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Messages - MoChara

Quote from: armaghniac on July 10, 2015, 02:30:13 PM
Quote from: MoChara on July 10, 2015, 01:48:02 PM
I'm trying to train her by saying I know what you mean every time she says it shes coming.

If you say "I know what you mean", does that me you are coming too?

I scrolled back there and all to see if I'd actually wrote that haha
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on July 10, 2015, 02:06:18 PM
Quote from: MoChara on July 10, 2015, 01:48:02 PM
Unbelievable no one has mentioned it yet, the word "Like". Once I hear it used as a semi colon I don't listen to any other word spoken except to pick up how many times they say like in a sentence.

Also my GF says " know what I mean" at the ned of most things, I'm trying to train her by saying I know what you mean every time she says it shes coming on well.

Give her a slap every time she says it,  that will stop it.

You think I'm going to listen to it after that  :o
Unbelievable no one has mentioned it yet, the word "Like". Once I hear it used as a semi colon I don't listen to any other word spoken except to pick up how many times they say like in a sentence.

Also my GF says " know what I mean" at the ned of most things, I'm trying to train her by saying I know what you mean every time she says it shes coming on well.
July 10, 2015, 10:06:55 AM
Some Score for Loughgiel last night against St Galls 8.27 to 0.2
General discussion / Re: The Official UFC Thread
July 03, 2015, 09:00:05 AM
Quote from: ludermor on July 02, 2015, 02:10:43 PM
You're right , he can behave how he sees fit but that doesn't mean i have to respect him and it doesn't mean im a begrudger if i don't respect him. In this particular case there are far more bandwagon jumping gobshites who never seen a UFC fight before him and haven't a clue about the sport or the fighters than there are begrudgers.
And while you may be able to see past his persona there are plenty of these gobshites who think this is who he is and what the UFC is. Its not the f**king WWF/WWE!

This is exactly what hes there to do, bring people in that don't normally watch UFC
General discussion / Re: The Official UFC Thread
July 02, 2015, 12:07:41 PM
This is the 5th Title fight Aldo has canceled or ducked out off, also I'm pretty sure he was cleared by doctors to fight too I don't know whats going on but I don't think its all as it seems.

Cynic in me reckons UFC set this fight up to fall over so they get the big draw of Mcgregor Mendes (off the back of ALdo PR) and then Mcgregopr Aldo anyway at a later date
June 30, 2015, 09:05:29 AM
Quote from: getevennotcross on June 29, 2015, 10:22:19 PM
Quote from: btdtgtt on June 29, 2015, 08:51:53 PM
I said at the very start of this that how the player & St Johns handle this was now the important think.
If they brush it under the carpet then it's says everything about both. And we are doomed for the same type of thing to happen in the same club. Nothing new there and so disappointing as it's another thing that prevents their talent from making the grade.
St. Johns have a long and well documented history of this sort of thing and have a high prevalence of disgusting and thuggish behaviour.  One fears it is a badge they are somewhat proud of, which is extremely unfortunate and disappointing.  This most recent episode certainly does not endear them to the support or respect of other other clubs in the county.  It has to be said that, if their club management structure condones such behaviours and brush such incidents under the carpet, you would then have to question the type of example they are demonstrating to young people in their stewardship??

As with most things in GAA if he wasn't a star player he would be firmly disciplined.
General discussion / Re: Willie Frazer and FAIR
June 29, 2015, 02:11:52 PM
I thought it was clearly a PR stunt myself especially since he first started talking about 8 well known IRA men called at his door to give him this card on facebook, but then the video comes out of him fighting an old man that needed a walking stick never mind anything else, surely he could do better than that for a set up.

Only he could of released that video, the mind boggles at Oor Wullie.
June 25, 2015, 09:20:45 AM
If team mates have said he said, spectators heard him say it, the player he said it to heard him say it and have all stated as such, what other evidence could you ask for bar a video recording.
The Waterford Whispers Article on Mass Brawls in the GAA

WITH mass GAA brawls continuing to thrill the close knit GAA community, WWN decided to provide a handy guide to those not so familiar with the much loved Irish sport of GAA brawling:
GAA mass brawls are better value for money than the UFC. Bouts are not limited to 1 on 1 contests, with brawls involving upwards of 30 pillars of the local community. Does the UFC let you jump in and partake in a fight if it gets a little out of hand? No! But this is for the taking in GAA mass brawls, fight for craic, fight for your honour, fight for the parish! A great sporting spectacle.
We're currently in a golden age of mass GAA brawls. The players have never been bigger, never been fitter so these really are top notch contests and with the news that one Monaghan player has been banned for two years following a positive drug test we have the added danger and excitement of so-called 'roid rage' as no doubt other brawlers have taken some too.

Thanks to an ancient law still in place today, any bit of assaulting a person does while wearing a GAA jersey on a pitch is classified as 'lads just letting off some steam', which is just as well because if some of these fights happened out on a busy street you'd be looking at doing some hard time in prison. Or worse still, if they happened on a soccer pitch you'd be labelled a sc**bag degenerate who is 'just typical' of that sort of shitty, void-of-morals sport.
Did you know these athletes don't even get paid to partake in mass brawls? They do it for FREE! It just makes you appreciate the broken jaws and concussions that bit more.
We would advise that you shouldn't attend if you are a medical professional, as you may be called in to assist a player who has been hit full force in the head with a hurl on purpose, as was the case with Dr. Daniel Maher at last weekend's senior hurling match. What a way to ruin your day off.
Somewhat of a side note, but if find yourself attending a mass brawl be sure to record horizontally on your phone, as many casual brawl fans online have expressed frustration at the rise in vertically filmed, hard to watch mass brawls.
If this guide has you convinced that mass GAA brawls is the sport for you, pop on down to any match in your locality as you're bound to stumble upon one sooner or later.
General discussion / Re: Your Favourite Word
June 22, 2015, 11:01:49 AM
At the minute its Disco with a Sligo accent

Ya going to de Dish-go
Hurling Discussion / All Ireland Qualifiers
June 22, 2015, 10:58:25 AM
Round 1 Hurling Qualifiers
Laois v Dublin
Westmeath v Limerick
Clare v Offaly
Wexford v Cork

Round 2A All-Ireland Football Qualifiers
Antrim v Fermanagh
Offaly v Dublin/Kildare
Clare v Longford
Cavan v Roscommon
I hear he scored 4-4 from play in a league game tonight (Rathnure   4-12   1-12   Ferns St Aidans), he also bagged 2-26 in the league for county this year it'd want to be something pretty serious I hate to think its just pedantry.
It'd certainly be interesting to see what the manager finds totally unacceptable.
"I'm not so sure Jack wants it as much as we want him"
18 June 2015

Wexford's Jack Guiney.
Jack Guiney's commitment to Wexford hurling isn't what it should be according to manager Liam Dunne.

The Rathnure clubman has been dropped for the Model County panel just days before their Leinster SHC semi-final clash with Kilkenny and, speaking to South East radio, Dunne explained: "Unfortunately, Jack won't be involved with this group.

"We set standards, and the players set standards as you go along and players buy into it.

"If you don't want to come up to that standard or you can't give that commitment that's required, this set-up is nowhere for you to be.

"At the moment Jack just can't give that commitment. I'd love to have Jack Guiney and the players would love to have Jack Guiney.

"I'm not so sure Jack wants it as much as we want him."