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Messages - Ethan Tremblay

GAA Discussion / Re: Fermanagh v Antrim
May 09, 2016, 04:05:56 PM
Def leading the chasing pack but Tyrone, Monaghan and Donegal still out in front. 
My thinking is that people still think DUP is the protestant party and SF is the catholic party, I doubt any of them read their manifestos or know what they are signing up to when they vote, hence why people like him keep getting in. 
If people looked into who they vote for, their background or what they want to achieve when they are in maybe they would think twice. 
Politicians in the north are still bitter as fcuk and just when you think there almost past it wee snide remarks keep popping up.  I don't know how anyone votes for DUP or SF anymore, back in the day they were representing your backgrounds best interests sure, but now they like making fools of themselves with their outdated ethos. 

At least these buckos want change  ;) 
GAA Discussion / Re: Tommy Walsh - Kerry
May 05, 2016, 10:25:08 AM
Just in line with the earlier topic, I see Kevin Dyas has picked up another injury...
GAA Discussion / Re: Dublin
May 04, 2016, 03:59:46 PM
Ah right, thought it was strange that such a competitive championship would have been played this early, but by the sounds of things teams had enough matches to prepare for it!
GAA Discussion / Re: Dublin
May 04, 2016, 03:39:17 PM
Forgive my ignorance but was there many league games/competitive club games played before the championship ties?
GAA Discussion / Re: Tommy Walsh - Kerry
April 29, 2016, 10:22:11 AM
Great discussion at the moment.  The problem with drugs in AFL has been well documented over this past year with Essendon made to pay big time for it.  The distinct nature of the AFL also breeds competitiveness akin to the NFL in that the best youth are constantly being drafted into teams and selection is constantly under threat year on year.  This is a game judged on the fine margins and as a result I think players would knowingly take PED's to stay/get to the top if they can. 

As for the 3 GAA players mentioned, whether or not they were in this mind-set who knows? After all they were up for the most scrutiny, why would a team flog a dead horse when an 18 year old with more natural potential for the game is coming onto the team?
In Dyas situation he is bogged down with injuries year on year with Armagh so him tearing the hamstring would be right up his street and I wouldn't read too much into it.   
Clarke being diagnosed with a disease associated with PED's is similar to a non-smoker being diagnosed with emphysema; most people can add 1 + 1 and make 2 when it suits!
As for Walsh who knows? Perhaps the constant physical stress placed on his body had taken its toll?

The rate the GAA is going, it wouldn't surprise me if more intercounty players start to go down this avenue of needing to get to the top by any means necessary!
Armagh / Re: Senior A/B Intermediate A/B ?
April 21, 2016, 11:39:53 AM
Think it's a good idea, makes the senior league more competitive as the same 2/3 teams seem to pull away mid-season and the lower placed teams struggle badly every year, there was a huge gulf in difference and not all fixtures were fulfilled. 

Not sure what the thinking was behind this divisional cup competition though? With league and championships that would bring the minimum amount of games up to 18 at least? Between scheduled breaks, re fixtures, replays and county matches this could bring us well into October for possible league matches and divisional cup matches?
I find u21 and minor both and too hard to pick from.  Minor football is enjoyable to watch, a true fearlessness in them players and players not bogged down with external pressures. 

The u21's is a great advertisement for the game, players near fully developed mentally and physically, fast flowing and skillful.  The added benefit of it being run off quickly is teams don't have time to muck about with tactics and most teams go unnoticed unless there winning.  Again pressure lifted for young adults to enjoy a game without worrying of the results! Football at its purest!
A good read and defiantly reflects what I see in clubs at the moment, a sense of superior commitment than ever. 

But don't think the fun has totally gone from it.  At our training the work is done but the craic is always had.  The manager makes a point of letting us know the benefits of S&C and eating this and that, but nothing is enforced to the point where if it isn't done your dropped, but I think the perception of this elitism is putting off the younger fellas from stepping up.  Thankfully we have a second's team so recreational football is still available, and the craic is priority numero uno!
What is the consensus from KK posters, is football a novelty or is it treated anyway serious?
I know in Armagh Keady footballers suffer as a result of the commitment their hurlers show so to say northern teams don't try is ignorant, and that's a club, not a county. 

Regarding Brennans comments on saving money by not fielding a team is a pure joke.  Money should never be a factor in deciding whether a team should be incorporated.   

The Waterford example is ridiculous.  A book detailing the Waterford footballers 2009 season shown the sacrifice and commitment their players and staff gave to represent.  Some players were traveling from England and some were taking football over hurling.  Results aside the effort and progress is being made.
General discussion / Re: European Leagues.
April 15, 2016, 05:06:15 PM
Probably not the best way to put that!

I would have taken Germany to be outright favourites closely followed by Spain/Belgium/N. Ireland?
General discussion / Re: European Leagues.
April 15, 2016, 12:34:24 PM
France dark horses in the summer perhaps? good squad!
The Monaghan Road would be quite a popular road for running/cycling on and the decent hard should and good straight lends to relative safety compared to most places.  It really was a tragedy.

I've been speaking to a few lads around this fella's age and they all share the opinion that he is nothing but a ****, involved in all sorts and being in incidents with cars before.  I genuinely feel if this had occurred at night time he would have gotten away with it and turning himself in was a formality as he knew he would have been caught, no regret or compassion for the girl whatsoever. 

Hearing about him threatening the woman he purchased the car off has only reinforced people's opinion of the type of person he must be.  Hopefully he gets the book fucked at him the p***k.         
GAA Discussion / Re: Joe Brolly
April 11, 2016, 03:49:41 PM
From reading that he definitely seems to have an axe to grind with mcgeeney.  Perhaps mc geeneys  profile lends to more attention but as already stated, who else is talking about Armagh relegation nationally, there have been better national league stories he could lend his opinion on, e.g Roscommon's rise, Cavan's promotion, Tyrone's form, Donegal's mixed fortunes. 

With Kildare I felt they were more competitive and mcgeeny took them as far as he could, with Armagh I genuinely feel he doesn't have the team to compete, whether he thinks there shit or not how would Brolly know?