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Messages - Nally Stand

Pints, unfortunately partitionists do run the place. Therefor is it not they who should b taken down a peg or two? This thread is about a newspaper article not a thread for whether or not you like SF.
How would it not be a problem? No Republican party in leinster house or standing in all 32 counties would mean a savage blow to those of us who aspire to a united Ireland.
Yes Sinn Fein in meltdown would b a problem as they currently represent the only effective force in Irish Republican politics. Lets face it, if we're talking about the free state here, they are the only republican party in leinster house and the only party to stand for election in each of Ireland's 32 counties.
Would have to agree that this story is sensationalist. Fordes remark that he "wants to be a player" and the fact that he didn't resign his seat won on a SF ticket, contrary to the pledge taken on becoming a SF cllr. essentially proves he was motivated by careerism. In county councils, SF gained 2 cllrs in cork & wicklow, and gained one in 6 city councils & one in 7 more county councils & the figures in the article shows SF remains the choice of young people. No reason to panic.
GAA Discussion / Re: Ungrateful FAI Delaney
January 16, 2010, 10:40:00 PM
Agree they should never have been allowed in. Shows the nature of delaney and co that even as a "professional" organisation, they would happily scrouge off a proudly amateur organisation for a stadium rather than get off their asses and build their own.
GAA Discussion / Re: Journalist Write-Off 2009
January 16, 2010, 10:32:26 PM
One thing about joes annoyed me- his interpretation on Pat Short's answer to the reporter as being simply down to an anti-authoritarian mindset. Surely an intelligent man like Joe wouldn't deny it was more likely down to a republican mindset. When the PSNI came into being it was for a long time in Republican areas rightly regarded as the same old RUC with a new name. It existed for years before SF backing. I want to vote brolly on this one as i agree with what he says for the most part but this annoyed me.
General discussion / Re: Mr & Mrs Robinson
January 16, 2010, 10:04:08 PM
Really hope this hits the papers for it's too good to b true! Poor ol' DUP will take a wile hammerin at the next election which cud b an assembly one. Marty for first minister cud just happen!
General discussion / Re: Mr & Mrs Robinson
January 16, 2010, 02:27:17 PM
Any chance ya cud send it on to me square ball? Or anyone for that matter?
General discussion / Re: Mr & Mrs Robinson
January 16, 2010, 11:35:47 AM
Any chance of getting an ol' PM sent this way lads? go raibh mile maith agaibh! Whatever this is about wee willy, it sounds lik a bigger scandal than wen wee sammys belt buckle broke. Have to agree though in advance of getting this PM that whatever the scandal is, it seems like Sinn Fein now have the DUP over a barrel over policing & justice. The last thing the DUP will want is an assembly election where they would take a hammering after the Iris and Kirk love-in. They have to do a deal me thinks.
Tyrone V Derry in the Ulster Championship, Clones, shortly after the General Election which Sinn Féin won all three MP seats in Tyrone constituencies and SDLP made gains in Derry consituencies:

Derry fans began singing their usual chant: "There's no Sam Maguire in Tyrone, no there's no Sam Maguire in Tyrone.."

To which the Tyrone fans spontaneously responded "And there's no SDLP in Tyrone! No there's no SDLP in Tyrone...!" Followed by laughter and cheering from the rest of the Tyrone support around the area!

Quote from: thejuice on April 01, 2008, 05:32:52 PM
Well the club I play for is Roger Casements, and to be honest if it were asked that we changed the name to something else I wouldn't mind at all. I love Gaelic games and but don't really see the point or even the good it does naming clubs after people with contentious backgrounds.

I would object to any hint of the removal of the Irish language however

I havent read through all of this debate but on looking at thie first page I came across the above quote.
It strikes me as typical of the attitude in the free state that there would be an objection to "any hint of the removal of the Irish language" yet the same person states they would have no objection to the name of the great Roger Casement being disassociated with his/her local club. Why be offended at the prospect of removal of the Irish Langauge, an aspect of Irish culture, yet not be offended at the possibility of removal of the name of a patriot who actually died in defence of Ireland and by extension, for Irish culture. It screams hypocracy. The attitude of many in the 26 counties, to have no gratitude for the sacrafices made by patriots like Roger Casement, absolutely stinks.
GAA Discussion / Re: Princess Anne for Croke Park
March 05, 2008, 11:22:57 PM
Zoyler, you are spouting some of the worst rubbbish I have been unfortunate enough to read on this site for a long time. C

onsidering we are having a discussion about the issue of the British Government having to come clean before their royal family should be welcome in Croke Park, we are taliking about how they need to come clean about their part in collusion. The british government has been found to have been involved in many hundreds of murders of innocent nationalists in Ireland over the last thiry years. To start mouthing off about smuggling is a desparate attempt to change the subject and I suspect is just a way for you to get you republican-bashing out of your system.

Secondly, why is it you seem to tar all republicans with the same brush. i.e. "criminals the lot of them" and speaking of "so called" republican areas? If an area is populated mainly by people of a republican outlook, it therefor can be termed as a republican area, whether you like it or not.
GAA Discussion / Re: Princess Anne for Croke Park
March 04, 2008, 12:44:02 PM
Quote from: Mike Sheehy on March 02, 2008, 02:07:15 AM
Some Northerners seem to forget a bloody civil war was fought over the north. Perhaps those in the south of an older generation might take offence at some of the comments by Northerners like winsamsoon.

As for the generations since the civil war, what is it exactly that you would have us do ? What happened in the 1920's happened..its easy now to say that the south should have fought on but people get tired of war and its difficult to keep fighting when you are fighting for something that is, relatively, far away. Even if Ireland had united at that time there probably would have still been a troubles as the protestant "minority" fought on. No matter what way you look at you were going to be stuck in a bitter bloodletting.

The only people that can solve the troubles in the north are the people in the north and there really isnt much real "help" the south, or even the British, can give (if there was a time machine they themeselves would probably go back and shoot William of Orange and those before him that got them into the sorry mess). So no amount of whinging at us is going to help your situation. From my vantage point things have improved a lot in the North. Obviously you, on the ground, can see its not perfect but it would be better if you could clarify what "help" the south can give instead of whinging at us.

Mike, If you weren't taking your history lessons from the Michael Collins film you would know that the Civil War wasn't fought over the north but was in fact fought over the issue of the oath of allegience. The issue of the north was not the driving force behind the civil war. Furthermore, the attitude in your posting of an "Us and "Them" in reguards to the north and south demonstrates the partitionist attitude rampant in the 26 counties. While I'm not wishing to go into a rant about the past, the issue of this British monarch visiting Croke pPark was still a big problem for many many Irish people given that the British government has yet to come clean about it's dirty role in the war in the 6 counties. Givin the ties between the British monarchy and the British Army, is it any wonder that the sight of a member of the British monarch in Croke Park causes upset? (Especially when we consider such things as how the British monarchy honoured the british paras who murdered 14 civil rights marchers in Derry.) Perhaps when the British government come clean about their role in Ireland and apologise then I suspect such visits would not be a problem.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
November 21, 2007, 02:48:26 PM
Quote from: under the bar on November 20, 2007, 08:55:31 PM
QuoteI think Errigal are several years away from being a major power again.

Perhaps but their underage set up is immense and their minors would give most senior teams a run for it.

I honestly think that is perhaps the most ridiculous comment i have ever read on this message board!  :D :D :D :D :D
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
October 17, 2007, 12:29:54 PM
"carmen were beaten by clonoe - a 1B team while errigal would have been beaten by another 1B team in clan na gael if stephen o'neill was fit. hardly 'big 2' material?"

I know i'm biased in this bein a Carmen man but it still has to be asked of you Clarshack... does only having lost two games all year (to date) not make Carmen one of the "big two"?