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Messages - Coddle

Have a look back
I think you'll find O'Neill mentioned Charlie in 1995 first.

Liverpool ?
Champions League ?
You seem to know alot about this soccer game you keep going on about.

I think you may be a SOCCER supporter - !
Go on admit it.
You have a quick look every now and again.
Me ? Well I have never watched soccer game in my life.

Talk to your doctor of your problems.
Tell him of your Dub Envy and your closet soccer addiction.
He's probably just advise that you're not a Dub, and never will be.
Where as I am Irish by Birth and a Dub by the Grace of God.

Ta Ta for now,
I'm off to watch the Dubs beat Tyrone


To answer the quearion

"Should Galvin be allowed to train with Kerry ? Officials have stopped him !!"

NO he shouldn't.
Deireadh on scéal.
He's suspended. 3 months.
Give us a call in Sept. Until then stay away.

The clue is in the word Suspend

transitive verb
1: to debar temporarily especially from a privilege, office, or function

Get on with it
Quote from: Gaffer on August 16, 2008, 12:34:17 AM
How could CheatCharlie 'not really' have been sent off. He was sent off and the duff referee, Russell, didnt ensure that he left the field at that time. The Cheat, Redmond, stayed on , even though he knew he should be off. He also told Russell, as he eventuallly left the field, that he , Russell, would never referee a match in Croke Park again. HA HA. Who does Charlie think he is? 10 years later, Russell is still appearing at Croker , long after Cheat Charllie!

A) We won the game
B) It was 13 years ago
c) Get over it

Did you get that professional help yet?


Not a bit angry. How could I be after the events of 2005? Tyrone V Dublin in Croke Park brings back very pleasant memories for me.
No! My everlasting memory of Dublin supporters is, after the Tyrone replay in 2005 and the Mayo match iagainst Dublin in 2006, the Dubs were , as soon as the final whistle went, wishing the opposing supporters well in the next match. IN OTHER WORDS, defeat didn't hurt them . If it had been me or most Tyrone supporters, it would be too painful to wish that luck so quickly after those 'devastating' defeats. It proved to me that the Dub support is not in the heart. They just run along with it until the Premiership starts , so that they can indulge in their real interest, ENGLISH SOCCER!!!

You need to seek some professional help my friend.  :P

While you're waiting, look up some words in the dictionary.


These might go some way to explaining to your little mind the reasons why we would offer congratulations and wish luck to opposing supporters.

Seriously though.  -  Get some help.
Quote from: ONeill on August 15, 2008, 11:05:36 PM
Were you even born when Charlie stayed on?

Alas I was.
And a few year before that too and then some. 
Was even old enough to be on the hill too - shock horror!

Sure why wouldn't he stay on.
He wasn't sent off.
Not really.
Well that what he says and I have no reason to doubt him.
Have you seen the referee's report?

Sure anyway, I don't think Charlie scored anything in between been spoken to by the ref and then being actually sent off, did he ?
No, didn't think so.

So is Charlie Redmond being on the pitch a few minutes more than he might have been if the ref was more clear in his directions, the reason Tyrone were beaten by the Dubs in '95 ? Surely not when Tyrone were so spectacular in scoring that day, ooops, sorry. Peter was scoring that day, not Tyrone,  my mistake.

Enjoy tomorrow, I will .

Bring a Brolly -  No not that one - One for keeping the rain off
;D  ;D  ;D
GAA Discussion / Re: Tír Eoghain vs Ath Cliath '08
August 15, 2008, 11:00:17 PM
Quote from: ONeill on August 15, 2008, 10:55:46 PM


You may as well dream here as in bed.
That's 22
The same as Tyrone
Except 20 more.


Oh Gaffer
Bottlers ? Fake ?

You seem very angry at someone.
Do you not like the Dubs either ?
Thats a shame.
Because if you did, you could join us and cheer on the Leinster champions as they send Mickey's men back up North tomorrow evening with their collective tails between their legs.
Or maybe they'll just head back to their bolthole in the Carton House Hotel to lick their wounds.

Enjoy the game  ;)
I know

22 times

Hoe many for you ?
Was it once or twice ?

Ahh The sadness and biterness of the anti Dubs brigade on their yearly jaunt when their own counties have been knocked out and cast aside like the loosers they are, they turn their jaundiced views in increasing numbers once again to the Dubs and look on in envy at the support and passion  they bring and the skill and heart they demonstrate yet again.

You shower of spanners are just one sad lot.

I can't wait until the league 09 starts up again to see the culchies in their tens of thousands swarm to the County grounds all around the Country to support their County teams as they do each year.
Whats that you say?
I'm imagining it ?
The culchies are brutal supporters of their County teams in the league and early Championship, and only show up when there is a big day out and official attendance figures prove that too?
They start bleating on about the bloody Dubs then, out of sheer jealously and frustration ?
They wish they were Dubs too ?

Noooo I don't believe it.  :o

Ahh the joy of being a Dub  ;D