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Messages - Top of the hill

County lads definitely need the break. Especially those at uni. Otherwise they would be training all year round. Even professional sportsmen get a break for a few weeks.

However, how effective it will be remains to be seen. Collective training is not allowed but there are ways round that. In talking to a couple of players from different counties recently it seems managers are planning to have them do some sort of training in smaller groups or pairs.
Can't have them lyin around for the next few weeks then on the drink over Christmas, what sort of shape will they be in for the start of the national league?  ;)
Sorry greenman, i thought this was a discussion board. my mistake.  :-[

Everyone on here is entitled to post whatever they want (within the rules obviously), regardless of which side they are backing. I agree that some of the post are at the extreme end of the spectrum from all sides but if anyone thinks they are inappropriate or offensive they can always report those posters to the mods.

As for reserving judgement, are you going to post on all the threads and tell everyone not to be putting forth their opinions until the whole truth of whatever topic is being discussed comes out? There is an abundance of information available to anyone who wants to access it which puts forwards all sides of this story. At least credit the posters with enough intelligence to form their own opinions based on the information available rather than just believing what they are told in the press.
General discussion / Re: O'bama is from....
November 07, 2008, 09:14:28 PM
Quote from: ziggysego on November 07, 2008, 08:21:44 PM
I like it :)

I'm thinking of going on X-Factor with it next year. Plus my Jewish is going on X-Factor next year with 'Springtime for Hitler'.


Be sure you have your sob story sorted before you audition.

Dead wife, children in care, former crack hoor (or all 3) - something like that  ;D

Quote from: Lecale2 on November 07, 2008, 08:49:32 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on November 07, 2008, 06:55:53 PM
One major issue here is that in any amateur orginisation the structures and functioning of them do not always work as they are intended. Problem is through finding enough people with the time energy drive and charisma to shake the system and get it working better. Donal Og Sean Og and the like are all perfectionist with a VERY professional mindset. They EXPECT the system to be perfect for THEM. Because it isn't they do not possess the right communication skills to influence change in a proper way whilst understanding that it will never be perfect perfect and sometimes you have to go with it and control what you can control. At the minute they have reacted like children to this unperfect system which we all live because of this blinkered obession with their own hurling careers and think everybody with influence within the CCB should be jumping to their tune. There is NEVER a perfect solution to these realities. So what do you do when you are faced with these realities. You either try and influence change from the inside and do what you can do to be part of the change or you walk away. Donal Og and the boys have went for revolution without ever looking behind them to actually see who wants one. Idiolistic niave players may well see the beauty in standing up to such poor governence, but that is it. The army of numbers required to bring about change is too great. So I suggest Donal Og and the rest opf the players actually think about how they think in reality there is actually going to be anything good come out of what they are doing? Either for themselves or future generations of Cork hurlers? Because they have lost the argument in the hearts and minds of the rest of the country no matter how principled they think their stand is to the injustices the feel. They really are in a shameful place right now. Surely just walking away ...end of argument...... is the right thing to do at this stage?

The Skull1 - Well said. I have to say that sums it up for me. I do a bit for my club & county but I know full well that it isn't up to the standard that some well paid consultant could deliver if we paid him/her enough. I do my best in my spare time. So do the officials in Cork.

Do you mean Cork's Frank Murphy?  ;)

According to some sources he is nothing short of the devil himself incarnate and the root cause of all thing evil in Cork GAA circles.  >:(
General discussion / Re: Prayers Badly Needed
November 07, 2008, 08:27:59 PM
Prayers will be offered up from here too. We're all hoping everything turns out well.
Quote from: Reillers on November 07, 2008, 12:58:01 PM
Quote from: Top of the hill on November 07, 2008, 11:32:10 AM
Quote from: orangeman on November 07, 2008, 10:51:45 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on November 07, 2008, 10:48:34 AM
Quote from: Uladh on November 07, 2008, 10:36:50 AM

You can only be lead if you wish to be KM.

On another point that someone made, the cork footballers will have to suporrt the hurlers given that the hurlers ot the whole jobsorted for them last year and backed them to the hilt.

Aye thats alright if you've a few years behind you Uladh to develop as an individual. Young lads are a bit like sheep and are easily persuaded to do other peoples bidding. I should know...sure wasn't I one myself at a time

I think you're wrong there - Reillers would have us believe that all the Cork club delegates who I assume are not young lads also follow like sheep - surely both can't be true ??

That's exactly the point i can't accept. We are supposed to believe Murphy can control the CCB, but there is no way some of the senior players could influence the younger lads.

This has happened in every panel i have been part of over the years. New young players will not want to stand up in the face of the more "respected" panel members for fear of being ostracised by the rest. It is the case on a club panel and probably more so on a county panel.
You know I make a point and then 3 pages on I've to make it again.
Half of them are prehistoric and great friends with the man himself, the others genuinely feel if they are the first to speak they will be "dealt with," I said earlier, the CCB controls everything in Cork GAA..they can control what refs they get, what games they get which is key to bringing in money..etc.Just lets say if someone was to say something I wouldn't at all surprised to see them suddenly get a raw deal in everything.
The others, a small minority, are honest lads who are there to do their job..which really they're the only ones who are doing it, it's an intimdating place, and it's where the only discussions there are what will we have for tae lads.

How many more times will I have to say it.

Reillers, You can repeat it as many times as you want, i still won't believe that the majority of the CCB are in Murphy's pocket and he can influence how they vote. I don't doubt that there are those who are his cronies and there are others he can influence and there are ones who are genuine. However i see no merit in pressing this any further with you as you will probably just repeat your previous statement and ask how many more times you need to repeat it. One question though, If the majority of CCB delegates are so badly misrepresenting their clubs why do the clubs reappoint them as CCB delegates?

By the way, you keep on about people not actually reading posts on here, if you had read over my last post you would see it is a response to something said by another poster and not directed at you. I did not ask you to repeat yourself. That you felt compelled to do so is your perogative.

As i said before you can repeat yourself as many times as you want - it still won't make me believe you.

Quote from: orangeman on November 07, 2008, 10:51:45 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on November 07, 2008, 10:48:34 AM
Quote from: Uladh on November 07, 2008, 10:36:50 AM

You can only be lead if you wish to be KM.

On another point that someone made, the cork footballers will have to suporrt the hurlers given that the hurlers ot the whole jobsorted for them last year and backed them to the hilt.

Aye thats alright if you've a few years behind you Uladh to develop as an individual. Young lads are a bit like sheep and are easily persuaded to do other peoples bidding. I should know...sure wasn't I one myself at a time

I think you're wrong there - Reillers would have us believe that all the Cork club delegates who I assume are not young lads also follow like sheep - surely both can't be true ??

That's exactly the point i can't accept. We are supposed to believe Murphy can control the CCB, but there is no way some of the senior players could influence the younger lads.

This has happened in every panel i have been part of over the years. New young players will not want to stand up in the face of the more "respected" panel members for fear of being ostracised by the rest. It is the case on a club panel and probably more so on a county panel.
Quote from: Reillers on November 07, 2008, 06:45:36 AM
Quote from: Top of the hill on November 07, 2008, 12:57:28 AM
Sorry to butt in to this but i have spent the last coupel of hours catching up on this instead of going to bed but i have a couple of questions for Reillers

1. Do you really believe the cork players have the backing of the majority of GAA followers?

2. Do you really expect people to  believe that Frank Murphy can exert a "puppet master" like control over 80+ (that many?) CCB members/delegates but at the same time believe that 25-28 of the cork players could NOT be influenced by 2-5 other (ringleaders ro senior members or whatever) as is claimed by the players' statement?

I am not trying to be funny when asking this. I just want a bit of clarification on these issues.

No don't think the players have the backing of the majoirty.
Yes I do expect people to believe, people with half a brain anyway, that Murphy is the puppet master controling 80 plus people, he has for a very long time and the 25-28 man panel are not led by 2 plus people. All points I've said more then a few times on here.

I have been keeping an eye on this thread and other sources/media on this saga as it has gone on. I have tried to reserve judgment on this and not just take one side or the other. I said I was not being funny when asking these questions, just trying to get a better understanding of some of the "facts" that you and others keep taliking about on here. On some of these points I agree with you but on others i don't.

I agree with you that the palyers probably do have support but not by the majority. I also agree (as in the AFR article) that the CCB have not covered themselves in glory at either grass-roots level or in their handling of the re-election of McCarthy as manager. Incidentally, the majority of the 20 problems facing Cork GAA could be applied to practically any county in ireland. Cork are not the only county to lose faith in their CB. However i find it hard to believe that Frank Murphy and the other CCB members would work to deliberatley bring about the downfall on GAA in cork and the hurling team in particular.

Secondly, I appreciate that you have stated these points in the recent past on this thread. However if you are going to resort to insults with comments like "people with half a brain" i find it increasingly hard to take what you say seriously.

I try to keep an open mind on this debacle but i find it hard to believe that Frank Murphy can control the will of 80+ people, yet you say it is ridiculous to suggest that the players are not controlled by 2or more people. IMO these 2 statements contradict each other. I do share Charlie Carter's view that their is pressure being put on the younger players by some of the more senior members.

As i said before i agree with some, but not all, of your points. As can be seen from this thread (and other sources) there are vast differences of opinion on this whole episode. Not everyone will agree all of the time. I am not just trying to be inflammatory or deliberately obstructive for the sake of it.
Sorry to butt in to this but i have spent the last coupel of hours catching up on this instead of going to bed but i have a couple of questions for Reillers

1. Do you really believe the cork players have the backing of the majority of GAA followers?

2. Do you really expect people to  believe that Frank Murphy can exert a "puppet master" like control over 80+ (that many?) CCB members/delegates but at the same time believe that 25-28 of the cork players could NOT be influenced by 2-5 other (ringleaders ro senior members or whatever) as is claimed by the players' statement?

I am not trying to be funny when asking this. I just want a bit of clarification on these issues.
General discussion / Re: can't's head wrecking!
November 06, 2008, 12:27:00 AM
Quote from: maggie on November 06, 2008, 12:21:54 AM
Quote from: Top of the hill on November 06, 2008, 12:12:43 AM
Bellamy Brothers - Let your love flow

such a wee cheery tune.
thanx top of the hill
P.S. I love The Princess Bride also.
Mawrriage is my fav part though!

The late great Peter Cook. Legend.

Meant to say - that clip always makes me think of this classic from Only fools...

What did we ever do without Youtube?  ;D

General discussion / Re: can't's head wrecking!
November 06, 2008, 12:12:43 AM
Bellamy Brothers - Let your love flow
General discussion / Re: can't's head wrecking!
November 06, 2008, 12:05:09 AM
Sorry, link don't work properly but all on wikipedia   ::)
General discussion / Re: Insoles
November 05, 2008, 08:11:32 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on November 05, 2008, 08:02:29 PM
Haha, pretend you'll buy their trainers...

I like your style tommy  ;D
General discussion / Re: Insoles
November 05, 2008, 07:58:50 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on November 05, 2008, 07:55:08 PM
Get a GAIT analysis done to see if you need them.

Aye, but would that not cost money? As i said before i'm a miserable hoor  ;)