Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: Kerry Mike on June 08, 2007, 12:47:17 AM

Title: The N Word
Post by: Kerry Mike on June 08, 2007, 12:47:17 AM
Given the latest racism row to erupt on Big Brother over the use of the word "Nigger" what are peoples views on this.

As a non watcher of the program and only picking up what is in the media about this today, is the girl being made a scapegoat for her naive comments or is there an underlying racism running through society in general. Was it a slip of the tongue or a calculated remark to provoke controversy. Should the girl on BB have been allowed to apologise for her mistake and move on. I am sure the British media will be all over her like a plague.

I dont like the term myself and would never use it but there was a time not so long ago when black people were a vary rare sight all over the country and I think in the past some of us may have been racist in our terms in describing them, and some of our parents were subjected to the "No Blacks, No Irish, No Dogs" signs outside guesthouses and hotels in England, and we have all heard someone or been called a "Paddy" at some stage but do you view it as racist or just slang?

As a now more travelled nation and as we move to a more multicultural society we are becoming more and more acceptable of differing cultures and not viewing people of differing background as a threat to our society. But is there still a high level of racism in country.

The Nigger Word has become a taboo word to use since the 1960's when the civil rights came to the fore in the US and has been replaced by the more PC African-American recently, but the one thing that always annoys me is when a non black person uses the term its racism, but when black people like rappers etc use it, it is seen as some kind of accepted slang term.

There is an old saying "Stick and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". Just wondering what people think.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: stephenite on June 08, 2007, 01:34:36 AM
It's an interesting question - I think society in general has moved on and become more accepting of people from different backgrounds, but there is an underlying racist element in all sections of Western society I feel.

Like Bud's recent thread, I do not view myself as racist but, I detest having any dealings with Indians, I find them extremely ignorant and lacking in manners, but this is thier culture and I can either accept that and move on or not,

Living in Sydney I am probably more exposed to multi-culturalism than I ever was in Dublin and I struggle sometimes dealing with those from an Eastern/Oriental background,I just don't get them and communication can be difficult even if they have good English, but again that is probably more my problem.

A lot of "Aussies" have huge issues in this regard and the Cronulla riots were indicative of how intolerant a Nation can be.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: thejuice on June 08, 2007, 01:37:17 AM
Racism is something that always makes my blood boil and as far as Im concerned, anyone who is a racist lowers themselves to the scum of the earth in my eyes.If someone is unintentionally racist, which might be from ignorance or just miscommunication thats fine, i am willing to forgive, but deliberate and deep running hatred of another culture or race for what it is just pisses me off. It makes me deeply ashamed to be Irish when I hear of irish people being discriminatory towards immigrants no matter where they are from, or what they did. It is a shame on all of us when it happens and it deeply hurts my feelings. I for along time believed we were a caring, charitable country who saw the bigger picture, but in recent times it seems we can be as greedy, ignorant and bigoted as the next.

The use of the N word, I dont use it, dot like it, and if hip hop stars want to use it, well yes you would think as role models for the african american community they would perhaps be better off not bringing it into mainstream media, therefore making it acceptable amoung african americans, which means that in turn they set themselves apart. While I am no expert on such matters I am of the belief that one of the main problems with realtions between caucasian americans and african americans is that both set themselves apart socially. Certain things are "black" and certain things are "white" ie clothes, language and attitiudes towards certain cornerstones of society.

There is nothing wrong with having culture and representing said cultures, "which is great, and very important" there is a similar requirement as human beings to the same things, financial security, home and shelther, family, love, respect, friendship and health. These things to name a few, know no racial or cultural boundary, these are universal and on this basis all people should get equal treatment.

I hope that Ireland doesnt fall into the same sad and sorry racial pitfall that happened to other countries. I realise some people like to blame immigrants for their unemployment, but these people need to realise that everyone is trying to fullfil the same few things as mentioned above and we are all climbing the same mountain so to speak. The ones to blame may be the policy makers, but at the end of the day the responcibility lies with "you". Thats how society works in western europe. "You" get "yourself" employed, by "you" learning the skills, by "you" getting the education and "you" willing to do the hard work. Its cold and cruel and not everyone fits in to that role for a wide variety of reasons, but that is the cold truth as far as I see it.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: stephenite on June 08, 2007, 02:22:34 AM
Quote from: hardstation on June 08, 2007, 02:09:37 AM
She was pretty stupid following the Jade Goody incident. It looks like Big Brother have had a major crack down (and rightly so) on anything remotely racist. However, thon 'coloured' girl (I don't know if the term 'coloured' is politically correct anymore) said something along the lines of, "you can't say the N word as you are not black". Now, what is this supposed to mean? Is there one rule for one group and another rule for another group? Had there been another 'coloured' girl in the house and said the same as the 'non coloured' girl, would she have been put out?

I know what you mean, what would happen if there were two coloured people using the word and I got deeply offended, would they have been removed?
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: down22 on June 08, 2007, 02:56:35 AM
Quoteyou can't say the N word as you are not black".

Double standards exist.Tough. It's just a fact of life (I'm not saying that it's fair or that it's right). But there are certain things that you just can't say and it doesn't matter if someone else is allowed to say them.

Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: pintsofguinness on June 08, 2007, 08:42:43 AM
there are double standards because it was white people who used the word for centurys to put black people down not other black people. i hate to hear black people saying it though.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Hank Everlast on June 08, 2007, 08:56:44 AM
still feel sorry for the girl that got threw out tho, she is a sheltered 19 year old that thot she was being 'street' by saying it!
it was just naiviety on her part rather than as a derogatory term!
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: SammyG on June 08, 2007, 09:44:43 AM
Quote from: Hank Everlast on June 08, 2007, 08:56:44 AM
still feel sorry for the girl that got threw out tho, she is a sheltered 19 year old that thot she was being 'street' by saying it!
it was just naiviety on her part rather than as a derogatory term!

Complete bollix. If she was just using a 'street' term, then why did she spend the next 10 minutes apologising for saying it? She tried to claim that 'everybody uses the term' but if that was the case then why did she make a big fuss of apologising. If it was just an everyday word, surely she wouldn't even have noticed that she'd said it.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 10:47:58 AM
I dont really care what she said because I detest Big Brother.  The sad thing is this is front page news in one of our national newspapers. ::)
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: mooncatiii on June 08, 2007, 11:45:04 AM
she was stupid to say it, but she is your typical dumb blonde.  she was sitting between 2 coloured girls who she was friends with and used the word to try an fit in as she probably!  she was stupid for saying but it was not meant in a racist way.  but lets remember this is the same girl who thinks indie music is only recently out and she is only 19 so i would put it down to her beinbg very naive!  did she deserve to go? probably 
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: the Deel Rover on June 08, 2007, 12:04:53 PM
i have a friend who is black i know him about 15 years and i would never call him nigger, so i don't know how you could call a person who you know a week nigger and say you meant it jokingly.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 12:26:31 PM
Quote from: down22 on June 08, 2007, 02:56:35 AM
Quoteyou can't say the N word as you are not black".

Double standards exist.Tough. It's just a fact of life (I'm not saying that it's fair or that it's right). But there are certain things that you just can't say and it doesn't matter if someone else is allowed to say them.

Ya its like if someone from abroad called you Paddy, Mick or a Taig (and your name not Patrick/Paddy, Michael/Mick or Taidgh etc.) esp. if it was a British person alot of us would hit the f'n roof. But if we say it its accepted, not fair but similar, even if the British/Other nationality said it as a non-racial joke, it may be taken up wrong.

The British call the Argentinains "Argies" which is a racist term yet I'd say if there was an Argentianian and they where called that nobody would have been kicked out.

Other examples are British people calling French "Frogs", Germans "Huns",Japaneese "Japs"
Irish calling British people "Huns" or "Tans"

Double standards exist but people do it, I really wish that the next time a British rapper uses it that he/she is casitgated for it too.

But that blonde girl was pure stupid for using the "N" word.

Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Great Leap Forward on June 08, 2007, 12:26:58 PM
At the end of the day you have to bear in mind that most people that enter these types of show are brainless fuckwits!

I would seriously doubt that she meant to be offensive, she possibly does use that term with her friends. I wouldn't be surprised as posh people are cocooned in their own little world and have very little clue what is acceptable to the ordinary working man.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:04:00 PM
QuoteDouble standards exist but people do it, I really wish that the next time a British rapper uses it that he/she is casitgated for it too.

Do rappers really use the word "nigger" though?  Somebody explained to me before that they use the word "nigga" which despite sounding more or less the same is not offensive and has a different sort of meaning.  Most rap songs use that word, and it seems to be accepted.  Thats how it was explained to me.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: mooncatiii on June 08, 2007, 01:12:23 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:04:00 PM
QuoteDouble standards exist but people do it, I really wish that the next time a British rapper uses it that he/she is casitgated for it too.

Do rappers really use the word "nigger" though?  Somebody explained to me before that they use the word "nigga" which despite sounding more or less the same is not offensive and has a different sort of meaning.  Most rap songs use that word, and it seems to be accepted.  Thats how it was explained to me.

no its th same word same meanin!  why what else or the rappers trying to say? it is how they pronunce it, like if your telling some1 to "fu*k of" it may be pronunced as "f**k ah/af" but it is still the same meaning! 

lets put like this if she hada said nigga, would it have been ok?
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 01:13:17 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:04:00 PM
QuoteDouble standards exist but people do it, I really wish that the next time a British rapper uses it that he/she is casitgated for it too.

Do rappers really use the word "nigger" though?  Somebody explained to me before that they use the word "nigga" which despite sounding more or less the same is not offensive and has a different sort of meaning.  Most rap songs use that word, and it seems to be accepted.  Thats how it was explained to me.

Hey Galway boy had she really said the second word you mentioned rather than the first she would still have been in trouble and kicked out. I dont really watch that crap normally actually hate BB, but happened to watch it last night coz of all the fine young ones when I was flicking through the channels. However I read in the paper today one of the Black girls where using the word also, and she said she could use it because "I am a "N" that girl should have been kicked out too, because in a way that is discriminating on the base of race & big brother is breaking their own rules.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: full back on June 08, 2007, 01:27:10 PM
She was wrong to say it on the show without doubt.
How the fcuk can she expect to say something like that after what happened on the celebrity version. It goes to show how stupid/naive she was to say it and expect nothing to happen.
In her defence mind you I dont think she was being nasty at all, just trying to fit in & act like she knows street talk etc.
The producers on the show must have rubbed their hands when they heard it mind you, a ratings winner & a chance to make up for the last fcuk up.
That b4stard Charly said it didnt bother her, then proceeded to talk about it all night long & mention it to other people - 2 faced fcuker
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: pintsofguinness on June 08, 2007, 01:31:45 PM
maybe all the women should be kicked out after running after the man the other night trying to remove his shorts. if it was 5 or 6 men running around after a girl trying to remove her clothes  it'd be sexual assault.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: SammyG on June 08, 2007, 01:35:27 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on June 08, 2007, 01:31:45 PM
maybe all the women should be kicked out after running after the man the other night trying to remove his shorts. if it was 5 or 6 men running around after a girl trying to remove her clothes  it'd be sexual assault.

Correct (agreeing with you is getting to be a habit ;)). I wasn't watching it but my missus called me in, when it happened. She couldn't believe they got away with it and said the same as you, if it was a ganag of men chasing a woman it would be a police matter.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:48:30 PM
Quote from: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 01:13:17 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:04:00 PM
QuoteDouble standards exist but people do it, I really wish that the next time a British rapper uses it that he/she is casitgated for it too.

Do rappers really use the word "nigger" though?  Somebody explained to me before that they use the word "nigga" which despite sounding more or less the same is not offensive and has a different sort of meaning.  Most rap songs use that word, and it seems to be accepted.  Thats how it was explained to me.

Hey Galway boy had she really said the second word you mentioned rather than the first she would still have been in trouble and kicked out. I dont really watch that crap normally actually hate BB, but happened to watch it last night coz of all the fine young ones when I was flicking through the channels. However I read in the paper today one of the Black girls where using the word also, and she said she could use it because "I am a "N" that girl should have been kicked out too, because in a way that is discriminating on the base of race & big brother is breaking their own rules.

Ahh but you see thats seen as ok in society, everyone is so worried about insulting black people that no one takes any notice what is said to white people.  Do you think if one of the black girls were to call one of the white girls a "craker" anyone would take as much notice.  Not a chance.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 01:52:22 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:48:30 PM
Quote from: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 01:13:17 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:04:00 PM
QuoteDouble standards exist but people do it, I really wish that the next time a British rapper uses it that he/she is casitgated for it too.

Do rappers really use the word "nigger" though?  Somebody explained to me before that they use the word "nigga" which despite sounding more or less the same is not offensive and has a different sort of meaning.  Most rap songs use that word, and it seems to be accepted.  Thats how it was explained to me.

Hey Galway boy had she really said the second word you mentioned rather than the first she would still have been in trouble and kicked out. I dont really watch that crap normally actually hate BB, but happened to watch it last night coz of all the fine young ones when I was flicking through the channels. However I read in the paper today one of the Black girls where using the word also, and she said she could use it because "I am a "N" that girl should have been kicked out too, because in a way that is discriminating on the base of race & big brother is breaking their own rules.

Ahh but you see thats seen as ok in society, everyone is so worried about insulting black people that no one takes any notice what is said to white people.  Do you think if one of the black girls were to call one of the white girls a "craker" anyone would take as much notice.  Not a chance.

A its like if I called you a "Heron Choker" or a "Sham" nobody would notice   :D
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:55:26 PM
Quote from: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 01:52:22 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:48:30 PM
Quote from: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 01:13:17 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:04:00 PM
QuoteDouble standards exist but people do it, I really wish that the next time a British rapper uses it that he/she is casitgated for it too.

Do rappers really use the word "nigger" though?  Somebody explained to me before that they use the word "nigga" which despite sounding more or less the same is not offensive and has a different sort of meaning.  Most rap songs use that word, and it seems to be accepted.  Thats how it was explained to me.

Hey Galway boy had she really said the second word you mentioned rather than the first she would still have been in trouble and kicked out. I dont really watch that crap normally actually hate BB, but happened to watch it last night coz of all the fine young ones when I was flicking through the channels. However I read in the paper today one of the Black girls where using the word also, and she said she could use it because "I am a "N" that girl should have been kicked out too, because in a way that is discriminating on the base of race & big brother is breaking their own rules.

Ahh but you see thats seen as ok in society, everyone is so worried about insulting black people that no one takes any notice what is said to white people.  Do you think if one of the black girls were to call one of the white girls a "craker" anyone would take as much notice.  Not a chance.

A its like if I called you a "Heron Choker" or a "Sham" nobody would notice   :D

Well "sham" is used among some of my friends as a term of endearment. :D  I dont know what the hell a Heron Choker is though? ???
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: down22 on June 08, 2007, 01:56:40 PM
QuoteAhh but you see thats seen as ok in society, everyone is so worried about insulting black people that no one takes any notice what is said to white people.  Do you think if one of the black girls were to call one of the white girls a "craker" anyone would take as much notice.  Not a chance.

I agree. White people are so hard done by. I mean they're barely represented in Irish Sociey (newspapers/sport/politics/business/etc).There's a good reason that people are worried 'about insulting black people' - years and years of discrimination.

But I do agree that racism is wrong coming from any race. If a black person were to use a racist term on big brother, I'd say Channel 4 would be forced to take action. And I guarantee people would notice.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:02:15 PM
Quote from: down22 on June 08, 2007, 01:56:40 PM
QuoteAhh but you see thats seen as ok in society, everyone is so worried about insulting black people that no one takes any notice what is said to white people.  Do you think if one of the black girls were to call one of the white girls a "craker" anyone would take as much notice.  Not a chance.

I agree. White people are so hard done by. I mean they're barely represented in Irish Sociey (newspapers/sport/politics/business/etc).There's a good reason that people are worried 'about insulting black people' - years and years of discrimination.

But I do agree that racism is wrong coming from any race. If a black person were to use a racist term on big brother, I'd say Channel 4 would be forced to take action. And I guarantee people would notice.

I dont think as much notice would be taken.  Racism is wrong from any angle, what ever race you are.  Black people may have endured many years of discrimination but that dosnt give them any right to discriminate against white people.  What your one said on BB was wrong, she has paid for it, but to be honest I dont think much of anyone that takes part on Big Brother and I cant believe that that story is on the front page of one of our national newspapers.  Surely there is more important things to worry about.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: SammyG on June 08, 2007, 02:05:42 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:02:15 PMI dont think as much notice would be taken.  Racism is wrong from any angle, what ever race you are.  Black people may have endured many years of discrimination but that dosnt give them any right to discriminate against white people. 

Can you tell me one example where a black person would be able to discriminate against a white person?
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:08:11 PM
Quote from: SammyG on June 08, 2007, 02:05:42 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:02:15 PMI dont think as much notice would be taken.  Racism is wrong from any angle, what ever race you are.  Black people may have endured many years of discrimination but that dosnt give them any right to discriminate against white people.

Can you tell me one example where a black person would be able to discriminate against a white person?

Words such as Cracker, Cracka etc seem to be ok, while using words like nigger are seen as wrong.  Both words are wrong.  Shows such as Miss Black America.  If Miss White England etc was set up do you not think there would be uproar?
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 02:21:42 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:55:26 PM

Well "sham" is used among some of my friends as a term of endearment. :D  I dont know what the hell a Heron Choker is though? ???

A Heron-Choker is someone from Galway City area. It has a similar backround to why Castlebar people are called Fish-Heads.

Heron-Choker: In times past when starvation hit Galway City, people used to go down to the sea or the canals/rivers in & near the City, catch Herons & choke them to death & eat them.

Fisheads: are what Covies(Westport people) call Castlebar people because during the famine you could not fish in the rivers or lakes because it was poaching, but you could fish at Sea. Westport had plenty of fish from the Sea & had the generous Lord Sligo(Browne Family) as Landlords so they had food. Castlebar was Inland & had the Notorious Lord "the Exterminator" Lucan (Binghams) as its Landlord. Castlebar & its surrounding parishs/townlands where among the most devistated by the famine & evictions {explains why local man Michael Davitt set up the land league in Castlebar}. Well back to the story, Castlebar merchants used to go to Westport to buy fish, local fishmongers/fishermen would sell the body of the fish to the fish-knowledgable Covies, sell the tails for animal feed & the heads to Castlebar people who where too hungry to care & probably did not know anyways. Castlebar is here to this very day thanks to FISHEADS.  8)
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: SammyG on June 08, 2007, 02:22:39 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:08:11 PM
Quote from: SammyG on June 08, 2007, 02:05:42 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:02:15 PMI dont think as much notice would be taken.  Racism is wrong from any angle, what ever race you are.  Black people may have endured many years of discrimination but that dosnt give them any right to discriminate against white people.

Can you tell me one example where a black person would be able to discriminate against a white person?

Words such as Cracker, Cracka etc seem to be ok, while using words like nigger are seen as wrong.  Both words are wrong.  Shows such as Miss Black America.  If Miss White England etc was set up do you not think there would be uproar?

That didn't answer my question but any way. Things like Miss Black America, or the BBC Asian Network were setup precisely because black and Asian people were under- represented. There already is a Miss White England, they just call it Miss England.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Gabriel_Hurl on June 08, 2007, 02:25:22 PM
which was won by a Muslim last year
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: SammyG on June 08, 2007, 02:29:26 PM
Quote from: Gabriel_Hurl on June 08, 2007, 02:25:22 PM
which was won by a Muslim last year

And it was such a shock that it was newsworthy.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: neutral on June 08, 2007, 02:29:48 PM
sorry to see that everyone here has absolutely missed the point here, but some good posts anyway.
A racist term / word whatever will never ever equate to what the celebrity BB crew did.  They showed us all that racism is prevalent in people to the point where nobody actually deliberaltely tries to be a racist.  They simply are, they live their lives that way, and that is so engrained in their make up, they cant tell when their behaviour is offensive, and unfortunately often onlookers cant tell for sure unless words like "nigger" etc are used(which to my knowledge was not the case in celeb bb). Nigger is simply a racist derrogatory term, it can be as inoffensive (yet never PC) a word as calling a friend a horny f**ker or a jammy bastard in the pub.  Its the underlying meaning or action that accompanies the term. I heard of one family that split when one cousin jokingly called the other a conman, he took it to heart and a lifelong split occurred.  In the absence of commonsense or an unknown listener looking on then we must not use terms like nigger.  We need to know how to behave again.  The girl dosent sound racist but sounds like a very silly wee uneducated girl.   Somebody talked about offensive Indian behaviour on the phone.  Was it any less offensive than white anglo saxon boorishness and general Western standardism.  The way I see it standards of behaviours are so low in this country we cannot take others races or national examples as examples of poorer and boorish behaviour, we just need to luck at our neighbours our media both papers and tv and possibly if we live in Armagh ourselves.    
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:31:59 PM
Quote from: SammyG on June 08, 2007, 02:22:39 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:08:11 PM
Quote from: SammyG on June 08, 2007, 02:05:42 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:02:15 PMI dont think as much notice would be taken.  Racism is wrong from any angle, what ever race you are.  Black people may have endured many years of discrimination but that dosnt give them any right to discriminate against white people.

Can you tell me one example where a black person would be able to discriminate against a white person?

Words such as Cracker, Cracka etc seem to be ok, while using words like nigger are seen as wrong.  Both words are wrong.  Shows such as Miss Black America.  If Miss White England etc was set up do you not think there would be uproar?

That didn't answer my question but any way. Things like Miss Black America, or the BBC Asian Network were setup precisely because black and Asian people were under- represented. There already is a Miss White England, they just call it Miss England.

I have no problems with things such as Miss Black America, BBC Asian Network etc, its just if a white version was made up it would be looked apon differently.  Is that not descrimination?  Maybe its not seen that way but surely it is.  And there isnt such thing as Miss White ERngland, Miss England is open to all.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:34:31 PM
Quote from: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 02:21:42 PM
Quote from: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 01:55:26 PM

Well "sham" is used among some of my friends as a term of endearment. :D  I dont know what the hell a Heron Choker is though? ???

A Heron-Choker is someone from Galway City area. It has a similar backround to why Castlebar people are called Fish-Heads.

Heron-Choker: In times past when starvation hit Galway City, people used to go down to the sea or the canals/rivers in & near the City, catch Herons & choke them to death & eat them.

Fisheads: are what Covies(Westport people) call Castlebar people because during the famine you could not fish in the rivers or lakes because it was poaching, but you could fish at Sea. Westport had plenty of fish from the Sea & had the generous Lord Sligo(Browne Family) as Landlords so they had food. Castlebar was Inland & had the Notorious Lord "the Exterminator" Lucan (Binghams) as its Landlord. Castlebar & its surrounding parishs/townlands where among the most devistated by the famine & evictions {explains why local man Michael Davitt set up the land league in Castlebar}. Well back to the story, Castlebar merchants used to go to Westport to buy fish, local fishmongers/fishermen would sell the body of the fish to the fish-knowledgable Covies, sell the tails for animal feed & the heads to Castlebar people who where too hungry to care & probably did not know anyways. Castlebar is here to this very day thanks to FISHEADS.  8)

Dont live anywhere near the city so that might be why I never heard of the term.  Nice explanation though.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: down22 on June 08, 2007, 02:42:04 PM
QuoteI have no problems with things such as Miss Black America, BBC Asian Network etc, its just if a white version was made up it would be looked apon differently.  Is that not descrimination?  Maybe its not seen that way but surely it is.  And there isnt such thing as Miss White ERngland, Miss England is open to all.

The day when we don't need Miss Black America will be great (and that day will probably be sooner rather than later, as the issue of what exactly is race becomes blurrier).But these shows were set up for a reason (to level the playing field and counter discrimination). And they were needed at the time. The first black person to win Miss America only happened in 1984. That's not that long ago.

The reason that networks like BBC Asian Network are needed is that they allow people to get their foot 'in the door'. It's still not a level playing field and I'd hazard a guess that it's still easier as a white person to get a career in a major tv network.

To flip the question - do you agree with th 50/50 policing policy? Or is that discrimination against Protestants?    (And I really don't want to turn this thread into a N Ireland issue. It's just a question.)
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Galwaybhoy on June 08, 2007, 02:53:17 PM
Quote from: down22 on June 08, 2007, 02:42:04 PM
QuoteI have no problems with things such as Miss Black America, BBC Asian Network etc, its just if a white version was made up it would be looked apon differently.  Is that not descrimination?  Maybe its not seen that way but surely it is.  And there isnt such thing as Miss White ERngland, Miss England is open to all.

The day when we don't need Miss Black America will be great (and that day will probably be sooner rather than later, as the issue of what exactly is race becomes blurrier).But these shows were set up for a reason (to level the playing field and counter discrimination). And they were needed at the time. The first black person to win America only happened in 1984. That's not that long ago.

The reason that networks like BBC Asian Network are needed is that they allow people to get their foot 'in the door'. It's still not a level playing field and I'd hazard a guess that it's still easier as a white person to get a career in a major tv network.

To flip the question - do you agree with th 50/50 policing policy? Or is that discrimination against Protestants?    (And I really don't want to turn this thread into a N Ireland issue. It's just a question.)

Yeah fair enough answer.

Yeah I see where this question can be tricky.  Its best to half a mix obviously, especially with the way things were in the north of Ireland, and not have a nearly 100% protestant force like in the RUC years ago, but I can also see where the 50/50 thing could cause problems where catholics are hired just to give it a better mix even if there not as good at the job.  Does this happen?  I dont know, I'd like to see best man for the job get it, but obviously would want catholics/nationalists in the ploice force now to stop any possible descrimination against catholic/nationalist areas (if this still happens).  I suppose what ever happens people will always shout descrimination though, its a good but tough question to answer down22.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: down22 on June 08, 2007, 02:57:01 PM
QuoteYeah I see where this question can be tricky.  Its best to half a mix obviously, especially with the way things were in the north of Ireland, and not have a nearly 100% protestant force like in the RUC years ago, but I can also see where the 50/50 thing could cause problems where catholics are hired just to give it a better mix even if there not as good at the job.  Does this happen?  I dont know, I'd like to see best man for the job get it, but obviously would want catholics/nationalists in the ploice force now to stop any possible descrimination against catholic/nationalist areas (if this still happens).  I suppose what ever happens people will always shout descrimination though, its a good but tough question to answer down22.

Fair play to ya. I agree with everything above. And for the record there are times when stuff like Miss Black America does rankle with me. But then I remember I support the 50/50 policing policy (at least for now) and then I don't know where I stand. I guess I'm in the confused middle.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: GalwayBayBoy on June 08, 2007, 02:59:20 PM
Chris Rock has his say. ;D (
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: An Fhairche Abu on June 08, 2007, 03:03:57 PM
QuoteWell "sham" is used among some of my friends as a term of endearment. Cheesy  I dont know what the hell a Heron Choker is though? Huh

Amazed you never heard the term heron choker Galway Bhoy, Fishead Sam's explanation is correct I believe, the pub in the Galway Bay Hotel is even called the The Heron Choker.

I heard it shouted at the Galway team during the League Semi-final actually, by an irate Mayo fan during a "heated" exchange between players while the match was going on, as in "that's the stuff for ye heron chokers", the response "it's better to be a heron-choker than an All Ireland final choker" shut him up!
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: down22 on June 08, 2007, 03:07:06 PM (

Chris Rock's most famous routine on racism. I think's it's hilarious. But it should be noted that the reason he stopped performing it, is because he didn't want people  to think it was okay for them to use the words in day to day life.

Still the routine is awesome.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 03:15:21 PM
Quote from: An Fhairche Abu on June 08, 2007, 03:03:57 PM
QuoteWell "sham" is used among some of my friends as a term of endearment. Cheesy  I dont know what the hell a Heron Choker is though? Huh

Amazed you never heard the term heron choker Galway Bhoy, Fishead Sam's explanation is correct I believe, the pub in the Galway Bay Hotel is even called the The Heron Choker.

I heard it shouted at the Galway team during the League Semi-final actually, by an irate Mayo fan during a "heated" exchange between players while the match was going on, as in "that's the stuff for ye heron chokers", the response "it's better to be a heron-choker than an All Ireland final choker" shut him up!

An Fhairche Abu - Nice comeback alright, I saw another funny thing at that match, a middle aged Galwayman was getting very heated and making alot of grunts & comments under his breath, when a Mayo girl in her mid 20's leaned over and handed him a bottle of Water and told him it would cool him down, holding it in his hand he gave her an almighty dirty look, quick as a wisp she responded "dont worry its Mayo water its safe to drink" All around Mayo/Galway/Kildare/Donegal burst out laughing. It didn't help reduce his temperature I think it made him alot worse  :D
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: BallyhaiseMan on June 08, 2007, 04:24:14 PM
i have friends who are black,
Have i used the N Word when taking the piss?
Yes i have,just as they have called me "whitey" "cracker "  "Ghostface" etc.
No offence is taken because we are all good friends.

Id never dare use such language in the company of people that i didnt know,no matter what race they were.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 04:34:47 PM
Quote from: BallyhaiseMan on June 08, 2007, 04:24:14 PM
i have friends who are black,
Have i used the N Word when taking the piss?
Yes i have,just as they have called me "whitey" "cracker "  "Ghostface" etc.
No offence is taken because we are all good friends.

Id never dare use such language in the company of people that i didnt know,no matter what race they were.

Thats your from Cavvvannn and you would be worried that your millions under your matress would be sued out of you!!! Now that wasn't meant to be discriminatory or bigoted at all at all!!!
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Gnevin on June 08, 2007, 04:35:10 PM
I think south park dealt with this best in the Dropping the N -Bomb . Its a word thats off limits but no more than several other but people can still get away with saying with out a major deal or a heart fell tear filled interview to "apologise"
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: BallyhaiseMan on June 08, 2007, 04:37:36 PM
Quote from: Fishead_Sam on June 08, 2007, 04:34:47 PM
Quote from: BallyhaiseMan on June 08, 2007, 04:24:14 PM
i have friends who are black,
Have i used the N Word when taking the piss?
Yes i have,just as they have called me "whitey" "cracker "  "Ghostface" etc.
No offence is taken because we are all good friends.

Id never dare use such language in the company of people that i didnt know,no matter what race they were.

Thats your from Cavvvannn and you would be worried that your millions under your matress would be sued out of you!!! Now that wasn't meant to be discriminatory or bigoted at all at all!!!

*post reported to moderator for anti-Cavan racism*  :D
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: ONeill on June 08, 2007, 07:43:25 PM
I don't know if this has been mentioned on this thread but the girl who used the n word was well stitched up by the recipient of the comment. Although there's no doubt she shouldn't have said it, the girl 'CHARLIE' realised after a minute or so that she could nail this girl live on TV. It was very obvious she wasn't all that offended.
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: Syd on June 08, 2007, 09:38:03 PM
What about the MOBO awards (Music Of Black Origin), i remember Chris Moyles blowing a gasket saying it was really racist, something along the lines of Elvis was inspired by black music why the f**k didnt he get a MOBO.......
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: down22 on June 08, 2007, 10:03:29 PM
I  have more of a problem with the MOBO awards . I hate the fact that generally most white singers are labelled 'pop' and black singers 'r&b' when there is precious little difference in the music, only difference is the singer's race. (I'm talking about the generic pop acts here). But I think that's a problem with the music industry itself.

But I see Lady Sovereign is nominated for a MOBO (Best UK Newcomer) and she's white (
Title: Re: The N Word
Post by: mannix on June 09, 2007, 10:02:55 PM