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Messages - GetOverTheBar

General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 14, 2021, 11:19:01 AM
Quote from: whitegoodman on January 14, 2021, 10:51:37 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on January 14, 2021, 10:20:50 AM
Quote from: GetOverTheBar on January 14, 2021, 10:18:42 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on January 14, 2021, 10:17:33 AM
Great to see they are bringing the testing to airports, 11 months late!

Did I read somewhere yesterday there are 12 minute tests coming in?

If that is accurate, and I am accurate. We are talking game changer for Sporting events.....this summer.

Yeah missus mentioned yesterday

Have they mentioned how accurate the tests are likely to be ?  Was there not something in the press the other day about the lack of accuracy on the flow tests ?

Would need to really take a search on that, can't even remember where I read it. I think it I read it was something that had been trialled in a few places and was ready for roll out now. Was near the end of the day and I was for rushing out the door to be honest with you.

As for accuracy, I mean if they are going to airports for purposes of National Security, really, I suppose they have to be on the money? Maybe someone who knows a bit more about the actual testing could comment as I wouldn't have a clue.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 14, 2021, 10:18:42 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on January 14, 2021, 10:17:33 AM
Great to see they are bringing the testing to airports, 11 months late!

Did I read somewhere yesterday there are 12 minute tests coming in?

If that is accurate, and I am accurate. We are talking game changer for Sporting events.....this summer.
General discussion / Re: Working From Home
January 14, 2021, 10:17:44 AM
Find myself hating you lads who work from home....although I suppose you always want what you don't have.

I've been in work ever since it all kicked off. from 7 odd to 5 each day I notice no difference in my's the other, fun part that grates.
General discussion / Re: Mother and Baby Home Report
January 13, 2021, 09:50:00 AM
Quote from: sensethetone on January 13, 2021, 09:37:03 AM
It's such a grim topic, unbelievable that it could have happened for such a period of time.

I click by those news stories to be honest. Am I part of the problem? Maybe...It's hard to believe that kind of thing happened here, I don't think anyone is too caught up in anything else. What can we say? It's disgusting, embarrassing and shameful to us all.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 12, 2021, 02:28:28 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on January 12, 2021, 02:20:20 PM
I wouldn't be asking for that but the lockdown that politicians and government are presenting is not the lockdown we have. That's all.

It's a tricky one for the Governments. They have to do something, of course.

But they know that this thing is wiping out the over 80s and above (majorly). They can't let that pass, I mean it's paramount to negligent manslaughter. But the general public, very soon, if not already will start to demand an end to this current state of lockdowns. I don't think we are totally there yet. But come mid Feb, when this current lockdown is extended (No doubt in my mind), that's the battle lost. 

The March lockdown was to save the NHS from collapse, it had public will behind it. The public are no longer interested. What really can the Governments do from here? They know they are responsible for the NHS being a mess, maybe not this particular government but really they know the blame, ultimately falls on them for running the Health Service on a shoestring budget (over X years). So they force it back on the people. "Save the NHS". The question most have is, why did it ever need saving?

General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 12, 2021, 02:17:30 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on January 12, 2021, 01:58:04 PM
Quote from: GetOverTheBar on January 12, 2021, 01:49:50 PM
Look lads. What is it you want here?

Full on, Chinese style army at the corner lockdown and shipped off to make jerseys for Nike in some hell hole in the corner of the country at best if you are caught breaking the rules?

I'm no lover of the Government, British or Irish by the way.....and definitely not Stormont for the hattrick. But is that what you all really want as a lockdown here. Everything is closed that they surely can close at this stage. It's now riding it out until such time as either the Vaccine gets the job done. The boat has long, long been missed. Some people are still talking like there is a chance to contain Covid. It's here forever.

We don't live in a dictatorship thank Christ, Governments need their people on side. Remember the old maxim, "People should not fear their Government, Governments should fear their people". Some of you actually seem to be advocating martial law and authoritarian rule. Be very careful what you wish for lads.

The Chinese opened up quickly enough  ;)

But yes common sense would mean that if you have worked from home in the past lockdown what's stopping you now?

If you were able to be furloughed before due to unavoidable contact then why not ?

The scheme is available to March

Now you're talking.

I've no idea about Belfast. I've been working in Office myself whole way through it so I don't know what the footfall is like there to be honest. It would appear there are more essential business now than March. But remember, back in March we were told 15k would be dead in Northern Ireland by the MOH. I think sometime after that, was when people started to lose interest, they knew it was lies (or doomsday scenario reporting at best).

We have to be realistic, Stormont is a mess. Next election they must be punished. No point even talking about them anymore we just have to finish this SF/DUP marriage forever.

The British Govt won't escape it, they'll have a public inquiry in years to come with their figures - there is no way that day won't come for some. Although much like the Iraqi war one, I'd be surprised if that wasn't an exercise in brushing under the carpet.

The Irish Govt after months of relative praise and success are going to get it. Highest rates in the spin can save them there. The only problem the Irish Govt have is, SF are ready to pounce so they'll do what they can to survive from here too.

This is where we are lads - they are all fighting for their political lives from here on, so certain sectors and the likes will be allowed to continue because it's in their interests.

The lockdowns we have now, are the lockdowns we'll continue to have until the vaccine gets us out of the hole. For my money anyway.

Asking for authoritarian rule is insanity. What happens when you have a compliant population, completely under control and crushed....and it's time to let them start to enjoy freedom again?

General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 12, 2021, 01:49:50 PM
Look lads. What is it you want here?

Full on, Chinese style army at the corner lockdown and shipped off to make jerseys for Nike in some hell hole in the corner of the country at best if you are caught breaking the rules?

I'm no lover of the Government, British or Irish by the way.....and definitely not Stormont for the hattrick. But is that what you all really want as a lockdown here. Everything is closed that they surely can close at this stage. It's now riding it out until such time as either the Vaccine gets the job done. The boat has long, long been missed. Some people are still talking like there is a chance to contain Covid. It's here forever.

We don't live in a dictatorship thank Christ, Governments need their people on side. Remember the old maxim, "People should not fear their Government, Governments should fear their people". Some of you actually seem to be advocating martial law and authoritarian rule. Be very careful what you wish for lads.

Diarmuid Connelly on day in Croker too! (During his time out).

Great fella, asked him did he not miss it out of cheek and he said with an accent like mine was I lost down here, he's in some shape. Very, very lean, not the kind of hulking physique the TV shows.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 12, 2021, 10:12:34 AM
Quote from: Last Man on January 12, 2021, 09:44:46 AM
I get that MR but at the same time it's too important to leave it at that imho. I am not qualified to get in to it here but Google a few podcasts on metabolic health. Some of it can be heavy on the science and you might not agree with all of it. All the same there are common threads running through most of the discussion that I think can help us all.

I don't think there is any doubt collective personal health is to the benefit of the NHS longterm. A better diet by the population would be an incredible legacy however realistically, we are more likely to be on the rip all summer here (Which, considering....I don't blame anyone either).

Most people ignore how much obesity, smoking etc cost the NHS in finances because it's kinda been accepted I suppose, life being life nobody really cared. I really hope Covid however has helped some embrace a healthier way of living, the best way to boost your immunity is by being active, I don't think that can be in doubt.

Covid came along and put the Cat among the Pigeons though.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 12, 2021, 09:20:55 AM
Quote from: Last Man on January 12, 2021, 09:01:04 AM
If more people people questioned the crap food they are consuming there would be a lot less "save our NHS" rhetoric required.

Have to admit the save the NHS message is wearing thin with myself at the moment too.

But as long as we have a nuclear deterrent to keep us safe and well.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 11, 2021, 04:53:22 PM
Republic daily rate the highest in the world?

Where is that fella that loved throwing dirt as us outcast Nordies ?
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone County Football and Hurling
January 11, 2021, 03:54:08 PM
Quote from: Man Marker on January 11, 2021, 03:40:05 PM
Indeed +1

On a different note, I read Damian Casey, Tyrone's premier hurler giving the CB a trimming in Saturdays IN. The hurling county team haven't a manager in place yet, it is nothing short of a scandal for the CB, and to use Covid as an excuse is further example of the disrespect they pay Gaels. Do they think we are fools. Didn't take them long to sort the football management out, covid didn't feck that up. And to use it for the reason not to have a hurling manager, wtf. What is also alarming is that this is the first comment on this thread. These hurling clubs have been keeping the great small ball game alive  in Tyrone county, they could at least get some help from the officials who are charged with promoting the game. To say he has never used the main changing room in Garvaghey is unbelievable. Are Tyrone hurlers the Kilkenny version their football team. I never played the game but I just can't get over why they have to be so badly treated, why?

Did you ever think nobody wanted the job (at the rate going, these days)?

It's not uncommon in the weaker hurling counties in the North.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 11, 2021, 02:56:47 PM
Quote from: trailer on January 11, 2021, 02:37:15 PM
This thread is a perfect example of disinformation and lies. Twitter, Facebook eventually took action against Trump and others. Why aren't the Mods here following suit? People who spread lies and disinformation continually should be banned.

After 700 odd pages your only getting here now?  ;D
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 11, 2021, 12:35:48 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on January 11, 2021, 12:28:48 PM
Quote from: trailer on January 11, 2021, 12:19:54 PM
Quote from: GetOverTheBar on January 11, 2021, 11:23:47 AM
They can't really get any tighter. Everything is closed. Bar the multinationals.

Wanna bet? I could see the following happen in the UK
- All takeaway closed
- Curfew 8pm - 6am
- Construction closed
- Enforced stay at home restrictions with only one household member permitted to leave home once a week

The numbers are off the scale and people aren't understanding it. Examples on this thread.

Exactly - I don't think people are fully comprehending how stuffed the health services are going to be over the next few weeks.

I put the car in to get fixed in Belfast. The roads and pavements were mobbed.

Lockdown can get a lot worse as trailer says and in reality at current rate of growth it is going to happen.

Takeaways closed, B&Ms closed..., off licenses, nurseries, police can check where people are going and why. There are many many ways they can get a lot worse and I would be surprised if that doesn't happen.

What was it a doctor in Cork described it as .... "we are at the gates of hell" I think was his quote.

I mean stopping construction industry, fair enough. Up to the Govt and if they want to pay all for that. The ramifications I'm sure someone in that industry would be able to let you know better than me.

Takeaways, curfews etc? Waste of time and will only turn people against restrictions as is. Remember the Govt need the publics support. At the minute they are blaming them while refusing to acknowledge their own failures (track and trace, years and years of NHS cuts). How long do you think this goes on before people completely stop caring? Not my own beliefs, but you have to acknowledge the majority of people I would say now, just don't care anymore. 

General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 11, 2021, 12:25:02 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on January 11, 2021, 12:18:19 PM
Quote from: GetOverTheBar on January 11, 2021, 12:15:22 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on January 11, 2021, 11:56:45 AM
Quote from: GetOverTheBar on January 11, 2021, 11:51:23 AM

Fairly morbid one by me here. But what I would like, is reassurance that Covid cannot be put on the death certs of those who have received the vaccination from here on.

If we are to say all over 80s have now been vaccinated, surely, they cannot appear as statistics in death going forward attributed to Covid? I understand Covid is being used as an umbrella group for various other ailments at the moment due to the fact it goes unquestioned etc.

Again, that's one I'll hold my breath on.

Because a Covid death being counted as a Covid death hurts your feelings?

Why are you asking for censorship?

I'm asking for accuracy. There is a big, big difference.
What killed Freddie Mercury? AIDS or pneumonia? Did he die from AIDS or "with" AIDS, whatever that's supposed to mean?

Sorry what is your point here?

What killed Freddie Mercury is kinda irrelevant, the only similarity is that AIDS continues to be a pandemic not many seem to be bothered about. His cause of death is not something I know the ins and outs of.

What is the problem with asking for clarification if someone has had their Covid vaccination, can Covid still be marked on a death certificate?

It's simple housekeeping going forward.