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Messages - ArfurFoxAche

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
May 19, 2015, 02:00:57 PM
Quote from: delgany on May 18, 2015, 09:46:57 PM
Amazingly  sth  antrim   have  accepted  that  st johns are  not  fielding  in the u16  grading  competition. And allow  them  to  enter  div 2  when it begins......what   a  at  all  costs  mentality  gone wrong...I honestly   couldnt  believe  that  johns  conceding  games

Nothing amazing about it and nothing other clubs haven't done or won't continue to do in lean times.  Clubs have a choice in years where they don't have the numbers or strength in depth to sustain a challenge - either amalgamate with other clubs or drop down to the level that suits limited resources, thereby giving their own players and the players of opposing teams meaningful games.  Wanting kids to get a bit of enjoyment out of that is certainly not a joke.  St John's are exactly the same as any other club in that respect. 
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 06, 2013, 02:33:22 PM
Sure there was a St John's clubman on the selection committee..oh wait, maybe not!

The man's been chosen anyway so good luck to him.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
October 28, 2013, 11:42:54 PM
That's me told then.  Referees are off limits.  I take everything back.  You win.  I'm away to hide behind that big cloak of anonymity...

You can consider the horse well and truly flogged.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
October 28, 2013, 08:58:10 PM
I'll not need a diagram, I stuck a smiley face on the end to say I was having a laugh

And I stuck a colon/closed bracket on the end of mine - smiley face in other words.  You could say I was aware of your jest.

Ok a serious question, from your vantage point did you see anyone get struck by a mentor? (current county footballer)

The simple answer is no.  I think I've figured out who you're referring to.  He was involved in the row, yes.  Did I see him strike anyone, no.  Doesn't mean he didn't though does it.  Serious question to you.  Did you see him strike anyone?  The answer to that would have to be no as you were in Naomh Gall officiating at the U16 tournament so someone told you he did.

Was there any red card offences? (striking/attempting to strike with hand or foot)

There probably were.  Was that not what the referee was dealing with when he was taking all those names and decided nobody was being sent off?  Would any of the things attributed to the ref be considered red card offences?  What would happen if a player verbally abused the referee or gestured to him in a similar way.  What's the rule on that?

Did Garret cause it?

Where did I say he did?  Read my posts.  I passed comment on his hand gesture and verbals to players.  Those involved in the row caused it.

Was Garret getting abuse from any players/mentors/supporters during the game? How would you deal with that?

Already said he was.  How would you deal with it?  Tell me the guidance referees are given for dealing with it and I'll tell you whether the ref on Saturday adhered to it.  Surely the same rules are applied in all cases.

Do you think it's fair game to come on to a discussion board and hid behind a alias and ridicule a gaa official?

I have pointed out things that occurred at a match I watched which happened to involve a referee.  It's entirely up to you if you want to consider it to be ridiculous - although it was ridiculous, if you know what I mean  :-\

I'm hiding behind the same anonymity as you and the rest of the people who post.  Do you think it's fair game to come on a discussion board and ridicule (your words) GAA players, mentors, CCC, county board, members of other clubs, an coiste bainisti and Croke Park etc on a regular basis?  Seems to happen a great deal - not for a minute suggesting you do it though.  You saying referees are a special breed exempt from fair comment, for that's what I consider my contributions to be?

'but once it turns nasty it really is crap, Garrett I believe took a bit of the nasty stuff and it has continued on the this board'

Nastiness?  No nastiness from me on Saturday and no nastiness in any of my posts today - if you are referring to my posts in your comment above.  I pointed out something I saw the referee do and something I heard him say.  If you don't think that's worthy of mention then fair enough.  I'll continue to think it is but no point flogging a dead horse.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
October 28, 2013, 04:33:17 PM
In this case you certainly could, given that there were not much more than 100 at the game and that the perimeter at Hannahstown - or the Highway to Health - is massive.  Could you not be 10 yards away from the incident, standing on your own, well away from anyone else?  I'll draw you a diagram if you want to continue to split hairs:)

Roll on the wee Joe's grand inquisition and the quest for the truth...or not.  I know he did it, he knows he did it but I doubt he's going to admit it or the refereeing fraternity are willing to countenance that he did.

That's life I suppose.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
October 28, 2013, 02:35:02 PM
You don't think referees hold grudges.  You also tell us they are not robots, ergo they are human.  Human's, referees included, have the propensity to hold grudges.  Are referees exempt from this very human of emotions?

Take it from me, he did flash the finger.  Did it not 10 yards away from me much to the disbelief of most of the people in the vicinity, both Naomh Eoin and Lamh Dhearg men alike.  Whoever told you he didn't is either lying to you, wasn't standing at that part of the ground, or wasn't even at the match.

As I said, it matters not one jot what me or anyone else thinks happened.  I think he was restarting the game having dealt with the initial handbags, having issued cards, and then decided he couldn't be arsed anymore.  Most people at the match thought that.  The umpires and linesmen seemed to think that. 

Unfortunately, now it looks like we'll be presented with the narrative that WW3 had broken out and he was going to abandon it anyway.  You heard it here first folks.  Do me a favour MR2.  Ask the man in question if he did the action in question.  Let us know when he tells you he didn't so we can add that to the grudge pile.  We have a lot of them.  We're human you see...
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
October 28, 2013, 11:08:41 AM
'When two teams want to fight rather play football it makes things a lot harder to control'.

For the majority of the game this was not the case.  In fact, given the conditions and with the exceptions of a few overly robust tackles and couple of flare-ups towards the end, both teams served up a decent game.  I can even say that the ref took the conditions into account in letting a lot go, giving some players the benefit of the doubt rather than dishing out cards.  I'll give him credit for that at least.  Some wouldn't.

As I've said before, I tend to take up a vantage point divorced from the rest of my club mates - and I am a Naomh Eoin man before you ask.  From that vantage point I saw some of my club mates questioning the ref's laissez faire approach at times, while at other times bemoaning his inconsistency.  Same from the Lamh Dhearg supporters as it happens but to a lesser extent.  I can take that any day of the week.

Likewise, if you think it appropriate to give the 'bird' to someone in the crowd who asks him, and I quote 'do your job', in sorting out the constant encroachment by the defending player at free kicks, or whether it is appropriate telling a player to 'go fcuk himself' shortly afterwards, then that's fair enough.  We're all human after all and we all have a breaking point. 

I'm also glad there's an admission that referees do react to what's being directed from the sidelines or the crowd.  So take that thought one step further.  Would these reactions, however understandable, influence the way he officiates or treats one team?  Again, human nature dictates that it of the reasons why I have no desire to be a referee...someone annoys me I'll sometimes try to annoy them back!  Fair play to those that do though.  I won't criticise anyone who admits they can get it wrong sometimes.  I suspect the report from Saturday's match won't contain any such admission unfortunately.

Give respect, get respect is a great mantra to push with all our players from U8 right up to senior.  Clubs have a lot to do in getting all their players to buy into it.  But it works both ways.  If a player can be sidelined for either of the actions mentioned above, why should the man in the middle be exempt from sanction?

So we'll await the 'gospel according to GD' with baited breath to see whether he has the capacity to recognise his human frailties...not holding out much hope mind you!
October 10, 2013, 11:02:48 AM
Quote from: Hurler24 on October 09, 2013, 07:27:41 PM
Quote from: btdtgtt on October 08, 2013, 01:51:12 PM
Quote from: ArfurFoxAche on October 08, 2013, 01:09:22 PM
Quote from: Hurler24 on October 07, 2013, 11:21:05 PM
I was at the two U16 games on Sunday as our own boys were involved after. The Belfast Geals player pulled him across the head twice and then another kicked him after running on.Almost Domino effect across the pitch as Belfast Geals players attacked Glenshesk ones.The parent in question then left the sideline and went to the aid of his son who was laying on the ground being stamped on.He pushed the Gaels players away as did other parents across the pitch it was at this stage cries went up from gaels parents about him "striking". Missed the reporter being headbutted and hit but heard them shouting at her to get her tits out etc.Disgraceful behaviour from gaels.Also mr2 catch yourself on.Defending your buddies from the city when they are clearly in the wrong.If rumours are to be believed Owen Elliot collecting photos of injuries to Glenshesk players and finding out about their trips to A+E. Also worth noting that St Johns players were at similar carry on off the ball in our own game although not quite to the same extent.

You must have been at a different 'A' final from me Hurler24.  What I saw was 2 committed teams serve up a decent game of hurling, with some great personal battles thrown in and controlled well by the referee.  You would have us all to believe that those shrinking violets from the Town allowed themselves to be roughed up off the ball by those despicable Johnnies men!  What occured in the A final is definitely not 'worth noting', especially if you're making a half-arsed attempt at equating it to what happened in the match that went before.  Chalk and cheese, night and day, black and white all spring to mind.  The only thing 'worth noting' is the manner in which Ballycastle subdued the challenge of the opposition to deservedly win the county title.  Only my opinion mind...

Pure hurlers from the Glens, Pure thugs from Belfast.
Apparently thats always the way.

I think i made it quite clear that the strikes in the A final were not in the same league as the other game but what I will say is that I was behind the St Johns bench and the mentors there whinged at the Belfast referee throughout the game and IN MY OPINION he bottled two red card decisions.St Johns players struck several boys of the ball and the ref only gave yellows?But yes I wont complain about the performance as it was comprehensive to say the least.

You're right.  All about opinions.  Opinions that are clouded and influenced by partisanship.  For every transgression you highlight, I'm sure a St John's person could highlight similar emanating from Ballycastle.  Nobody has the ability to follow what is happening on or off the ball in every position, so your perception is also limited to what you saw, what you think you saw, or what your fellow clubmen or supporters told you they saw.  Likewise, other people at the ground from both clubs could no doubt quote examples of whinging from the opposition bench or supporters which is clouded by their own myopic view of the game.  It's the same for every game and every club.

This is the main reason that, when i go to watch matches, I try to adopt the solitary fan approach - stand as far away as possible from your own club mates.  Try it yourself.  You'll get a whole new perspective on things.

Some other posters reckon your original post was a rather obvious attempt to denigrate St John's, and Belfast teams in general, on the back of your spat with MR2, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.  I've no desire to be involved in a back and forth on whataboutery so I'll leave this as my last post on the subject, congratulating Ballycastle once again on their victory and wishing both teams the best in their development as hurlers.
October 09, 2013, 09:36:57 AM
Seems they're having a few similar issues at underage in Tipp at the minute...U16 and Minor!  Not that it lessens the unease over what happened on Saturday.  In fact, probably increases the general level of despair.  Madness all round.

October 08, 2013, 01:09:22 PM
Quote from: Hurler24 on October 07, 2013, 11:21:05 PM
I was at the two U16 games on Sunday as our own boys were involved after. The Belfast Geals player pulled him across the head twice and then another kicked him after running on.Almost Domino effect across the pitch as Belfast Geals players attacked Glenshesk ones.The parent in question then left the sideline and went to the aid of his son who was laying on the ground being stamped on.He pushed the Gaels players away as did other parents across the pitch it was at this stage cries went up from gaels parents about him "striking". Missed the reporter being headbutted and hit but heard them shouting at her to get her tits out etc.Disgraceful behaviour from gaels.Also mr2 catch yourself on.Defending your buddies from the city when they are clearly in the wrong.If rumours are to be believed Owen Elliot collecting photos of injuries to Glenshesk players and finding out about their trips to A+E. Also worth noting that St Johns players were at similar carry on off the ball in our own game although not quite to the same extent.

You must have been at a different 'A' final from me Hurler24.  What I saw was 2 committed teams serve up a decent game of hurling, with some great personal battles thrown in and controlled well by the referee.  You would have us all to believe that those shrinking violets from the Town allowed themselves to be roughed up off the ball by those despicable Johnnies men!  What occured in the A final is definitely not 'worth noting', especially if you're making a half-arsed attempt at equating it to what happened in the match that went before.  Chalk and cheese, night and day, black and white all spring to mind.  The only thing 'worth noting' is the manner in which Ballycastle subdued the challenge of the opposition to deservedly win the county title.  Only my opinion mind...
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 06, 2013, 12:05:45 AM
Posted this on the hurling thread...

That would be the football semi-finals.  Naomh Pol/Naomh Gall moved from Corrigan to Naomh Eanna at the last minute.  Apparently Corrigan is the only GAA ground in Belfast, other than Casement, with a Safety certificate - needed for capacity of 5000+.  The non-availability of the stand means the nominal capacity is greatly reduced, thus making the staging of the game impossible.  All the other clubs can fire away as they are not certified by Belfast City Council.  Never knew that until tonight...
September 06, 2013, 12:04:04 AM
Quote from: Mcquillans supporter on September 05, 2013, 09:26:31 PM
@paddyc13: Club semifinals being played on sat night with a hour between throw ins in 2 different ends of the county. #MakesNoSense #Disappointing, just seen this on twitter hope its not true

That would be the football semi-finals.  Naomh Pol/Naomh Gall moved from Corrigan to Naomh Eanna at the last minute.  Apparently Corrigan is the only GAA ground in Belfast,other than Casement, with a Safety certificate - needed for capacity of 5000.  The non-availability of the stand means the nominal capacity is greatly reduced, thus making the staging of the game impossible.  All the other clubs can fire away as they are not certified by Belfast City Council.  Never knew that until tonight...
August 30, 2013, 05:09:09 PM
BTW...if you don't want to see Mr. Edwards as the next chairman, you'd need to be getting the stalking horse sorted out.  Preferably one that's an affiliated and paid up member of the association, unlike the last effort.  By no means impossible but needs all of you to lobby your club committees to ensure they act in line with your wishes.  Must be someone who fancies it...hardstation, MR2, anybody!
August 30, 2013, 05:02:12 PM
Quote from: btdtgtt on August 30, 2013, 03:09:03 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on August 30, 2013, 01:58:41 PM
Any truth in the news I heard that the Lamhs pitch is lined that tight that (if there were enough goal posts) both games could be played side by side on Sunday. Sure we could all get home for the minor match on TV?

Where's that come from?
Mickey Johnston antics?

Bollix....Lamh Dhearg's pitch is lined out to the same width as it always is.  You think Lamh Dhearg would entertain a request from St John's to narrow their pitch, thereby losing all credibility with the rest of the clubs and ruining their chances of hosting additional championship matches?  Or maybe wee Joe told them to do it as part of his cunning plan for world domination...
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
July 18, 2013, 09:34:48 PM
Quote from: jdyok on July 18, 2013, 10:50:07 AM
Thanks Culchie11...
Could be interesting for Naomh Gall against the Johnnies.  2 straight reds last night in the league game according to twitter:

'straight reds for Enda McKenna of naomheoinclg and Gallagher of St Galls.'

Enda McKenna for St John's...and Aidan Gallagher for Gall's.  I believe both may have been of the soft variety but straight reds nonetheless...4 week suspension would extend past Aug 11th!  Strength in depth may be enough to cushion the blow for the Milltown men though.