McKenna Cup 2024

Started by never kickt a ball, December 30, 2006, 02:22:48 AM

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Armagh won't be worried about tonight's result but the manner of the defeat will rankle with players, managers and supporters.
Mc Geeney and co turned round a bigger deficit last year but Armagh have more work done at this stage.

Tyrone travelling nicely.


What was tonight's attendance?

Throw ball

rionach 4

Tyrone came and hammered us in our own backyard. Those of us that line the banks of the Blackwater find games like tonight hard to stomach irrespective of the competition. I deliberately didnt post after the first game because my general synopsis of that game was Tyrone were slow and lethargic (but still won) and we were much sharper.
Tonight Tyrone were streets ahead in the sharpness stakes. Again their movement up front was excellent and they wiped us out in the middle. But for a few catches by Aaron and a few runs by soupy it was a no show in this area. I counted winning two breaking balls in the first half alone . Tyrone upped the work-rate and the intensity which I knew they would and they looked stronger physically than us in most departments. Their defence in particular were very tight and while Armagh did well to open them up a few times ,they looked a solid bunch.

Maybe a  few players were watching themselves carefully. Ciaran Mckeever Aaron Findon and Finn mo all had to be careful not to pick up another red. We didn't mix it at all. Yes the mistake by the keeper was horrible and the kickouts in general were slow but the ease with which they went through us for the goals was alarming. Skeet McAliskey literally pushed aside our defence for their third goal, mind you it was a lucky rebound that set Cavanagh up.

Lets clear a few things up Sean Cavanagh is a fabulous player. Forget about the diving whinging all that etc etc, he is quality, end of story and I'll stand by that point with anyone. He shuffled his feet  close to the line in front of me and left the defender for dead and Brendy is no slouch by any means . We had no answer to him . Brendan did as well as anyone could but there was no doubting for me who was on top. why oh why did we leave such space in front of him.
In the first half he was hit time and time again with early ball. I know it's better than Omagh last year score wise but tonight we looked third division and they first.  To be fair had we went to Omagh and beat them like they did us tonight we would be booking hotels in Dublin for Sept. We are not as good as we think we are and on the other hand not as bad as that tonight , somewhere in between. The journeys to Clare, Sligo, Limerick and wexford will tell us all we need to know and after tonight those journeys look even longer.


I'd agree with most of that, r4.

We aren't as good as we think we are. Last year has raised expectation in Armagh, but I fear the progress many predict this year may not work out that way.

Yes it's only January, but we are laboured in our build up play, slow to release ball and we will definitely miss the accurate foot passing of Aaron Kernan this year. We don't have a decent passer to replace him. Also, we lack a Cavanagh-type target/go-to man.


Grimley was the yin to mcgeeeneys yang. Who is gonna make the call?




The Tyrone goalkeeper was excellent last night

Nigel White

The ref played a blinder for them too

Moortown Spuds

The referee, the divers, the pre match band-everyone is out to get Armagh.

Norf Tyrone

I see the BBC are showing the final live on Sat night.

Owen Roe O'Neills GAC, Leckpatrick, Tyrone


Quote from: Moortown Spuds on January 22, 2015, 08:28:09 AM
The referee, the divers, the pre match band-everyone is out to get Armagh.
Don't forget the crap service from Armagh TV

aontroim abu

Quote from: imtommygunn on January 22, 2015, 07:57:30 AM

Photo by this guy...

John "Curly" McIlwaine is probably the best GAA photographer around, never misses a game, and a really genuine nice guy. He has given me several photos of games I was involved in.

Was at this game last night too, really impressed with McAliskey, but I thought Shay McGuigan showed up really well too. He covered some ground and you can tell he's been in the weights room over the winter. Mickey O'Neill had a great game in goals, young McCann in midfield has a bright future too. Tyrone look to have lots of competition in lots of positions now.
Can't understand why Armagh started Clarke in left half back, as soon as they went behind he was shifted into the ful forward line. In fairness he was poor the whole game, even missed easy frees as did Tony Kernan. The only Armagh players who can hold their heads high after that game were their 2 midfielders tbh, and even there Tyrone more than held their own.


Fermanagh v Cavan for anybody that's interested.

Fermanagh have adopted a really defensive system this year which really seemed to surprise Cavan. 
We went in 6-4 up and should have been further in front.  Cavan really struggled against our defence.

In the second half Cavan got a hold around the middle of the field.  They still struggled to break down our defence but we were that busy defending we forgot to attack. Anytime we did attack we decided to kick it in long and Cavan had 2 sweepers employed to deal with that. 
Cavan scored 4 points in the second half and Fermanagh did not score until the 30th minute to bring us back to within a point.
Cavan then proceeded to gift us a goal with about 3 minutes to go.  Game looked over until Fermanagh repaid the favour and gifted Cavan a goal.  Nice to see neighbouring counties being so friendly.  Sean Quigley then had a free that hit the post and came back into play.  At that stage everybody assumed the referee would blow it up but he give us another dubious free (and moved it in) which went wide but the umpire give a 45.  Sean then hit the 45 but it was short.  The referee then blew things up and everybody was delighted that the game was over and we could all go home. 

From a Fermanagh point of view it has been an excellent McKenna cup.  Our defence has improved no end from last year.  Few new players found and a few key players returning from injury as well. Quigley still needs a bit of help up front. I appreciate the need to defend in numbers in the modern game but we need more than one outlet ball. A balance needs to be struck.  The fitness of the squad is much improved from last year.
Louth now wait on Saturday week and Sligo away after that. Those two games will determine if its promotion we are after or if it's a relegation dogfight.
Wanted.  Forwards to take frees.
Not fussy.  Any sort of ability will be considered


I hate losing to Tyrone. In any competition or otherwise. Im in a right bad mood today