McKenna Cup 2024

Started by never kickt a ball, December 30, 2006, 02:22:48 AM

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Redhand Santa

It was a shocking performance from the ref and a ten point win and sending off 2 Monaghan players (one he had no choice as linesman made the call) didn't hide his clear bias. And this was not a one off with Tyrone. I think that explains why the crowd were angry despite the result. Its ridiculous he's been given this Saturdays game as well. However, I would agree that some of the abuse was over the top and not justified. All counties have unreasonable loud supporters and we seem to have our fair share.

I would disagree however that the majority of Tyrone supporters their aren't true gaa fans or are linked to clubs. Tyrone probably has one of the largest group of hard core fans in Ireland and I'd imagine most are linked to clubs.


Quote from: God14 on January 29, 2013, 12:55:59 PM
I accept your comments 'upmonaghansayswe' & unfortunately, like all counties, we do indeed have a nasty element amongst our hard core support.

However I'd like to point out that this particular referee has history with Tyrone. He's a fairly young & inexperiened ref - however he getting bigger & bigger games this past couple of years ~ firstly McRory Finals there about 2yrs ago, and now onto the intercounty stage

In particular - he effectively dediced the outcome of the Ulster U21 final last year, which I attented. His performance that night was a truely shocking performance of refereeing.

Indeed he needed an escort to get out of McHale park in Mayo last year, as he ballsed that match up as well. Conor Mortimor had plenty to say about him on twitter.

And guess what - he's down to referee Tyrone V Down on Saturday night.

Fair enough, I cant comment on any of the above. But while these previous performances may have shortened the fuse of some of your supporters I would be of the opinion that it was a "mob mentality" case among alot of them. Either that, or they all have as good a memory as yourself!.. So Down in my accumulator for the weekend then?  ;D

Main Street

Quote from: upmonaghansayswe on January 29, 2013, 05:31:27 PM
Quote from: God14 on January 29, 2013, 12:55:59 PM
I accept your comments 'upmonaghansayswe' & unfortunately, like all counties, we do indeed have a nasty element amongst our hard core support.

However I'd like to point out that this particular referee has history with Tyrone. He's a fairly young & inexperiened ref - however he getting bigger & bigger games this past couple of years ~ firstly McRory Finals there about 2yrs ago, and now onto the intercounty stage

In particular - he effectively dediced the outcome of the Ulster U21 final last year, which I attented. His performance that night was a truely shocking performance of refereeing.

Indeed he needed an escort to get out of McHale park in Mayo last year, as he ballsed that match up as well. Conor Mortimor had plenty to say about him on twitter.

And guess what - he's down to referee Tyrone V Down on Saturday night.

Fair enough, I cant comment on any of the above.
I can comment on the above, it's a load of empty vessel crap  ;D
A Tyrone defender bear hugs a Cavan forward in the penalty area and the ref awards the stonewall penalty.

Fortunately I listened to the Mon vTyrone game on Northern Sound who are savvy enough to protect the listeners from the sound of rattling of the empty Tyrone vessels, with some heavy duty sound insulation. Kept the pain to tolerable levels.

charlie linkbox

I'm not surprised you've raised this issue upmonaghansayswe.

I have to say the temperature of my blood rose steadily throughout the game and was at boiling point come the end, and not because of the scoreline or Monaghan's performance. From the moment the third goal went in I had reconciled myself to defeat, so by the time the final whistle went I had made my peace with that. It was the Tyrone support that had me fuming.

I was considering posting on this matter after the game but thought it more prudent to give myself a few days to gather my thoughts. However even three days later, looking back rationally, I can honestly say that I have never witnessed such vile, vulgar, rude, aggressive, abusive, whinging, yapping behaviour from so-called "proper" supporters (those who attend McKenna Cup and league games) in my life. And this when they were coasting to victory in 2nd gear!!! What was there to get worked up about? It was a stroll for them. Imagine the vitriol if the game had been close!!! Imagine the behaviour if the game was close in a game that really mattered!!!

It was only some of the support, granted. However, usually this behaviour is excused as being the antics of one or two morons who are dragging down the name of everyone else. This was not the case last Saturday night. This was an undercurrent of aggression that seemed inherent in the Tyrone support, and the abuse was hurled by many different voices. It cannot be merely passed off and dismissed as the misbehaviour of a few individuals either. For whatever reason it is endemic in the psyche of the "Tyronie" (witness the carry on during Tyrone club games for example; the county is infamous for its squabbling and fighting).

I have the utmost respect and admiration for Mickey Harte and the Tyrone team and what they have achieved, often in very trying circumstances. If only their support could act with even a modicum of the same class.......



Those grapes are sour in south Ulster. Considering they're so regular, You'd think you would take your beatings and slide on with your tail between your legs.


Quote from: omagh_gael on January 29, 2013, 09:37:46 PM
Those grapes are sour in south Ulster. Considering they're so regular, You'd think you would take your beatings and slide on with your tail between your legs.

Don't think it is sour grapes. the behaviour of Tyrone supporters can be very embarrassing. Don't really win with an humility.


Quote from: Tommo2 on January 29, 2013, 09:52:30 PM
Quote from: omagh_gael on January 29, 2013, 09:37:46 PM
Those grapes are sour in south Ulster. Considering they're so regular, You'd think you would take your beatings and slide on with your tail between your legs.

Don't think it is sour grapes. the behaviour of Tyrone supporters can be very embarrassing. Don't really win with an humility.

Don't think this a very fair comment & it's not alone on here- but like the majority of supporters from every county we can be gracious in both victory & defeat. Yes there are always a few plonkers who step across the line but this is everywhere, not just in the GAA but in society. What I don't like is when a few rumblings about Tyrone supporters behaviour becomes common practice for posters online, then the journos pick up on it & then becomes the stereotype. Just like the puke football comment grew legs & the rep Tyrone have for diving. These comments, if we are realistic could have been applied to any county at a point in time. Please, if Tyrone fans are out of line at games then have a word- usually this is all it takes. Or appeal to other Tyrone fans to have a word with them. Same if your from Monaghan or Derry or down or wherever.

Tyrone Dreamer

I've been to all the games this year and this was the only one that abuse like this was directed at the referee. He'd have got abuse from any county supporters for some of the decisions. Booking Stephen O'Neill for challenging for a high ball and then ignoring Tyrone players being clearly pulled to the ground was always going to cause anger. His decision to wave his arms about every time there was a clear foul to signal it wasn't a foul didn't help. The fact that the crowd reaction only happened in one of 5 McKenna Cup games might lead you to believe that there is a genuine issue with the referee.


Quote from: TY14ED on January 29, 2013, 10:29:09 PM
Quote from: Tommo2 on January 29, 2013, 09:52:30 PM
Quote from: omagh_gael on January 29, 2013, 09:37:46 PM
Those grapes are sour in south Ulster. Considering they're so regular, You'd think you would take your beatings and slide on with your tail between your legs.

Don't think it is sour grapes. the behaviour of Tyrone supporters can be very embarrassing. Don't really win with an humility.

Don't think this a very fair comment & it's not alone on here- but like the majority of supporters from every county we can be gracious in both victory & defeat. Yes there are always a few plonkers who step across the line but this is everywhere, not just in the GAA but in society. What I don't like is when a few rumblings about Tyrone supporters behaviour becomes common practice for posters online, then the journos pick up on it & then becomes the stereotype. Just like the puke football comment grew legs & the rep Tyrone have for diving. These comments, if we are realistic could have been applied to any county at a point in time. Please, if Tyrone fans are out of line at games then have a word- usually this is all it takes. Or appeal to other Tyrone fans to have a word with them. Same if your from Monaghan or Derry or down or wherever.

Sorry Tommo not a direct attack at you or your comment just in response to a type of comment that's gathering pace on here


In other words quit talking crap Tommo etc.

Champion The Wonder Horse

Who was the referee? David Coldrick?


Quote from: TY14ED on January 29, 2013, 10:29:09 PM
Yes there are always a few plonkers who step across the line

A few? Do you really think Id go to the bother of posting over just a few plonkers?  Let me reiterate, the worst behaviour I've ever witnessed at a pre season match.

Quote from: TY14ED on January 29, 2013, 10:29:09 PM
What I don't like is when a few rumblings about Tyrone supporters behaviour becomes common practice for posters online, then the journos pick up on it & then becomes the stereotype.

Well then blame lazy journalism or the actions of those who cant have a bitta manners at a game.

Quote from: TY14ED on January 29, 2013, 10:29:09 PM
Please, if Tyrone fans are out of line at games then have a word- usually this is all it takes. Or appeal to other Tyrone fans to have a word with them. Same if your from Monaghan or Derry or down or wherever.

Well then here is my appeal to other Tyrone fans. Do you think they would have listened to a "sour grape" Monaghan fan like me?.

Quote from: Tyrone Dreamer on January 29, 2013, 10:30:15 PM
He'd have got abuse from any county supporters for some of the decisions. Booking Stephen O'Neill for challenging for a high ball and then ignoring Tyrone players being clearly pulled to the ground was always going to cause anger. His decision to wave his arms about every time there was a clear foul to signal it wasn't a foul didn't help. The fact that the crowd reaction only happened in one of 5 McKenna Cup games might lead you to believe that there is a genuine issue with the referee.

As I said, I can understand some of the anger (not abuse) in the 1st half, like the incident you have referred too. It was the persistent abuse when 9 points up and coasting against 14 men that comes under a total different category.

charlie linkbox

Quote from: omagh_gael on January 29, 2013, 09:37:46 PM
Those grapes are sour in south Ulster. Considering they're so regular, You'd think you would take your beatings and slide on with your tail between your legs.

Ah yes....... the standard predictable response of the dim-witted!!! ::)


Was chatting to a Cork lad who sits next to me in work and he was at the Dublin v Kildare final last weekend
He said the language out of mothers and children to the referee was just unreal.

I think in Ulster though its only confined to Tyrone fans. They are the worst. I've never heard a Monaghan or Armagh fan shout any abuse at the ref or other players.