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Messages - seafoid

Hurling Discussion / Re: U21 Hurling Championship
June 07, 2012, 10:37:24 PM
The hurling posters - we have Reillers representing Cork and with the Cork persecution complex self esteem
We have Premier emperor representing all that is best about Tipperary modesty
Everyone else would love to win an all-Ireland sometime
Cork-Kerry is pure puke internet. 2 pages. FFS. Armagh Tyrone is headed for 20. The workrate of the Tyrone boys is phenomenal . 
Turning over quotes and recycling comments and making points and what are the Munster crowd doing yerra?

Israel's Defense Ministry announced Thursday that it will erect between 20,000-25,000 tents for African migrants at various detention centers by the end of the year.

According to an official statement, the Defense Ministry and the Israel Defense Forces will build the tent cities in five different detention centers within a matter of months. Once built, the centers will be run by the Israel Prison Service.

Three of those detention centers will be built near the Ketziot prison in the near future, and will be connected to water, electric and sewage infrastructures which the Defense Ministry have been building over the last several weeks.

The objective of the plan, according to the ministry, is to ensure that all African migrants who enter Israel will be directly transferred to a detention center where they will stay for long periods of time, in order to prevent their entry to Israeli cities.

Sukkot is a seven-day Jewish festival, which begins on the fifth day following Yom Kippur. It marks the harvest, and commemorates the forty years of exile the Jews had after escaping from Egypt. There are several different names for the holiday. It can be called the Day of Booths, or the Feast of the Tabernacles.
The meaning of a booth is tied to the definition of sukkot. Essentially a sukkah is a temporary structure for housing. These structures are meant to be symbolic of the temporary huts the Israelites lived in while in exile.

Jews are commanded to spend as much time in their sukkahs as possible. They may effectively live in their sukkah during the holiday — meaning eat, sleep and just hang out — or they may only eat their meals there and otherwise live in their homes.
Quote from: thejuice on June 07, 2012, 10:10:33 AM
For the good of football, all of Ireland hopes Offaly win this with their attractive traditional football over the pukey handpassing gym monkeys.

Not only that but traditional manly haircuts against the Lilly white salon monkeys
Agreed. The Eucharistic Congress fully supports the cause of the pasty ones in the war against tanned gym toned hand passing narcissism.
I'll get the comments in early. Leinster football is shite. Look at all the handpassing in that match and at several stages there were 12 Kildare players back in their own half. How many Offaly footballers playing (insert date) could complete a successful foot pass? The level of pulling and dragging is much higher than it was in the Munster championship of the 1980s. The Kildare players are gym monkeys and they are nowhere near Kerry. 

Shalom everyone

The Israeli authorities Tuesday forced four Palestinian families to demolish with their own hands their homes in Wadi al-Maleh area in the northern part of the occupied Jordan Valley as a prelude to evacuate the area from its Palestinian residents, according to a local activist.

Aref Daraghme, head of Wadi al-Maleh village council, said the Israeli authorities gave the families, which live in one area of the village, 24 hours to leave their homes and move somewhere else.

However, Israeli army units arrived at the area before the expiry of the warning period and forced the families to demolish their homes with their own hands.

He said the Israeli authorities had previously demolished a large number of Palestinian houses in the same area and prevented residents from working on their land. All of this is done for the benefit of illegal settlements in the Jordan valley, he said.

Meanwhile, the Israeli military Tuesday ordered a large number of Palestinian families to leave their homes in the Jordan Valley for a couple of days as the army prepares to carry out military maneuvers in the area.

GAA Discussion / Re: Galway v Sligo -June 9th
June 05, 2012, 04:50:31 PM
Quote from: Mano on June 05, 2012, 03:19:28 PM
Quote from: seafoid on June 05, 2012, 02:48:14 PM
Where is Geevagh ?
Geevagh (Irish: An Ghaobhach) is a village in the south-east corner of County Sligo, Ireland, on the R284 regional road.
GAA Discussion / Re: Galway v Sligo -June 9th
June 05, 2012, 02:48:14 PM
Where is Geevagh ?
Quote from: Captain Obvious on June 04, 2012, 09:44:03 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on June 04, 2012, 09:27:28 PM
Quote from: From the Bunker on June 04, 2012, 07:09:37 PM
Quote from: Captain Obvious on June 04, 2012, 04:31:07 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on June 04, 2012, 03:08:17 PM
Quote from: Jinxy on June 03, 2012, 11:40:43 PM
The Dubs aren't big in the Cork sense of the word.
They are physically very strong though.
Lots of gym work which is directed by someone who knows their stuff.

We beat a rubbish outfit. All-ireland is still between 4 teams. Yesterday had no impact on that. I'm fed up reading about conditioning. Some of the points we kicked were fantastic.

Yeah who is the 4th team? Cannot think of anybody near them 3?
Dublin,Kerry,Cork and?

kildare. (without seanie)

I don't see All Ireland in that current Kildare side, then again i didn't see All Ireland in Dublin after Kerry,Tyrone minced them in 2008/09.
you won't get away with calling Tyrone mincers.

Quote from: Forever Green on June 04, 2012, 07:41:38 PM
Saw this on a Celtic forum. A letter from a Palestinian group to the Green Brigade thanking them for support for the hunger strikers. Just thought I would share  :)

On the 13th of May, as the 'deal' to end the mass Palestinian hunger strike was about to emerge from the rumour-mill, far away from Palestine in Scotland's biggest city Glasgow, a display of solidarity with the Palestinian hunger strikers was done supporters of Celtic Football Club. This was the final game of the season when Celtic were given the league trophy and crowned Scottish Football Champions and amid all the displays, colour, noise and party atmosphere a flurry of Palestine flags and a banner reading "Dignity is more precious than food" appeared in one particular corner section of the stadium.

This was the 111 section, home of the Green Brigade an ultras group formed in 2006 in rejection of the modern corporate games reducing football fans to mere silent and compliant consumers. The political footing of the group is left-wing, anti-racist,anti-fascist and anti-sectarian. Celtic football club was formed in 1888 by immigrant Irish and has since become to symbolise the Irish heritage of the large Irish diaspora in West Scotland who faced the best part of a century of religious discrimination. The Green Brigade have come under fire for continuing the tradition of Celtic fans giving vocal support for Irish Republican resistance to the British presence in Ireland as well their opposition to any association between the club and the British army's wars and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 710x473 and weights 95KB.

Despite this day including some quite elaborate displays, the Green Brigade still marked the day with their display of solidarity with the Palestinian hunger Strikers, they very rarely make any form of public statement about their political actions but agreed to once the impact of what they felt were very modest actions became clear.

We did this in solidarity, to raise awareness and because it's the right thing to do.

We want Palestinians to know we are thinking about them and encourage Scottish civil society to look at the injustice in Palestine. The Western media ignores the struggle so we felt we had to at least try and highlight the issue. Its hard to explain the feelings when hear of the actions undertaken by Palestinian prisoners or the oppression of Israeli State. All we can say that there is no greater sacrifice than to be willing to hunger strike until death for justice.

Solidarity with the people of Palestine.

Until The Last Rebel.

Palestine activists here in Scotland helped make sure the Palestinian activists we knew saw them via social media and within few days the images had went viral via twitter & facebook and many Palestinian expressed their gratitude, while the Green Brigade were for the most part unaware of the great impact their actions had.

With the aims of making the Green Brigade fully aware of how much their solidarity action was appreciated, to foster interaction between Palestinian youth and their international supporters and to facilitate the wish of Palestinians to express their thanks the idea grew that some sort of statement should be written for Palestinian youth activists to sign. This is all the more timely as largely unknown to the world, 4 Palestinians remain on hunger strike including the Footballer Mahmoud Sarsak, arrested 3 years ago on his way to play for the Palestinian national team and held since with no charge or trial. Mahmoud a refugee living in Rafah Camp in Gaza is now on (at the time of writing) his 68th day of hunger strike and while there is no football for him the Israeli Women's U21 team will play a match in Scotland on June 16th and Israel will host the UEFA 2013 U23 tournament. It is hoped that the actions of the Green Brigade and a response from the Palestinians that highlight the role these type of actions have may lead to supporters of human rights in Scotland and Europe to question the morality and ethical soundness of bodies such as the Scottish Football Association and UEFA treating Israel as a normal state rather than the apartheid state that it is and should be sanctioned as.

The response from the Palestinian Youth statement has been quite emphatic with almost 100 Palestinian Youth activists from the occupied West Bank & Gaza, '48 and forced exile, from the refugee camps, popular committees and Palestinian NGO's have signed the statement.

The Statement
Dear Green Brigade comrades,

As our free prisoners were fighting with "empty stomachs" battle in the dungeons of the Zionist regime, we outside prisons were protesting on streets, taking our part in the fight. Our decades old fight has been of ups and downs. At times, we feel frustrations witnessing the world being indifferent. At other times, we felt hope.

We watched as the Green Brigades supported our just cause and our prisoners' hunger strike. And this was one of the times of hope. We can't thank you enough. Your action gave us strength here. Photos and videos of your support were circulated between us in Palestine widely. And we knew not to expect any less from our Irish-Scottish comrades.
The Scottish, "the last of the free", has a history of survival. They have a history of fighting for their freedom and dignity and not giving up for any less. It is true that injustice anywhere in the world is a threat to justice everywhere in the world. But it is also true that free people anywhere inspire free people everywhere. The history of the Scottish people is a history of free people who did not bow to the Roman walls. And with your proud Irish roots, this makes you part of our struggle.

Every Palestinian youth look up to the Irish struggle. No one, better than an Irish, would understand the Apartheid wall that divides our land. No one, better than an Irish, would understand settlers taking over our lands. No one, better than an Irish, would understand the meaning of fighting occupation and sacrificing oneself. No one, better than an Irish, would understand what fighting with empty stomachs inside prisons means. Needless to say, the struggle of Bobby Sand and his comrades has inspired us.

Many parts of Scotland & Ireland became 'Apartheid free-zones'
in the past. Your support to the South African struggle led the way to the fall of the exclusively-white Apartheid regime. We believe you will repeat history again and will lead Glasgow to be an Apartheid free-zone once again. And will lead the way to the fall of the Zionist Apartheid regime.

Our fight is far from over. We will keep up our fight until freedom, equality and full right of return for our refugees.
Green Brigade comrades, I once again would love to express our deep gratitude and appreciation. Your support makes us stronger.

Thank you!

Yara Abbas

Areej Mawasi

Alaa Mawasi

Salma Mawasi

Fajr Harb

Amany Khalefa

Maath Musleh

Nader Elkhuzundar

Lama Saqr

Hosam Saqr

Osama Saqr

Riman Saqr

Ahmad Nimer

Abir Kopty

Ebaa Rezeq

Sari Harb

Linah AlSaafin

Shifaa AlKhatib

Hurriyah Ziada (sibling of a prisoner)

Raya Ziada (sibling of a prisoner)

Samer Sharif (sibling of a prisoner)

Beesan Ramadan

Hala Turjman

Wassim Ghantous

Mohammed Lotfi Yousif

Marwan Mahmoud Fararja

Majde Mostafa Abu Aker

Ahmed Eaid Mohammed

Mohammed Saleh

Nancy Alitabi

Ra'fat Riyad Malash

Layan Nidal Alazzeh

Nabil Abed Alazez

Mohammed Alameer

Shadi Al Barmil

Ammar Mostafa

Jehad Abu A'oda

Mohammed Basim Abu Sror

Khalid Walid Alazza

Mostafa A'oad Alaraj

Salah Ajarma

Daoud Qasim

Sabreen Mohamoud Asad

Hanin Monther Alaraj

Samer Ibrahim Awais

Ahmad Lotfi Ahmad Yousif

Mahmoud Ya'qob Hammad

Fadi Mohammed Nasrallah

Jamal Jamil Ikhlayil

Mohammed Nidal Abu Aker

Mohammed Qasim Alazraq

Kefah Ahmad Alajarma

Faris Shomali

Kifah Quzmar

Nisreen Abu-hunaina

Jalal Najjar

Faten Abu.Sway

Adi Akawi

Lena Awad

Fadi Farwaji

Anan Quzmar

Ismat Quzmar

Lina Hegazi

Sari Harb

Fajr Harb

Diana Alzee

Bassel Araj

Badia Dwaik

Issa Amro

Nadeem Sharabati

Azat alkarki

Tamer Altrash

Imad Altrash

Adeeb Dwaik

Raed Atrash

Sounds Alazeh

Hashem Ayoup

Ashraf Amro

Ahmad Amro

Akram Natsheh

Sameer Khrishah

Salsbeel Dwaik

Najla Jabri

Mohamed Alzgher

Mohamed Altrash

Shada Alhadad

Heba Bader

Suheir Alsharawi

Very impressive. Can you try putting up the link again?

GAA Discussion / Re: Galway v Sligo -June 9th
June 04, 2012, 05:07:50 PM
Should be a good match. Kevin Walsh is a fine manager and Sligo will be looking to make up for last year.
GAA Discussion / Re: Ulster Championship is Muck
June 04, 2012, 05:00:47 PM
Quote from: Fear ón Srath Bán on June 04, 2012, 04:39:45 PM
Quote from: INDIANA on June 04, 2012, 11:47:17 AM
...the ulster championship is heading back to the 70's.

Dream on Indy, in your dreams  :P...

1. The inferiority complex of the 70s is just that, of the 70s!
2. Half of the potential star footballers aren't currently locked up in Long Kesh.
3. There was no equivalent of Mickey Harte, or James Mc Cartan for that matter, in the 70s.
her majesty's government wasn't funding much sport in NI back in the 70s either. 
Great handbagging, lads
Quote from: give her dixie on June 04, 2012, 03:02:03 AM
Imagine the outcry if Shay Given was on Hunger Strike for 78 days?

Would there be an outcry from the football world as the Euro championship starts this week?

You bet there would.

However, a member of the Palestinian national football team has today started his 78th day on Hunger Strike in protest at been held under "Administrative Detention" (Internment without trial)

Mahmoud Sarsak, a member of the Palestine national team, was on his way from his home in Gaza to a match in the West Bank when he was arrested in 2009. Despite travelling with the correct paperwork, he was arrested and to this day, has been held without trial or charge by Israel.

In protest at his illegal detention, he embarked on a Hunger Strike.

So, as the Euro's begin, imagine the outcry if Shay Given was arrested at the border en route from his home in Donegal to a match in Dublin and held for 3 years without any charge or trial?

Would there be an international outcry?

It's a mess, giveherdixie.

This is the liberal Israeli Jewish  view of the way things are going

It is permissible
To kill gentile children
Who might hurt Jews
When they grow up -
So wrote rabbis in a book

The (Israeli) Attorney General ruled:
This is not incitement,
This is the Halacha (jewish holy law) .

No anti-Semite
Would dare today
To defame Judaism
So blatantly!
the next thing will be a video of Eddie Murphy saying"is it because I is a Larry"