like you're backing down. Grounds for appeal for surely be the basis on which they , apparently, believe his innocence.

Anyway, genuinely not a point scoring exercise against liverpool here. I don't mind, but don't support, liverpool. They look bad out of this though. If nothing else they need to at least learn from this whole debacle. To help their name I imagine from a political viewpoint it would be best if they got some representative to spearhead anti racism initiatives.

Norf Tyrone

Quote from: ONeill on January 06, 2012, 11:40:32 PM
It really is quite ridiculous to see people who are fans of one soccer club gleefully (and don't try to portray it in any other way) jumping on the fans of another on the gaaboard when they feel they've an opportunity to cling from the coattail of a racism allegation. Make no mistake, if a Utd fan is accused of making a racist comment tomorrow there'll be a mass exodus to the Utd thread by fans of other clubs, hoping to make themselves feel good by gloating at that accusation, pretending to be morally disturbed by the actual act.

It's quite transparent and it's as sad as fcuk.

The point O'Neill, is that Liverpool portray themselves as a 'great' Club, and they are in many ways. However when it comes to anything negative re them, it is buried, or ignored, or glossed over. It can be a little bit sanctimonious. Liverpool speak of their 'history' regularly, a point I've made on here a few times, but ignore the negative aspects of that history, or choose to blame others for it.

Indeed should anyone challenge the perception it tends to become like a gang mentality to shout that down. Example being last night where there was differing opinions on what happened. The Mirror reported a racial incident, and the BEEB argued otherwise. By 11pm last night trending on Twitter was 'don't but the Mirror'. That's OTT. I can understand the issues with The Sun. However when you start getting petty you water your appropriate stances down.

The problem created with their stance over Suarez in particular is that they've gone into siege menatlity, which is no bad thing in isolation. However they've become so entrenched with their stance, e.g. the T shirts etc, that has only served to inspire tribalism. I rarely recall issues at Anfield such as last night where-by a player has been abused, however I think people have got a little bit carried away with the net result being last night's incident.

The other point, personally is that when there is a Chelsea misdemeanor for example (Irrespective if it's true or not), they'll be a barrage of half truths and BS regarding said incident, and the Club. My point is that people (And I can probably include myself at times here) can end up looking silly. For example last year re the JT/ Bridge thing, you'd United fans coming on, and slagging off Chelsea's 150K a week player. A few months later, and Giggs f**ks up, and it was defence mode for their 150K a week player.

When you step back and think about it, everyone's getting up tight about their 150K a week player having it off with good looking woman. More fool us. But I suppose that's football.
Owen Roe O'Neills GAC, Leckpatrick, Tyrone


I missed all this. What happened? Should Sauze not have been in the Directors box?

new devil

Liverpool club statement: "We deny that any of our fans shouted any racial abuse at an Oldham player, but we fully support them if they did"

Big Puff

Quote from: new devil on January 07, 2012, 10:26:23 AM
Liverpool club statement: "We deny that any of our fans shouted any racial abuse at an Oldham player, but we fully support them if they did"

Its sickening that 'fans' of rival clubs are trying to score cheap points out of a highly emotive situation. I suppose it says alot about the character of the person who posts such drivel.


They all seem to be from the great county of Tyrone too !
"When it's too tough for them, it's just right for us"


I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Liverpool refuse to recognise that Suarez was guilty of racial abuse - they and their lawyers came up with a defence that Michael Jackson's doctor would have been proud of.

It's no big surprise that their fans feel fit to dish a bit of it out too.

But I suppose they'll keep up the defence that nothing happened.


Firstly, new devil, piss off.
Secondly, there is no way a club can stop every single fan. Its impossible. Theres 40,000 fans at games, each with a mind of their own. They're not robots. The club will hopefully find the suspects and bar them from attending games in future, thats all that can be done. Those 2 or 3 lads are idiots. So punish them. Just because these few did this it doesnt make all Liverpool fans rascists. Only a fool would asume that. I have attended plenty of Liverpool games and the club actually has a huge Asian following, suppose they are all rascists too.


Quote from: EagleLord on January 07, 2012, 11:11:20 AM
Firstly, new devil, piss off.
Secondly, there is no way a club can stop every single fan. Its impossible. Theres 40,000 fans at games, each with a mind of their own. They're not robots. The club will hopefully find the suspects and bar them from attending games in future, thats all that can be done. Those 2 or 3 lads are idiots. So punish them. Just because these few did this it doesnt make all Liverpool fans rascists. Only a fool would asume that. I have attended plenty of Liverpool games and the club actually has a huge Asian following, suppose they are all rascists too.

Lets wait and see what the facts are before they are hung, drawn and quartered. Take a look ar Minder's post on what a bbc journalist said about the incident.

If guilty they should be dealt with appropriately