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Messages - Keyser soze

The evident presumption, especially from Nolan and the Northern contributors, but also from Southern panel and audience, that NI will need an ongoing massive subvention is breathtaking. The Southern economy, for all it's woes, pulled itself up by it's bootstraps, and appears to be doing so again, and the North needs to do the same.

The problem here is that NI plc is bust and will continue  walking around with a begging bowl expecting it to be filled as of right instead of getting off their asses and doing something about it as everyone in  a real country and econony does.

The programme last night served to show just how dysfunctional this place is.
One thing was very clear last night. Sinn Fein's strategy for getting a UI, if they ever had one, isn't working. They appear to have turned off a large swathe of nationalist opinion to the idea of a UI.
Deiseach these things are available at a much lesser price in the north solely because people in the south of England are being 'rode' to pay for it.

There's no comparison between the 2 economies and the 2 standards of living and that's even with a £10bn subvention propping the north up.

Arlen Foster was on last night with that peculiarly smugly face of hers, proudly talking about protestantism and Britishness. FFS Arlene your people are on their bellies begging the brits for a handout, i don't see what's to be proud of about that. It'd be the best thing ever happened this country if there was a united ireland and we had to pay our way. I don't see why the people of the 26 counties should just take over paying for our lifestyle as the brits do. 
GAA Discussion / Re: GAA Discussion Paper
November 04, 2015, 11:03:35 AM
Beggars belief that the brains' trust of the Gaa could come up with this as a solution to 'burnout' in young players.

Don't have any football for them.

In fact try to encourage themn to retire at 17.

That should keep them injury free.

Musta took a long time to come up with that gem.

General discussion / Re: Drink Driving
October 30, 2015, 12:56:24 PM
Had a look at that report and the claim that the top cause of fatality is drink driving, which I have frequently heard before. However there seems to ba a lot of analysis and comment of the other factors such as road type, age, seatbelt use etc but zero in terms of drink driving. If there are so many fatalities caused by drink driving this does not seem to correlate with cases brought by the police for causing these.

There is usually an accompanying media profile of such cases, to the best of my recollection these types of prosecutions happen once or twice every year, in fact I can't recollect the last time I read about one. Maybe the media aren't picking up on all these cases or I am missing them, or the police aren't prosecuting them, or the drink drivers are the actual fatlities, but there certainly doesn't seem to be a correlation between the claimed number of drink related fatalities and the number of people being prosecuted for them.

Are there stats available for causation?
General discussion / Re: Drink Driving
October 28, 2015, 12:18:47 PM
Quote from: gallsman on October 28, 2015, 11:49:15 AM
Quote from: Keyser soze on October 28, 2015, 11:32:53 AM
I'm amazed at how good living you all are. I know loads of people who take a lock of pints and drive home a few miles regularly. Most men I know, and a few women would chance it on occasion.

I have lost count of the number of people who would sit to all hours and be up leaving the wains to school/pool/football/party/etc the next morning at all hours

There's a word for those people - c***ts.

Do you drive? Do you drink?

If the answer to both of these is yes the chances are very high that you have drove when over the limit, I can't understand why people are so holier than thou about this.

Which is not to take away from the immense pain that that family, and many others, have gone through as a result of drink driving accidents.
General discussion / Re: Drink Driving
October 28, 2015, 11:32:53 AM
I'm amazed at how good living you all are. I know loads of people who take a lock of pints and drive home a few miles regularly. Most men I know, and a few women would chance it on occasion.

I have lost count of the number of people who would sit to all hours and be up leaving the wains to school/pool/football/party/etc the next morning at all hours

General discussion / Re: London
October 28, 2015, 10:44:45 AM
Yeah Tower of London was best bit for me, great tour.
Quote from: gawa316 on October 20, 2015, 05:27:59 PM
It is a bitch and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It transformed by Grandad from strong as an ox old school farmer into a frail, stooped over shadow of what he once was.

On MJ Fox I remember being out in Long Island on a J1 and my mate was a lifeguard at some fancy tennis & swimming club that Fox was a member at. This is a good 15 years ago. Fox was a grumpy oul get and asked my mate who was up on the lifeguard high seat (or whatever you call them) to get him a soda. My mate was like, 'Sorry I'm on duty, I can't.' Fox replied that he didn't give a shit what he was on and to hurry up. My mate jumped down ran and got him a cup of coke with ice. Brought it back and gave it to him. Fox took one look at it and fucked it over him saying, 'Did I ask for ice??' and just walked off. Mate didn't no where to look.

I've got a mate like that too.
GAA Discussion / Re: Paul Galvin
October 20, 2015, 09:47:54 AM
Surely merits inclusion in the WTF thread.
General discussion / Re: James McClean
October 19, 2015, 12:52:08 PM
It is clear there is a commentator's bias towards McClean, the commentator said that he is 'clearly losing the plot here' in reference to McClean when it was manifestly obvious that it was a Siunderland player who was the aggressor and who instigated the entire player involvement in this incident.

Having said that it was a very stupid thing to do in goading the crowd by him in th first place.
General discussion / Re: Best Quiz Questions
October 15, 2015, 04:42:27 PM

Just skimming through this thread.

Fox and Stew are complete lunatics.

Sin e.
General discussion / Re: Rugby world cup 2015
October 13, 2015, 11:05:47 AM
Jesus how does Indiana do it, he has the inside track on every sport in Ireland.
General discussion / Re: Rugby world cup 2015
October 12, 2015, 01:26:01 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on October 12, 2015, 12:56:28 PM
I think you're doing a Dublin v Mayo, and Dublin v Kerry on it. When Ireland win, maybe with Sean O'Brien getting off beforehand, you'll be on telling all the Argentinian lads that we own them, and they don't have any natural backs :)

Hahahahaha very good.