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Messages - The Boy Wonder

GAA Discussion / Re: Dublin v Laois
June 20, 2018, 11:26:24 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on June 20, 2018, 09:58:51 AM
Will anyone outside of Dublin or Laois even bother to watch this game?

When the top teams get into their stride they can play some brilliant football, e.g. Mayo's 4-19 to 0-9 demolition of the Rossies last year  ;)

I'm hoping that Laois will be competitive but it's a huge ask for a team coming from Division 4.
No, I think we should retain the provincials with the winners advancing to AI Semi-Finals as of old.
The provincials and Sam Maguire Cup would be a straight knockout competition and secondary to an amalgamated NFL & Super 8s.
It's a pity that the provincial imbalance is compounded in the qualifiers.

Carlow win 2 and go into Round 2 after losing their 3rd game while Roscommon win 1 and go into Round 4 after losing their 2nd game.

Carlow beat a Division 1 and a Division 2 team while Roscommon beat a Division 4 team.
GAA Discussion / Re: Super 8s
June 17, 2018, 11:26:07 AM
If you want the highest ranking teams AND equal provincial representation the best outcome would be :

Group 1
Connacht Champions    Galway (D1)
Munster Champions    Kerry (D1)
Ulster Runner-up      Fermanagh (D3)     Tyrone
Leinster Runner-up      Laois (D4)     Kildare

Group 2
Leinster Champions    Dublin (D1)
Ulster Champions    Donegal (D1)
Connacht Runner-up   Roscommon (D2)     Mayo
Munster Runner-up     Cork (D2)

But in all probability you won't get groups as balanced as above and one group will appear stronger that the other on paper.
We need to pick at whatever straws are available – what's the point of just accepting the general wisdom that we are lambs to the slaughter ? 

The Dubs are missing a key man at the back – in 2003 they were missing Hill 16 at their back -  it was out of commission due to a forthcoming U2 concert.

Yes, let's bomb it in to Cluxtons's replacement - we might get a break  :D
Just listened to the interview - no better man - Ross has done his county proud every time he wore the blue and white.

I'll never forget his performance in the 2nd half of the 2005 Leinster Final where he nearly single handedly got us over the line.

An inspirational guy to have in our dressing room.
GAA Discussion / Re: Laois v Carlow
June 10, 2018, 05:26:17 PM
This "every man back" football is dreadful to watch. There may not be enough highlights to fill the 2 minutes on The Sunday Game tonight.
Quote from: BallyroanAbu on June 09, 2018, 10:06:37 PM
It will be a shocking game which Laois win if we don't bomb the ball down the throat of their midfielder Murphy.  He went to town on us the last day, Broderick missed everything but we also pulled up when going handy.

Nail on the head - it was a dire game of football. Apart from winning there was little enjoyment and few highlights but we got the win  :)

Feet will be firmly on the ground for the final. I hope Stephen Attride is ok - that was a very courageous interception to avert danger.

Well said - it's great to see the buzz in Carlow after all their years in the doldrums.
Anything that promotes the GAA for young people is positive.

C'mon Laois anyway !
GAA Discussion / Re: Laois v Carlow
June 07, 2018, 10:42:23 PM
The river Barrow flows through Carlow town separating the Laois section, Graigcullen, from the rest of the town. Graigcullen played in the Carlow SFC up to 1925 winning 13 senior titles before switching to Laois and winning 12 senior titles. Laois won 3 Leinster senior titles in a row in the 1930s backboned by Graigcullen and Stradbally players. Graigcullen's Tommy Murphy, The Boy Wonder, was named at midfield on the GAA's Team of the Millennium. Full back Mark Timmons is Graigcullen's representative on the current Laois team (plus Danny O'Reilly who is out injured).
There's a great buzz around Carlow particularly and also Laois in anticipation of next Sunday's game. The Graigcullen club are hosting an Up for the Match event in the clubhouse on Saturday night. We used to see similar craic on RTE's much missed Breaking Ball programme.
Prior to Turlough O'Brien's Carlow Rising Laois have had the upperhand in recent years winning 3-16 to 0-8 in 2015 and 3-13 to 0-12 in 2013. Carlow's last Leinster SFC win over Laois was in 1988. In 1995 Laois beat Carlow by one point where a late wide from Laois was incorrectly signalled as a point. This wrong decision was highlighted on The Sunday Game and in the papers and Laois County Board offered Carlow a replay which Laois won.
The reward for the winners of next Sunday's game may seem dubious – a Leinster Final versus The Dubs – but this does not take away from this game. It's a local derby, Laois may have won the recent League meetings but Carlow showed their mettle against Kildare. Here's hoping for a great contest.
General discussion / Re: Great Newspaper Headlines.
June 03, 2018, 12:17:26 PM
Hardy first in line to face Taylor in Brooklyn while Cork fight emerges as wildcard future option
General discussion / Re: Eighth Amendment poll
June 03, 2018, 10:25:13 AM
Oh the hypocrisy - you and your ilk continue to post poisonous commentary to this forum.
Sadly it appears to be your main pastime - "internet blowhard" I believe is your own description.
An idle mind is the devil's workshop - go and find something useful and constructive to do with your time.
Quote from: The Iceman on June 01, 2018, 03:57:32 PM
Quote from: magpie seanie on June 01, 2018, 03:42:27 PM
You know someone is just going to present the opposite argument and they've plenty of ammo in the last century alone.
Perhaps. But I don't think anyone can honestly stand up and say they haven't been a force for good in the world. And I can't stand by and watch while one side presents all their hate fueled arguments.

Fair play to you Iceman for having the time and patience to challenge the onslaught against the RC Church in the wake of the referendum. Given the abominations that some of the clerical hierarchy were responsible for it can be difficult to stand up for this church but the critics should remember that laypersons comprise the vast majority of church membership – their criticisms can be deeply offensive to people who have lived their lives as upstanding members of the community.

Maybe the critics would clarify whether their criticisms are aimed at the RC Church in particular or at Christian Churches in general. It is difficult to engage in any debate where there is a scattergun approach by one side.

As a conscientious No voter I have found it deeply uncomfortable since the Referendum result last week. There's a certain element of open season on the RC Church in particular – this can be found online, in printed & social media and in general conversation.

Anyway Iceman, I would advise that you don't waste time engaging with certain posters such as Sid Waddell. There are certain fellas that are posting here morning, noon and night and will always have the last word. I could be wrong but I would guess that some of them spend a lot of their time pontificating on here whilst they are paid to be working.
General discussion / Re: Eighth Amendment poll
May 28, 2018, 10:26:33 PM
Quote from: seafoid on May 28, 2018, 09:03:30 PM
Quote from: The Boy Wonder on May 28, 2018, 08:56:10 PM
It's good to see that some journalists can still take a balanced view.

"'I don't want to rain all over the repeal parade but I can't bring myself to celebrate abortions'

Irish Independent 28 May 2018 Barbara McCarthy

'IRELAND is still the same country today as it was before, just a little more tolerant, open and respectful," Leo Varadkar said outside Dublin Castle on Saturday, where thousands of people chanting "Yes" gathered to celebrate.
I'd love to rephrase that: 'Ireland has more authoritarian bigots who think they're liberals than it did before.'
Repealing the Eighth Amendment was essentially a victory over the Catholic Church. Feminists, nonpartisans and politicians hugged each other, crying 'we made it' as they shattered the illusion that the Church was their moral arbiter.
It would be great if it wasn't so righteous. All I can see is a country that isn't that different than it was before, because ultimately Irish people are sheep who will do anything to impress global outsiders.
One of the great paradigms of propaganda is bandwagon mentality, which was evident outside Dublin Castle on Saturday.
But I don't want to rain all over their repeal parade.
I'm happy for the tireless campaigners who have been fighting for women's rights for decades, and for women who no longer have to travel to the UK for abortions when their babies suffer from fatal foetal abnormality. I'm happy victims of rape, incest or domestic violence can have abortions at home. But will I jump up and down like a fool singing Tracy Chapman's 'Talkin' bout a revolution' amidst cars beeping down on South William Street in Dublin's enclave of the absolutist left and the blue haircut?
Absolutely not.
I can't bring myself to celebrate abortions. I know, what a weirdo.
Anyway, the No side, who make up one-third of the electorate, has been gracious in defeat. Many expressed sadness that they couldn't do more for the unborn.
For many repealers, unfortunately, it's been a disgusting gloat-fest.
This was not an easy campaign to get behind. Many of us spent years deliberating, ruminating, going back and forth. It was like 'Sophie's Choice'. I'm pro-life, but I really don't like telling people how to live their lives. The No side voted out of conscience against the introduction of the death penalty to the unborn. Yes voters voted for women to have autonomy over their bodies.
The dichotomy was palpable, but how can you be 100pc for one or the other?
It's not that women haven't suffered under the Eighth – there are heartbreaking stories on both sides. I have two cousins who were both told their babies would have Down syndrome and doctors suggested they abort. Both kept their children. Both were fine.
In this age of idealistic social media obsession and positivity memes, the lack of compassion, especially from female journalists, was unnerving. Nell McCafferty was one of the few who displayed some empathy towards the embryo.
That's not to say the No side didn't make mistakes. The posters were too much, and the fact that many campaigners were Catholic worked against them.
But then again, as we officially release ourselves from the shackles of the Church in front of a global audience, it's easy to forget how Irish people let priests control their lives.
Mothers were complicit, not afraid to take the priest's word over that of their own child, spoiling their sons over their daughters.
But yeah, in hindsight, let's blame the Church and bang on about how awful old Ireland was.
I sometimes forget I grew up here, too. I'm not Catholic and I never went to a convent school, which is good because I was allowed to think for myself, but like many others I'm not downtrodden, abused and enslaved. From my recollection, the 80s and 90s were amazing in Ireland.
It's important we remember that just because women who came before us suffered, doesn't mean we can collectively ride on their coat tails of victimhood. If you haven't been oppressed, don't make out you're oppressed. The women crying outside Dublin Castle in repeal jumpers probably haven't been to the Magdalene laundries or even had an abortion, so why are they carrying the burden? Victim culture is dangerous for the individual and society.
But not to worry, we're a great little country, open and modern – at least CNN and other global media outlets think so. And we're amazing at selling ourselves, even to each other.
"Under the Eighth Amendment, women in crisis have been told you are on your own. Today we say that we want to stand with you," Health Minister Simon Harris said, after being egged on by the crowd who were donning 'we fancy Simon Harris' posters.
Momentum is great for governments. In the ecstatic trance of a Yes vote, people were saying things like, "I trust our Government to legislate on this properly".
Forgetful much? What about the cover-up surrounding the cervical smear scandal, endemic corruption, domestic abuse, murder and the fact that women are less safe in Ireland than ever before, out of control homelessness, static housing, obscene rents, vulture capitalism, inequitable taxation, gangland crime, expensive childcare, soaring suicide rates, mental health, corporate largesse, the list goes on.
Sure, once the repealers have stopped trolling pro-lifers online in a virtuous trance, and thrown their repeal jumpers in the back of their wardrobes, maybe they'll see that too. Once the smoke and mirrors are gone, life in Ireland has never been more people-unfriendly.
Trailblazer Ailbhe Smyth said "equality and justice and freedom for people" exists now that women can have abortions, but what if we can't afford to live here, or afford abortions.
With that in mind, let's make our next battle about something that really affects us all, like the rental crisis, and we'll see how much political engagement we get.

I would not agree that this article is "Whataboutery".
General discussion / Re: Eighth Amendment poll
May 28, 2018, 08:56:10 PM
It's good to see that some journalists can still take a balanced view.

"'I don't want to rain all over the repeal parade but I can't bring myself to celebrate abortions'

Irish Independent 28 May 2018 Barbara McCarthy

'IRELAND is still the same country today as it was before, just a little more tolerant, open and respectful," Leo Varadkar said outside Dublin Castle on Saturday, where thousands of people chanting "Yes" gathered to celebrate.
I'd love to rephrase that: 'Ireland has more authoritarian bigots who think they're liberals than it did before.'
Repealing the Eighth Amendment was essentially a victory over the Catholic Church. Feminists, nonpartisans and politicians hugged each other, crying 'we made it' as they shattered the illusion that the Church was their moral arbiter.
It would be great if it wasn't so righteous. All I can see is a country that isn't that different than it was before, because ultimately Irish people are sheep who will do anything to impress global outsiders.
One of the great paradigms of propaganda is bandwagon mentality, which was evident outside Dublin Castle on Saturday.
But I don't want to rain all over their repeal parade.
I'm happy for the tireless campaigners who have been fighting for women's rights for decades, and for women who no longer have to travel to the UK for abortions when their babies suffer from fatal foetal abnormality. I'm happy victims of rape, incest or domestic violence can have abortions at home. But will I jump up and down like a fool singing Tracy Chapman's 'Talkin' bout a revolution' amidst cars beeping down on South William Street in Dublin's enclave of the absolutist left and the blue haircut?
Absolutely not.
I can't bring myself to celebrate abortions. I know, what a weirdo.
Anyway, the No side, who make up one-third of the electorate, has been gracious in defeat. Many expressed sadness that they couldn't do more for the unborn.
For many repealers, unfortunately, it's been a disgusting gloat-fest.
This was not an easy campaign to get behind. Many of us spent years deliberating, ruminating, going back and forth. It was like 'Sophie's Choice'. I'm pro-life, but I really don't like telling people how to live their lives. The No side voted out of conscience against the introduction of the death penalty to the unborn. Yes voters voted for women to have autonomy over their bodies.
The dichotomy was palpable, but how can you be 100pc for one or the other?
It's not that women haven't suffered under the Eighth – there are heartbreaking stories on both sides. I have two cousins who were both told their babies would have Down syndrome and doctors suggested they abort. Both kept their children. Both were fine.
In this age of idealistic social media obsession and positivity memes, the lack of compassion, especially from female journalists, was unnerving. Nell McCafferty was one of the few who displayed some empathy towards the embryo.
That's not to say the No side didn't make mistakes. The posters were too much, and the fact that many campaigners were Catholic worked against them.
But then again, as we officially release ourselves from the shackles of the Church in front of a global audience, it's easy to forget how Irish people let priests control their lives.
Mothers were complicit, not afraid to take the priest's word over that of their own child, spoiling their sons over their daughters.
But yeah, in hindsight, let's blame the Church and bang on about how awful old Ireland was.
I sometimes forget I grew up here, too. I'm not Catholic and I never went to a convent school, which is good because I was allowed to think for myself, but like many others I'm not downtrodden, abused and enslaved. From my recollection, the 80s and 90s were amazing in Ireland.
It's important we remember that just because women who came before us suffered, doesn't mean we can collectively ride on their coat tails of victimhood. If you haven't been oppressed, don't make out you're oppressed. The women crying outside Dublin Castle in repeal jumpers probably haven't been to the Magdalene laundries or even had an abortion, so why are they carrying the burden? Victim culture is dangerous for the individual and society.
But not to worry, we're a great little country, open and modern – at least CNN and other global media outlets think so. And we're amazing at selling ourselves, even to each other.
"Under the Eighth Amendment, women in crisis have been told you are on your own. Today we say that we want to stand with you," Health Minister Simon Harris said, after being egged on by the crowd who were donning 'we fancy Simon Harris' posters.
Momentum is great for governments. In the ecstatic trance of a Yes vote, people were saying things like, "I trust our Government to legislate on this properly".
Forgetful much? What about the cover-up surrounding the cervical smear scandal, endemic corruption, domestic abuse, murder and the fact that women are less safe in Ireland than ever before, out of control homelessness, static housing, obscene rents, vulture capitalism, inequitable taxation, gangland crime, expensive childcare, soaring suicide rates, mental health, corporate largesse, the list goes on.
Sure, once the repealers have stopped trolling pro-lifers online in a virtuous trance, and thrown their repeal jumpers in the back of their wardrobes, maybe they'll see that too. Once the smoke and mirrors are gone, life in Ireland has never been more people-unfriendly.
Trailblazer Ailbhe Smyth said "equality and justice and freedom for people" exists now that women can have abortions, but what if we can't afford to live here, or afford abortions.
With that in mind, let's make our next battle about something that really affects us all, like the rental crisis, and we'll see how much political engagement we get.