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Messages - Capt Pat

Quote from: Norf Tyrone on May 06, 2009, 11:15:35 PM
Gotta start by saying that Chelsea's players at the end were out or order, but O'Neill hit the thing bacng on the head. We cry every week as players lift £100k and don't give a shite. We say that they don't care like the fans do.

Will anyone who is a fan of their club, honestly tell me that you've just played 180 minutes against one of Europe's so called great sides. You're leading one nil, and have been frustrated by the fact that the ref has turned down not one, not two, but four good penalty kicks (I have been watching football all my life, and I don't think that I have ever seen that before), and then Barce nick one.

So would none of you react like the Chelsea players did? What would Rooney, Ronaldo, Mascherano, Fabregas etc have done. FFS United players a few years back chased Andy Durso around the pitch because a decision went against them.

I said earlier today that Chelsea needed a good ref. We didn't get him. Yes there was some diving by the Chelsea players, but there was also a fair bit from the Barce players, as there is a fair bit by Ronaldo. It happens. It shouldn't. The ref was awful. So awful I really got to question his impartiality. Malouda was fouled by Alves inside the box, Abidal pulled then kicked Drogba, Pique batted one away with his hand, and then Ballack's last minute was also blocked by the hand. All penalties. Every one.

People will say, aye but Abidal didn't foul Anelka. You're right. Contact was accidental... and the linesman flagged it.

I know people will shout paranoia, but when UEFA call the Chelsea manager 'the enemy of football', the ghost goal at Anfield, Drogba's phantom red card at Nou Camp that was preceeded by Rijkard going into the ref's room at half time, and the ref's failure to red card Ferdinand last year.... and then this you do get fucked off.

As for the game. I thought Chelsea were brilliant. 90 odd minutes of hard work, that restricted the team that have scored 160 odd goals to not a f**king sniff until Iniesta's shot. Malouda was fantastic, and worked up and down the line all night. All this talk of Messi, and it was Frank Lampard's vision that lit the night up for me. The only team creating anything was Chelsea. Eto, Messi etc were boxed up and put to bed.

Anyhow I'll probably go off on a tangent, and I am sure there will be the usual witty replies (Can't wait).

Last thing... Congratulations to Manchester United on winning the CL. They'll outclass that lot.

No I think O'Neil and yourself are missing the point. As far as I see it the Chelsea players were not entitled to react or behave the way they did. They were hard done by with a referees decision in a close fought match. This happens all the time in sports and it does not excuse the type of reactions we saw from the Chelsea players tonight. They spent the whole night diving and cheating trying to win penalties and got a barcelona player sent  off in the worng who will now miss the Champions League final as a result. They did not deserve to win as they did not take their chances.

Yes it is true we have all over reacted to a referees decision on a sports pitch in our time and I am always giving out about referees decision when my team loses a tight game. However on the whole Chelsea were not robbed they got a little bit of bad luck. Deal with it.
Quote from: Square Ball on May 06, 2009, 10:04:30 PM
just seen the pen claims  :o how the ref diddnt give at least one of them is beyound me

Ah come on now they actually have to be penalties for the ref to give them. Histrionics and tantrums from the Chelsea players and fans does not actually mean they were penalties, they are pnly penalties when they were clear cut fouls. There was one clear cut penalty for which the ref was blindsided and no ref could have given it.  
Quote from: Puckoon on May 06, 2009, 10:00:05 PM
Chelsea have been well and truely shafted there. Very paddy Russell 1995 esque. Except worse.

No not even close to that, Chelsea maybe didn't get every decision they should have but the ref was blind sided for the one penalty they should have had but did even up the scores by sending of fAbidal for nothing. Chelsea have thrown the rattle out of the pram bug time tonight but that does not mean they were hard done by. They were cheating all night and when they did have a legitimate complaint and made a call for it is it any surprise that the ref just ignored them.
Chelsea player are gone nuts that the referee only sent off one barcelona player in the wrong and wouldn't give them any penalites for all their diving and giving out to the ref. Ballack hit the ref and should have got the line...........Drogba gets a yellow card for dissent after the final whistle. Ok he may have got a few decisions wrong but Chelseas diving and petulance was a lot worse.
Can Danny Alvez cross a bal at all at all???...........wait before I post, goal for Barce.
The sending off was coming, not for the incident itself but the fact that Drogba was diving around all night and the crowd were looking for it and put pressure on the ref who eventually caved in.
Barcelona are beginning to dominate possession but it is just like last years against Man U when they dominated possession in 2 games and didn't come close to scoring.

This works for us wonderful free staters at least.
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
May 05, 2009, 11:57:01 PM
I had kind of forgotten about that and much of the movie but it is good if a little more dark sided than normal hollywood stuff.
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
May 05, 2009, 11:39:54 PM
I thought funny games was quite, good. It is very unconventional and probably just for fans if psycho movies.
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
May 05, 2009, 11:17:06 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on April 29, 2009, 01:17:59 PM
Quote from: Santino on April 29, 2009, 12:49:17 PM
State of Play with Crowe and Affleck is as good a thriller as i've seen lately
Maybe you can help unravel the storyline for the fox. He isn't as young as he once was.

it wasn't that hard to follow and was a superb movie from that genre. It is the best movie that has been out in the cinema in a while. Good enough to get oscars at least from the point of view of the quality of the movie whatever about the quality of the acting which I know nothing about. The writing would probably get an oscar nomination.
A poor way for a game of rugby to end. They need to rweak it a bit. The forwards shouldn't be taking kicks. They should be movng the ball back 10 yards and letting the first 5 kickers go again. kicking is simply not part of the skill set of rugby forwards in general, some of them have never kicked a ball in their lfe and would fall over in the attempt due to lack of balance, I have seen it happen on the rugby field.
I think Quinlan will be ok with that, a short suspension maybe. When people talk about eye gouging and long suspensions I think they mean the really nasty jobs you sometimes see photos of, what Quinlan did was a hand in the face and a bit of a squeeze. I do not think he will miss the Lions for that. it was fairly minor and mybe they will just gloss over it. Some other people on the BBC website are looking for him to be suspended, I think they just want rid of him to bring Ryan Jones or Tom Croft.

With regarde Earls, he has been a very effective attacker for Munster this year. He had munsters only effective attack today and he is a bit young and maybe defensively naive.

Horrible headline on the front of the sindo. "It was the day the ladyboys decided to be men" I don' think that is a term of affection for a rugby team.
Quote from: Bord na Mona man on May 02, 2009, 08:38:15 PM
The closer the game came, the more I felt Leinster could turn over Munster.
They had all of psychological advantages.
I can imagine the stuff about "Ladyboys" helped rile them up to prove a point.

The highlighting of Lunsters stuff reared its head for the first time, but it showed the sort of mindset that developing in Leinster.
An us against the world type vibe.

I think Cardiff will win it out though.

I in fact hope they are playing Cardiff and not Leicester in the final. If Leinster play defensively as well today and slow down the oppositions possession like they did today I think they will beat Cardiff. Hopefully the uinjured lads will be back in action for the final. Time for me to change myslef back into a Leinster fan after todays match.
Quote from: orangeman on May 02, 2009, 08:09:36 PM
What the hell happened here ?? I was out at a match - watched the first few minutes and Munster were all over them like a rash.

Most matches that are nill all after a few minutes are not considered to be a foregone conclusion. Leinsters defence and slowing down of Munster possession was the key as well as tactical kicking in the first half. They went in at half time leading 11 points to 6 or 3? and got a try straight away after the restart to stretch the lead to 18- 6. From there there was only going to be one winner.

To those of you who questioned why Tomas O'Leary got picked ahead of Stringer I think you got your answer today. Stringers passing is better but it is predictable what he is going to do and you do not have to worry too much about him making breaks, his kicking is well short of O'Learys standard as well. Defensively Stringer really gets stuck in but O'Learys defence is a lot stronger.

What is the story with the injuries suffered by Conteponi and Fitzgerald and any other Leinster players, How is Kearney recovering from the mumps. After getting to the final these guys better not be missing.