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Messages - marty34

Quote from: clarshack on April 21, 2019, 02:30:45 PM
Thought Celtic had turned a corner last week but it was another horrible performance today. This league isn't done. Another 2 draws before going to ibrox (not unlikely) would give Rangers a massive lifeline.

Celtic have the league but, as you say, very underwhelming performance once again. No consistency to their game - decent then average. Fizz seems, for some reason, to have gone.

Either that or they know they have the league and are holding out for cup final. 

Personally I'd freshen up the team in league now with younger lads from academy who are showing potential.  That way at lwast, you'd hope for a bit of bite and zip in the performances.  Flat at present.
Quote from: BennyCake on April 21, 2019, 11:45:47 AM
Stormont is finished.

The DUP know if they go to talks, they will have to climb down on ILA, gay rights and abortion issues. Of course, it seems like every Tam Dick and Harry in the whole country is in favour of gay rights and abortion. Which is complete bollix.

So what are the DUP getting if they return? Those are the 3 outstanding issues. They'll be made to look weak and cowardly. They know these 3 things will be passed in time, but better to let their British masters do that dirty work than they themselves.

Anyway, Stormont returning is pointless. DUP and SF are as bad as each other. A shower of pricks, the lot of them.

The question is then why do people vote for them in massive numbers? 

No point in saying they are useless - why are they useless?

I've asked this question before - if SF are not the answer, what type of party do nationalists want going forward?

The answers I got were - I don't like SF as they're no good etc.  but no one has said I want a party who does A, B and C etc.

It's like Brexit in London - everybody says what they're against but nobody says what they are for!

Quote from: Sheugh Water on April 21, 2019, 11:29:00 AM
Quote from: marty34 on April 21, 2019, 10:58:47 AM
Quote from: smelmoth on April 21, 2019, 09:10:40 AM
Quote from: Itchy on April 21, 2019, 09:03:27 AM
Quote from: smelmoth on April 21, 2019, 08:30:30 AM
Quote from: seafoid on April 21, 2019, 07:48:42 AM
Quote from: armaghniac on April 21, 2019, 12:15:48 AM
Quote from: Sheugh Water on April 20, 2019, 07:01:12 PM
Sinn fein running around in big cars whilst they push welfare reforms through.
Going to get hit at ballot box in Derry

Sinn Féin have little choice but to reform welfare as that is the amount of money they have. The question should be, have they a plan to improve the economy to get people off welfare?

Quote from: Itchy on April 20, 2019, 10:02:10 PM
Why be pedantic. They are against rights for gay people. Call it what you will.

The oldest trick in the book to prevent debate. Come up with an all-encompassing label and if anyone disputes this call them pedantic. Hence if you oppose the Israeli government you are "anti-semitic", if you oppose Brexit you are "anti-British" etc.

Being in Government now is suboptimal. It's Berlin or London's way or it's the Shinners' way.
The Met Police in London had £850m of austerity cuts. The neoliberals even do it to law and order.
Sinn Féin will put the lotion on its skin unless it wants the hose again.

Any party that sees being in government during difficult times as suboptimal is not worth voting for. It's the antithesis of public service and leadership. It self serving cowardice

More nonsense. To be in government in the north needs both parties able to compromise. It's 100% clear that DUP have refused to compromise so by your logic in that case SF should just abandon their position and go into government anyway. And tell me then how will their core vote feel about them then, what sort of vacuum would it create and who might exploit that vacuum. Nonsensical post.

Which fig leaf are SF abstaining from government on? ILA or RHI? RHI will have washed through by Autumn at the latest. That leaves ILA. A fig leaf for both  parties to dodge responsibility. Each adopt extreme positions that the other can point to as unreasonable and we just sit around and wait. The people can only let this shower away it for so long. Or maybe you think it is sensible to sit and wait?

When SF pulled the pin on Stormont, they had the backing of the nationalist community - they should have pulled it down 12months before hand.  The DUP were out of control and there was no 'powersharing'. SF were compromising i.e. Martin McG going above and beyond but the aDUP didn't return the favour.

That's why SF pulled Stormont and don't want to go back.  They know the way the DUP played their game and SF believe their voters will not forgive them again.

The way you make it out is one side is as bad as the other!!

I think Martin McG honestly tried to make it work but the true ethos of the DUP has shone through.

So for me, it's no return to Stormont. Once bitten, twice shy and all that.

Although I agree with your sentiments on DUP and that a stand had to be taken, it unfortunately is not helping areas like Creggan.

Derry and west of the Bann continue to be cut adrift in the meantime with an MP who hasn't got a clue at the helm. Very weak politician.

Derry has always been neglected - an MP won't do that much in fairness.  Very hard to reverse this history of unemployment etc. inside a few years.

Good business' in Derry and hopefully the university will get the medical school.  I'm thinking Brexit is a big issue with the natural hinterland of Donegal close by.

Quote from: smelmoth on April 21, 2019, 09:10:40 AM
Quote from: Itchy on April 21, 2019, 09:03:27 AM
Quote from: smelmoth on April 21, 2019, 08:30:30 AM
Quote from: seafoid on April 21, 2019, 07:48:42 AM
Quote from: armaghniac on April 21, 2019, 12:15:48 AM
Quote from: Sheugh Water on April 20, 2019, 07:01:12 PM
Sinn fein running around in big cars whilst they push welfare reforms through.
Going to get hit at ballot box in Derry

Sinn Féin have little choice but to reform welfare as that is the amount of money they have. The question should be, have they a plan to improve the economy to get people off welfare?

Quote from: Itchy on April 20, 2019, 10:02:10 PM
Why be pedantic. They are against rights for gay people. Call it what you will.

The oldest trick in the book to prevent debate. Come up with an all-encompassing label and if anyone disputes this call them pedantic. Hence if you oppose the Israeli government you are "anti-semitic", if you oppose Brexit you are "anti-British" etc.

Being in Government now is suboptimal. It's Berlin or London's way or it's the Shinners' way.
The Met Police in London had £850m of austerity cuts. The neoliberals even do it to law and order.
Sinn Féin will put the lotion on its skin unless it wants the hose again.

Any party that sees being in government during difficult times as suboptimal is not worth voting for. It's the antithesis of public service and leadership. It self serving cowardice

More nonsense. To be in government in the north needs both parties able to compromise. It's 100% clear that DUP have refused to compromise so by your logic in that case SF should just abandon their position and go into government anyway. And tell me then how will their core vote feel about them then, what sort of vacuum would it create and who might exploit that vacuum. Nonsensical post.

Which fig leaf are SF abstaining from government on? ILA or RHI? RHI will have washed through by Autumn at the latest. That leaves ILA. A fig leaf for both  parties to dodge responsibility. Each adopt extreme positions that the other can point to as unreasonable and we just sit around and wait. The people can only let this shower away it for so long. Or maybe you think it is sensible to sit and wait?

When SF pulled the pin on Stormont, they had the backing of the nationalist community - they should have pulled it down 12months before hand.  The DUP were out of control and there was no 'powersharing'. SF were compromising i.e. Martin McG going above and beyond but the aDUP didn't return the favour.

That's why SF pulled Stormont and don't want to go back.  They know the way the DUP played their game and SF believe their voters will not forgive them again.

The way you make it out is one side is as bad as the other!!

I think Martin McG honestly tried to make it work but the true ethos of the DUP has shone through.

So for me, it's no return to Stormont. Once bitten, twice shy and all that.
Quote from: Sheugh Water on April 20, 2019, 10:36:58 PM
Quote from: marty34 on April 20, 2019, 10:29:04 PM
Quote from: Sheugh Water on April 20, 2019, 07:49:35 PM
Quote from: marty34 on April 20, 2019, 07:06:58 PM
Quote from: Sheugh Water on April 20, 2019, 07:01:12 PM
Quote from: tonto1888 on April 20, 2019, 06:47:23 PM
Quote from: Itchy on April 20, 2019, 06:18:05 PM
This was a disgusting murder but I think the aftermath is also disgusting.

- A pile of people comparing this to the 70s and even to Omagh - its not, cop the f**k on.
- Every journalist I follow on twitter seems to have been a personal friend of the murdered woman and been drinking coffee with her the other day etc. And now they all tells us their expert opinion on what is going wrong in the north. Ruth Dudley f**king Edwards is apparently a great friend. Well you can be sure Ruth DE wouldnt step foot anywhere near trouble to report it. Anyway, these people are self promoting leeches and it reminds me a bit of the "me too" campaign, lite.
- DUP and SF are to blame? Well I am sorry just because the DUP are a bunch of sectarian & anti gay dinosaurs does not mean the other side of the Irish coin is equally as bad. Sinn Fein wanted a Irish Language act, agreed it and the DUP allowed loyalists and Orange order to force them to pull out of the deal and that is what stopped stormont getting back up and running. What are SF supposed to do, just give up and let these inbreds have everything their own way like they have for the last 100 years. They are right to hold fast for the overall better of the people they represent. Today Donaldson is on twitter with a nice story how he met McKee and had a lovely conversation with her. Sorry Jeffrey, you are a homophobe so shut yer gob.

Agree with this. As bad as this was it isn't anything near the 70s or omagh. As for Donaldson, he's a homophobic p***k and eff right off

Yeah sinn Féin licking up to DUP yesterday in creggan woukd have made you sick.

'Stephen Mallett, a community leader in Creggan, said veteran republicans disenchanted with the peace process had been recruiting young men with poor educations and job prospects. Govt austerity measures and aggressive policing had compounded social exclusion, he said, ...

Good analysis from the man closest to the problems.

Sinn fein running around in big cars whilst they push welfare reforms through.
Going to get hit at ballot box in Derry

Be interesting to see what happens.

It will be interesting to see how the 'independents' do in May - will people, after this, not be disillusioned?

If you reckon SF will be in bother, who will get the votes or is it a case of people will register their disillusion by not voting at all?

Votes will go to Aontú, independents and PBP

What's the difference between Aontu and SF - apart from the abortion issue.

Are the independents not linked to disdents in Derry or am I mistaken?

Sfs stance on abortion pissed a lot of people off plus mccloskey is well respected in the community

No not all independents linked to dissidents , some no links at all and others have moved away from them in recent years

Ok SW. Thanks for  that.  It'll be interesting to see what happens in May.  Fight for final seat could be interesting.
Quote from: Sheugh Water on April 20, 2019, 07:49:35 PM
Quote from: marty34 on April 20, 2019, 07:06:58 PM
Quote from: Sheugh Water on April 20, 2019, 07:01:12 PM
Quote from: tonto1888 on April 20, 2019, 06:47:23 PM
Quote from: Itchy on April 20, 2019, 06:18:05 PM
This was a disgusting murder but I think the aftermath is also disgusting.

- A pile of people comparing this to the 70s and even to Omagh - its not, cop the f**k on.
- Every journalist I follow on twitter seems to have been a personal friend of the murdered woman and been drinking coffee with her the other day etc. And now they all tells us their expert opinion on what is going wrong in the north. Ruth Dudley f**king Edwards is apparently a great friend. Well you can be sure Ruth DE wouldnt step foot anywhere near trouble to report it. Anyway, these people are self promoting leeches and it reminds me a bit of the "me too" campaign, lite.
- DUP and SF are to blame? Well I am sorry just because the DUP are a bunch of sectarian & anti gay dinosaurs does not mean the other side of the Irish coin is equally as bad. Sinn Fein wanted a Irish Language act, agreed it and the DUP allowed loyalists and Orange order to force them to pull out of the deal and that is what stopped stormont getting back up and running. What are SF supposed to do, just give up and let these inbreds have everything their own way like they have for the last 100 years. They are right to hold fast for the overall better of the people they represent. Today Donaldson is on twitter with a nice story how he met McKee and had a lovely conversation with her. Sorry Jeffrey, you are a homophobe so shut yer gob.

Agree with this. As bad as this was it isn't anything near the 70s or omagh. As for Donaldson, he's a homophobic p***k and eff right off

Yeah sinn Féin licking up to DUP yesterday in creggan woukd have made you sick.

'Stephen Mallett, a community leader in Creggan, said veteran republicans disenchanted with the peace process had been recruiting young men with poor educations and job prospects. Govt austerity measures and aggressive policing had compounded social exclusion, he said, ...

Good analysis from the man closest to the problems.

Sinn fein running around in big cars whilst they push welfare reforms through.
Going to get hit at ballot box in Derry

Be interesting to see what happens.

It will be interesting to see how the 'independents' do in May - will people, after this, not be disillusioned?

If you reckon SF will be in bother, who will get the votes or is it a case of people will register their disillusion by not voting at all?

Votes will go to Aontú, independents and PBP

What's the difference between Aontu and SF - apart from the abortion issue.

Are the independents not linked to disdents in Derry or am I mistaken?
Quote from: Sheugh Water on April 20, 2019, 07:01:12 PM
Quote from: tonto1888 on April 20, 2019, 06:47:23 PM
Quote from: Itchy on April 20, 2019, 06:18:05 PM
This was a disgusting murder but I think the aftermath is also disgusting.

- A pile of people comparing this to the 70s and even to Omagh - its not, cop the f**k on.
- Every journalist I follow on twitter seems to have been a personal friend of the murdered woman and been drinking coffee with her the other day etc. And now they all tells us their expert opinion on what is going wrong in the north. Ruth Dudley f**king Edwards is apparently a great friend. Well you can be sure Ruth DE wouldnt step foot anywhere near trouble to report it. Anyway, these people are self promoting leeches and it reminds me a bit of the "me too" campaign, lite.
- DUP and SF are to blame? Well I am sorry just because the DUP are a bunch of sectarian & anti gay dinosaurs does not mean the other side of the Irish coin is equally as bad. Sinn Fein wanted a Irish Language act, agreed it and the DUP allowed loyalists and Orange order to force them to pull out of the deal and that is what stopped stormont getting back up and running. What are SF supposed to do, just give up and let these inbreds have everything their own way like they have for the last 100 years. They are right to hold fast for the overall better of the people they represent. Today Donaldson is on twitter with a nice story how he met McKee and had a lovely conversation with her. Sorry Jeffrey, you are a homophobe so shut yer gob.

Agree with this. As bad as this was it isn't anything near the 70s or omagh. As for Donaldson, he's a homophobic p***k and eff right off

Yeah sinn Féin licking up to DUP yesterday in creggan woukd have made you sick.

'Stephen Mallett, a community leader in Creggan, said veteran republicans disenchanted with the peace process had been recruiting young men with poor educations and job prospects. Govt austerity measures and aggressive policing had compounded social exclusion, he said, ...

Good analysis from the man closest to the problems.

Sinn fein running around in big cars whilst they push welfare reforms through.
Going to get hit at ballot box in Derry

Be interesting to see what happens.

It will be interesting to see how the 'independents' do in May - will people, after this, not be disillusioned?

If you reckon SF will be in bother, who will get the votes or is it a case of people will register their disillusion by not voting at all?
Laois / Re: 2019 Joe McDonagh Cup
April 18, 2019, 05:00:42 PM
Quote from: Don Draper on April 18, 2019, 04:33:49 PM
Quote from: G@@ on April 18, 2019, 01:43:18 PM
Was the final not televised last year? Or was it RTE Player only?
Wasn't it on the same day as the provincial hurling finals?

Yes. It was played just before the drawn Leinster Final between Galway and Kilkenny in Croke Park.  Early July I think.
Hard to enforce but why all the training?

How fit can lads gets?

Just do a preseason - then play a match every week.  Then let the lads have a life by going for a beer at the week-end or going to their pal's wedding.

Why all this training from Dec -August - twice a  week, in the gym once once a week (maybe more) for what???  Some lads can't kick the ball overthe bar from 30 yardsbut they could lift 2 dugouts about their head and throw it over the crossbar.

Gaa needs to get back to basics.  People give out about the county scene but the club scene is just as bad.  Paying outside managers £20k for a year then they piss out to a club in a neighbouring county the following year.

Clubs should just play games - a double round league of 12 games - 24 matches a season.

Do a preseason, then ban training after league starts!!!

Why train 7 times for 1 game: poor training/match ratio.

Why do they need all this training anyway? How fit can lads get?
Quote from: johnnycool on April 18, 2019, 09:07:11 AM
I wonder to any of the Government Departments publish a breakdown of their staff?

Or the district councils?
Quote from: Imposerous on April 16, 2019, 05:13:44 PM
The club is in a strong financial position and a should be able to identify those additions required to further bolster in certain positions which are outside the grasp of other SPL teams.  There's a strong nucleus of players already there to see out 10IAR.

The players seem to want Lenny to stay and I wonder is it not even more risky bringing in a new broom where a potentially new playing style that takes time to bed in disrupts any momentum.  Surely 10IAR is a matter of sailing this ship home?  I'd be confident that Lenny could achieve that (wouldn't care about another treble).

Hopefully Celtic do the 9 in a row next year and then push on for the magical 10 in a row the season after.

Most important thing is, as alluded to earlier, to invest to get the 10 in a row.  If they win the other 2 cups in 20/21, all well and good but full effort for the league.  That's everything!
GAA Discussion / Re: Scór
April 16, 2019, 05:25:06 PM
Quote from: manfromdelmonte on April 16, 2019, 05:02:14 PM
Quote from: BennyCake on April 15, 2019, 01:44:57 PM
Quote from: manfromdelmonte on April 15, 2019, 11:48:48 AM
Quote from: Seany on April 15, 2019, 10:55:17 AM
Went to All Ireland final in Castlebar Saturday.  Great crowd - biggest in years.  50 Years of Scor.  MC awful however.  Why would Scor have shot themselves in the foot like this?  Mumbled his way through the event. Another thing is that Scor seems to be dying in counties, and yet at this level, it's still a great day's entertainment.
Every dog has to have its day in the sun
There are plenty of other organisations who promote music and dancing.

The GAA should focus on its 3 core sports. Football, hurling, handball.

No I strongly disagree.

It's said many times that the gaa club is the hub of the community. In some places it is. A lot of cases, it's not. Loads of clubs I know cater for underage teams. Girls and boys. Fair enough. But once over 16, left school etc, a few will remain, play u-21, senior but the majority will drop out and be more or less lost to the club. Because there's very little else for them. The only ones catered for are the elite senior footballers.

If a youngster isn't that good at football, he'll hardly feel like a valued club member. After underage, that's him gone. But he could've been a great rounders player, handballer, Irish dancer, solo singer, a great quizzer, Irish language speaker, stage performer etc. But if the club doesn't cater for any of the above, he's gone forever. And he mightn't get his own kids involved with the club either.

If the gaa club really is the hub of the community, it has to cater for all of the community. Scor should be a huge part of that.
Some clubs promote scor instead of fielding a team in hurling, football or getting a handball or rounders section going

There are other organisations who already more than cater for Irish music, dancing and other events

Culture i.e. music and dancing is part of the GAA as much as football, hurling and camogie.

A fantastic outlet for people who don't play any sport or have retired etc.  Great for the young people also.  At football, they get abuse hurled on them whereas it's great to be part of Scór.

Scór is far more entertaining than a game of senior league football any day of the week.

I love all these people who are 'great gaels' but don't want our language and culture to be part of the modern GAA.
GAA Discussion / Re: Ulster Colleges
April 06, 2019, 06:11:43 PM
Yes, a great result for Dom Corrigan and the lads. All Fermanagh lads also.

Goes to show what can be done in a 'lesser school'. Not being disrespectable but they've had a fantastic year.  Got stronger as the year went on. Management have got them playing a real nice brand of football.

Well done to all concerned.
Very defensive by the sound of it today.  Surely should be more attacking minded at home.

This will not help Lennon get the job full time.  Football needs to be more exciting. Disappointing if this is the way it's going.  Lucky enough to get the 3 pts V Rangers last week.

Fans are not impressed with this stale type of football.