Non GAA Discussion => General discussion => Topic started by: pullhard on October 25, 2013, 05:52:43 PM

Title: Gym Workouts
Post by: pullhard on October 25, 2013, 05:52:43 PM
Just changed jobs. The new place has a small but well appointed gym, free weights, machines and cardio stuff.

Going to aim to go for an hour each day. However im a bit of newbie when it comes to this, anyone have any programs they follow?

My diet is quite good dont eat much rubbish, like to get my 5-a-day.

Regards goals, it's my honeymoon is 5/6 months would like to be in decent shape, maybe a six pack.

Suggestions, flames, hints and tips all welcome
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Milltown Row2 on October 25, 2013, 06:53:15 PM
Quote from: pullhard on October 25, 2013, 05:52:43 PM
Just changed jobs. The new place has a small but well appointed gym, free weights, machines and cardio stuff.

Going to aim to go for an hour each day. However im a bit of newbie when it comes to this, anyone have any programs they follow?

My diet is quite good dont eat much rubbish, like to get my 5-a-day.

Regards goals, it's my honeymoon is 5/6 months would like to be in decent shape, maybe a six pack. Suggestions, flames, hints and tips all welcome

Ha the holy grail!! If your diet consists of sauces (for dinners, like gravy, jars of curry instaed of homemade and others) forget it, you drink beers? then forget it. Your body fat content needs to be around 1% I've seen a lot of lads with it but they work serious hard and it's mainly down to the diet.

But with cardio mixed in with a decent weights and core training programme you could get into decent shape quickly enough, 5/6 months is tight though. Would recommend seeing a very good personal trainer to get you started, he'll give you a programme, diet and ensure your lifting technique is good as the last thing you want on your honeymoon is a sore back for the wrong reasons ;)
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: screenexile on October 25, 2013, 06:55:40 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 25, 2013, 06:53:15 PM
Quote from: pullhard on October 25, 2013, 05:52:43 PM
Just changed jobs. The new place has a small but well appointed gym, free weights, machines and cardio stuff.

Going to aim to go for an hour each day. However im a bit of newbie when it comes to this, anyone have any programs they follow?

My diet is quite good dont eat much rubbish, like to get my 5-a-day.

Regards goals, it's my honeymoon is 5/6 months would like to be in decent shape, maybe a six pack. Suggestions, flames, hints and tips all welcome

Ha the holy grail!! If your diet consists of sauces (for dinners, like gravy, jars of curry instaed of homemade and others) forget it, you drink beers? then forget it. Your body fat content needs to be around 1% I've seen a lot of lads with it but they work serious hard and it's mainly down to the diet.

But with cardio mixed in with a decent weights and core training programme you could get into decent shape quickly enough, 5/6 months is tight though. Would recommend seeing a very good personal trainer to get you started, he'll give you a programme, diet and ensure your lifting technique is good as the last thing you want on your honeymoon is a sore back for the wrong reasons ;)

1%?? Ah now!! I thought it was below 10?
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: imtommygunn on October 25, 2013, 07:06:06 PM
Apparently 8...
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Milltown Row2 on October 25, 2013, 07:12:36 PM
Ok splitting hairs here, either way it's very tough and and really worth the hassle, should have kept the one ya had when you were 16!!
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: pullhard on October 25, 2013, 07:22:47 PM
Cheers boys, im not in bad shape. around 176 cm and 77 kgs.

1% body fat, even 8% body fat, i'd say i'd be a bit off them stats...
I had a 2 pack at 16! then i found the high stool and curry!
Been off the sauce for a few months and reined in the eating sh*te, still have occional sweety or choccy bar.

How much should I be looking to pay a for a personal trainer?
Bound to be some gym gurus on here who could help ;)
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Sea The Stars on October 25, 2013, 07:45:54 PM
I regularly use the gym. It's a great outlet plus you will feel a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after a good workout. I would not set too high targets to begin with - just get involved, learn the different lifts, do some circuit trainings and give it 100%. You will notice results after a few weeks.

Don't go for a personal trainer unless you're 100% confident you'll make the most of it - maybe instead find a decent class, e.g. TRX, spinning, circuit training. You can dream big but keep expectations in portion with where you are at the moment, that would by my advice. Pretty soon you will know if you've caught the gym bug or not.

The guys you see with see proper abs in magazines, etc have been doing it for years and make sacrifices normal people are not prepared to make.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: tintin25 on October 25, 2013, 07:56:42 PM

Alot of pts advertise on gumtree and the like. Went to one around this time last year for about 6 weeks or so and paid around £500. Whilst I did see some results and learned the correct lifting techniques, I'd say it mainly resolves around your diet if you want to be ripped. Them lads you see with the six packs are seriously committed and eat clean pretty much 100% of the time. That said, you should still be able to get reasonably fit and toned. Queens run a 12 week body transformation course for 12 weeks every so often... Costs about 200 if you a member. Also heard good reports of a circuits class run my Ian Young, called ifit...anyone been?
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: pullhard on October 25, 2013, 08:21:06 PM
500 bars, that's some dough. maybe cheaper to learn how to Photoshop!

I'll get on gumtree, and see what I can find.

what's the deal with these powders, protein, all in one, gainer, creatine?? They for the more advanced and heavier lifters?

Quote from: tintin25 on October 25, 2013, 07:56:42 PM

Alot of pts advertise on gumtree and the like. Went to one around this time last year for about 6 weeks or so and paid around £500. Whilst I did see some results and learned the correct lifting techniques, I'd say it mainly resolves around your diet if you want to be ripped. Them lads you see with the six packs are seriously committed and eat clean pretty much 100% of the time. That said, you should still be able to get reasonably fit and toned. Queens run a 12 week body transformation course for 12 weeks every so often... Costs about 200 if you a member. Also heard good reports of a circuits class run my Ian Young, called ifit...anyone been?
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Zulu on October 25, 2013, 08:36:33 PM
Janey MM2, 1% the man would be close to death. Anything below 10% would have you well set for a 6 pack though genetics play a big part. As others have said, it's all about diet as we all have a 6 pack it's just most of us can't see it because we have a layer of body fat over it. A 2kg weekly reduction in weight is realistic, though difficult. It's best to set a weekly and monthly goal rather than focus on longterm goals. If you're 77kg and 176cm then I would suggest you are close to the optimal weight for your height so if you're carrying a bit of excess weight then I would simply focus on keeping my diet sensible while training with weights and high intensity repeat sprint running.

Weights should consist of compound exercises like squats, romanian deadlifts, bench presses, pull ups etc. rather than bicep curls or tricep dips.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: ballinaman on October 25, 2013, 09:23:34 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on October 25, 2013, 07:06:06 PM
Apparently 8...
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: The Iceman on October 25, 2013, 09:45:51 PM
Personal training is the way to go to get you on your way. You'll learn loads from them in a 3 month period and you can use what you learn ongoing.
If you're about Belfast find Mark Getty, he runs a gym and does PT - best man in town.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Over the Bar on October 26, 2013, 09:49:16 AM
Has anyone tried Insanity?
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Milltown Row2 on October 26, 2013, 10:02:38 AM
Quote from: Over the Bar on October 26, 2013, 09:49:16 AM
Has anyone tried Insanity?

Yeah do it every week in a morning session before work!! f**king mental

Still go so its must be alright
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Corner Forward on October 26, 2013, 11:40:49 AM
Quote from: pullhard on October 25, 2013, 08:21:06 PM
500 bars, that's some dough. maybe cheaper to learn how to Photoshop!

I'll get on gumtree, and see what I can find.

what's the deal with these powders, protein, all in one, gainer, creatine?? They for the more advanced and heavier lifters?

Whole purpose of these shakes/powders is to help with recovery after exercise. If anyone has looked into buying these they will see there is a huge range out there in terms of brands and prices. Generally a protein shake is used after training to aid recovery and also can be taken during the day to keep protein levels in ur body high-handy way to get more protein into ur diet without the need for food. Mass gainer shakes are used by those who struggle to put on weight and would like to bulk up,they contain large amounts of calories normally exceeding ur recommended daily amount. Creatine is a natural chemical found in the body the supplement just increases the levels in ur body to help with muscle growth. Creatine can come in shake/powder form or as tablets and  needs to be taking in cycles with dosages changing every 2 weeks. Popular among athletes who are looking for explosive power. I personally take a shake after a heavy workout but would prefer to get the necessaries from my diet,you would find if your taking 2 or more shakes a day they can cost you a fortune. Also if your looking at the cheaper brands make sure that they have been cleared by the relevant authorities (sorry can remember the name of the body who deals with it) but they basically test them to ensure they don't contain any banned substances-cheaper products often haven't been cleared.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Never beat the deeler on October 28, 2013, 04:15:51 AM
Been trying the Tapout XT workout programme on and off for the last while. Haven't been able to do the actual calendar (90 days, with one rest day a week) as I've been training for other events so been using it as a series of one-off workouts.

Find it very good as a high intensity workout. A mate of mine has completed the 90 day course and lost loads of weight and toned up heaps.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: JimStynes on October 28, 2013, 07:10:37 AM
Give Crossfit a go if u get the chance. Full of dickheads usually but the training is excellent as long as u don't try and lift too heavy.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Never beat the deeler on October 28, 2013, 07:58:07 AM
Quote from: JimStynes on October 28, 2013, 07:10:37 AM
Give Crossfit a go if u get the chance. Full of d**kheads usually but the training is excellent as long as u don't try and lift too heavy.
Pretty expensive though, isn't it? I just searched for Crossfit near me. Its $30 a go for ad-hoc, $45/week for 2 classes, $50 for 3 classes etc....
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: OakleafCounty on October 28, 2013, 08:59:16 AM
In my experience you're better educating yourself online for free and in some cases for a small fee rather than taking a huge gamble on a personal trainer who may or may not work for you. You're new to this and you still need to learn the basics so jumping straight into things like Crossfit and Insanity might not be the best way to start. Whether you are new or a seasoned lifter any resistance programme you do should be based around basic free weight and bodyweight excercises, espicially: Squats, deadlift, military press, bent over row, press-ups, pull-ups, dips and bench press. Let the cable machinces gather dust. If you have access to Youtube you can find good demonstrations for free. Two men I've been following online for years now are Zach Even Esch and Jim Smith (Diesel Crew). They both have free e-books which you should read and save. They also have good programmes to buy most of which are less than the price of one session with a pt.

The emphasis is strength/health rather than 6-pack abs but through time with a clean diet and added cardio the mirror muscles will come.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Milltown Row2 on October 28, 2013, 09:19:45 AM
Did this exercise the other night, I'm aching from it, 24's, basically it's 24 v sit ups 24 squats (with a weight) and 24 press ups then work it down to 23 , 22, and so on till 1, seems ok but when I hit the 15 mark the sweat was lashing out of me. Sides were sore and quads sore

You could mix it up by changing the drills to suit but have 3 different types and start at 24 and work it down.

I was never into the gym scene always found it odd. Lads shouting while lifting weights and posing in the mirror weirdos walking around not even training, didn't know what they were there for!! But started over 2 years ago and have settled in well, usually Spin 3 times a week, an Insanity class and a Pump class, all factored in with free weights sessions.

I don't rigidly stick to everything but have a double session on a Sat morning, Pump followed by Spin class. Sets you up for the weekend. I don't think I would have got into doing Triathlons had I not been going to the gym, glad I did as going to the gym has a purpose now.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: theticklemister on October 28, 2013, 11:48:48 AM
Mickey Conlan, former Derry keeper looks good after his hard work. I dunno what he did however.

Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: heganboy on October 28, 2013, 12:00:20 PM
Mickey is now working as a PT in Ballinderry in his own place called the shed 10 more info here

you couldn't meet a better calibre of a man, one of the best...
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Tony Baloney on October 28, 2013, 01:54:56 PM
Quote from: JimStynes on October 28, 2013, 07:10:37 AM
Give Crossfit a go if u get the chance. Full of d**kheads usually but the training is excellent as long as u don't try and lift too heavy.
I know a few go to the one in Portydown. Listening to them it sounds like a cult rather than a gym and they think there is nobody like them. Seems to get results though as it appears full-on.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: gallsman on October 28, 2013, 02:10:23 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on October 28, 2013, 01:54:56 PM
Quote from: JimStynes on October 28, 2013, 07:10:37 AM
Give Crossfit a go if u get the chance. Full of d**kheads usually but the training is excellent as long as u don't try and lift too heavy.
I know a few go to the one in Portydown. Listening to them it sounds like a cult rather than a gym and they think there is nobody like them. Seems to get results though as it appears full-on.

I'm not a fan of Crossfit at all. Too many injury stories, too many poor coaches teaching bad weightlifting form. The idea of "competitive fitness" is nonsense. A friend who's a big fan of it in London went to the gym with me a couple of months ago. He'd be very lean and toned, if not quite shredded, but when it came to strength work on the bench or squats, he was ruined.

Crossfit incorporates too many different exercises to yield significant strength gains. They might do 3 reps on a 50kg bench press as part of one of their WODs and then not bench again for a month. Great for getting lean and muscle definition if that's all you want though.

On top of that, it's absolutely f**king extortionate.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Tony Baloney on October 28, 2013, 03:04:44 PM
Quote from: gallsman on October 28, 2013, 02:10:23 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on October 28, 2013, 01:54:56 PM
Quote from: JimStynes on October 28, 2013, 07:10:37 AM
Give Crossfit a go if u get the chance. Full of d**kheads usually but the training is excellent as long as u don't try and lift too heavy.
I know a few go to the one in Portydown. Listening to them it sounds like a cult rather than a gym and they think there is nobody like them. Seems to get results though as it appears full-on.

I'm not a fan of Crossfit at all. Too many injury stories, too many poor coaches teaching bad weightlifting form. The idea of "competitive fitness" is nonsense. A friend who's a big fan of it in London went to the gym with me a couple of months ago. He'd be very lean and toned, if not quite shredded, but when it came to strength work on the bench or squats, he was ruined.

Crossfit incorporates too many different exercises to yield significant strength gains. They might do 3 reps on a 50kg bench press as part of one of their WODs and then not bench again for a month. Great for getting lean and muscle definition if that's all you want though.

On top of that, it's absolutely f**king extortionate.
I was laughing at them as the guy who runs it is moving to bigger premises and this doll was going on about hpw great it will be as he will have sofas and fridges and providing "free" beer and pizza once a month etc.and a real social aspect to it. When I asked how he is funding all this she said he putting up the monthly fee  :D I think she pays the guts of 100 quid a month!
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: JimStynes on October 28, 2013, 04:21:55 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on October 28, 2013, 03:04:44 PM
Quote from: gallsman on October 28, 2013, 02:10:23 PM
Quote from: Tony Baloney on October 28, 2013, 01:54:56 PM
Quote from: JimStynes on October 28, 2013, 07:10:37 AM
Give Crossfit a go if u get the chance. Full of d**kheads usually but the training is excellent as long as u don't try and lift too heavy.
I know a few go to the one in Portydown. Listening to them it sounds like a cult rather than a gym and they think there is nobody like them. Seems to get results though as it appears full-on.

I'm not a fan of Crossfit at all. Too many injury stories, too many poor coaches teaching bad weightlifting form. The idea of "competitive fitness" is nonsense. A friend who's a big fan of it in London went to the gym with me a couple of months ago. He'd be very lean and toned, if not quite shredded, but when it came to strength work on the bench or squats, he was ruined.

Crossfit incorporates too many different exercises to yield significant strength gains. They might do 3 reps on a 50kg bench press as part of one of their WODs and then not bench again for a month. Great for getting lean and muscle definition if that's all you want though.

On top of that, it's absolutely f**king extortionate.
I was laughing at them as the guy who runs it is moving to bigger premises and this doll was going on about hpw great it will be as he will have sofas and fridges and providing "free" beer and pizza once a month etc.and a real social aspect to it. When I asked how he is funding all this she said he putting up the monthly fee  :D I think she pays the guts of 100 quid a month!

Aye it's a fuckin cult and half of them are american wannabes. Some of the stuff they come out with is cringe worthy. We have our own private cross fit gym which isn't as bad but theres a few in mine who would do your head in as well. Ours is £35 per month. Your own gym, great equipment and facility so good enough value for money. I think portadown's is going to be the biggest in Ireland, I think he charges 50 a month at the minute and he has 100 members.

Most of the training itself is excellent though and if you see the gains and improvements in fitness people make who stick at is unreal. Look at the bodies on the women and men who are decent at it then the results speak for themselves. Gallsman is right though about injuries, some of the coaches are crap and haven't a clue. I remember listening to this fella who was into crossfit for about a year and he was slagging off a weightlifters technique, saying how he could do this and that. I found out later the weightlifter was competing at the olympics.

Our gym gets the N.Iron weightlifting coaches in every now and again and goes through all the techniques of the different lifts. So you learn a lot but you need to be disciplined with the weight you use and try not to lift to heavy. The body weight and gymnastic type WODs are unreal though and very tough.  Give it a go, it's excellent training but you will listen to some wankers talking crap.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: tintin25 on October 28, 2013, 04:32:10 PM
Anyone been to the ifit classes in Belfast? Run by Ian Young who is an ex kickboxer/irish league player. Hear a lot going on about the classes and how good they are, but as a few of you mentioned before seems to be like a cult! Can't be bothered with all that nonsense.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: gallsman on October 28, 2013, 07:35:00 PM
That sounds about right from what I know of it Jim. The lads in London that I know do it pay about £190 a month. They also then buy all the Reebok gear for it on top.

One of the things that drives me insane about it is how people will pay those kind of prices and are "allowed" four or five classes a week for it, there are no changing rooms or showers and sometimes half the WODs they do are "go for a 3 mile run".

They've a particularly annoying social media following. Again, the one in London put up this comment a few weeks ago about how they'd installed the equivalent of a bookcase to allow people store their shoes etc. "Awesome idea". "Brilliant". "350+ people like this". Gullible twats.

Rant over.

I'm a member of Newpark Sports Centre in Dublin. For €300 for the year I get unlimited access to the gym, seven days a week. There's a 25m pool I can use any time there's no class. There's swimming lessons I can avail of if I want included in the price. I can also any of the multiple nightly classes from Circuits, Abs, TRX, Box Fit, Spinning etc.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Orior on October 28, 2013, 07:39:28 PM
I jog, cycle, and play golf and squash.

Going to the gym bores the bejayus out of me. In fact, they are just pick-up joints. And the girls that chase Neanderthals with six-packs are not worth picking up, lol.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: gallsman on October 28, 2013, 07:53:20 PM
Quote from: Orior on October 28, 2013, 07:39:28 PM
I jog, cycle, and play golf and squash.

Going to the gym bores the bejayus out of me. In fact, they are just pick-up joints. And the girls that chase Neanderthals with six-packs are not worth picking up, lol.

I've started jogging recently as well as I felt I wasn't getting enough cardio but it bores the hell out of me. Lifting weights doesn't for some reason, I quite enjoy it. I've really seen strength gains in the six months that I've been on a programme that I had designed for me and am delighted with the progress. Everybody wants to get shredded and have the six pack and the biceps but realistically, you can have all that and still be weak as f**k.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Milltown Row2 on October 28, 2013, 07:59:01 PM
Quote from: gallsman on October 28, 2013, 07:53:20 PM
Quote from: Orior on October 28, 2013, 07:39:28 PM
I jog, cycle, and play golf and squash.

Going to the gym bores the bejayus out of me. In fact, they are just pick-up joints. And the girls that chase Neanderthals with six-packs are not worth picking up, lol.

I've started jogging recently as well as I felt I wasn't getting enough cardio but it bores the hell out of me. Lifting weights doesn't for some reason, I quite enjoy it. I've really seen strength gains in the six months that I've been on a programme that I had designed for me and am delighted with the progress. Everybody wants to get shredded and have the six pack and the biceps but realistically, you can have all that and still be weak as f**k.

You were always weak as fcuk ;)
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: gallsman on October 28, 2013, 08:05:08 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 28, 2013, 07:59:01 PM
Quote from: gallsman on October 28, 2013, 07:53:20 PM
Quote from: Orior on October 28, 2013, 07:39:28 PM
I jog, cycle, and play golf and squash.

Going to the gym bores the bejayus out of me. In fact, they are just pick-up joints. And the girls that chase Neanderthals with six-packs are not worth picking up, lol.

I've started jogging recently as well as I felt I wasn't getting enough cardio but it bores the hell out of me. Lifting weights doesn't for some reason, I quite enjoy it. I've really seen strength gains in the six months that I've been on a programme that I had designed for me and am delighted with the progress. Everybody wants to get shredded and have the six pack and the biceps but realistically, you can have all that and still be weak as f**k.

You were always weak as fcuk ;)

No no no, I was always the one Sean sent up to shoulder people because I was shite and my football or hurling skills wouldn't be too missed at the back. Not weak, shite.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: The Iceman on October 28, 2013, 08:13:50 PM
Magee Health and Fitness is supposed to be good. Couple of locations about Belfast
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: JimStynes on October 28, 2013, 10:23:36 PM
Quote from: gallsman on October 28, 2013, 07:53:20 PM
Quote from: Orior on October 28, 2013, 07:39:28 PM
I jog, cycle, and play golf and squash.

Going to the gym bores the bejayus out of me. In fact, they are just pick-up joints. And the girls that chase Neanderthals with six-packs are not worth picking up, lol.

I've started jogging recently as well as I felt I wasn't getting enough cardio but it bores the hell out of me. Lifting weights doesn't for some reason, I quite enjoy it. I've really seen strength gains in the six months that I've been on a programme that I had designed for me and am delighted with the progress. Everybody wants to get shredded and have the six pack and the biceps but realistically, you can have all that and still be weak as f**k.

Mirror muscles! Could them boys take a good shoulder though...

Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: giveherlong on October 29, 2013, 07:32:25 PM
Quote from: JimStynes on October 28, 2013, 10:23:36 PM
Quote from: gallsman on October 28, 2013, 07:53:20 PM
Quote from: Orior on October 28, 2013, 07:39:28 PM
I jog, cycle, and play golf and squash.

Going to the gym bores the bejayus out of me. In fact, they are just pick-up joints. And the girls that chase Neanderthals with six-packs are not worth picking up, lol.

I've started jogging recently as well as I felt I wasn't getting enough cardio but it bores the hell out of me. Lifting weights doesn't for some reason, I quite enjoy it. I've really seen strength gains in the six months that I've been on a programme that I had designed for me and am delighted with the progress. Everybody wants to get shredded and have the six pack and the biceps but realistically, you can have all that and still be weak as f**k.

Mirror muscles! Could them boys take a good shoulder though...

muscles for show or muscles for go...
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Milltown Row2 on November 28, 2013, 07:11:40 PM
been looking for a new work out, anyone try this?
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: gallsman on November 28, 2013, 09:18:31 PM
Anyone do TRX? Have been doing it on and off the last six months and find it's entirely dependent on who the trainer is. Some work you harder than others and leave you barely able to walk or raise your arms the following but I've had others who treat it almost like a light toning session.
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: rootthemout on November 29, 2013, 10:32:40 AM
been practising!!!nearly there
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Milltown Row2 on November 29, 2013, 11:08:34 AM
Quote from: rootthemout on November 29, 2013, 10:32:40 AM
been practising!!!nearly there

Some balance required for that, that would be the main thing, could do them with my back to the wall in case I fell over but that's cheating
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: ballinaman on November 29, 2013, 12:26:45 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 29, 2013, 11:08:34 AM
Quote from: rootthemout on November 29, 2013, 10:32:40 AM
been practising!!!nearly there

Some balance required for that, that would be the main thing, could do them with my back to the wall in case I fell over but that's cheating
or you could do 2 or 3 and then play the video on a loop and make it look like you've done 50  :P
Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: DrinkingHarp on November 29, 2013, 07:35:45 PM
Let's see who can keep up with this Grandpa

Title: Re: Gym Workouts
Post by: Tony Baloney on November 29, 2013, 10:11:40 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on November 29, 2013, 11:08:34 AM
Quote from: rootthemout on November 29, 2013, 10:32:40 AM
been practising!!!nearly there

Some balance required for that, that would be the main thing, could do them with my back to the wall in case I fell over but that's cheating
Yer man was a gymnast in his day so bound to have a core of steel.