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Messages - Wildweasel74

GAA Discussion / Re: Ulster Championship is Muck
June 10, 2012, 08:26:33 PM
got the best game of the championship today, good points, and good open -play, next week welcome to the worst game of the championship with gaelic football played the way it shouldn`t be played, Derry played very open and gung ho last year but to match this type of game Derry will have to go very negative to have a chance, but i dont think derry have the know how to play that type of game
General discussion / Re: EURO 2012
June 10, 2012, 08:15:51 PM
Think Kevin could get a game for tyrone there lol,
Croatia aint that hot in the air at the back
General discussion / Re: EURO 2012
June 10, 2012, 08:07:23 PM
got a phantom whistler in the crowd the bollocks!!
General discussion / Re: EURO 2012
June 10, 2012, 07:56:13 PM
see they got the irish weather anyway
General discussion / Re: EURO 2012
June 10, 2012, 07:51:55 PM
wrong footed for the goal, brutal start
thought we got tony doing co commentary on Rte 2, its like been stuck between a rock and a hard place
turned on to bbc 2 for 2mins, just cant listen to him, back over to rte 2!! ("its simmering, it just about to fizz", jesus give me strength)
kerry are on the slide, probably have been since been beat by an overly average Down team beat them 2yrs ago, problem is alot of good teams of the past few years are on the slide too, All Ireland down to Cork, Dublin, and Kildare now
Noel o`leary is still a dick
Kerry are at the point Tyrone were about 2 years ago when changes were needed but the old guard was kept on too long, tyrone had the big underage set up and successful underage teams to replace their great players to an extent, has kerry the same playing pool??
Not about time Kerry looked for tommy walsh back, getting David moran back up to fitness and try to combine them into a new midfield combination that would be around for a number of years and try and build new team round them, kerry best players on view are still there older players but when O`shea and co retire has kerry anyone coming through at underage level to replace some of these great players, Cork not be far off the all ireland this year, only if they dont run into kerry again down the line who seem to have a knack of knocking them out 2nd time round
Paddy heaney leaking info again lol
the saipan elephant has just appeared on the tv screen lol
As far as i can see it FAI is trying to step on nobody toes even more than has happened already, alot are giving out that these players go through Ni underage set up, and catholics then jump ship once someones ability has come to the fore! i can imagine the uproar if FAI chased these players at an early age or if FAI can trawl through the pick of northern players looking to play underage for the republic, would that situation no even be worse from Ni point of view, there doesn't seen to be much giving out about Derry city playing down south when they are in northern ireland, alot of people seem to be glad they are not in the league up here with all the crowd trouble that may follow such a situation!!
Half of the France team could play for other counties, 2 brothers, boatang play for germany and Ghana, i think the problem here relates to players playing for the republic through their passort instead of relatives living down south! though to many catholics both in the north and down south would prefer an all Irish team, although u wouldn't think it with some of the abuse the northerners get at Gaelic games over the past few years, the UK partially bailing them out is hard for many to stomach and of course  once the banter starts, we don't let them forget it!! for the foreseeable future things will not change, players will still opt for the republic, NI will complain to no avail. Do you really want players who do not want to play for u, or hoping that with that option cut off they will play for Northern Ireland grudgingly! if the option was cut off i still do not think you will increase your player base!!
they be handy in an odd squatter situation with travellers that occurs on and off over here!! they get you shifted pronto.
seriously though the situation over there is so confusing!! they talk about protecting Israeli and putting up buffer zones but proceed to expand into areas which they clearly don't have  aright to. might is right seem to be their motto, abit like America really who eliminated native Americans for land, gold and greed under the pretense of progress for a civil white society!!
like over here and many parts of the world religion seems to cause so much strive!!