Official Gooners Thread - A New Hope

Started by Dinny Breen, November 10, 2006, 09:10:06 AM

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Walter Cronc

Quote from: Syferus on August 17, 2013, 08:01:32 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on August 17, 2013, 07:32:18 PM
Has there been a worse transfer decision than selling RVP to the best team in the country?

What choice did they have? Let him leave for next to nothing the next season? Arsenal weren't going to be in the title race with or without RVP.

They could have taken a 10 million hit and sold him in Jan. Worst transfer in clubs history!

Main Street

 It's patent nonsense to claim it's the worst transfer,
even to think Arsenal are rivals to Man U is delusional.
And even if it was considered a bad transfer, how quickly ye have forgotten the transfer of the century for Arsenal, Henry to Barca.
Probably one of the most ridiculous things a club can do is attempt to bludgeon one of their players as if they own him and hold their interests above and beyond the interests of the player. Clubs have no qualm about getting rid of other faithful players if they feel it's in their interests. Maybe Van Persie after serving his time with Arsenal, wanted to move to the best or a better team in England and didn't want to move out of England.
If Arsenal had any valid claims to hold onto Van Persie or attempt to control which club he goes to,  then they would have showed that ambition by making serious moves to sign players like Sanchez and Suarez around the time of WC 2010. Maybe then, Van Persie would not have got itchy feet. Probably most Arsenal fans wouldn't have had a clue about the quality of either player.
Arsenal was a plodding English club with occasional trophy success before Wenger came along. Now that he's raised Arsenal's standards to the point where top 4 is considered a failure of sorts, you think he's past his his end date.
There appear to be too many Arsenal supporters who just don't know how crap they could be, before Wenger came along. Even at his worst, Wenger is a country mile ahead of what went on before he came along.


God bless the hills of Dooish, be they heather-clad or lea,


Quote from: Main Street on August 18, 2013, 01:04:10 AM
Arsenal was a plodding English club with occasional trophy success before Wenger came along. Now that he's raised Arsenal's standards to the point where top 4 is considered a failure of sorts, you think he's past his his end date.
There appear to be too many Arsenal supporters who just don't know how crap they could be, before Wenger came along. Even at his worst, Wenger is a country mile ahead of what went on before he came along.

That is incorrect. In the decade before Wenger arrived (under Graham) they won the league twice, league cup twice, FA Cup once, European Cup Winners' Cup once, reached that final again, went through a season losing 1 game conceding something like 17 goals.

Even under Rioch they finished 4th.

Wenger revolutionised the club ok but his judgement in recent years is undoubtably questionable. What's the point in qualifying for the CL every year when there's nothing to show for it - on the field or off. His failure to strengthen the side for the 4th consecutive year is baffling. Those fans pay for the most expensive seats in Europe but are left watching a worsening quality of player. 
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Walter Cronc

Quote from: ONeill on August 18, 2013, 08:58:19 AM
Quote from: Main Street on August 18, 2013, 01:04:10 AM
Arsenal was a plodding English club with occasional trophy success before Wenger came along. Now that he's raised Arsenal's standards to the point where top 4 is considered a failure of sorts, you think he's past his his end date.
There appear to be too many Arsenal supporters who just don't know how crap they could be, before Wenger came along. Even at his worst, Wenger is a country mile ahead of what went on before he came along.

That is incorrect. In the decade before Wenger arrived (under Graham) they won the league twice, league cup twice, FA Cup once, European Cup Winners' Cup once, reached that final again, went through a season losing 1 game conceding something like 17 goals.

Even under Rioch they finished 4th.

Wenger revolutionised the club ok but his judgement in recent years is undoubtably questionable. What's the point in qualifying for the CL every year when there's nothing to show for it - on the field or off. His failure to strengthen the side for the 4th consecutive year is baffling. Those fans pay for the most expensive seats in Europe but are left watching a worsening quality of player. 


Main Street continues to back Wenger to the hilt and snaps at anyone who dares question him!


was at the game yesterday, very apparent after 20 mins that Villa were way more aggressive than Arsenal. midfield was pure crap, ramsey not good enough, walcott didn't want to know about it, mertisacker is not worth a shite, Bentek beat him in the air for almost every ball.

fans around me reckon that with this squad they will be luck to be in top six.  According to some of them Arsenal have no intention in signing Suarez and just bid that much up to screw real madrid, who seemingly screwed arsenal when a deal for hauigin was done at 24MM. Madrid came back a two weeks later and said price was now 33MM.

Met an older guy (season ticket holder for 40 years) on way out, was disgusted at criticism of Wenger, as according to him, Arsenal were pure crap until he came around 17 years ago, he credits him with having them play great football. he said the boo birds were all relatively new fans that have come on board in last 10-15 years. He also mentioned that stadium has been paid off, and unlike united, chelsea and others they are not up to their you know what in debt.

He said Wenger will right the ship eventually. interesting comments.

Walter Cronc

Letter from Black scarf movement to Ivan Gazidis!

Dear Ivan,

We write to you as Arsenal's largest and fastest growing supporters' group, to convey our deep concern at the current state of our team going into the new season.

In early June, around season ticket renewal time, you were widely quoted following your Q&A event where you spoke about the club's new financial firepower and ambition moving forward. Many fans saw this as the club finally about to break free from the shackles of moving stadium; new commercial deals were coming into place, we had a vast amount of cash available in the bank, profit from the Queensland Road property project was secured, the vast increase in TV revenue was about to land on our doorstep, and after treading water since moving from Highbury it seemed as if we were finally going to push on.

What has happened since then is nothing short of a disgrace.

There have been noises coming out of the club over the summer that the market was slow, that other clubs weren't doing much, and that things take time if you're after top quality players. We feel all of these were poor excuses, designed to deflect focus away from our shortcomings.

The only positive of the summer has been the release of many players who were generally considered 'dead wood' – and naturally this frees up more cash for investment in the team. But with the departure of these players, virtually no movement has come in the opposite direction and we're now left with a squad severely lacking in depth and experience. Indeed, the squad registered for the Champions League in the last week had to be padded out with kids.

As a group we have been concerned for some time that the Board running our club has lost sight of the raison d'être i.e. we are Arsenal Football Club; not a business purely focused on posting profits year after year.

You will have seen the results of our end of season survey, which came out in favour of Arsene Wenger but with 70% stating that he has too much control over transfer negotiations and setting of wage levels at the club. The same survey revealed that 87% of fans feel the current Board of Arsenal is out of touch with the feeling among fans, and that 73% feel less valued by the club since we moved stadium.

It is our view as a group that the Board of Arsenal is too relaxed about the competitiveness of our team, and that as long as a top four place is secured, it is a case of 'job done'. This should never be the case but despite hearing you say you're not happy every time we end a season with nothing to really cheer about, nothing changes.

So in June following your statement of intent, fans were rightly hopeful but what has happened since then? Yet again we've spent the summer dithering while others around us have strengthened, and once more we start the season playing catch-up. With five competitive matches due before the transfer window closes, there is every chance that our season could be dealt a hammer blow before we've had a chance to take stock, and this weekend's defeat at home to Aston Villa should act as a huge wake-up call.

We are now in a situation where we're faced with a carbon copy of 2011, where it took an 8-2 humiliation at Manchester United to force a 'trolley dash' on the final day of the transfer window. Of course by then it was too late. For Arsenal to be in that situation once is unacceptable; for it to happen twice in three years will be unforgivable.

It is imperative that the Board of Arsenal does its job and manages the Manager – an employee of the club you are supposed to be running. What are Arsene Wenger's targets / KPIs set by the Board every year? Is the he not even answerable to the Board, with free rein to do as he pleases as long as he helps the business achieve a profit? Is he having to do all the running himself when it comes to transfers or if support is there, is he taking it? Clarity is required here because something clearly isn't right at the club when it comes to the acquisition of new players.

You put all the focus on the Arsene Wenger yourself at that Q&A session in June, but to fans there is little evidence of questions being asked of him; this despite approaching the end of the transfer window with no sign of needed, established quality coming in. Does the Board feel that it's been a good summer? Because we've now lost our opening game of the season, our squad is already blitzed by injury, once more today there were fans coming to blows in the stands. As a Board member, does this even bother you?

Of course if we used the funds we do have available, brought in top quality players and competed for prizes, in would come better commercial deals, you wouldn't have as much trouble trying to get corporate punters back into the stadium, and naturally the more successful we are it becomes easier to attract better players. Or is the Board too short-sighted to realise this?

A competitive team isn't one which scrapes the position of 4th best team in the league on the final day of the season and gets dumped out of domestic cup competitions by lower league opposition; you need to realise that most fans are aware of this fact. They're not duped by finishing in a position which may result in us playing in the Champions League. So what, if the cash from that competition is simply banked and never sees the light of day?

It should be noted that as long term fans of The Arsenal we've seen plenty of lean times and poor teams over the years. Silverware isn't the be all and end all; we follow this club out of pure love and will always do so. However, loyal matchgoing fans continue to walk away from Emirates Stadium, unwilling to part with their hard-earned cash when they feel let down and lied to by our Board. We pay the highest ticket prices in football after being sold a dream, but it's always a case of 'jam tomorrow' and many have seen through the spin.

Enough is enough.

If the Board is actually intent on making Arsenal a successful force in football once again, changes have to be made. Arsene Wenger should have experienced, qualified support to help bring in top quality players, and he needs to be managed effectively if the right business isn't being done.

Or if the Board is simply intent on milking the Arsenal brand for all its worth to the detriment of the team (but to the benefit of our bank account), season ticket prices at Emirates Stadium should be reduced accordingly. Our loyal fans should no longer have to bear the burden after doing so for many years.

Make no mistake, if there is not significant improvement in our playing squad over the next couple of weeks, the rapidly growing anger in the stands will become difficult to overturn. There hasn't been a poisonous atmosphere like this at Arsenal for over 30 years and the Board has simply stood by, while things have gone from bad to worse. I am sure you appreciate, this can no longer happen.

We look forward to your response in due course.

Yours faithfully,

Where Has Our Arsenal Gone (the Black Scarf Movement)

Dinny Breen



When you think you're fucked you're only about 40% fucked.


Some crack alright. Bender might even tog out,
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.


Arsenal have made a bid for Johan Kebabs.


What's going on with these bids?

Arsenal used to be stealth-like.
I wanna have my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames.

Walter Cronc

Quote from: ONeill on August 19, 2013, 01:37:28 PM
What's going on with these bids?

Arsenal used to be stealth-like.

Because Dick Law couldnt tie his shoe lace never mind close a deal.