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Messages - An Duin Abu

General discussion / Re: The Turf Spade
May 21, 2008, 03:35:39 PM
Absolute classic, fair play for taking the time to post it. Deserves a bigger audience
Seems a few of the technicians on duty tonight at the big screen in Manchester were Celtic supporters, sabotage perhaps...??????
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
April 19, 2008, 11:24:08 PM
Quote from: Naomh Pol CLG on April 19, 2008, 05:44:05 PM
Quote from: In the Onion Bag on April 19, 2008, 09:14:13 AM
Quote from: Naomh Pol CLG on April 19, 2008, 07:46:33 AM
Quote from: In the Onion Bag on April 18, 2008, 11:04:28 PM

Can't help wondering if Glasdrumman were affected by the early Friday evening throw-in and a long trip to Holywood?  Had they any players missing?

Typical... ::)

Typical of what?
Can't you accept praise when it is given?  As regards my question, its reasonable and anyone would wonder the same.  Chill out man.

Typical of the general attitute towards our club.  We draw with the favourites for Div.3 so there must have been a serious problem with them i.e. the long drive to Holywood or the early throw in or players missing....Perhaps it's just that we have been under-estimated by most of the "Experts" in Down Football..

We are unbeaten at home, threw away a win at Ardglass also drew with and should have beaten the Favourites for the whole thing.  Not too many predicted that.

Agree with Lecale though, Self-belief remains a problem but we are working on getting that!

I see the chips on the shoulders getting bigger around Holywood again!
GAA Discussion / Re: Armagh Vs Dorty Dubs
March 30, 2008, 08:43:46 PM
I thought there was a rule passed at congress that in the event of a doubt over the game in question a local referee could carry out a pitch inspection which in turn would prevent all this mayhem?
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
March 30, 2008, 06:06:39 PM
Bredagh were not at their best today against Drumgath and were fortunate to end up with a draw. I think these two teams could be there or there about's come the end if they keep up their current form
GAA Discussion / Re: Dublin v's Monaghan
March 23, 2008, 05:02:12 PM
Dublin will always be there or there abouts, can't see them win the big one mind you
GAA Discussion / Re: Saffron Sweep 2008
March 22, 2008, 11:58:42 AM
How many divisional boards are there in Antrim?
GAA Discussion / Re: Advertising on a club website
March 22, 2008, 11:52:29 AM
I totally agree with 'Magpie Seanie', make hay while the sun shines!
That Armagh team that were defeated by Dublin in the All-Ireland in '77 were an excellent team. More street wise and they would have achieved an awful lot more than what they actually did.

Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
March 17, 2008, 07:29:25 PM
Quote from: passedit on March 17, 2008, 09:14:18 AM
Quote from: An Duin Abu on March 09, 2008, 07:22:08 PM
St Paul's are on their way out. Watched them today and they were guilty of some unsavoury incidents to say the least. Football always wins in the end, unfortunately for St Paul's it's something they're not capable of playing. Their intimidation of a young corner forward just out of minor does nothing for our game. Alas they were never capable of bringing players through the underage system so I suppose they wouldn't know an awful lot about developing players and how young fellas confidence etc can be affected. Jack it in now lads , give your pitch to your friends in the local cricket or rugby club and bow out gracefully, Cumann Lutchleas Gael don't need your sort of behaviour in our association!

Tut tut two men sent off for boxing and lecale4 condoning their behaviour, I expect An Duin Abu and the rest of his knitting circle will along in a minute with forthright condemnation
There would appear to be an inference here that I am affiliated to Bredagh. Can a neutral not watch a game and comment on this site without being accused of something of which they are entirely innocent?. I think someone's wearing blinkered glasses!
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
December 12, 2007, 05:44:04 PM
Point taken Leo. I can only advise you again to push for clarity through your club if you feel it necessary. I know from previous meetings and conventions etc that Pairc Esler seemed to be a bottomless pit at times. To be fair to the officers concerned it was probably a case of income being offsett against liabilities which would have left it near impossible to break it down in the way that you require. I firmly believe that the powers that be were always aware of who the 'defaulters' were and they tried to save them the embarrassment of being named. However as I said in a previous post they were named at a county board meeting, I'll not name them on this site but if you speak to your delegate they can tell you who they are. They will also be able to tell you what sanctions were discussed if these clubs continued to default but that is till to be determined as the matter is ongoing and should be reported back to the first county board meeting in the new year. What I can say is that with the sale of Bryansford pending clubs will no longer be liable for this contribution and that the Pairc Esler debt will be paid off once and for all. There may even be a chance of a cash back windfall to all those clubs who did pay!
ps: The long and the short of it really is that some clubs could not afford it, how that compensated those who did struggle to pay however I don't know...?
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
December 10, 2007, 06:13:53 PM
I agree that clubs have raised these questions before and it was with great reluctance that the information on the 'defaulters' was relayed to all delegates at a county board meeting in the Donard . I personally felt that this was testimony to the top tables desire not to embarrass the clubs in question and to try and reach a suitable arrangement without 'naming and shaming'. Unfortunately it was not to be and the 5 clubs in question were named and given a right of reply. At that stage the information that you desire was provided to the floor, including the amount outstanding that each club owed. From memory two of the five clubs entered into an arrangement which leaves three clubs still 'defaulting'. Of the three one club went down the line of arranging a private and confidential meeting with An Coiste Bainisti to discuss the matter, the other two clubs I cannot comment on.
As regards seeing a full statement I can only say that I know who has 'defaulted' from the arrangement. From the point of view of accountability if that is where you are angling at I can only say that I have to trust the officers of the County Board to do what they were/are elected to do and I certainly have no evidence of any wrong doings. Apart from viewing the audited accounts like every one else I cannot see what other form of transparency can be provided, if we elect these people to do a job then let them get on with it.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
December 10, 2007, 04:57:39 PM
In reply to Niall Quinn. Have a look at my first posting again if you please. The posting regarding Jerry Quinn's comments at convention was based on facts, the posting from 'Leo' is based on rumour. Somebody is being stupid here and I don't think it is me. Can you see the difference?
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
December 10, 2007, 03:27:31 PM
That is my point exactly Leo. Speaking from experience it is the rumour and counter rumour that has the county the way it is and is continuing to fester and do damage. I speak as someone who was a county board delegate and the back biting that goes on at that level between clubs is uncalled for. In order for the county to move on we need to move on as clubs. If you have any genuine queries raise them through your club and let them take it up at county board level and then report back to your committee. This sort of thing should not be discussed on a noticeboard (PS if you were to raise it through your club you would be very surprised who the 5 'defaulters' are. You would also be very surprised and look at them in a different light if you knew the reason for their lack of contribution!)

Coiste Contae An Duin need the time to develop the county instead of having to rake over old dying embers. The men who were in place in my opinion were nothing short of transparent at all times and there was and is nothing sinister to report.Let's move on together and bring us back to where we belong at the top of the tree. Let the men and women who have been elected deal with the issues raised

Don't do this on a message board for all to see,we should have respect for your county.

Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
December 10, 2007, 02:10:21 PM
End of an era if HJ Harper has gone, a great servant to the county and will be a big loss.As regards the 5 clubs still to pay their £5,000 this matter was being dealt with @ County Board level and should be leftthere to be sorted, don't wash the linen in public